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LOST LUGGAGE ** Please help!!!**


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I respect your attitude but I think you are not looking at the whole picture. Since you own a company you certainly know that you can offer your customers whatever you like as part of a package, but one way or another they are going to pay for it.


Certainly the cruise lines could raise their maximum level of compensation for everyone, but then they will have to add it to the price of everyone's cruise. They already offer the option to increase your maximum by paying for an increase in the level of insurance. This leaves it up to the individual to decide if they feel there is a huge risk to them and what they are willing to pay to mitigate the risk. There are also plenty of independent policies available for insuring your travel for anything from the cost of the cruise, medical expenses, trip interruption and lost baggage. On top of that most credit cards offer some degree of protection or offer travel policies at a discounted rate.


Many people are not particularly worried about it and choose to take their chances.


I believe they have fairly low limits because rather than charging everyone more for each cruise they take , they leave it up to the individual to determine what his risk is and act accordingly. So while you may feel you would be doing everyone a favor by tring to raise their limits, there are probably lots of oeople who would prefer to choose what kind of insurance they want, rather than being charged more for something they don't think is particularly good to begin with or perhaps something they don't even think they need.

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I appreciate your feedback. It helps me to realize that I don't take issue with the healty debate, I really don't. What I take issue with and sadly let get under my skin are the personal jabs such as thinking I am special, expecting people to be mind readers, being an irresponsible traveller.....etc. I like to think I can make my point or express a thought that is different than others without insulting them. There are many posts that have expressed an opposite opinion and I have no issue with that. I need to let the personal ones (or should I say the ones I take as personal) go just as easily. Good insight - thank you!


I think it's probably just as easy to be offended that someone can't seem to accept a sincere apology and explanation of what was being responded to. I give up.

Edited by Ma Bell
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I appreciate your feedback. It helps me to realize that I don't take issue with the healty debate, I really don't. What I take issue with and sadly let get under my skin are the personal jabs such as thinking I am special, expecting people to be mind readers, being an irresponsible traveller.....etc. I like to think I can make my point or express a thought that is different than others without insulting them. There are many posts that have expressed an opposite opinion and I have no issue with that. I need to let the personal ones (or should I say the ones I take as personal) go just as easily. Good insight - thank you!





Ive been reading these posts and I cant believe some of the mean posts.

Having had my luggage lost twice by airlines and right before a cruise, I can really sympathise.

I was fortunate enough that both times my luggage did finally get returned to me

A lot of people seem to miss your point.

Its bad enough losing everything but you have had to go through so much to try and trace your luggage and even though you are a loyal cruiser with Celebrity, they have treated you really badly. They may say in the small print they are not responsible but its not just the cost involved its the fact they have not been very supportive or proactive in assisting you.

Its very hurtful and I hope Celebrity is reading this post and learning from it.

Ive always found the staff on the ships very helpful but unfortunately customer service on the ground has been very lacking when we have needed assistance.

I bet a lot of the people who have posted unpleasant comments have never had it happen to them and if they did they would probably kick up a right stink!!!!

I think you have been so patient and I really do hope your luggage will come back.

I also really hope Celebrity will do the decent thing as well.


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I respect your attitude but I think you are not looking at the whole picture. Since you own a company you certainly know that you can offer your customers whatever you like as part of a package, but one way or another they are going to pay for it.


Certainly the cruise lines could raise their maximum level of compensation for everyone, but then they will have to add it to the price of everyone's cruise. They already offer the option to increase your maximum by paying for an increase in the level of insurance. This leaves it up to the individual to decide if they feel there is a huge risk to them and what they are willing to pay to mitigate the risk. There are also plenty of independent policies available for insuring your travel for anything from the cost of the cruise, medical expenses, trip interruption and lost baggage. On top of that most credit cards offer some degree of protection or offer travel policies at a discounted rate.


Many people are not particularly worried about it and choose to take their chances.


I believe they have fairly low limits because rather than charging everyone more for each cruise they take , they leave it up to the individual to determine what his risk is and act accordingly. So while you may feel you would be doing everyone a favor by tring to raise their limits, there are probably lots of oeople who would prefer to choose what kind of insurance they want, rather than being charged more for something they don't think is particularly good to begin with or perhaps something they don't even think they need.


Just to clarify, I don't own a company - I manage a branch for the company I work for. I am in finance.


