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Landtour help please!!!


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Have been planning cruise for 5 families with 2 families going on to Denali. Now one of the families who had not booked their return flight yet decided to travel for 10-12 days after our cruise ends in Whittier. (They were thinking of going with my family to just Denali, but have decided to take my suggestion to make the most of this trip.) Well, now I really could use some help. I am finalizing plans for the rest of the families and could use a boost on suggested itinerary.


They know they want to go to Denali and Talkeenta. They know they want to go to Seward and Kenai Peninsula and hopefully Homer. They have also spoke of Soldotna. Not sure if this makes any sense and I am trying to finalize excursions for everyone else.


Has anyone done a trip anything similar to the above and can suggest an itinerary? They are in their early 70s. They are willing to do some driving. They had thought of taking train/bus back and forth from Denali/Talkeetna mostly so they don't have to drive the whole time.

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Hi - planning a land tour really is a very personal thing depending on your interests. We did Whittier, Homer, Talkeetna and Seward over 10 days this summer giving us plenty of time to stop and actually DO stuff rather than just spending our whole time in the car.


Some great resources to start with planning are the Alaska State Travel Planner www.travelalaska.com & www.alaska.org . Also, get on the Alaska forums on Trip Advisor as people can help you with much more specific information as you narrow down your choices.


To get to Homer/Soldotna - they will definitely have to drive. From Whittier, they could join you on the Denali/Talkeetna leg by train then on return to Anchorage, hire a car to drive to Homer (min 2 nights needed if they want to do Soldotna) then back to Seward (again - min 2 nights) before returning to Anchorage.

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Thank you for the reply. I have done so much research on Juneau, Skagway, Ketchikan and Denali because that is where the majority of the families are going. Panic set in with a new itinerary to research....


Wasn't sure if it made more sense to go to Homer first since they were in Whittier, but didn't think I was going to be able to rent them a vehicle through Avis now since I thought they were closed until April. Thought that only left Anchorage as option for car rental.


My in laws did purchase Mile post. They were really looking for me to help them find hotels and see if their plan was doable.

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Thank you for the reply. I have done so much research on Juneau, Skagway, Ketchikan and Denali because that is where the majority of the families are going. Panic set in with a new itinerary to research....


Wasn't sure if it made more sense to go to Homer first since they were in Whittier, but didn't think I was going to be able to rent them a vehicle through Avis now since I thought they were closed until April. Thought that only left Anchorage as option for car rental.


My in laws did purchase Mile post. They were really looking for me to help them find hotels and see if their plan was doable.


Do they already have itineraries in mind, or are they looking for you to do this?


I suggest you do a rough routing, with the days you have, then post here. I can certainly offer more information on the reality.


Yes Avis does have one way Whittier/Anchorage car rentals, and despite the sticker shock that may occur, if necessary it is a well spent expense to save time.


The hotels are a simple end plan, you need to get your route and timeframes figured out first.

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Have been planning cruise for 5 families with 2 families going on to Denali. Now one of the families who had not booked their return flight yet decided to travel for 10-12 days after our cruise ends in Whittier. (They were thinking of going with my family to just Denali, but have decided to take my suggestion to make the most of this trip.) Well, now I really could use some help. I am finalizing plans for the rest of the families and could use a boost on suggested itinerary.


They know they want to go to Denali and Talkeenta. They know they want to go to Seward and Kenai Peninsula and hopefully Homer. They have also spoke of Soldotna. Not sure if this makes any sense and I am trying to finalize excursions for everyone else.


Has anyone done a trip anything similar to the above and can suggest an itinerary? They are in their early 70s. They are willing to do some driving. They had thought of taking train/bus back and forth from Denali/Talkeetna mostly so they don't have to drive the whole time.


What is the attraction for anyone in Soldotna???? :) You have to go through here to get to Homer. It does have some tours and attractions. IF those are of interest, then list them and the activity so to allow enough time, in the overall plan that you will hopefully list.

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Here is rough plan which I could use help on. The towns are based on what my in laws think will be good, but are open to suggestions. Know it has been said, but don't expect them to go back. They were just going to stay for 3 to 5 days and I really encouraged them to take extra time.


Day 1: Off cruise ship in AM in Whittier. Transfer to Anchorage. Take bus or train to Talkeneeta.


Day 2: Jet Boat or Float in Talkeneeta. Transfer to Denali for that night. Use coupon for 2 nights.


Day 3: Tour Denali


Day 4: Spend morning in Denali and than head to Anchorage for arrival in PM.


