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Live from Mariner May 18-June 1. Vancouver to Vancouver (with Alaska in between)


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The photos are great.

I am copying down the instructions. I am assuming that one has always begun the post and then does this...am I correct?


Actually you do not have to start writing. Just click on "Reply". Then click on the little plus sign in the left corner. I find it easier to pick the picture first then write the commentary

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May 21, 2016--Wrangell Alaska


We slept soundly with totally smooth seas. We awoke to another day of bright sunny skies, with little wind and high temps in the upper 60s. Absolutely perfect.


Sailing into Wrangell, we were surrounded on all sides by small densely forested islands. In the distance, we could see the snow capped mountains in Canada on the mainland.


Wrangell is just the sort of port George and I relish. A small town that does not rely on tourism as the main industry. Good opportunities for outdoor activity. Local people who are happy we are here. And not a single diamond store or gold by the inch store in sight.


Our excursion for the day was a high country hike. Rated as strenuous, and this was a very accurate rating. Our guide was the local high school history/English/math teacher, a super nice smart guy. He does this in the summer while school is out.


There were 12 of us to start, which quickly became 11. Now my rant for the day: when a tour says description says very strenuous, 2000 ft elevation gain in 2 miles, waterproof hiking shoes or boots required, why would someone who is clearly out of shape with not even tennis shoes attempt it? And why would the cruise ship destination services let them?


The other guide had to take this person back to the ship while everyone else went on a pretty steep board walk trail to the top of a mountain where you could see in all directions. It was a difficult trail, but would have been almost impossible without the boardwalk, which was only 2 boards wide, so we had to walk single file.


Of course, George went way far ahead of everyone, no surprise! But we all made it to the top. We had a break with good views and sandwiches. Coming down was just as hard. But the guide had provided hiking poles for those who needed them. It was definitely a good workout.


Coming back, our guide took us on a tour of the town, including all the sights: hospital, school, church, police station. I love this sort of thing. Not a single tourist store anywhere. Back at the pier, there were high school kids selling local garnets. George bought a couple, and they are really pretty.


We were too tired to explore the town more, so just crashed in our room. Then I went to trivia, where the questions were still difficult, but at least, we understood what was being asked. We came in 3rd.


Dinner in Prime 7 was excellent, just too much food as it is so hard to decide what to select. I had the crab cakes and Dover sole. George thought the beef was not as good as that from our ranch. I had a little bite and agree. You shouldn't have to put a sauce on beef to make it taste good.


The show tonight is "Broadway Tonight". I have seen it several times but it is one of my favorites, so I will see how it goes tonight.

Edited by RachelG
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Rachel - George looks fantastic! It sounds as if you are really enjoying your anniversary cruise (really wish we had gone on that cruise instead of going to NYC -- don't think I'll be returning there any time soon!).


We will be visiting the Mariner when it is port in mid-June. Although it is embarkation day, we hope to see Davor and maybe Capt. Teo -- both such lovely gentlemen!


Looking forward to more reports. I also plan on trying Z's special/easier way to post photos!

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If you get this post in time, could you post a few pictures of your visit to Sawyer Glacier on Sunday. I am interested in how close you get to the glacier and if there are many icebergs in the water that prevent the ship from getting close to the glacier.

I have enjoyed your post so far.

Thanks, Rick

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Hi Rachel-

Given the nightmare that is embarkation at Vancouver. What time would you recommend arriving. For example, can one arrive at 11 and do the customs and security bit ahead of time?



Edited by tallship
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Rachel - George looks fantastic! It sounds as if you are really enjoying your anniversary cruise (really wish we had gone on that cruise instead of going to NYC -- don't think I'll be returning there any time soon!).


We will be visiting the Mariner when it is port in mid-June. Although it is embarkation day, we hope to see Davor and maybe Capt. Teo -- both such lovely gentlemen!


Looking forward to more reports. I also plan on trying Z's special/easier way to post photos!


Thanks, but I can't take the credit. I learned it from someone else CC. Sounds as if NY wasn't good to you. Sorry to hear it.


Z and TB

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Hi Rachel-

Given the nightmare that is embarkation at Vancouver. What time would you recommend arriving. For example, can one arrive at 11 and do the customs and security bit ahead of time?




Unfortunately you can't do the customs and security thing ahead of time. They have it set up like an airport where you have to check in and get your key card before you can go through customs and security. I have no idea what time would be better arrive, but noon was not good. Some friends who arrived at 2 said it took longer than they have ever experienced with Regent, and they are titanium level. Unfortunately it is the port authority that is the mess, so it just depends on how huge of an other ship they decide to check in in the same area as regent.

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Hi Rachel-

Given the nightmare that is embarkation at Vancouver. What time would you recommend arriving. For example, can one arrive at 11 and do the customs and security bit ahead of time?




