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Silversea Water Cooler: Welcome! Part Two

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Got home an hour ago...all is well! It was a very long travel day - we spent our last evening on the CPT waterfront moping around, and left for the airport around 7:30 - and we arrived home at 8:30 tonight, 31 hours later!

Flu? Terry, we have medicine for that nowadays. I brought some along with me on this trip just in case but didn't need it. ;) Hope you feel better soon!

Apologies if some of this is disjointed. Jet lag can do that to me. Good night all!


Glad to know that J.P. and Chris are back safe and sound. Now to rest up from your vacation/adventure!! Appreciate the wine and trip back details. Yes, had gotten my flu shot earlier in October, but still got the bug. But, recovered somewhat quickly. My wife is a RN and I will check with her on the flu med options to have for the future.


Look forward to your deserved resting-up, plus seeing and hearing many more details from your fun in Africa.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


For details and visuals, etc., from our July 1-16, 2010, Norway Coast/Fjords/Arctic Circle cruise experience from Copenhagen on the Silver Cloud, check out this posting. This posting is now at 204,688 views.


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Morning Cruisers! Woke up cold and dark here this morning. We had no power until about 10:30am. We couldn't get the gas fireplace to light either! Finally enjoying HOT coffee.

The Silversea website finally opened up for us to book dinner reservations and spa visits. Some excursions are available but not all. Still making decisions, as we anxiously await more options. :D

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Hi All....


Welcome home JP & Chris.....will look forward to reading about all your adventures.

Shots......having similar power problems here as our gas folk in their infinite wisdom are replacing all the underground piping...l have been told that our little cul de sac may be closed off this week along with no heating or hot water....oh and they want access to my home while I'm away.....just what l need with only four days until l head for the Spirit! Trying not to stress out !!!


Happy Days.......[emoji5]



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Greetings Coolers!


S....I don't know what I would do if the heat and hot water were turned off at this time of year! EEEEEK! Good timing to be away from the misery yet nasty timing to have people in your home while you are not there! Hopefully all will be well. All digits crossed for that!


Have a marvelous trip and a very awesome birthday! We'll be celebrating with you in spirit even if we're not on the Spirit! Enjoy!


JP and Chris.....Echoing the welcome home! Looking forward to hearing how your amazing trip went!


J...Hope all is well with you and Mrs. J. It has been a wee bit quiet here in the Cooler Bar.


Lola....Hope all is well with you.


Take care Coolers! Have a great day/evening!

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Having power issues is a MAJOR issue this time of year, worse as it gets colder. However, considering I live in a very remote area and am at the exact end of the power grid, sometimes we are without power for days. We have a whole-house generator, but we try not to use it unless we go more than 10 hours without power. When we are without we have no water as we are also on a well with an electric pump! Oh what fun....

Good news is that I have lots of warm Caribbean thoughts for the upcoming cruise to keep me warm.


Trying to be productive at work today. It's a slow day due to the Halloween Holiday. Also, Chili Cook-Off happening at lunch. Trying to avoid all the sugar treats that are floating around is also a problem.

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Good afternoon Coolers!


Outages .... we have them very regularly. We cannot justify a generator but we have small torches dotted around the house to grab and I have an outage box with a few other goodies that really helps. The most useful box I have is a five in one power supply which is used to pump up the car tyres without the need of a foot pump or electric pump and cables. The great thing during outages is that it also contains a small inverter, and the first thing I do is simply connect up the broadband router which means that not only can we carry on and read the papers on the ipads and email etc etc but also watch streaming TV and radio on the ipads which normally have charge left in them. We have a nice Sony bluetooth speaker for the ipad TV which makes things great. Here's the box in case anyone else wants to buy one.










I also have a couple of large car batteries and 3kw inverters to run lights and things and keep the ipads charged in case we're out for a couple of days which isn't unknown out here in the sticks. We have a full days planned outage next week when they're replacing a sub station.


Sad to hear that the Ryal Clarence Hotel in Exter has burned down and completely lost. It had Michael Caines first own kitchen and we use to go for lunch when down at Seaside. It was thought to be the first building in the UK called a "Hotel". Very sad.



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Nifty looking device, Jeff!

I just realized it is the 1st of November, and the weather here is predicted to be 75 F! Feels more like summer than Fall. I was thinking of beginning the Holiday Decorations this week at the house. However, the weather just doesn't have me in the spirit. The cruising spirit is high in our house. I'm afraid the guestroom is covered with suitcases, snorkel gear, and warm weather clothing. Time to begin the sorting!

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Greetings Coolers!


Once again, apropos of nothing....I stumbled on this video of the song Hallelujah as performed by an acapella group called Pentatonix. It gave me goosebumps! I thought you might enjoy it! :)


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From the Ottawa Citizen last week, they have this headline: "Canada tops Lonely Planet's list of 2017 destinations" with these highlights: "Lonely Planet, the world’s largest travel guide publisher, placed Canada at the top of its Best in Travel 2017: Top Countries list. Canada topped a list of 10 countries, with Colombia, Finland, Dominica and Nepal rounding out the top five."