Day 5: Drive to Seward and stay here until Day 7.


Day 6: Seward


Day 7: Drive to Kenai Peninsula


Day 8: Tour Kenai Peninsula


Day 9: Drive to Homer for 2 nights


Day 10: Homer


Day 11: Back to Anchorage with possible extra day to get there.


Is this doable? Not sure what appeal of Soldotna is. Will follow up when talk to them again tonight.


Wasnt sure if it made more sense to get transfer to Seward first. Rent car there, than do the Peninsula. Take train from Seward to Anchorage and than either drive or take bus to Denali.


I appreciate whatever help I can get right now. Thanks

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Here is rough plan which I could use help on. The towns are based on what my in laws think will be good, but are open to suggestions. Know it has been said, but don't expect them to go back. They were just going to stay for 3 to 5 days and I really encouraged them to take extra time.


Day 1: Off cruise ship in AM in Whittier. Transfer to Anchorage. Take bus or train to Talkeneeta.


Day 2: Jet Boat or Float in Talkeneeta. Transfer to Denali for that night. Use coupon for 2 nights.


Day 3: Tour Denali


Day 4: Spend morning in Denali and than head to Anchorage for arrival in PM.


Day 5: Drive to Seward and stay here until Day 7.


Day 6: Seward


Day 7: Drive to Kenai Peninsula


Day 8: Tour Kenai Peninsula


Day 9: Drive to Homer for 2 nights


Day 10: Homer


Day 11: Back to Anchorage with possible extra day to get there.


Is this doable? Not sure what appeal of Soldotna is. Will follow up when talk to them again tonight.


Wasnt sure if it made more sense to get transfer to Seward first. Rent car there, than do the Peninsula. Take train from Seward to Anchorage and than either drive or take bus to Denali.


I appreciate whatever help I can get right now. Thanks


OK there are some problems. If they are driving the Kenai Peninsula, is there a reason they aren't driving to Talkeetna and Denali? The train will NOT be an option with this schedule. And a bus is less desirable. I suggest a rental car for their entire trip.


You need to consider more research and find out about areas, activies and where you would best enjoy your time. The Kenai Peninsula IS Seward and Homer. You have all kinds of time here, be certain, you have the interest to warrent all this time. A suggestion- would be to spend the day in Whittier with one of the boat tours, and take the Alaska RR to Anchorage with an overnight. You have time to adjust this to an overnight in Talkeetna or add another night for Denali park. Again, determine- WHAT you are doing in each location. I am assuming you might want to consider the Shuttle buses into Denali park and not the "tour" bus? How far do you want to go?


It makes no difference if you do Denali or the Kenai Peninsula first- depending on your dates, which I don't see mentioned.

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As BQ said there are some problems; mostly because of the limited schedule of the bus and train which won't support your itinerary unless you add a few more days. You really need a car if you want to make the most efficient use of your time.

1.transfer to Anc. Get rental car by noon. Drive to Talkeetna, 2 1/2 hrs

2 Talkeetna activites. Drive to Denali 2 1/2 hrs.

3 shuttle

4 sled dog demo at 10am. Drive to Girdwood 6 hrs. Overnight

5 girdwood area activities ... gold panning, wildlife conservation center, portage glacier. Overnight again or summit lake lodge about 1/2 hr away http://alaska.org/driving/portage-valley-whittier-spur-drive.htm

6 drive to Homer 4 hrs, plus time for stops at Cooper Landing and along the coast

7 explore homer

8 morning in homer. Drive to Seward stopping at Exit glacier

9 seward

10 seward kenai cruise?

11 seward to Anc 2 1/2 hrs


If they want to squeeze in a train trip, they could drive to Anc after Homer, return the car then take the train to Seward for a couple of nights. Don't need a car in Seward.... there's a $10 shuttle to Exit Glacier and taxi anywhere in town is under $10 .

How they split up their time on the Kenai Peninsula should be based on planned activities at each destination.

Would they be interested in visiting Independence Mine/Hatcher Pass or Matanuska Glacier on the way back from Denali. If so they could overnight in Palmer or at Matanuska then drive to Girdwood.

Check out these drives for other itinerary ideas: http://alaska.org/driving/magnificent-drives.htm

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I greatly appreciate the input. I have been working on this trip for quite some time. I had planned on making reservations for the 3 families for Denali on December 1st since I am thinking that is when reservations open. I have no idea how quickly they fill up. So I was confirming with all the families when I was thrown for a loop with the one family deciding they have more time after all. Cool for them, but sent my head spinniing since I don't want them to miss out on shuttle at Denali.