You make some excellent points - maybe the answer is why bother with a lost luggage policy at all - why not just make it $0? I mean the general response seems to be that $300 is a joke compared to what is lost. So why bother? Perhaps with zero liability people would think twice about not getting extra insurance.


Sadly when I think back to it - had you offered a wager with me whether my luggage would be lost or not, I would have bet the farm. In a million years I wouldn't have worried about my bags getting lost. I mean really, all they do is go on the ship and come off the ship. What could go wrong? Insurance in that case wasn't even on my radar. Now that I read all the stories I know it should have been...but hindsight is 20/20.

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I think it's probably just as easy to be offended that someone can't seem to accept a sincere apology and explanation of what was being responded to. I give up.


Please don't take it that way. I was only explaining how I felt and responded in previous posts. You were very gracious in apologizing and explaining and I did tell you I appreciated that very much.


I mean no offense by bringing it up again I promise. I should have included in my post that we had resolved all that. I really am sorry I offended you. :(

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Apology accepted.


When something like this happens it's easy to let it become all consuming. I know you feel Celebrity has not been compassionate enough but I really don't know how that translates into something more tangible. I'm sure in the beginning they thought it would be found so they treated it as part of the normal business of finding it. From your description of the process you have been through, it's what would normally be done in a case like this. You have certainly been very unfortunate in that the luggage has not been found. As you can see from many others, usually it is.


I've been sailing on Celebrity ships since the early 90s and, when something goes wrong that is clearly their fault, I have found them to be very fair. In fact there have been times when they have been concerned that there was a problem and it was something that didn't even bother us. I think the problem with this situation is that it's really not clear that the responsibility lies with them. It really seems that someone else just took your suitcases.


As I have tried to communicate, there are plenty of options available for increasing your coverage. Also, unfortunately we all really need to read our contracts and many of us don't do that until something out of the ordinary happens.


I hope you can move on from this and take whatever precautions you think necessary from now on but also don't become overly concerned to the point of letting it control your thoughts.

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A simple fact that seems to keep getting lost: $300 is the amount they offer, IF you don't purchase any other insurance, or have any personal insurance.


Reimbursement is much higher for those who have insurance.


Ma Bell and others have been trying to say this several different ways.



You keep saying they should go around these parameters and give more to...who? Their best, highest-cruising customers? A newlywed on their honeymoon without much money? A senior on a fixed income to whom this cruise was a lifelong dream? The squeakiest wheel?




Or have a...policy...where they treat everyone equally, and give everyone the equal opportunity to purchase insurance.

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Just found this thread and Mel I feel so sorry what has happened to you and Ken.


I kept hoping by the end of reading all posts there would be a happy ending. I still hope for that!


I am one of many who did not know there was a $300 limit per bag. I will never leave my bags in the hall again. Thanks for letting us know.


You have handled this with class and patience. Please still keep us posted.



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Apology accepted.


When something like this happens it's easy to let it become all consuming. I know you feel Celebrity has not been compassionate enough but I really don't know how that translates into something more tangible. I'm sure in the beginning they thought it would be found so they treated it as part of the normal business of finding it. From your description of the process you have been through, it's what would normally be done in a case like this. You have certainly been very unfortunate in that the luggage has not been found. As you can see from many others, usually it is.


I've been sailing on Celebrity ships since the early 90s and, when something goes wrong that is clearly their fault, I have found them to be very fair. In fact there have been times when they have been concerned that there was a problem and it was something that didn't even bother us. I think the problem with this situation is that it's really not clear that the responsibility lies with them. It really seems that someone else just took your suitcases.


As I have tried to communicate, there are plenty of options available for increasing your coverage. Also, unfortunately we all really need to read our contracts and many of us don't do that until something out of the ordinary happens.


I hope you can move on from this and take whatever precautions you think necessary from now on but also don't become overly concerned to the point of letting it control your thoughts.


Thank you for understanding.


It probably seems all consuming as here I am almost three months later and still dealing with it. It hasn't been really. There were weeks in between each stage or phone call where I had nothing to do but wait. The claim took weeks to process, getting the money is taking weeks. I think it's a slow process for sure.


As I said a few posts back - I have taken it as far as I feel I need to. Whether people agree or not I have done what feels right to me and that honestly allows me to move on. I will not have any regrets about not talking to this person or trying to contact that one.


