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Something fishy with RCL Customer Service

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So I booked my cruise when it was $234 per person plus a single supplement. Apparently any posted fare includes a $100 non-commissioned fee. I paid my taxes of $84.44 and paid my 200% single supplement and called it a vacation.


My cousin has decided to come with me now, and I figured that since I was paid in full for the 200% payment, that I should only owe for taxes. However today when I called into the customer service, I was told that I owe another $100 non-commissioned fee plus the taxes. I've already paid the fee twice in my single supplement. They refuse to take it off and the woman on the phone refused to put me to her supervisor stating that she is the supervisor and that I would only deal with her and that is the only thing that I would get as an answer.


I am at a loss for words, I've never been so upset at the lack of customer service, and I at a lack of time since we depart in 50 days, and the fact that she is now threatening me to cancel my reservation. Does anyone have a suggestion as to what to do? I don't want to pay another $184 bucks when I have already spent over $600 with them already.

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Call back again. Chances are you'll get another rep. It's been my experience that some reps are simply more willing to be helpful than others. As far as not allowing you to speak with a supervisor...That's ridiculous! Unless she's the CEO, she's got a supervisor!

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So I booked my cruise when it was $234 per person plus a single supplement. Apparently any posted fare includes a $100 non-commissioned fee. I paid my taxes of $84.44 and paid my 200% single supplement and called it a vacation.


My cousin has decided to come with me now, and I figured that since I was paid in full for the 200% payment, that I should only owe for taxes. However today when I called into the customer service, I was told that I owe another $100 non-commissioned fee plus the taxes. I've already paid the fee twice in my single supplement. They refuse to take it off and the woman on the phone refused to put me to her supervisor stating that she is the supervisor and that I would only deal with her and that is the only thing that I would get as an answer.


I am at a loss for words, I've never been so upset at the lack of customer service, and I at a lack of time since we depart in 50 days, and the fact that she is now threatening me to cancel my reservation. Does anyone have a suggestion as to what to do? I don't want to pay another $184 bucks when I have already spent over $600 with them already.

Call back and ask to be connected to the Resolutions Department.

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So I booked my cruise when it was $234 per person plus a single supplement. Apparently any posted fare includes a $100 non-commissioned fee. I paid my taxes of $84.44 and paid my 200% single supplement and called it a vacation.


My cousin has decided to come with me now, and I figured that since I was paid in full for the 200% payment, that I should only owe for taxes. However today when I called into the customer service, I was told that I owe another $100 non-commissioned fee plus the taxes. I've already paid the fee twice in my single supplement. They refuse to take it off and the woman on the phone refused to put me to her supervisor stating that she is the supervisor and that I would only deal with her and that is the only thing that I would get as an answer.


I am at a loss for words, I've never been so upset at the lack of customer service, and I at a lack of time since we depart in 50 days, and the fact that she is now threatening me to cancel my reservation. Does anyone have a suggestion as to what to do? I don't want to pay another $184 bucks when I have already spent over $600 with them already.


What the rep is telling you is correct. Every fare consists of a non-commisionable amount and you only pay this amount ONCE when it's a single supplement fare. Therefore when adding a 2nd person this non-commisionable amount is due plus the 2nd set of taxes. That is why the single supplement of 200% is never double the shown fare. They remove the non-commisionable amount from the fare, double it and then add it the non-commsionable amount for the one person back in plus the one set of taxes to get the single fare. Therefore when adding the 2nd person they still owe the non-commisionable fare for the 2nd person plus their taxes. This has to be paid in order to add the 2nd person.

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I am trying to understand...

So you paid 234 multiplied by 2 (for 200% single supplement) plus 100 plus 84 for a total of $652 for one person?

Or do you mean you paid 234 multiplied by two plus 84 for a total of $552 (plus other stuff like excursions or tips to get to over $600)?

Or do you mean 134 times 2 plus 100 plus 84 for a total of $452 (plus other stuff like excursions or tips to get to over $600)?


Are you sure the single supplement was $200 when you booked? Sometimes I see lower ones. If the supplement was lower, you'd now owe more. Or could they be charging the second person the current pp rate instead of you old rate?

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Call back and ask to be connected to the Resolutions Department.


She may not have explained it properly so you would understand but she is correct. You still owe the non-commisionable amount plus the 2nd set of taxes for the 2nd person if you wish to add them. The non-commisionable amount is different based on sailing, category booked, and current pricing but it is always only paid once when purchasing a single supplement fare. They remove this amount from the double occupancy price then double the fare and then add back in the non-commisionable amount plus the one set of taxes to give the single supplement price when the pricing is at 200%. Sometimes the single supplement is less then 200% on certain sailings and categories. Generally you'll never get a rep that will give you full details of the calculations when booking a single supplement as most customers don't understand and to go into details of the calculations would just add unnecessary confusion for the customer.

