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any female ever crusie after cancer

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We have a cruise booked for Oct 3, a short 5 day cruise, and a 10 day crusie booked January 2 2006, The cruise oct 3 has me most concerned as my chemotherapy is finished either the end of july or early sept, and i will still be bald, whihc I feel self conscious about.


by January the hair should be partly grown back in. If I only need 6 treatments then Im dont July 21, as theya e 3 weeks apart, I m thinking of cancelling the oct 3 cruise as I feel it is far too soon.


Has anyone else crusie after finishing chemo treatments? Will my cruise insurance still cover if something comes upin next few years that makes up cancel any further crusies?


I only found out in January that the stomach pain I have been having since last may was a tumour, but its been removed now and from all tests shows it is mostly 50 to 70 % curable.


but now will I still be able to get insurance for future cruises ?


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Don't you worry about that bald head, you go on that cruise and enjoy!! Just make sure that your immune system is back up to par, that would be the only concern you should have!!!!


Wear that bald head proud!!!! And the heck with anyone who cares!!!! Just paint a smiley face on it and you will charm anyone.


Good Luck!!!!!!!!! My prayers are with you!!!!!:)

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After everything you are facing this year, a bald head should be of no concern to you. Wear a scarf or a wig, if you prefer, but you'll be ready for a cruise by then. I wouldn't let the condition of your hair determine whether or not you take a much-needed vacation.


Not sure about the travel insurance. Most exclude pre-existing conditions, but some waive that if the insurance is purchased at the time of your deposit and your condition has been stable for a period of time.


God bless you! I'm praying that you triumph over the cancer and take a cruise to celebrate!

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I can't comment on the insurance issues and all probably need to talk with your travel agent about that. I can tell you my wife and I both spent some time in one of the hot tubs and later shared a table at lunch with a grandma and her granddaughter. Grandma's hair had grown out about an inch or so after her chemo and she was running circles around her grandaughter who was about 20. She said among everything else her apatite had returned just before the trip and she was having such a great time "eating everything in sight"


If your doc clears you to go..................................GO.........and............................it's...23_31_2.gif

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My wife had a breast removed and reconstruction same time. Feb 2004.

Last chemo Aug 24, She had 8 treatments. The first one put her in hospital with low white count for 8 days. hair was about 2 inches long by Christmas. Seemed to have more curl. Went on Destiny out of San Juan. April 3r 2005 Long Trip tired easily. But we went and did some tours of the island. Actually ever island. She did not lie in Sun they way she use to and she sleeped more. I am sorry I forgot the question. PS looked good in bathing suit and she is 68. Was not suppose to tell that. A young 68.


PS I wanted to shave her and put great big ear rings on her. She declined

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Don't worry about your appearance. I got 2 wigs from Paula Young. Both of them were short, but slightly different styles. It just looked like I had brushed my hair differently. No one knew--even at work that I was having chemo. I scheduled on Thursday afternoon--was ok on Friday--worked a half day. Rested on Fri afternoon, Sat and Sun then was able to make it through the week.


An upside to the deal is that the hair under my arms never grew back! ! ! Wish the hair on my legs hadn't!


It isn't an easy thing, but try to keep a very positive attitude. That will help more than anything. I also got through some days by taking them in 15 minute increments.....telling myself "you can do this for 15 more minutes."


It will be nice to have something to look forward to that will help you have a positive focus. You can do this--you are strong!

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Yes, buy a wig if you are shy. Go on the cruise and enjoy a relaxing time. book short tours (3-4 hr max). Enjoy it. The wigs now-a-days are very hard to detect if you go to an upper end one. Stay out of the sun but still have fun.



Good luck. Oh, I have MS and buy insurance everytime and have not had a problem with cancellation. BUT you must buy it immediatly with the first payment do not wait even for a day.

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My wishes for your complete cure. I did not need chemo but I did have many weeks of radiation and three surgeries. We went on a cruise through the British Isles three weeks after I finished radiation. It was the best medicine for me even though by the end, I was a bit worn out. About the insurance, we always get Access America. If you buy it within the proscribed time (I think within a week of booking your cruise), it includes pre-existing conditions. Judith

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Please go and enjoy! I admire women who are out and about with their bald heads. It's a reminder to us all to live life to the fullest!


I have a friend who purchased a wig......looks just like her hair and style. She wears it for "dress up". Otherwise, wears a baseball cap/hat or just goes bald. I think she's beautiful!

