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Cruise Security

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I am sailing on a cruise that goes to Greek Isles & Turkey in May. First I was worried because of the advance of ISIS. Then came the Ebola. This week I was finally getting excited and ready to book my air tickets today. This morning my cousin told me that the jhadists are now using cruise ships to travel & there may be another situation like there was years ago. Our cruise goes to Ephesus Turkey. Does anyone know anything about this and should I contact the cruise line? Thank you.

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Ephesus is not a port. Kusadasi is the actual port for Ephesus, and:


1) It is not anywhere near Africa or any reported Ebola cases, so far as I am aware.


2) It is an 18-hour trip by road from Kusadasi to the Turkey-Syria border.


3) Really....jihadists using cruise ships? This is something we are supposed to take seriously?



Honestly, if someone is so concerned about things that have a very, very, very slight probability of happening, perhaps one should just stay home.


(P.S. I was in three ports in Turkey about a week ago, including Kusadasi -- which is a major resort where many Europeans vacation, by the way. Absolutely no problems whatsoever.)

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The reports are saying that they have used ferries from Istanbul, that was on CNN earlier this afternoon. I do not believe they would use a regular cruise ship. What does make sense is to keep apprised of the State Dept. Watch List and world news. Cruise ships do not port where it is not safe and if anyone on the ship is uncomfortable they can stay on the ship. I think right now you are needlessly worrying about this wonderful trip.

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First of all, cruisemom, I am very offended by your patronizing reply. I am not a stupid moron. I know how far Syria is from Ephesus. I know that Ephesus is not where the cruise ships dock, but it is still the port of call even though the ships dock in Kusadasi. Ebola may not be there, but it was a concern for air travelers in recent weeks. I have worked in the travel business for over 35 years in both airlines and travel agencies traveling to every state in the US as well as 4 continents. I am not a travel moron.

The news about jhadists using cruise ships to enter Turkish ports was reported on CNN, RT, Time, BBC news, NY Times, Fox News, ABC News, CBS News, etc. within the past 24 hours. Those trying to join ISIS are having a hard time with airport security so they are booking passage on cruise ships because security is less tight and they can get off in port & disappear in the crowd. Interpol is trying to set up I-CHECKIT system now to link up the cruiseships on their database to tighten security. All these sources did not mention ferries. They mentioned cruise ships. We have relatives living in Turkey who have also told us these things as well. I have been planning vacations for many many people as well as myself over the years and I don't scare easy. This is the first time in over 35 years that I have hesitated about a vacation and I usually do independent vacations, not taking ship excursions but venturing out on our own, mingling with the locals on local transportation, so I am not afraid of new things.

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Lanceholt, thank you for your reply. I don't know how worried I should be. But maybe it is good that this is being discussed so that the correct security steps can be put in place. I know that the cruises I have been on had metal detectors and they checked all passengers getting on and off ships & also they ask about a person's physical health. We shall see. Like I said, in over 35 years, this is the first time that I have been concerned. I was in Rome at the time that bombs were being set off in the airport in 1985. There were military patrolling all over & I was pregnant at the time as well & my mother was worrying but I still went anyway. My trip to Greece was cancelled due to safety concerns at that time. I was traveling for my job in the travel industry and they didn't want me going there.

Edited by angeleyes27
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If you felt I was belittling you, my apologies. I realize (reading my earlier reply) that I came off sounding very annoyed. The truth is that I am annoyed with the media for all their irresponsible hyping of situations like ebola and jihadists on cruise ships and I let it spill over into my reply.


However, I do think that -- as responsible and intelligent adults -- it is up to us to put these "hyped" risks into perspective. If you go and read the reports about the jihadists, for example, it looks to me like whoever originally made those statements has already tried to walk them back a couple of times. No one is giving any real facts or is willing to answer the question about exactly how many jihadists have traveled aboard cruise ships. My guess would be very, very few.