Have I learned valuable lessons in the process - oh ya! From using multiple credit cards to pay for a cruise (bad idea in my case), to packing sentimental items that can't be replaced there are definately some take aways for me here. I still say I will carry my own bags off the ship in February but I know you're not too happy to hear that! :p


Please don't blame me if there is sudden influx of self disembarkments! :eek:


Right now I am trying to finish the last 4 days of my review. That is a lot of work in itself. I am up to the very last day of the cruise which is sad to write as I never like the end of a vacation.

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Just found this thread and Mel I feel so sorry what has happened to you and Ken.


I kept hoping by the end of reading all posts there would be a happy ending. I still hope for that!


I am one of many who did not know there was a $300 limit per bag. I will never leave my bags in the hall again. Thanks for letting us know.


You have handled this with class and patience. Please still keep us posted.




Thank you Nancy! I have read of bags showing up as late as 6 months later so there is still a faint glimmer of hope. By then I'd just end up with two of everything!



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Thank you for understanding.


It probably seems all consuming as here I am almost three months later and still dealing with it. It hasn't been really. There were weeks in between each stage or phone call where I had nothing to do but wait. The claim took weeks to process, getting the money is taking weeks. I think it's a slow process for sure.


As I said a few posts back - I have taken it as far as I feel I need to. Whether people agree or not I have done what feels right to me and that honestly allows me to move on. I will not have any regrets about not talking to this person or trying to contact that one.


Have I learned valuable lessons in the process - oh ya! From using multiple credit cards to pay for a cruise (bad idea in my case), to packing sentimental items that can't be replaced there are definately some take aways for me here. I still say I will carry my own bags off the ship in February but I know you're not too happy to hear that! :p


Please don't blame me if there is sudden influx of self disembarkments! :eek:


Right now I am trying to finish the last 4 days of my review. That is a lot of work in itself. I am up to the very last day of the cruise which is sad to write as I never like the end of a vacation.


That's OK we'll just make sure they have a rule that anything larger than a carry on will have to be taken down the stairs. LOL

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That's OK we'll just make sure they have a rule that anything larger than a carry on will have to be taken down the stairs. LOL




That would be a quick fix I am sure! Then there would be complaints about broken wheels, twisted ankles.......it never stops.

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I am not sure what line of work you're in,......


Next I think the policy itself for lost luggage is unrealistic...........


Wow. With no exaggeration I am in total awe of your energy. I agree with most or all of Ma Bell's comments, but I would have added that, on the other side of the coin, you are an amazing (in a very good sense) member of what is, after all, a discussion forum.


That having been said, I can not come close to having the energy to dissect each point and example you raise. But hopefully I can get at the gist of our difference.


First of all, I worked until quite recently for an institution employing thousands, and had to serve in many decision-making capacities over the years. As far as rules go, my goals were always fairness and transparency. Transparency -- that everyone knew the rules -- was by far the easier of the two, not that one could ever hope that people did actually know all the rules. But we did our part to make the information available. The rest was the responsibility of each individual.


Fairness? Goodness, even King Solomon had trouble with that one, and I am far from a Solomon. However, of this I am fairly certain. The crux of fairness is trying to treat everyone in the same situation the same --- and that statement seems to be what is putting us at loggerheads. (That does not mean that similar scenarios should lead to the same response if, for example, one individual is doing fine and the other just lost a spouse. Compassion and common sense are essential for administrators, but justified compassion, not just convenience to get rid of "squeakiness.")


You brought up the actions of a retail store in trying to keep your business by bending the rules, and I whole-heartedly agree with such a strategy. The difference is precisely that they are in the retail business, where such behavior (in the United States) is expected -- I would be surprised and defiant if I also did not have the rules bent by my Walmart or my Lowes, in all sorts of scenarios. But the cruise industry is not a Walmart or Lowes type business.


And that is the beginning of our differences. Should the cruise industry make exceptions to their rules in exceptional circumstances? Absolutely. Were you suffering from disabilities, from injury, from terrible home news, from any number of situations which would set you apart from the average traveler, and for whom picking up the additional burden of lost luggage liability would just be an act of kindness, I would be 100% in favor of X making such an exception to policy.