Tina, you are doing Alaska again I assume? You just can't get enough, can you? Would love to do it on Mariner some time!


Unfortunately you can't do the customs and security thing ahead of time. They have it set up like an airport where you have to check in and get your key card before you can go through customs and security. I have no idea what time would be better arrive, but noon was not good. Some friends who arrived at 2 said it took longer than they have ever experienced with Regent, and they are titanium level. Unfortunately it is the port authority that is the mess, so it just depends on how huge of an other ship they decide to check in in the same area as regent.


Bear in mind that it's US border security that you're going through, since from Vancouver you're sailing into the US. So I doubt if all the blame can be laid on the port authority. Perhaps the facilities are inadequate given the increased security that's going on everywhere in the States. The news is full of the fact that TSA can't handle the traffic at airports right now.

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Tina, you are doing Alaska again I assume? You just can't get enough, can you? Would love to do it on Mariner some time!




Bear in mind that it's US border security that you're going through, since from Vancouver you're sailing into the US. So I doubt if all the blame can be laid on the port authority. Perhaps the facilities are inadequate given the increased security that's going on everywhere in the States. The news is full of the fact that TSA can't handle the traffic at airports right now.


Wendy- it was such a good deal that I freed up my calendar and took the plunge. This will be my fourth time but first for my mom. She is really nervous about it being too cold for her but I am ok with just sitting on the ship and enjoying the scenery. Not sure how she will cope with the Customs/Security line. Fingers crossed.

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Wendy - only some airports are affected. Vancouver could be one of them -- or not. We flew out of JFK yesterday -- the place was mobbed but, with pre-TSA approval we got through the line in under 5 minutes (including having to be scanned due to my knee replacement). On the other hand, if you fly out of Chicago, it is reportedly a madhouse.

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May 22, 2016--Juneau Alaska


Smooth sailing all through the night. We had to get up very early for our excursion. It was supposed to be Tracy Arm Fjord with Steward glacier, an excursion which we had done before and which I rank as my number one ship excursion ever. I have raved about this excursion on this board and had convinced several others on this trip to sign up. Unfortunately, yesterday we received the news that Tracy Arm was still iced in, something I knew ahead of time might happen. The alternate was Endicott Arm with Dawes glacier. Those who did not want to go were given the option to cancel with a full refund. We had not been to Endicott before, so decided to go as it would be a new experience.


We boarded the big Allen Marine catamaran directly from the ship. It is a very comfortable and stable vessel with 2 glass enclosed decks and a third open deck on top. Temps were in the high 40s, so being outside was a bit nippy. Inside was very comfortable with good seating. Skies were overcast, but no rain, just not great for pictures.


We traveled to the end of Endicott Arm where Dawes glacier meets the water. It is 1/2 a mile wide, but it is hard to appreciate the size because you have nothing to give you perspective. The captain got us as close as was safe. If the glacier calves, it creates a huge wave, so you have to stay a little back. We could see everything just fine, but unfortunately there was only one calving the whole time we were there.


I was very disappointed as Sawyer glacier calves almost continuously when we saw it. As we started the trip back to Juneau, everyone started eating the packed lunch which regent provided. In just a little while, some mountain goats were spotted. Then some seals, then a cute little sea otter, then a huge group of sea lions hauled up and some rocks. The naturalist was giving commentary, and the captain stopped the catamaran and spun it 360 degrees each time so everyone could get a good look.


Then the highlight, a huge pod of orcas right of the starboard side. I have been on whale watching tours that did not get such a good sighting. We watched them for quite a while. Some people were a little grouchy as they wanted to get on because they had other excursions, but the captain made up the time and got us into Juneau just a tiny bit past schedule. The orcas were really special, so the excursion redeemed itself.


The lunch packed by regent was huge, more than anyone could or should eat at a meal. Someone had the brilliant idea to take up a food collection to donate to the less fortunate in Juneau. So 2 huge bags of apples and pear, a big bag of yogurts, and another of granola bars was collected. Our naturalist guide actually got ready eyed when she thanked us for our generosity and said she had never experienced that before.


They dropped up at the ship. Unfortunately there were 5 ships in port today, so not enough berths. So we had to tender to go ashore. George and I went on our own private excursion. We have been to Juneau before and had a hike we wanted to take. We went up the back side of Mt Roberts then came back down on the tram.


For dinner, we met friends off the ship at a restaurant called "Salt". The best restaurant in Juneau, absolutely delicious. Our waiter went to university at OU, which made it even better.


The friends we met are on Celebrity. They normally cruise on Regent, but this trip was planned long ago with family. When we discovered we were going to be in port the same time, we had to meet up. Anyway, they are so missing Regent. Their descriptions of things aboard the celebrity ship are just awful, and they are in aqua class.