Congratulations to Canada as number one!! Right, Mysty? Nice to see Dominica on this top five list. Super enjoyed that island early last year. Looking forward to visiting Colombia early next year for the first time.


This profile cited: "Canada’s reputation for inclusiveness, the 'impeccable politeness' of the nation’s citizens, the host of parties planned for the country’s sesquicentennial, Canada’s 'exciting fusion food and mysteriously underrated wine,' and the country’s weak dollar."


Full story at:



THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 159,483 views for this posting.

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Greetings Coolers!


Thanks Terry! Hope you get the chance to visit next year! :) Celebrate our 150th birthday!


Joc123...I couldn't find any info on the Hallelujah video location. Maybe something will pop up soon because that video has gone viral. :)


Have a great day all!

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Greetings Coolers!


Thanks Terry! Hope you get the chance to visit next year! :) Celebrate our 150th birthday!


Joc123...I couldn't find any info on the Hallelujah video location. Maybe something will pop up soon because that video has gone viral. :)


Have a great day all!


Thanks for trying, not surprised it has gone viral.

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Good Morning coolers!


It's damp, dark, and cold here in Albany. I am slowly coming to grips with the fact that we are not in the Southern Hemisphere any longer. It has been a very painful transition but looking at our trip pictures has helped a little - but it also makes me miss all the cool stuff that we saw.


I'm starting to get organized, so I've uploaded the first few days of pictures here: https://goo.gl/photos/9RRnjRnfnLFJPZfq5


I am also working on my blog though that will be a comparatively slower process. The first day or two is just the journey to Madagascar but that should be up by tomorrow at the latest. Once we really get going with Madagascar proper, it will take some time to get each entry polished up and presentable. So, stay tuned (if you'd like).


Madagascar is like no other place we've ever visited. I think it is well worth the travel time to get there. However, it is not for the fragile or faint of heart. Travel within the island from point A to point B is NOT easy. The roads are almost universally terrible and just going 100 km can eat up most of a day. So you can't do as much as you'd think - even if you have a huge amount of time like two weeks!


We covered a good portion of the northern half of the island. I would love to go back in a few years to take a shot at the rest.


All for now - hope everyone is having a great day!

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It has been a very painful transition but looking at our trip pictures has helped a little - but it also makes me miss all the cool stuff that we saw. I'm starting to get organized, so I've uploaded the first few days of pictures here: https://goo.gl/photos/9RRnjRnfnLFJPZfq5

I am also working on my blog though that will be a comparatively slower process. The first day or two is just the journey to Madagascar but that should be up by tomorrow at the latest. Madagascar is like no other place we've ever visited. I think it is well worth the travel time to get there. However, it is not for the fragile or faint of heart.


Appreciate so much these exciting and interesting details from J.P. about their Africa adventure. Fun!! Are his pictures worth checking out? Below is just one example to encourage your sampling of these exciting visuals. Looking forward to seeing more. Plus, reading added details. Keep up the great sharing.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Did a June 7-19, 2011, cruise from Barcelona that had stops in Villefranche, ports near Pisa and Rome, Naples, Kotor, Venice and Dubrovnik. Dozens of nice visuals with key highlights, tips, comments, etc. We are now at 218,683 views for this live/blog re-cap, including much on wonderful Barcelona. Check these postings and added info at:




Here is one of my top favorites from the many wonderful pictures that J.P. posted to his Google site. Check out these great visuals! Fun!!:



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Thanks for highlighting, Terry! I liked that picture of the Eastern wooly lemur so much that I made it my FB profile picture. I really wanted to put him in my carry-on bag for the trip home. Glad you approve as well! :D


We almost missed that little guy...we were hiking in the Analamazoatra Reserve and heard the cries of the Indri, so we went off-trail to find them. Eventually we found the Indri, high up in the trees, so we spent some time watching them. After a while, our necks started to hurt, so we looked down, and a few of those cuties were hanging out at eye level, less than 20 feet from where we were standing! Indri were forgotten for a few minutes.


Mysty, thanks for checking them out as well.

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Thanks JP.

I love the eyes on that lemur.

How thrilling to see so much wildlife.I am looking forward to seeing all the photos.


It's warm here.

Sunny and green.

Another day in paradise, or God's waiting room.



Have you packed up all and flown the coop to Barcelona?



Thanks for the video twas a tear jerker.



Miss the food photos.

A generator is interesting, but not edible.


Election is winding up and down.

Mind boggling. So many despicable insults hurled by both sides.

You couldn't make this stuff up.

Hardly seems real.


On a brighter note, the world series in baseball was terrific! Wonderful and exciting to watch. Way to go Cubbies!


Suitcases are at the ready.

I am dragging out the cocktail attire from the depths of the closets.

Almost time for the crossing.



Glad the flu is over and you are well.