But you were not, as far as we have been told. You seem to have been a typical passenger in every way, except for being unlucky enough to have your luggage lost. Thus, there is absolutely nothing exceptional in your story to justify giving you more than the clearly stated rules, especially when travel insurance is set up precisely for that coverage. Indeed, insurance has been offered to me by every agency we have used in our 30+ cruises (in fact, with most agencies we have to explicitly decline the coverage), and so giving you a special amount because you declined to insure would, in my opinion, be unfair to every other typical passenger with your experience.


I hope I have written this clearly enough to explain my belief that compassion should be called upon for people in need, but fair and equal application of policy should be the operating principle for ordinary cases. Perhaps I have missed something, but yours does seem to fall into the ordinary case group.


Now, as far as getting the cruise industry to raise the $300 liability limit, hey, where do I sign up? I am all for such a movement. But not by asking for special consideration in my own case.


Which brings up an interesting question. Suppose your defense had been that yes, you certainly do not deserve more than the clearly stated liability limit, or yes, this is admittedly your own fault for not buying insurance (a response which would have eliminated all the negativity you feel you encountered, I would hope), but that the financial loss is for you significant, so what is wrong with working up the food chain to try to get some more compensation?


I can understand those who would argue it is simply wrong, but I think I would have defended you. There are cultural issues here, which opens a whole new can of worms, and I have already reached writing fatigue, but it would have made for an interesting thread. Or perhaps I am a glutton for discussion forum disputes.

Edited by billie5
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Ive been reading these posts and I cant believe some of the mean posts.

Having had my luggage lost twice by airlines and right before a cruise, I can really sympathise.

I was fortunate enough that both times my luggage did finally get returned to me

A lot of people seem to miss your point.

Its bad enough losing everything but you have had to go through so much to try and trace your luggage and even though you are a loyal cruiser with Celebrity, they have treated you really badly. They may say in the small print they are not responsible but its not just the cost involved its the fact they have not been very supportive or proactive in assisting you.

Its very hurtful and I hope Celebrity is reading this post and learning from it.

Ive always found the staff on the ships very helpful but unfortunately customer service on the ground has been very lacking when we have needed assistance.

I bet a lot of the people who have posted unpleasant comments have never had it happen to them and if they did they would probably kick up a right stink!!!!

I think you have been so patient and I really do hope your luggage will come back.

I also really hope Celebrity will do the decent thing as well.



Perfectly stated. I too would be upset to end a wonderful vacation this way. so sorry your luggage was/is lost and that Celebrity has not stepped up more. I will now hope for a Christmas miracle...that it is found and returned this holiday season.



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Thank you for understanding.


It probably seems all consuming as here I am almost three months later and still dealing with it. It hasn't been really. There were weeks in between each stage or phone call where I had nothing to do but wait. The claim took weeks to process, getting the money is taking weeks. I think it's a slow process for sure.


As I said a few posts back - I have taken it as far as I feel I need to. Whether people agree or not I have done what feels right to me and that honestly allows me to move on. I will not have any regrets about not talking to this person or trying to contact that one.


Have I learned valuable lessons in the process - oh ya! From using multiple credit cards to pay for a cruise (bad idea in my case), to packing sentimental items that can't be replaced there are definately some take aways for me here. I still say I will carry my own bags off the ship in February but I know you're not too happy to hear that! :p


Please don't blame me if there is sudden influx of self disembarkments! :eek:


Right now I am trying to finish the last 4 days of my review. That is a lot of work in itself. I am up to the very last day of the cruise which is sad to write as I never like the end of a vacation.


Continue to keep your cool and class that you have had along the way. I know i had to step back and realize it wasn't what some posters were saying, but rather how they were saying it. They rude nasty comments don't help the situation nor Celebrity's reputation. That tiny bitter taste starts to turn into a wicked bad taste when come after you like they do.


Best not to feed the trolls.

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I've been sailing on Celebrity ships since the early 90s and, when something goes wrong that is clearly their fault, I have found them to be very fair. In fact there have been times when they have been concerned that there was a problem and it was something that didn't even bother us. I think the problem with this situation is that it's really not clear that the responsibility lies with them. It really seems that someone else just took your suitcases.