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thanks for all your responses they really touched me, it has been a rough year indeed,

Last May I had severe pain in my upper belly, that was then treated as reflux, then in Navember/december we went on jewel of the seas cruise, I had a lot of tests done in november as I didnt want to be out of country with health issues and just knew something wasnt right,

In January I told my supervisor that I had a new addiction since my cruise, I was chewing on ice cubes a LOT, she said her mom too and she was low on iron, then saw my doctor who said I looked too healthy but gave me to test anyways just in case,

well I got the phone call to come in for results, I was severely anemic indicating cancer somewhere, doc poked around stomach and found a nflamed lump,

sent me for a barium anemia, well that technician sent em instead to emergency for a ct scan, doctors there said I needed a colonscopy, whcih was booked emergency for the very next day,

Right after test doc told hubby and I I had colon cancer and needed to tell my siblings to get tested, which I did

then I saw surgeon 10 days later who then sent me across the street to the hospital to be admitted for emergency surgery,

next day had blood test, then surgery 7 days later, when I was strong enough, as I was not eating nor drinking much by then.

after surgery I was told It was not colon cancer but B Cell Lymphoma and a indolent slow kind that had no cure, ok I said ???

2 weeks approx later I recieved the further results, after the ct scans, and bone marrow tests, I had a sub form of lymphoma called Diffuse Large Cell Lymphoma and was 50 to 70 % curable for me, as it was not in my bone marrow.


so started chemo the following week, since then I have had 2 treatments, 80% of my hair is gone from my head, so far hair is still on my legs and armpits, wish it d go and stay from there lol


I have kept off 51 pounds so far, which is great as I need to lose weight.

I am now able to get in some clothes I havent worn in years, and can buy some new ones there's some sunshine in all this.


my hair is very thinned out, I cut it from shoulder length to just below my ears so was easier whe falling out and thinned.

I have a couple nice wigs that look similar to my own colour and style.


I love swimming but cant go right now as it is crowded there and need to avoid taking the chance of getting ill right now.

by the crusie time I will be able to swim and with a bald head its going be weird, cant wear a hat in the pool


my wigs one is long and wavy, the other is shorter and slight waves.


I will still carry the little bottle of hand washing in my pockets and be careful as always on the cruise. but wondered if oct 3 is too soon if I finished chemo sept 7.


reading all the other stories of others still going on a cruise and not letting baldness spoilt their fun really is inspiring


thanks for all your stories



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Your story touched me in a special way! Reading how you are struggling with a battle of cancer and your worried how your bald head would look, brought tears to my eyes. To me you are a very brave and couragious person and the least of your worries should be your appearence after chemo. I understand we all want to look our best, but you will look more beautiful than you think! And you would be supprised at how many people will look at you in amazment! Wear your battle scars proudly! Go and enjoy your cruise and do it how you feel best comfortable :) I have added you to my prayer list for 100% recovery :) God Bless!



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My mother in law went through this a few years ago. She had her head shaved (My mother in law is no raving beauty but she was one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen when she was bald) before it all fell out. She kept it that way till she was through with chemo. Her hair initially grew in very curly (it is normally straight) which is normal and looked really good very short. I suspect that yours would too. She also lost weight on the chemo, which she said meant she could darn well eat what she wanted when she got off chemo and felt like eating again.


NO one is going to look twice at you other than to think "Hmm how can I make her day better?" and if they give you any grief toss em overboard!! When Mom got cancer (colorectal) I was terrified. She is now a five year survivor and doing well. I pray you have as wonderful an outcome as she did.

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hey you made me giggle lol toss em over board lol



I m glad yur mom is doing so well,

having a daughter like you sure help keep her spirit strong I bet


With the right strong positive atitude we can overcome anything.




thaks for sharing


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You go on that cruise, do not cancel it. Who cares if you are bald, your here, you go. They have some beautiful wigs if that would make you feel better. My sister has had chemo twice, two separate bouts with breast cancer, she could have cared less when she was bald, she did everything she could and went everywhere she could. She is now 3 years cancer free, thank god. We are all going on a family cruise in February to celebrate not only our family, but life itself, its so precious. You go on that cruise that you planned and you have the time of your life. I am sure its just what the doctors ordered.

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I am a "survivor" of 14 yrs. Following radiation and chemo we went on a cruise about a month after my last treatment. There were twelve of us....including my hubby, my sister, and my best friends. It was a blast!! My energy level was low at times, and I couldn't always keep up with them, but they understood, and when I needed to rest, I did. My hair was just starting to come back in (fuzz). I wore hats or colorful headbands during the day, and a wig at night to dinner. The whole trip was such a celebration of life.......we had ALL survived this terrible ordeal and were given a new beginning. We have been on many cruises since, but this one will always be "special". Go, and have the time of your life. Best of luck to you.....keep thinking positive!!!!

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hey you made me giggle lol toss em over board lol



I m glad yur mom is doing so well,

having a daughter like you sure help keep her spirit strong I bet


With the right strong positive atitude we can overcome anything.




thaks for sharing



My mother in law, who drives me bananas btw, but that is her job, is my Mom. My mother died when I was 16 and she has been my role model. She is a bit of a meddler when it comes to my kids but I suspect strongly I will be the same way some day, which is why it bothers me so much. She is in Florida today. Her Brother in Law died on Monday and they are there for the funeral. I was hoping to take her to dinner. I am thinking of her a lot today.