As a traveler, I always try to think how likely any of these scenarios would be to happen. The logical part of me realizes that it is far more likely that I would catch the flu at home and die from it than that I would ever be exposed to Ebola on on airplane. And given the events of this past year, it seems far more likely that I could be randomly kidnapped and killed in my own town (as just a couple of days ago a teen killed his father here for no apparent reason....) than that I'd be beheaded by a jihadist.


I do believe that if someone is going to travel fearfully and not be able to enjoy their trip, they may be better off traveling elsewhere (or not traveling at all).

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First of all, cruisemom, I am very offended by your patronizing reply. I am not a stupid moron. I know how far Syria is from Ephesus. I know that Ephesus is not where the cruise ships dock, but it is still the port of call even though the ships dock in Kusadasi. Ebola may not be there, but it was a concern for air travelers in recent weeks. I have worked in the travel business for over 35 years in both airlines and travel agencies traveling to every state in the US as well as 4 continents. I am not a travel moron.

The news about jhadists using cruise ships to enter Turkish ports was reported on CNN, RT, Time, BBC news, NY Times, Fox News, ABC News, CBS News, etc. within the past 24 hours. Those trying to join ISIS are having a hard time with airport security so they are booking passage on cruise ships because security is less tight and they can get off in port & disappear in the crowd. Interpol is trying to set up I-CHECKIT system now to link up the cruiseships on their database to tighten security. All these sources did not mention ferries. They mentioned cruise ships. We have relatives living in Turkey who have also told us these things as well. I have been planning vacations for many many people as well as myself over the years and I don't scare easy. This is the first time in over 35 years that I have hesitated about a vacation and I usually do independent vacations, not taking ship excursions but venturing out on our own, mingling with the locals on local transportation, so I am not afraid of new things.


Wow, so don't go if you are that worried, you are more likely to get in a car accident on the way to the airport or port then any of what you stated happening.

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No cruise ship is going to take you to a dangerous area. As already mentioned, if you are so worried about it, stay at home. it is common knowledge that many media reports are blown out of all proportion, otherwise nobody would watch them


I can't imagine you are more likely to catch Ebola in Turkey than in LA or NYC. If everybody thought they were going to be victims of a terrorist attack, then there would be no tourism and these evil people would have won.

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In defense of Cruisemom, your post came across as your were scared to travel for all the reasons you stated and I would have said the same thing you did. In reading your other replies,and given the that fact you have been in the travel business for 35 years you still come across as fearful to travel. Sorry,but this is fact,so I would agree for you not to travel until YOU feel comfortable in doing so as it would not be a good trip for you all stressed out about what could happen.No offense.

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First of all, cruisemom, I am very offended by your patronizing reply. I am not a stupid moron. I know how far Syria is from Ephesus. I know that Ephesus is not where the cruise ships dock, but it is still the port of call even though the ships dock in Kusadasi. Ebola may not be there, but it was a concern for air travelers in recent weeks. I have worked in the travel business for over 35 years in both airlines and travel agencies traveling to every state in the US as well as 4 continents. I am not a travel moron.

The news about jhadists using cruise ships to enter Turkish ports was reported on CNN, RT, Time, BBC news, NY Times, Fox News, ABC News, CBS News, etc. within the past 24 hours. Those trying to join ISIS are having a hard time with airport security so they are booking passage on cruise ships because security is less tight and they can get off in port & disappear in the crowd. Interpol is trying to set up I-CHECKIT system now to link up the cruiseships on their database to tighten security. All these sources did not mention ferries. They mentioned cruise ships. We have relatives living in Turkey who have also told us these things as well. I have been planning vacations for many many people as well as myself over the years and I don't scare easy. This is the first time in over 35 years that I have hesitated about a vacation and I usually do independent vacations, not taking ship excursions but venturing out on our own, mingling with the locals on local transportation, so I am not afraid of new things.


I have heard these same news reports and it makes sense that they might THINK security is less tight on a cruise ship. Now that everyone has been alerted, I feel strongly that any security outside the port as you enter and again as you re board the ship will be tightened. I agree it is a scary prospect. We each have to do what we are comfortable with. Follow your instincts.