I disagree with the idea that the lost baggage is not Celebrity's responsibility. They make it their responsibility when they request passengers to tag their bags and place them in the hallway by 10 pm for the room stewards to collect. They make this request for their own convenience and efficiency, as they need for disembarkation to go as smoothly and quickly as possible. From that point on, it is Celebrity's obligation and responsibility to safeguard the passenger's possessions. It doesn't matter if a fellow passenger stole the luggage from the hallway, or a room steward, or dockworker. It is Celebrity's responsibility to safeguard the luggage until it is delivered back to the passenger.


The ticket contract does say they have NO liability at all unless there has been negligence on their part. So I think they have admitted responsibility for the loss.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Our family had an **awesome** time on this same cruise with Melissa & Ken (we first met Mel&Ken here on CC). In fact, everything was so perfect for us that we came home and booked another Celebrity Med cruise within a week. One week! But I've been very disappointed (and at times angered) with the customer service Melissa has reported after the cruise. I didn't understand it. She was told to itemize and submit all receipts with the assurance that she could dispute the settlement when offered. But then after weeks of waiting and hoping, she's told there will be no dispute. In fact she cannot even speak with a supervisor. That really made me mad.


I'm heartened that someone higher up in the organization is showing some interest in this situation. I'm sure that means a lot to Melissa, and it means something to me too. I hope there will be an opportunity for that promised dispute and the case will be closed and we can all go back to loving Celebrity. The sooner, the better! :)

Edited by Deb0702
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I disagree with the idea that the lost baggage is not Celebrity's responsibility. They make it their responsibility when they request passengers to tag their bags and place them in the hallway by 10 pm for the room stewards to collect. They make this request for their own convenience and efficiency, as they need for disembarkation to go as smoothly and quickly as possible. From that point on, it is Celebrity's obligation and responsibility to safeguard the passenger's possessions. It doesn't matter if a fellow passenger stole the luggage from the hallway, or a room steward, or dockworker. It is Celebrity's responsibility to safeguard the luggage until it is delivered back to the passenger.


The ticket contract does say they have NO liability at all unless there has been negligence on their part. So I think they have admitted responsibility for the loss.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Our family had an **awesome** time on this same cruise with Melissa & Ken (we first met Mel&Ken here on CC). In fact, everything was so perfect for us that we came home and booked another Celebrity Med cruise within a week. One week! But I've been very disappointed (and at times angered) with the customer service Melissa has reported after the cruise. I didn't understand it. She was told to itemize and submit all receipts with the assurance that she could dispute the settlement when offered. But then after weeks of waiting and hoping, she's told there will be no dispute. In fact she cannot even speak with a supervisor. That really made me mad.


I'm heartened that someone higher up in the organization is showing some interest in this situation. I'm sure that means a lot to Melissa, and it means something to me too. I hope there will be an opportunity for that promised dispute and the case will be closed and we can all go back to loving Celebrity. The sooner, the better! :)


You quoted my post but apparently didn't read it. I didn't say Celebrity has no responsibility, I said it's not clear that it was theirs. In this case it could be something they did, but it's just as likely that someone took their bags after they left the ship. A good example is the way airports handle bags. Once the airline gets to the airport the bags are unloaded by airport workers. We have had a rash of baggage thefts from the carousels lately at our airport. Is is the airline's fault or the security at the baggage claim?


Most of the time it's fairly easy to see who's responsibility it is when something goes wrong but in the case of baggage handling it's not. That's why it's wise to insure your baggage for more if you are concerned about it.


They also request that you put the baggage out the night before because you might not be too happy trying to juggle your large suitcases into an elevator or down the stairs with 2800 people all leaving at approximately the same time. What fun it would be trying to make a reservation to get home when you couldn't get off the ship in a timely manner. I guess they could just not let anyone board the ship until about 4 PM to begin their cruise and have a free for all on disembarkation day.

Edited by Ma Bell
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You quoted my post but apparently didn't read it. I didn't say Celebrity has no responsibility, I said it's not clear that it was theirs. In this case it could be something they did, but it's just as likely that someone took their bags after they left the ship. A good example is the way airports handle bags. Once the airline gets to the airport the bags are unloaded by airport workers. We have had a rash of baggage thefts from the carousels lately at our airport. Is is the airline's fault or the security at the baggage claim?


Most of the time it's fairly easy to see who's responsibility it is when something goes wrong but in the case of baggage handling it's not. That's why it's wise to insure your baggage for more if you are concerned about it.