They are open to driving, but were really hoping to not drive the whole land portion.


I have looked up prices on car rentals for the whole time and than for the time after Denali if they get themselves back to Anchorage. I will present both options for them. Looks like they could take the Whittier transfer by bus and than take a 3:00 bus from Anchorage to Talkeneeta.


If they really want to take the train, than I think they would need to spend one night in Anchorage and than take morning train.


They really didn't want to drive more than 3 hours a day.


Will do some more research. Thanks again for the input.

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Take a serious look at them planning to spend their time in Whittier, Seward, down to Homer and then back up to Anchorage and then driving up to Denali NP and staying there 2 to 3 nights.


The drive from Anchorage to Denali NP is neither difficult nor very long if you plan a mid-drive lunch stop and stop along the way for scenery and animal spotting.


Having their own car to get around the Denali area is huge benefit.


The train and bus tours eat up a lot of time.

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I just want to throw in my 2 cents. This trip will put two 70 somethings on the go for 19 days, including cruise and land tour. [that does not include the travel days on either end] We found our excursions began pretty early most mornings in AK and we wanted to take in the shows/comedy club/casino on the cruise in the evening.


We were pretty exhausted after our 12 day cruise/land trip. [we are active early 60s] We flew into Vancouver 2 days before the cruise to get used to the time difference, visit the city, and relax after a long travel day.


Can they handle this level of activity for that long? Not trying to be negative. :p

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Been doing more and more searching. I have so many windows open on my computer. I found several options for them to at least get to Denali by bus or train. Will present them the option of renting a car since they could follow me, but they really want to take it slow and I am not stopping in Talkeetna. I have a wedding to get back to and have already booked my return flight.


I am thinking we could get to Anchorage together and than it looks like they can take a 3:00 bus to Talkeetna. If they stayed at McKinley Village or Chalet or Denali Princess they could take the bus to the shuttle for the next day. At least that is how I think it works. I see lots of hotels, but not all of them will get them to the bus to see Denali.


Have got them as far as Seward in my planniing. Any suggestions for hotel in Seward?


They really want to go to Homer. Has anyone driven to Homer and found a great place to stay over night on the way to HOmer. I had mentioned Soldotna earlier just because it was a halfway point. If I use google maps, it looks like would take them little over 3 hours to get to Homer with no stops which is doable, but just trying to give them options. Thanks again.

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If they're driving from Anc to Homer, Cooper Landing is a nice stopping point. It's about 115 miles from either Anchorage or Homer. The Kenai Princess is a gorgeous lodge situated above the Kenai River.


I've only camped in Homer but my friends stayed 5 nights at the Alaska Beach House. They came back the next yr for another 3 nights. They were in the Captains Qtrs.



Seward has so many options so it depends what they're looking for ... lodges, cabins, B&B, hotels, even a Holiday Inn and Best Western.



The Denali Salmon Bake has lodging AND their own shuttle.

The Denali Park Hotel is quite reasonable and provides free shuttle service to the station and the park IF you book a train package thru them.

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I am thinking we could get to Anchorage together and than it looks like they can take a 3:00 bus to Talkeetna. If they stayed at McKinley Village or Chalet or Denali Princess they could take the bus to the shuttle for the next day. At least that is how I think it works. I see lots of hotels, but not all of them will get them to the bus to see Denali.. . .


Thanks again.



I just want to make sure that you know the McKinley Village and the McKinley Chalet are outside of Denali National Park. That is not in Talkeetna.


We stayed at the McKinley Chalet--it was convenient and had transportation to Denali. But, it was not anything special. We had a 2 room suite. But the two rooms were TINY. The bedroom had just enough room for a double bed and a twin bed. Also, kind of pricey.


One plus--you can order lunch to go, from the restaurant ath the Cahlet. [since our tour left at 6:20am.] It opens very early. We picked ours up at 5:30am

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I appreciate the tips on hotels and places to stay. Knowing which hotels have shuttles is very helpful. Thank you.


Is my concern for trying to at least get the day that they are going to Denali confirmed so I can book them a shuttle on December 1st valid or do the shuttles/tours not book up that quickly? We are getting off ship December 8th. So that puts them in Denali either in a couple of days or a week later if they do Kenai Peninsula first.

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Not having any luck getting a price for the Kenai Princess. Tried to get rate for July 14 or 15th. Saying not any rooms available. Is this because they would be booked already or am I missing something else?