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Wonderful post Rachel. You took me through your disappointment in the Endicott v Tracy Arm experience straight into the wildlife / orca!! happiness.

Seems you love to hike so a good afternoon too.

So nice you got to meet up with friends.

Their added perspective of the specialness of Regent was the topper to the post.

What a good day.

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I posted this picture only to prove there are flowers onboard the ship. A couple of months ago, someone posted a scathing review of Regent, and one of the main complaints was that there were no fresh flowers on the ship.


Flowers aren't everywhere, but you do see them here and there, and there is a small bud vase arrangement in our room. This is on one of the tables outside coffee connection.



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We received an In-transit booking form today with two excursions to choose from: Resurrection Bay Cruise $119.00 and Exit Glacier & Sealife Center, free. A little late but 200 passengers won't be on the ship while getting ready for the new cruise. Angie

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I posted this picture only to prove there are flowers onboard the ship. A couple of months ago, someone posted a scathing review of Regent, and one of the main complaints was that there were no fresh flowers on the ship.


Flowers aren't everywhere, but you do see them here and there, and there is a small bud vase arrangement in our room. This is on one of the tables outside coffee connection.



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It is my understanding that some people complain about flowers (allergies) so Regent has less of them than they had before. We always have flowers or a plant in our suite. I truly cannot imagine why anyone would post a scathing review of Regent regarding flowers. On the other hand, some posters like to bash Regent for any reason.


Thank you for your informative posts!

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Thanks for all the updates: We are on 8 June cruise. What is weather like? What sort of clothes are you hiking and doing tours in?



We have had a wide variety of temperature. I have worn everything from light pants and t shirt to multiple layers of warm clothes, sweaters and rain gear on this trip. Have not worn shorts. The key is having multiple layers.

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Rachel, I can't tell by the photos -- who was competing and who won? We love the Iron Chef competitions!


It was Daniela and Margaret making steak tartare vs Glen and the other chef whose name I don't remember making lobster risotto. The lobster risotto won, but the tartare was pretty good. It is just not my thing.

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It was Daniela and Margaret making steak tartare vs Glen and the other chef whose name I don't remember making lobster risotto. The lobster risotto won, but the tartare was pretty good. It is just not my thing.


Assisting Chef Glen was the executive concierge Jeffrey Potts.

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June 24, 2016-- at sea


We awoke to an overcast morning, which remained so all day. Temps in the upper 40s with moderate wind, enough to make me stay off the outside decks,


I had a wonderful massage to start off our sea day, followed by a nice sit in the sauna. Since our past cruise, they have posted signs which say you must wear a towel or robe in the sauna and steam room. Don't know why, but suppose some American guests complained about Europeans in the sauna and steam room with nothing on.


The masseuse did not try to sell me anything extra today, so apparently he got the message.


Today was a somewhat food centric day. After the massage, I took a few laps indoors to get some steps in, then went to the titanium, platinum and gold event, which was an iron chef competition between our chef, Glen, and Daniela, the FB director. It was pretty funny. Daniela is very quick and witty. Glen made lobster risotto while Daniela made beef tartare. Both were delicious, though I gave the edge to the risotto.


There was a special extra charge wine lunch in Signatures. George and I have done a few of these previously, and they are always exceptional. Lots of calories for lunch but well worth it. And it is a good use of onboard credit. The wines were all from the premium list, and not normally ones that we would buy as the price point is very high. So it was fun to taste them, and they were really nicely paired with the food.


After that, I had to get some exercise. Way too cold and windy to walk outdoors, and I find the gym boring, so I walked the halls and stairs. At trivia, we came in second. It was also chocoholic tea time, so very well attended. Does anyone know how many rows of whiskers a cat has? Even looking at a picture of Missy, my Maine Coon cat, we missed. The question was unclear in what is considered a row.


Krew Kapers was at 6 pm. I didn't go to this one as we are continuing on, but I will catch the one the night before we disembark.


Dinner at Signatures was delicious. My favorite menu was served, which makes it really difficult to decide what to order. I settled on the asparagus and crab appetizer, the cream of mushroom soup (one of my all time favorites) and the open face lobster and scallop ravioli. This dish has undergone some changes over the years, but tonight's version had big pieces of lobster as well as 2 large scallops and was delicious.


They still have a proper cheese trolley in Signatures, so I was able to view the cheeses on offer and make my selections. Really miss this from Compass Rose. They used to serve the cheeses with a selection of crackers. Now they give you little pieces of hard bread, one was walnut and the other a fruit bread. I prefer the frackers as I don't like anything to interfere with the taste of the cheese and use the crackers as more of a palate cleanser.


Tonight is the Beatles show in the horizon lounge. Lots of people disembarking tomorrow, but 230 of us are continuing, and I am happy to be included in that number.

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