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Silverval; Enjoy every moment of your trip. Do what you can, just have fun. Fullfill your expectations, not those of others, whenever you can. You inspire others with your courage. And your bald head is your badge of courage and strength. God bless you and your family.

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Wear it with pride. You're a survivor, and that bald head proves it. IMO, SUNSCREEN is more important to wear than a wig! Your scalp has never seen anywhere near that much sun, and ohhh, the sunburn... :eek:


As long as your doc says you're OK to go, go and have a fabulous time. Anyone who has an issue with your head isn't worth a second thought anyway.


(edited for spelling)


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With or without wig you will be the best looking there.I am taking the chemo pills for RA they said I could lose my hair and would have to take them the rest of my life. Maybe we can cruise at the same time and have our own club.God Bless You

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We have a cruise booked for Oct 3, a short 5 day cruise, and a 10 day crusie booked January 2 2006, The cruise oct 3 has me most concerned as my chemotherapy is finished either the end of july or early sept, and i will still be bald, whihc I feel self conscious about.


by January the hair should be partly grown back in. If I only need 6 treatments then Im dont July 21, as theya e 3 weeks apart, I m thinking of cancelling the oct 3 cruise as I feel it is far too soon.


Has anyone else crusie after finishing chemo treatments? Will my cruise insurance still cover if something comes upin next few years that makes up cancel any further crusies?


I only found out in January that the stomach pain I have been having since last may was a tumour, but its been removed now and from all tests shows it is mostly 50 to 70 % curable.


but now will I still be able to get insurance for future cruises ?


Go for it! My Aunt beat cancer and goes to the Caribbean 4 times a year....don't worry about what people think. Good luck and have a great time!:D
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Silverval: You go on your cruise and have a wonderful time. My sister in law has done battle with cancer twice and is still doing well, she has cruised after treatment and just done great. My dear friend also has survived cancer and she is just a dynamo, can run circles around me. On our last cruise there was a lady who was without hair do to breast cancer treatments, and she proudly wore her breast cancer t shirts ;and during the day she wore really cute baseball type hats and in the evening she usually had some type of scarf to match her outfit, and just looked great. My sister in law who I mentioned earlier , tried waring the wigs but she just couldnt do it, to uncomfortable for her, so she would ware a scarf, hat ,or cute turban wraps when she went out, at home just went natural. And when her hair came back in , it was beautiful and curly, she didn't have curly hair before, she always had a great attitude about it, and we just love her for her courage.

We will be praying for you and your recovery.


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Thanks very much for all your support, it really brings tears to my eyes, tears of warm fuzzies


I will go on that oct 3rd crusie if the doctor says it is ok


Last week I was feeling a little down, hormones I guess and it was the first week after chemo, but when I read any of these messages it always made me feel so much brighter thanks


I love the freedom of a crusie, only unpack once and still see many places





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I took my twin sister on a cruise to Hawaii when she was in the final stages of her cancer battle. She was bald and beautiful. She'd lost quite a bit of weight and for the first time in her life she said she felt beautiful in a bikini. And yes she did - at the young age of 45. She was in a lot of pain when we cruised and wore morphine pain patches on her thighs. We both had a chuckle when a fellow passenger enquired who her plastic surgeon was - she thought Sheila's lipo-suctioned thighs were fabulous. This passenger assumed that the pain patches Sheila wore were some new fangled bandage to cover her lipo-suction incisions. Anway, Sheila was happy that she finally had great looking thighs. She looked so healthy and happy on our cruise and I am so grateful that we had this time together, just the two of us, to enjoy each other. We never thought that she would be gone just two weeks after our cruise.


Enjoy every minute of your cruise and hold your bald head high. I hope it will be a good reminder to some of the complainers that they really have nothing to complain about - after all, they're alive and on a beautiful ship.


I'll keep you in my prayers.



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Take the October cruise! I am a cancer (ovarian) survivor/pt; During my first round of chemo, we went on a 4 day cruise during my chemo (with 2 cycles remaining out of 8); It was the best medicine. I am currently receiving my second round of chemo (the cancer returned) and I have 1 more treatment to go. We are planning the Carnival Destiny for October. Do not worry about being bald. I never do. My sincere best wishes and prayers for you. Now start getting ready for your cruise(s);:)

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My close friend just went on a southern carib cruise after chemo for breast cancer. She lost all of her hair and wore wigs when she went out. Wigs are beautiful these days! Just imagine all of the time you'll save on styling you hair while aboard :) . Anyways, her hair grew back prettier than before and she has since stopped coloring it because the new color and texture is better than ever! She had a great time on the cruise and didn't have any problems. Go for it and enjoy every minute!

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