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I am trying to understand...

So you paid 234 multiplied by 2 (for 200% single supplement) plus 100 plus 84 for a total of $652 for one person?

Or do you mean you paid 234 multiplied by two plus 84 for a total of $552 (plus other stuff like excursions or tips to get to over $600)?

Or do you mean 134 times 2 plus 100 plus 84 for a total of $452 (plus other stuff like excursions or tips to get to over $600)?


Are you sure the single supplement was $200 when you booked? Sometimes I see lower ones. If the supplement was lower, you'd now owe more. Or could they be charging the second person the current pp rate instead of you old rate?


The quoted amount per person was $237 when I booked. My confirmation shows $474 cruise fare plus $84.44 in taxes. They also changed my dining at one time from the traditional to My Time (rep did it on "accident" apparently) and charged me tips of $45. Totaling $603.44.


If I break that down I can see everything matches for the math. It just was a shock now. I've got my bulldog of a mother who was a travel agent calling to speak to someone. This woman Helen in resolutions has me in tears. The way that I was treated for asking for a supervisor was just rude and stressful and not what I want to think about for my vacation. I think I will stick with NCL or Princess from now one. They have great customer service.

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Sorry to hear you didn't understand how the booking system works....too bad mom couldn't have advised you about how it will work when you go from a single to a double cabin. The cruiseline will not be ripping you off. They're only giving you the rate the computer knows what you should be paying.

As for being "rude", we weren't there, so we can't say who said what. To getting you crying sure doesn't sound good.

Since this is a 4 night cruise, you'll be able to go on the NCL Sky next time (oh boy oh boy :rolleyes:) and that it's (since you mentioned NCL and Princess....and they don't do 4 nighters as a rule.....unless ya wait to next fall)

I hope your cruise goes better than setting it up. You mentioned maybe cancelling, but I doubt you want to loose all your money (since you're within final payment)

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What you were told by the supervisor is correct, but there was no reason to be rude to you. If you have sailed on Princess before as a single, what you are saying about adding a second person and only paying the tax, is also correct.


The Carnival Corp charges the non-commissionable fare twice even when there is only one person in the room. In other words, it charges full fare twice, but only one set of government taxes.


Royal is more honest in that they don't include that amount twice as it is really partly port charges that they have to pay per passenger and other administrative costs that they deem necessary.


Carnival overcharges and I don't understand how it is legal for them to do so, but they do that all the time. So, anytime you are sailing as a single on a ship owned by the Carnival Corp, you are overpaying, but there is nothing you can do about it. They hide the charges and people just pay it without knowing about it.


I don't know if NCL does the same as I can't remember how my dad was charged when he sailed as a single on their ships. His most recent sailings were on Carnival and Royal Caribbean.

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This is often a sticking point.


Royal Caribbean prices have three parts:


Base Cruise Fare, Non-Commisionable Cruise Fare (the part of the fare travel agents don't get commission on) and taxes. When you book directly Royal Caribbean combines the Base and the NCCF to provide a standard "Cruise Fare" because most guests get confused when they hear "Non-Commisionable Cruise Fare"


The single supplement (even when 200%) is on the Base Cruise Fare only. So that means when you add a second passenger you need to not only pay the taxes for them but also their Non-Commisionable Cruise Fare.


It is unfortunate and tends to lead to a lot of confusion but it is correct.

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OP, people more knowledgable than I have given you feedback. Their info seems to indicate you would not have double paid the noncommissionable fare when you booked solo.


If that noncommisionable is $100 and if the single supplement was 200% and if your original single fare was $474 (without taxes or tips), then a simple calculation (474-100)/2 +100 suggests the double occupance fare at the time of booking was $287. You remember $237....Couldn't that have been a simple misunderstanding (somebody misspoke or somebody misheard?) Are they now asking $574 plus taxes and tips for two? If so, their math works. Maybe you will feel better once you reflect upon it.


I learned a bit about single supplements from this thread and why they often seem to be less than 200% on Royal Caribbean. Thanks to those knowledgable folks who posted explanations.

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Sorry to hear you didn't understand how the booking system works....too bad mom couldn't have advised you about how it will work when you go from a single to a double cabin. The cruiseline will not be ripping you off. They're only giving you the rate the computer knows what you should be paying.

As for being "rude", we weren't there, so we can't say who said what. To getting you crying sure doesn't sound good.

Since this is a 4 night cruise, you'll be able to go on the NCL Sky next time (oh boy oh boy :rolleyes:) and that it's (since you mentioned NCL and Princess....and they don't do 4 nighters as a rule.....unless ya wait to next fall)

I hope your cruise goes better than setting it up. You mentioned maybe cancelling, but I doubt you want to loose all your money (since you're within final payment)


There is no NEED to be rude. I was asking a question. This is a forum meant to share and answer questions. Your answers are not appreciated and are condescending. Honestly, I hope that you reread your comments, and see how you would feel if someone was to talk to you with that type of tone. Be ashamed.

