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All Things EARTH... part 2


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Anita, that is cute! I think that could be adjusted to afit over my hearing aids. It is practical and stylish. Plus that color woulov go with just about anything.


The dress is from Loft Outlet. I got it for 40% off but I had some other discounts as well.


The Gap dress was only $14.99. That was also an outlet store.


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Cute print dress Laurie! Happy belated birthday, hope you feel better. I had to go to Macy’s while in Boston (niece needed an outfit), I actually didn’t buy anything! I did see a rusty denim jacket there, it said it also came in clay, but I didn’t see it.


Severe thunderstorms this afternoon thru the weekend, hope it’s just rain not hail. We need the rain so badly. Melody



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I really like this brand of hat. I was confident getting it because I have one already. It's basically the same hat without the hole for a ponytail. I like them a lot...not too tight around the head, but they tend to stay put. I definitely think it could adjust for a hearing aid.


Have y'all explored this site?




I hit it from Pinterest because of this post:




where the author only traveled with a 12L handbag for 3 weeks. NO LUGGAGE. I thought there might be ideas there for you Margaret especially...

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Melody, I may look at Macy's online for that. It would be something I would get a lot out of. Even if I'm wearing something as a coat rather than part of an outfit, I like it when things go together.


My current denim jacket I got a year or two ago at Loft Outlet. I can honestly say that I have had very good luck there. The funny thing is, I don't really buy anything from the regular store.


Melody, thank you for both the birthday wishes and get well wishes. I'm really not certain what I have, but I can't help but it's no fun. I can barely swallow, my glands are really, really swollen, My joints are exceptionally achy, and I had chills last night too. It must be some sort of virus.


Anita, I was looking at those links. Even though I am not a light packer necessarily for a cruise, I do look for ways to minimize what I am bringing. When we go to Boston, we will be there from Friday through Sunday. I have a newer bag that I think I posted a picture of, and I am looking to only bring that for my husband and I. In some ways, my husband is worse than me. He will wear one pair of sneakers all weekend, but I'll bet he will pack and extra pair. An extra belt. A full size flashlight.


Yup, that's my hubby!


I use packing cubes and roll some clothes, not all. The rolled clothes definitely go into cubes. That isn't so much for space reasons, but I find they pack into cubes better and it is easy to see what is what and grab what you need. What I really need to learn more about is how to roll to keep wrinkles at a minimum. Anita, I would think with backpacks or soft luggage such that you have, packing cubes are important? I'm just thinking about how to keep everything where you want it.


I don't roll my dresses, ha. Sometimes, I take them off the hanger, but put them in a bag the same way I would if they were on a hanger, and just fold them in half, or three, or in four, depending on the length.


My weekend in the fall will be like Boston - I won't need anything fancy with me. I might bring a dress to change into for dinner like the my new print one with a denim jacket though. The fall is funny here...you never know what the weather will be like. It may be 80 or 70 or 60 or 50. Just like with Boston, I'll decide what to bring as we get closer.


One thing that is interesting, and I need to read up on it more, is packing jewelry. I use jewelry rolls, but they are usually not rolled after I pack them, and there are a few items that I have to pack differently. I know I like statement necklaces and all, but most jewelry rolls have very small compartments. There are a lot of necklaces that don't fit. I've been trying different things to find a way to pack them where they are both safe yet don't take up much space.

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OMG...so perfect! Otto the Orange!


Thank you all. 53 is still pretty young!


We got a few photos when we were at my birthday dinner. We went to the Dinosaur Barbeque.


You can hardly ever get a regular picture from the girls!IMG_20180516_195734.thumb.jpg.30af24d9fe6aa9a0044338a396053bcc.jpg


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Laurie , Happy Birthday ! Very cute dresses !We are leaving June 2 nd so I pretty much have all our clothes picked out .That will also be the end of my rehab . While it really helped me to get better I am ready to just return to a regular gym .

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Wow, Sally, June 2nd will be here soon! I hope you have a great cruise, you really deserve it. I think we all want to see a picture of you in that classic car! Congrats on finishing rehab. It's good to get back to one's routine.


Anita, that hat is so cute on you. Does anyone have a buff? They've come up several times as a handy and versatile accessory for safari: http://www.buffwear.com/buff-adult-headwear/original-buff?page=4

They have a video with all the different ways it can be worn.