They also request that you put the baggage out the night before because you might not be too happy trying to juggle your large suitcases into an elevator or down the stairs with 2800 people all leaving at approximately the same time. What fun it would be trying to make a reservation to get home when you couldn't get off the ship in a timely manner. a


Ma please try to calm down. I did read your post. You said it wasn't clear that it was their responsibility and I'm saying to me it is crystal clear. They say as much in the ticket contract.




Also, the cruise line has at least as much interest, if not more, in getting passengers off the ship as quickly as possible. They have deadlines to meet too.

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I am not sure what line of work you're in, but I think given your statements you would be surprised to learn how many businesses have such a pool of money. My company does. My front line staff have a dollar limit to use as they see fit; do what you think is best for the client. I of course have the same authority without such limits and there is not a method in place to decide. It would impossible to imagine every scenario and come up with a method for each one. It really becomes a judgement call.




This reminds me of our recent flight to Vegas. There was an empty row on the plane and as soon as the door shut a man across from us asked very nicely if he could move seats which he was allowed to do. Well the person next to us huffed and grunted and complained the whole time about why they didn't get to move and how unfair it was that he got to move and I didn't - yet he didn't say a word or ask if he could move.




Something we agree on!!!!




After I booked this cruise two offers became available; first one for a $1000 OBC and the second was the ever popular 123GO promotion. Both offers stated very clearly that they were "Available for New Bookings only". I picked up the phone and asked to have the offer applied. The first time I was told I couldn't so I very nicely asked the agent if they would assist me in cancelling my cruise and then rebooking it so I too could have the offer - suddenly it could be done. When I called again later for the 123GO it was done without hesitation.


So to look at it in the same light as the luggage - I read the policy, I called anyway and they made an exception for me. Did this exception cost Celebrity money? It sure did because we already planned on buying the beverage package and the OBC covered our upgrade to premium.


So do you also think this is "unfair to responsible travelers" who "took a risk and accept the terms"? Should I not be able to call and at least try for better? Would you just accept the price you paid and the offer you got at time of booking and chock it up to the risk of booking early?


We benefit from companies breaking policy every day - when is the last time you sat on a plane and watched people come on with clearly more than one personal item and one bag? Or a ticket agent let you go even though you luggage was slightly over weight and they looked the other way?


I returned two pairs of jeans last night. I lost the receipt and decided to try anyway. So there I stood right under a sign that said "no returns or exchanges without a reciept" and I asked. I offered to accept the lowest sale price and to also accept a store credit instead of cash. I walked out with the full value of my purchase on a store credit. It was the right thing to do and a smart thing as I am now very happy with their service and will shop there again.


I could literally write out examples all day but I won't (whew). :p I think it gets to a point where we will just always be on opposite sides of an issue and nothing either of us say will sway the other.


My issue now is how do I handle future updates on my claim? I already know there are people reading this who are literally rooting for Celebrity to say NO to anything outside the $300. So let's say they offer more - do I share with everyone on this post only to subject myself to the negativity and accusations? It really isn't pleasant - especially when you're only trying to be helpful.


If Celebrity does settle with you in order to end this saga, you should definitely keep the settlement confidential between you and Celebrity. The cruise line needs to uphold the integrity of their policies and documents. If any good comes out of all of this, hopefully they can settle with you and make a better effort publicizing baggage liability limits and the insurance they make available (at a great profit) for customers; thus avoiding this kind of thing from ever happening again.

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Ma please try to calm down. I did read your post. You said it wasn't clear that it was their responsibility and I'm saying to me it is crystal clear. They say as much in the ticket contract.




Also, the cruise line has at least as much interest, if not more, in getting passengers off the ship as quickly as possible. They have deadlines to meet too.


What makes you think I'm not calm? Of course the cruise line has an interest in getting the luggage off quickly. They have another cruise beginning and they have a lot of passengers who would like to get on an airplane. They would also have a lot of really angry passengers if they didn't unload their baggage.


I don't know what you mean by they say as much in the contract. They say they have no liability except in the case of negligence.


The truth is...things happen when we travel, even thought they are few and far between. For the most part, they do a good job of getting people and their things to where they are supposed to be. The reason they sell travel insurance is that occasionally things go wrong. They make it known that travel insurance is available any time you book a cruise, whether directly with Celebrity or from a travel agent. You are the one that has to decide if you want to take the risk of traveling without it.