There is absolutely NO Reason, you have to book Denali Shuttle tickets on Dec. 1. In my opinion, you need more time, figuring out a realistic itinerary which you don't have yet. There is PLENTY of ticket availabity, and if necessary, you can wait until 2/3 (verify exactly) days ahead, call them at 7am and get ANY bus ticket you want from the hold back seats. I have personally done this a few times.


So, I suggest you get out of the rush and rethink the plans.


It is still my opinion, that the car rental is "necessary" with the list of places these people want to go and to make the best use of time. It is a BIG negative to be without one in Denali and having to be dependent on lodge shuttles. Bus and train transportation also eat up a lot more time.


Are these people planning along with you? Have they done any research, or are you just planning a trip for them? Some ideas, are the best use of time possible, and aren't what you think?


The Holiday Inn in Seward is an excellent option. Not sure why the drive to Homer needs to be split? It's at most 4 hours from Anchorage, a little less from Seward- again, you are adding time you probably don't have with this "extra" night, when it would be better used in Homer or Seward? Same with the Kenai Princess? You realize, it's at least 1 1/2 hours round trip to Seward? Are these people going to spend time fishing? Why are they there? (I'm not looking for the answers, perhaps questions to ask yourself to focus on the best route and plans?)

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Not having any luck getting a price for the Kenai Princess. Tried to get rate for July 14 or 15th. Saying not any rooms available. Is this because they would be booked already or am I missing something else?


It doesn't look like any dates are available, which may be the online booking for next year isn't set up?

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BQ: Thank you so much for tip on Denali bus tickets. I had called the park personally and they were also saying how tickets sell out quickly and not to wait. SO that was definitely adding some stress.


My inlaws gave me a basic idea of where they want to travel based on several books I had loaned them including Mile post. They wanted to go to Homer for Halibut fishing and a brother had really encouraged them to go there after visiting Alaska 5 times. They are not computer savy. They also knew they wanted to go to Seward.


And these were people who were going to get off cruise and go home until I kept giving them info on Denali which led them to want to go there and than go further after I gave them the tour books.


I think what is driving them is they have read so much about Kenai Peninsula and it is not too far from our starting point. I have been encouraging them to do a DIY over Guided tour because of all the input on this board.


They are thinking they can afford between 9 to 11 days of a land tour after they get off ship in Whittier. I will keep researching. I am looking for bed and breakfasts for them to stay at and will try to see if they will rent vehicle for whole time. Thanks everyone for your patience and time.

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BQ: Thank you so much for tip on Denali bus tickets. I had called the park personally and they were also saying how tickets sell out quickly and not to wait. SO that was definitely adding some stress.


My inlaws gave me a basic idea of where they want to travel based on several books I had loaned them including Mile post. They wanted to go to Homer for Halibut fishing and a brother had really encouraged them to go there after visiting Alaska 5 times. They are not computer savy. They also knew they wanted to go to Seward.


And these were people who were going to get off cruise and go home until I kept giving them info on Denali which led them to want to go there and than go further after I gave them the tour books.


I think what is driving them is they have read so much about Kenai Peninsula and it is not too far from our starting point. I have been encouraging them to do a DIY over Guided tour because of all the input on this board.


They are thinking they can afford between 9 to 11 days of a land tour after they get off ship in Whittier. I will keep researching. I am looking for bed and breakfasts for them to stay at and will try to see if they will rent vehicle for whole time. Thanks everyone for your patience and time.


Certainly, there is no need to "wait" to purchase Denali Park bus tickets, but in my opinion, you don't have an itinerary in place yet. I do suggest you have the ENTIRE plan finalized, THEN do your bookings. Otherwise, you run into the snags of first time unfamiliar visitor's- which involve the more they find out, the better they fine tue their trips. BIG problems occur, especially with the number of days you have, if you want to change routing orders, add stops or add days to locations. You don't want to have worthless extra days that could be better used elsewhere. A Key point- also that is sometimes done- is underestimating time and distances. Really take a good look at this. Don't expect 75mph freeway driving. Add at least an hour in transits- construction and slow moving traffic is common.


With the fishing priority, I would then suggest they put that at the VERY end of their travels, and plan on using the "extra" baggage allowance and taking the catch home with you. Otherwise, they may be in for a BIG surprise and unprepared for the costly shipping costs. (assuming they want the fish?)


Get the route, days at these locations (rewiew WHAT will occupy the time in the specific location, and estimate it carefully) and go over it again. :) Fine tuning and reworking is necessary for the best plans, with a good basis of knowledge to figure it all out.