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Lanceholt, thank you for your reply. I don't know how worried I should be. But maybe it is good that this is being discussed so that the correct security steps can be put in place. I know that the cruises I have been on had metal detectors and they checked all passengers getting on and off ships & also they ask about a person's physical health. We shall see. Like I said, in over 35 years, this is the first time that I have been concerned. I was in Rome at the time that bombs were being set off in the airport in 1985. There were military patrolling all over & I was pregnant at the time as well & my mother was worrying but I still went anyway. My trip to Greece was cancelled due to safety concerns at that time. I was traveling for my job in the travel industry and they didn't want me going there.


I think all of us need to be alert these days. We have gone to Europe numerous times and my husband traveled the world with his job for over 40 years, so we too are confident travelers. I'll also give a for instance......he was in Istanbul on business years ago, no problem, had a wonderful experience.....not a long time later was when they were targeting US businessmen, so he skipped the next meeting because of that. What I call being prudent.


We were in Athens a couple of years ago not long after the troubles there....while we mostly go on our own on shore, that time we took a half day cruise excursion to be on the safer side.


Today's report of the three US soldiers having problems in Istanbul concerned me, so we will monitor till next year. This part of the world is having a lot of issues right now.

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We had an "interesting" experience leaving Istanbul last month. We were on a flight from Istanbul to Amsterdam. There were 3 layers of security inside the gate area. The gate agent was very upset with the passport of a male passenger. She thought it was fake and tried to keep him off the flight. The passenger was allowed to board the plane. The excitement started when we started down the gangway in Amsterdam. We were "greeted" by six armed policemen. We had to show boarding passes for next flight and passport. We assumed they were looking for the male passenger as we were among the first off and they had to slow down the departing passengers to detain the male passenger. Once I got over the shock of the greeting I assumed Interpol was able to get arrest warrants while we were in flight. My thoughts were the 20 something young man could have been a jihadi returning home....or maybe I read too much online.

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Yes, that is what I am hoping...that security will be stepped up in view of what is going on in the area. That is what I was hoping would be the focus of discussion instead of just not going. I wanted to discuss my concerns. I may have been a bit harsh on cruisemom and I apologize for that. I also want to add that I have been looking forward to going to going to Turkey as I believe it to be a fascinating country with warm friendly people so I do not fault them as they are in a very very difficult situation with ISIS at their doorstep, PKK, and jhadists using their country as an entry point to Syria. I really feel for them as they have been a good ally. What I do know is that our cousins were going to meet us having been residents in Istabul for many years. They loved Turkey and said they felt safer there than many cities in the US. But in September, they didn't feel safe and are now in Germany. This is the first time I have heard this from them in years. She left her job and he is seeking employment elsewhere.

However, I am not going to stay home. I have until March to assess the situation. If I don't feel it is safe enough to feel comfortable, then we will keep our flights into Italy and do a land tour in Italy with travel into Austria. If I have to do that, then I will do this cruise at another time when the situation has improved. My husband has ties to the military so he has some concern. He also has Stage 4 cancer in remission so he has to be careful if he is on flights where there is a chance of coming in contact with Ebola so that is why I mentioned about Ebola. There is always Iceland, Norway, Australia, Spain, etc. yes, things can happen anywhere but it is wise to be aware and prudent. This ISIS thing is the one that I am concerned about as they seem to be barbaric and my sympathies go out to all those effected.



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We were on a cruise last year through the middle east in many hot spots. Without disclosing some of the security that I became aware of (& probably alot more than I was not), there is special security on cruise ships that are traveling in these areas. We also had a separate training session on security precautions & drills. Cruise lines are not stupid (hopefully ) on putting pax , crew & their ships in high danger.When necessary, cruise lines cancel ports or change itineraries that they deem not to be safe. Enjoy but use good common sense when visiting all ports .