We got our boat out of storage yesterday and it has been raining cats and dogs every since. This is the coldest May I can remember. Normally I would have my patio pots planted and all the lawn furniture out by now. We may actually use our fireplace tonight.


We have a nesting mourning dove on our porch that we are having fun watching. I can't wait until the babies are born. On our drive up here, we go through a teeny part of the Bronx, and I saw a snowy egret fly overhead. I forget that NYC has a lot of marshland.


I have one major thing to cross of my Africa shopping list. DH dug his convertible pants from 2007 out of the closet and they still fit.

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I don't have a buff...but I have a Boho Bandeau, which is functionally similar:




I think the Buff fabric talks about wicking and so might have even more functionality beyond "fashion". I like the Bandeau. I've worn it mostly as a head band...but I'm seeing new uses for it. I don't recall how loose it is for scarf usage...but we've streamed Running Wild on NBC, and on the Keri Russell Episode, she was wearing a typical bandana as a sort of scarf...almost western like with the big triangle part in front and it dawned on me that it was sun protection for her chest (she was wearing a tank) and I thought how smart is that? And now you've reminded me that I have a bandeau thing that I can try to see if it has the right shape to offer some chest sun protection!


I'm wearing one of my new leggings today and the verdict is that the knees aren't stretching or bagging out of shape. So big thumbs up on these inexpensive leggings again. We'll see how they wash...


Yay! for finding pants that still fit!


I'm so excited for you Sally! Cuba is right around the corner!


We're filing in the odds and ends that we need for Alaska. We got an idea for a new stove style from watching that show! Ordered that. Now we don't need to pick up any sort of fuel in Alaska for cooking while we are camping! Yeah!

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Sally, Cuba around the corner!


I have several Buffs, but I really don’t like them. I find they hold heat in & that’s not what is needed in Africa


Well, our hailstorm did considerable damage. We have a roofer coming for an estimate (yup, lots of damage) dd6d993b2fed4628e56baf0c84c53fdd.jpg284448401f30f2603d3a99f7afe44c38.jpgae43c819da4b39f1e981597294f63f34.jpg

This was a very little bit of the damage. Shredded all the trees & plants [emoji22]. Melody



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I have never worn anything like that on my head, mostly due to hearing aids. They do this squealing thing when you apply pressure to them. That is why I don't wear hats too.


I see a lot of people wear these or something similar at the gym or when jogging. What catches moby attention is that they seem to stay put. I never see anyone readjusting them.


Melody, that was quite a storm you had. We had some rain off and on yesterday and so far today. But no hail!


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Melody, your poor yard. Sorry for mr. turtle.


Thanks for feedback about the buff. I was concerned it might be too hot, regardless of what the website says. I think I'll go with a bandana. I don't generally like covering up that part of my body, it makes me uncomfortable, but I'll need something for when it's dusty.

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Margaret when I did the merchandise for Pikes Peak Marathon we did buffs one year, they didn’t sell well. Those that did buy them seemed to like them, almost everyone used them as a headband. I like bandannas, very versatile



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Margaret, maybe you can get an inexpensive one to try out.


Whatever virus it is that I have seems to want to linger. Im still achy with swollen glands. I hope it goes away soon!


I'm so excited for everyone's trips - Cuba, Alaska and Africa! I think I mentioned I'm doing a Canada New England cruise next year. Weare all doing some neat, different things.


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Melody...WOW...That is SOME hail! It reminds me of hearing about dramatic discounts at the car dealerships due to hail damage. i've been around hail but have never experienced that kind of damage first hand...I've been in storms that have caused similar damage to vegetation and it is so sad...so sad to see the abrupt change that is as if time lapse has occurred overnight to effect change that should have taken weeks, if not months...


I'm so sad for the turtle. It's weird but my family has owned things like that in the past...sculpture and stuff that you can ascribe a personality too. A little a la KonMari. Mom has the happiest, fattest pig with the biggest pot belly and he sits sits a la a typical teddy bear and wears the hugest grin. I swear...we might have to bury him if he were to receive similar hail damage. RIP turtle...