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Absolutely no rush to buy the shuttle bus tickets. Yes, they will sell out, but not for weeks or months. The buses that tend to sell out are the first couple of buses each morning, but even then not on December 1st per my experience. Without knowing if they will be driving to Denali or not, as well as not knowing where they will be staying, it would be dumb to book Denali shuttle buses on Dec 1st.


Being in their 70's I can understand them not wanting to drive the entire trip. I disagree with Budget Queen that the car is "necessary" for the entire trip. For Homer and Seward, yes, absolutely necessary (very hard to get to Homer otherwise). But if they want to avoid driving to Denali, it is certainly very possible. Most people plan one day to drive from Anchorage to Denali and one day back anyway (just including more stops along the way). It is just that the train takes 3 hours longer each way (in most cases - sometimes not much longer if there is an accident or road construction). It requires a bit more logistical planning when taking the train or a bus to Denali since you need lodging that offers a shuttle. Also, being in their 70's I highly doubt they will want to be on the 5am Eielson shuttle anyway. So a bit of a later start using a hotel shuttle to get them to the park is probably perfectly acceptable. Also, would they be ones to drive the first 15 miles of the park road at night anyway? Maybe, maybe not.


Day 1 off ship in Whittier, PWS tour, train to Anchorage

Day 2 train to Denali, maybe visitor center

Day 3 Eielson shuttle bus

Day 4 morning maybe dogsled kennels, early afternoon train to Anchorage


Then they can rent a car the morning of Day 5 to go to Homer and Seward. Very reasonable IMHO. Would I do this? I doubt it. But for the people involved and what are their interests and their already-stated desire about not driving the entire way, it is a great compromise. Funny too how BQ asks about their interests/planning, but when you state their interests she continues to press against them. Her and my style of travel are not everyone else's style and we need to realize that. Lastly, I would estimate a 4 hour drive from Seward to Homer and 5 hours from Anchorage to Homer. It might be slightly less, but you are pushing it with only 4 hours from Anchorage to Homer. That is probably in an ideal situation, no stops, no traffic delays, etc.

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Absolutely no rush to buy the shuttle bus tickets. Yes, they will sell out, but not for weeks or months. The buses that tend to sell out are the first couple of buses each morning, but even then not on December 1st per my experience. Without knowing if they will be driving to Denali or not, as well as not knowing where they will be staying, it would be dumb to book Denali shuttle buses on Dec 1st.


Being in their 70's I can understand them not wanting to drive the entire trip. I disagree with Budget Queen that the car is "necessary" for the entire trip. For Homer and Seward, yes, absolutely necessary (very hard to get to Homer otherwise). But if they want to avoid driving to Denali, it is certainly very possible. Most people plan one day to drive from Anchorage to Denali and one day back anyway (just including more stops along the way). It is just that the train takes 3 hours longer each way (in most cases - sometimes not much longer if there is an accident or road construction). It requires a bit more logistical planning when taking the train or a bus to Denali since you need lodging that offers a shuttle. Also, being in their 70's I highly doubt they will want to be on the 5am Eielson shuttle anyway. So a bit of a later start using a hotel shuttle to get them to the park is probably perfectly acceptable. Also, would they be ones to drive the first 15 miles of the park road at night anyway? Maybe, maybe not.


Day 1 off ship in Whittier, PWS tour, train to Anchorage

Day 2 train to Denali, maybe visitor center

Day 3 Eielson shuttle bus

Day 4 morning maybe dogsled kennels, early afternoon train to Anchorage


Then they can rent a car the morning of Day 5 to go to Homer and Seward. Very reasonable IMHO. Would I do this? I doubt it. But for the people involved and what are their interests and their already-stated desire about not driving the entire way, it is a great compromise. Funny too how BQ asks about their interests/planning, but when you state their interests she continues to press against them. Her and my style of travel are not everyone else's style and we need to realize that. Lastly, I would estimate a 4 hour drive from Seward to Homer and 5 hours from Anchorage to Homer. It might be slightly less, but you are pushing it with only 4 hours from Anchorage to Homer. That is probably in an ideal situation, no stops, no traffic delays, etc.


I stated the car was necessary with their current list which includes Talkeetna and their number of days. I am not "pressing against any interests".


If using the Alaska RR, I would add another day, rather than having both Anchorage days essentially in transit.

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Here is an updated itinerary: Please let me know if you have any suggestions for changes or places to stay.