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Years ago when I was in professional school, the Dean of Students, widely respected as a wise, caring man, told me I needed a thicker skin, upsetting me further. I wondered if he'd have said it to a man.


Looking back, as much as I hated hearing it, he was correct. I did need a thicker skin, and I probably needed somebody to tell me so. Now I think he would have said it to a man, too, though arguably I might have needed it more than male classmates. A thicker skin has served me well in my career. Sadly, the Dean died of cancer before I gained enough perspective to thank him.


With that context, in the most caring possible way a stranger can say it, if both customer service and the above internet poster get to you, it is possible that you, too, could benefit from a thicker skin.


Or maybe my skin is now so darn thick that nothing on this thread seems particularly rude to me. Compared to the really awful stuff that gets posted on the web...this thread is nothing in my eyes.

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I have no problem with thick skin. However there is the old school of thought that if you don't have something nice to add to a conversation, that you should keep it to yourself. There is a line in manners that what was said by that poster is in bad taste. I've only encountered friendly and helpful posters on this site, and I guess it was just the time for me to find the person who is opposite of my statement. Sad. I'm very protective of my family, that was not appropriate comment by anyone that I would accept.

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I have no problem with thick skin. However there is the old school of thought that if you don't have something nice to add to a conversation, that you should keep it to yourself. There is a line in manners that what was said by that poster is in bad taste. I've only encountered friendly and helpful posters on this site, and I guess it was just the time for me to find the person who is opposite of my statement. Sad. I'm very protective of my family, that was not appropriate comment by anyone that I would accept.


All in the eye of the beholder, I guess. For example, if I said "I've got my bulldog of a mother who was a travel agent calling to speak to someone", my mother would be beyond offended. She would consider it rude to compare her in any way to a bulldog...or any other dog for that matter. Yet your mother may take it as appropriate or even complimentary. If there are other slights toward family members, perhaps I missed them.


If this thread seems rude to you, you should probably avoid cruise critic, because this thread is sweetness and sunshine compared to some, at least in the opinion of this person bearing thick, leathery skin;).

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Sorry to hear you didn't understand how the booking system works....too bad mom couldn't have advised you about how it will work when you go from a single to a double cabin. The cruiseline will not be ripping you off. They're only giving you the rate the computer knows what you should be paying.

As for being "rude", we weren't there, so we can't say who said what. To getting you crying sure doesn't sound good.

Since this is a 4 night cruise, you'll be able to go on the NCL Sky next time (oh boy oh boy :rolleyes:) and that it's (since you mentioned NCL and Princess....and they don't do 4 nighters as a rule.....unless ya wait to next fall)

I hope your cruise goes better than setting it up. You mentioned maybe cancelling, but I doubt you want to loose all your money (since you're within final payment)


There is no NEED to be rude. I was asking a question. This is a forum meant to share and answer questions. Your answers are not appreciated and are condescending. Honestly, I hope that you reread your comments, and see how you would feel if someone was to talk to you with that type of tone. Be ashamed.


For the life of me, I cannot figure out what SRQfireman said that you felt was rude. :confused:

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For the life of me, I cannot figure out what SRQfireman said that you felt was rude. :confused:


Thank You Waterbug......I was thinking the same thing. Apparently this forum is not for her. I was far from being rude.....but to each his own......

Good luck...

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I can't find anything rude either.


If anything, sounds like the OP was distraught over the supervisor stating that her answer was going to be the only answer, which IS the correct one. There is no need to go any further. When the OP didn't like said answer, calls RCCL fishy and sends the bulldog mother after them. All the while because they didn't understand the way the bookings work. :rolleyes:


This thread has been extremely mild if not very gracious in trying to explain the billing.

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I don't see anything fishy with the customer service, nor rudeness from SRQfireman.


I could understand perhaps 'fishy' pricing being alleged against RCL given the way it's broken up, but the working has been explained so the figures are correct... just not so obvious.

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Sorry to hear you didn't understand how the booking system works....too bad mom couldn't have advised you...


As for being "rude", we weren't there, so we can't say who said what. To getting you crying sure doesn't sound good...


Since this is a 4 night cruise, you'll be able to go on the NCL Sky next time (oh boy oh boy :rolleyes:) and that it's (since you mentioned NCL and Princess...


You mentioned maybe cancelling, but I doubt you want to loose all your money (since you're within final payment)


I thought it was snarky, at best. It's the worst thing about these boards. People say things on here that (I hope) they would never say face to face. I wish more people on CC would practice civility. The OP was upset, was venting, and if people don't have anything new or helpful to contribute to a thread, just move on to another post.

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