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Election is winding up and down. Mind boggling. So many despicable insults hurled by both sides. You couldn't make this stuff up. Hardly seems real.

On a brighter note, the world series in baseball was terrific! Wonderful and exciting to watch. Way to go Cubbies!

Suitcases are at the ready. I am dragging out the cocktail attire from the depths of the closets. Almost time for the crossing.

Terry, Glad the flu is over and you are well.


Appreciate the great update and sampling from Spins. Yes, a super thrilling World Series. Personally would have liked for Cleveland to have won and match up to the earlier NBA Championship by LeBron and the Cavs.


Election Day is getting closer with our state being at the "center" of TV ads, campaigning, etc. Am doing a TV show taping tomorrow, plus another show Monday night and then spending Tuesday evening at the CBS TV station here Tuesday night doing on-air analysis. Yes, recovered from the flu and getting ready for going to Saturday's Ohio State 8 pm game hosting highly-ranked Nebraska on national TV.


Look forward to hearing about your upcoming trans-Atlantic crossing.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


If Venice is one of your future desires or past favorites, look at this earlier posting for many options and visual samples this city that is so great for "walking around", personally seeing its great history and architecture. This posting is now at 63,666 views.

Venice: Loving It & Why??!!


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Lovely, lovely pictures JP.


Us coolers are in your debt for posting and sharing them!


Thanks. :)




Thanks Jeff. Glad you enjoyed them! Should have the next batch up in a few days. We are so lucky to have had the opportunity to make this trip. Cliches are overused but Madagascar is really a lifetime destination. The landscapes are beautiful and the wildlife unique. Go if you can.


I already want to go back. Where else can you see these cool animals, AND I get to practice my terrible French! Best of everything.


Thanks JP.

I love the eyes on that lemur.

How thrilling to see so much wildlife.I am looking forward to seeing all the photos.


It's warm here.

Sunny and green.

Another day in paradise, or God's waiting room.


On a brighter note, the world series in baseball was terrific! Wonderful and exciting to watch. Way to go Cubbies!


Suitcases are at the ready.

I am dragging out the cocktail attire from the depths of the closets.

Almost time for the crossing.


Spinnaker2, the lemurs are adorable. Especially the young, if you are lucky enough to see them. But even the lizards are pretty cool. One lizard was dubbed (by us) as the "hero lizard" because of an incredible act of bravery. You'll have to wait for my blog for details but all of us were amazed by the stunt he managed to pull off.


Enjoy your warm temps. And the packing, and the crossing. Looking forward to hearing all about it!


Watched the last few innings. My butt is dragging today but it was a heck of a game!


Oh btw, you can watch DWTS again, if you like. He's gone.


Sent from my SM-G900V using Forums mobile app

Edited by jpalbny
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Good Day Coolers........


Fabulous JP......l shall look forward to reading and seeing more!


It's a cold, grey and damp day here in Wales....furry baby is well settled into his penthouse suite at the animal hotel and went in very happily which pleased me as l feel so bad leaving him [emoji17] Bonfire night was a worry as he gets so stressed out but I'm told he will have his TV on for the weekend!


So everything is finally done and cases are closed.......kids are coming down later to haul them off the bed.....and also to have a holiday drink with me...although they are joining me on board on Monday in Cartagena where they will spend the weekend beforehand.


Spins....l fly to Barcelona tomorrow....quite a few of us at the hotel so rather a nice start to the holiday!

Wishing you safe travels and a fabulous crossing on the Wind.....


Happy Day

S [emoji5]



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Thanks JP.


Election is winding up and down.

Mind boggling. So many despicable insults hurled by both sides.

You couldn't make this stuff up.

Hardly seems real.


Suitcases are at the ready.

I am dragging out the cocktail attire from the depths of the closets.

Almost time for the crossing.



A terrible sense of forboding over here about your elections. What worries me as a mere "student" of polls is the combined effect of what might be many normally sensible American but marginilised people who plan to vote Trump may not say so when polled and may inflate what polls are saying are undecided ie more undecided's are say Trump, and that it may be under-estimated and the Trump turnout also being a largely protest vote might be much stronger and firmer than polls are predicting than say on the Clinton side where turnout might be softer than polls might indicate becasue perhaps Democrats may not just be able to bring themselves to actually vote fpr her and stay at home. This would I think sort of reflect behaviour on Brexit and Scottish devolution and I fear that although it changes by the moment Trump vote may be underestimated in the polls. We might have a Trump for president and who knows what that means. But what do us Brits know.


I saw Michael Moore's homage to Hilary the other night. He is often a sensible chap but he was using Brexit as proof of "buyers remorse" in the UK and was saying that over here there had been regret by Brexiteers about how they voted. He was saying that we all wanted a revote. He has it completely wrong. I see nothing in the press or elsewhere that shows much regret on either side for their vote. All we see as that the bemoaners want another vote. Most of us want it over.


You and Soapy enjoy the travels and post when you can. :)



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