Edited by dabear
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That is good to know. I hope they increase the security. The cruise ships that I have traveled on take your pictures & make sure that you look like your pictures, but perhaps the finger scans would be good as well and also to link up with the Interpol databases to research who is getting on the ships. I know about 4 years ago there was intelligence info that terrorists wanted to use the cruise ships for hostages, but it seems that cruise lines were alerted and security was beefed up. Because of my employment position, I am at higher risk of being a target and have to alert our company security officer whenever I travel internationally but not until a month ahead of time. I registered with the State Department alert system as well. Forget what it is called.

I had been thinking of going with Ephesus Shuttle or Ephesus Deluxe. Do you think they are safe or is it safer to take a cruise ship shore excursion or there is no difference? Our cousins were going to meet us in Ephesus & take us on a tour, but now they have left the country. She said that the riots last year were not to worry about as the president there is trying to go back to more traditional Islam ways and is curbing some freedoms of the people.

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Thousands of European tourists visit Turkey every summer, including my sister and friend. If there was any problem our Foreign Office would be advising not to go. I don't know why you think tourist destinations in Turkey are any less safe than say, Washington DC or NYC?


I have no idea what the US government says to their citizens, but they seem good at scaremongering. As already stated, no cruise line will intentionally put their passengers in danger.

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angleyes27: I recall reading good things about Ephesus Delux but am unfamiliar with the other. Last year on Regent our tour was included so I don't have a name to recommend. We've been to Ephesus 2x and it's quite interesting. Be sure to include the terrace homes as part of your tour. It takes about 1 1/2 hours to get there from the port. Some tours include the Virgin Mary's house. I do think a group tour is fine for this place (normally we prefer private or small tours). we had lunch on the way to the site & were forced to stop at a carpet factory , which we thought was a waste of time.

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angleyes27: I recall reading good things about Ephesus Delux but am unfamiliar with the other. Last year on Regent our tour was included so I don't have a name to recommend. We've been to Ephesus 2x and it's quite interesting. Be sure to include the terrace homes as part of your tour. It takes about 1 1/2 hours to get there from the port. Some tours include the Virgin Mary's house. I do think a group tour is fine for this place (normally we prefer private or small tours). we had lunch on the way to the site & were forced to stop at a carpet factory , which we thought was a waste of time.


From Kusadasi port, it is only about 30 minutes to Ephesus. Maybe you are thinking of the longer drive from Izmir?

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From Kusadasi port, it is only about 30 minutes to Ephesus. Maybe you are thinking of the longer drive from Izmir?


You are correct, 30 minutes from Kusadasi without stops or 1 1/2 hours from Izmir.

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I am looking forward to Ephesus. I want the one tour that is a full day and does the Terrace Houses, Virgin Mary, Ephesus ruins, Basilica of St. John and Sirince. I think it was 7 hours. Ephesus Deluxe and Ephesus Shuttle had the same tour, but one was $30 more than the other. The one that was more expensive seemed to have better reviews. I know my husband & I don't want to buy a Turkish carpet so I hope we can get away without the carpet tour.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I am sailing on a cruise that goes to Greek Isles & Turkey in May. First I was worried because of the advance of ISIS. Then came the Ebola. This week I was finally getting excited and ready to book my air tickets today. This morning my cousin told me that the jhadists are now using cruise ships to travel & there may be another situation like there was years ago. Our cruise goes to Ephesus Turkey. Does anyone know anything about this and should I contact the cruise line? Thank you.


There's a lot more Ebola in the USA than there is in Turkey. I believe there's more in the USA than in the whole of Europe and Asia combined, in fact. There are numerous diseases you're far more likely to catch - leprosy and AIDS, for example. Forget Ebola, you're actually reducing your chances of catching it if you take this holiday.


As for jihadists, they aren't using cruise ships to get to Turkey. Why would they? They have a choice - fly to Greece, pay cash to get on a ferry, get off the other end, disappear, do their jihading, come back to the ferry, pay cash, go back to Greece fly home. Alternatively, pay vastly more money for a cruise ship, using a card, leave half way through, so they know you're out jihading, and you can never come home again. Which do you think they choose? The cheap anonymous one or the expensive look-at-me one?


Besides, if they're travelling to Syria, you've no worries. It's the ones who want to hijack the ship that you need to worry about! :D

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