We went to see the opera "I Dream" today. It is said to portray the final 36 hours of Martin Luther King Jrs life. That's a bit of a fallacy as he is portrayed as having a recurring dream that recounts significant moments in his life as well as a bit of a portent regarding his death. So the opera isn't limited to the final 36 hours...as those hours include some flashbacks. This is a modern opera..as Cyrano was a modern opera and also Silent Night is a modern opera. I LOVE Silent Night...I can't recommend it enough. I would see it year after year if I could. Melody, we talked about Cyrano....not impressed.


I Dream reminded me in part of Les Miserables. DS says that has to do with the way that the orchestra was used. I believe that it has to do in part with the revolutionary aspect of the story line and something about the way that the songs were portrayed...the conviction of the singer in the face of injustice. DS says that I Dream is a period piece...all the music reflects the time period of the events portrayed. So, for an opera, we're talking about a very jazzy production. There are pieces that definitely work out the operatic vocals but all at the same time...this is Motown and jazz meets opera. DS says that this is opera in the way that the Pirates of Penzance and Les Mis are opera...and I would say that this is more Les Mis that Pirates...but I see where he's coming from.


I asked DS what he thought of the fact that it was amplified, something that classic definitely is NOT. He said that it was just further in keeping with the fact that it was a period piece and totally appropriate.


I enjoyed the storyline...something that I had learned before the opera was that King had renounced his I had a dream speech before his death...so I was very prepared to see the torn King that was portrayed in this production. Interestingly enough, the composer is an Englishman. Someone who was a barrister for more than a decade...he happened to be in attendance for our performance.


I went through the whole closet ransack in trying to decide what to wear. It's difficult when the high will be 86 but you know there will be AC to deal with. I'm in a serious debate with myself as to whether or not I should just get rid of clothing that I rejected as I went through the whole try on but reject process of getting ready today. Ultimately, I decided to wear my new short sleeved bamboo dress with my new leggings. It was perfect temperature wise...not sure how perfect in appearance:




I was wearing those tan sandals of mine I have shown before. This is an outfit that I anticipate bringing to Alaska. I'll have to share the necklace at a different time. You need to see a close up to appreciate it. Funny what that little line can do to break up that space created by the crew neck. I look at the picture and I think that these leggings remind me of tattoo arm sleeves but on the legs! I was having a very good time people watching. I LOVE people watching. And let me just say...there was EXCELLENT people watching at this opera of King on a Sunday in the south. I saw some of the best hats and hair pieces. I had to google fascinator to show DH what that was because of the people watching.


I'm so excited for Alaska...I can hardly stand it. Our new camping stoves arrived today. They are wood burning, so we don't need to purchase fuel. AWESOME!!!


Also...several shipments coming this week. I'm most excited for Tuesday when our new wedding rings will arrive. I think I have mentioned before how DH and I don't travel with precious jewelry...and how in general, I don't wear too much jewelry because I feel it gets in the way. Well, I've been wanting silicone rings for the longest time. And we finally ordered some with the Mother's Day sale. They should come Tuesday. So DH and I will be "married" on our Alaska cruise...and maybe even more often now that we have the safety rings. I'm so excited to see them!!!

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I had worn my new bamboo dress to the movies and got movie butter splatters all over it. I went straight to the store and bought an OxyClean foam product with grease cutters and all that oil stain came right out. I'm so happy it did...I have several shirts with those oil stains...and nothing I've used before has ever really worked to get them out.


I'm glad the OxyClean worked. If it doesn't work on the set in stains on the older shirts you might want to try Dawn. I discovered years ago that it works well for my family at getting grease stains out, even on set in stains.


Congrats on the new rings too:)


Laurie - Happy Belated Birthday! Hoping you feel well soon.


Melody - Sorry about your storm damage:(

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Anita , That dress is really cute with those leggings . It is a perfect Anita outfit .



Laurie , I also had that thing but I ended up getting antibiotics and that knocked it out of me pretty quick .I have been getting us ready for Cuba . I am taking mostly longer shorts and print tees sine the Cuba trips do not have formal nights I expect it to be very casual on the ship .I did pack two sundresses and pants and a top.

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Anita, I really like that dress & leggings on you. Remind me the brand of your sandals, I tried on similar ones at DSW but the zipper at the heel bugged me. I wear a silicone ring when I’m in the water, if I lose it I don’t have a lot invested



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