July 8: Off ship in Whittier. Transfer to Anchorage. Either pick up rental car this day or after Denali. (Has been reserved for whole time for now.) If taking bus, at Anchorage Museum until 3 with transfer arriving at Talkeetna at 5:30. (transfer from Whittier arrives at noon. Is 2 1/2 hours at museum enough time?)

Not sure where to stay in Talkeetna, but have looked at options.

July 9: Plane to McKinley if weather allows or maybe jet boat cruise. Transfer to Denali on 6:00 bus arriving at 9 PM.

July 10: Denali shuttle tour

July 11: Morning in Denali and than depart around 2 :45 by bus for Anchorage. Stay in Anchorage at maybe Comfort Inn or Holiday Inn.

July 12: Pick up rental IF can get shuttle to rental place. IF not, than would have picked night before. Drive to Seward with stop in Portage at Wildlife Center. Looking for B and B for Seward.

July 13: Kenai Fjords tour with Major Marine most likely

July 14: Sea Life Center and than head to Coopers Landing

July 15: Head to Homer with fishing for hopefully afternoon Hopefully find B and B

July 16:One more day in Homer or just drive back to Seward with night there or Back to Anchorage with flight out much later in day.

IF they have car for whole trip which would rule out having to go back to Anchorage, not sure if it makes sense to stop at Reindeer or Musk Ox Farm on way to Seward with possible night over in between. Pushing it???

Not sure if people have done any of the above and thought they were awesome and worth it or had something else they did that they loved more. Are in their 70s with one not being that active so hiking type of adventure not really an option.

Thanks again.

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I agree with Budget Queen that it is very handy to have a car in Denali if they are not on an cruise ship organized land trip. While the Denali hotels have shuttles, it is just so much easier with a car. If they don't have a car they could spend too much time waiting for shuttles.


Looking at the revised schedule, why are they back-tracking to Seward on July 16?


I don't have any recommendations for a B & B in Seward, but we stayed in the Edgewater Inn for several nights the summer of 2011 and found it quiet and convenient with very friendly staff. Breakfast was included.


Also in Homer I don't have a recommendation for a B & B, but the summer of 2011 we stayed for several nights in one of the condominiums associated with the Lands' End Resort, and highly recommend them. Great location on the spit and right on the beach.


As someone who lives in Alaska I'm curious as to why the in-laws were considering staying in Soldotna. Don't want to offend my fellow Alaskans who live in Soldotna, but it really isn't type type of place that most tourists would have any interest in spending much time there.

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The bus lets you get to Talkeetna the same day you arrive in Whittier. So that is a plus vs. the train.


Be looking for discount coupons for the flightseeing. I saw a 2-for-1 coupon earlier this month. Maybe Toursaver or Northern Lights books have them too.


Book the flightseeing for the morning of July 9th so they can reschedule it for any time that morning or afternoon in case of weather issues.


>>July 10: Denali shuttle tour


There are "shuttles" and "tours" and you want the "shuttle." Seems picky but there is a huge difference!


On July 11th they might consider the train to get from Denali to Anchorage. It takes longer and arrives later, but it is a different experience than the bus. I would think they would enjoy the chance to get up and walk around on the train, something not possible on a bus.


>> July 12: Pick up rental IF can get shuttle to rental place. IF not, than would have picked night before.


I would probably pick the car up on July 12th even if you can't get a shuttle. If you pick it up the night before, your only option is on-airport pick up. On July 12 you can pick up off-airport, which may save you way more than the taxi fare to get from the hotel to the car rental company. Check into returning the car at the airport for little or no additional charge.


>>July 14: Sea Life Center and than head to Coopers Landing


Not sure I like the overnight in Cooper Landing. As was mentioned, it is only a 4 hour drive from Seward to Homer.


>>July 16:One more day in Homer or just drive back to Seward with night there or Back to Anchorage with flight out much later in day.


I would not drive from Seward to Homer then back to Seward. Figure out before you book lodging exactly what they want to do, then plan the number of nights around how long it will take to do what they are interested in.


Are they flying out late on July 17th? Or are the plane tickets even purchased yet?


>>IF they have car for whole trip which would rule out having to go back to Anchorage, not sure if it makes sense to stop at Reindeer or Musk Ox Farm on way to Seward with possible night over in between. Pushing it???


They have to transit through Anchorage in any case from Denali to Seward/Homer. I am not sure the Reindeer and Muskox Farms are worth the stop since you can see muskoxen at the Wildlife Conservation Center. Do they have other interests in that area?

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