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What makes you think I'm not calm? Of course the cruise line has an interest in getting the luggage off quickly. They have another cruise beginning and they have a lot of passengers who would like to get on an airplane. They would also have a lot of really angry passengers if they didn't unload their baggage.


I don't know what you mean by they say as much in the contract. They say they have no liability except in the case of negligence.


The truth is...things happen when we travel, even thought they are few and far between. For the most part, they do a good job of getting people and their things to where they are supposed to be. The reason they sell travel insurance is that occasionally things go wrong. They make it known that travel insurance is available any time you book a cruise, whether directly with Celebrity or from a travel agent. You are the one that has to decide if you want to take the risk of traveling without it.


I thought you sounded a little amped up when you accused me of quoting your post but not reading it.


Here is the wording in the contract that I was referring to:

b. Liability for Loss of or Damage to Baggage. Unless negligent, Carrier is neither responsible nor liable for any loss of or damage to Passenger's

property, whether contained in luggage or otherwise. [snip]


If they are negligent, they are responsible and liable. Once responsibility is established, the contract then limits (unfairly I think) their liability to $300 per passenger.

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I thought you sounded a little amped up when you accused me of quoting your post but not reading it.


Here is the wording in the contract that I was referring to:

b. Liability for Loss of or Damage to Baggage. Unless negligent, Carrier is neither responsible nor liable for any loss of or damage to Passenger's

property, whether contained in luggage or otherwise. [snip]


If they are negligent, they are responsible and liable. Once responsibility is established, the contract then limits (unfairly I think) their liability to $300 per passenger.


So you are saying that because they are willing to give Mel $600. they are admitting they are negligent? I say this is what they would consider good will. They have limited the amount they are willing to pay for baggage loss, but have not admitted they are negligent. If they didn't want to they wouldn't have to pay anything in this case because there is no evidence at all that they were negligent.


As far as the $300. not being reasonable, I'm sure they could raise the amount and charge us accordingly. They aren't going to do it for free. The next sentence in the contract tells us how we can pay for more insurance on our bags up to $5000. There are also many independent insurance policies and also coverage from many major credit card companies.

Edited by Ma Bell
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It is obvious that Mel and Ken are very nice people and have made a lot of friends both on their cruise and on this board.


However, it does not alter the fact that Celebrity is acting within the limits of their published policy.


Some may not think it is a "fair" policy, but as has been pointed out many times, it is the policy, and everyone does have the opportunity to purchase more insurance if they are not happy with those limits.


What would NOT be fair is if it were applied arbitrarily.

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Self disembarkation is very organized. We have never had a problem if you arrive early and get to the elevators early. They have you meet usually in the dining room and they do not make any announcements so it is not a mass exitus. I will continue to self disembark. Much easier and organized at least with celebrity. We have done it with carnival and it was a mess. Happy sailing.


Self disembarkation works well for shorter cruises and for younger passengers. Many passengers must put their cases out since they need some help with them. Don't know what the solution to the problem is but not everyone can self disembark and those that can't are at risk for losing cases.


Unlikely for crew for take them from inside.... they have tight quarters and no room to hide stuff.



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So you are saying that because they are willing to give Mel $600. they are admitting they are negligent? I say this is what they would consider good will. They have limited the amount they are willing to pay for baggage loss, but have not admitted they are negligent. If they didn't want to they wouldn't have to pay anything in this case because there is no evidence at all that they were negligent.


As far as the $300. not being reasonable, I'm sure they could raise the amount and charge us accordingly. They aren't going to do it for free. The next sentence in the contract tells us how we can pay for more insurance on our bags up to $5000. There are also many independent insurance policies and also coverage from many major credit card companies.


Yes precisely. That is exactly what I'm saying. It is the cruise lines responsibility to deliver the luggage back to the passenger and they failed. They are responsible for that failure. The same hold true for the airlines doesn't it? If your luggage is stolen off off the carousel the passenger doesn't make their claim against the airport. It's the airline that is ultimately responsible and that is where you make your claim. They received your checked luggage and it is their responsibility to deliver it back to you. The airline can take it up with the airport security and I'm sure they will, but that is not your problem.


Do you suppose that cruise lines lose passengers' luggage so frequently that it would become a major burden if they increased their liability limits to a more fair and reasonable level, say on par with the airlines? I wonder...

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