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My Adventure review, Mom perspective

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Good morning Day 5! We wake at 7 and are already in port in Nassau, Bahamas!


You know the routine, dress and head to the WJ for breakfast. No one was ever willing to slow start their morning with a main dining room breakfast. Filing that away for the "some day down the road" folder.


This morning we have an excursion booked and need to meet our group at 9:45 at the fountain right outside of the welcome center. I took the advice of many CC people and booked our excursion with a company off of the ship. They had a tag line about the fact that they will always get people back to the ship, literally their company depends on that. One missed ship or late arrival and they wouldn't exist. That resonated with me and the reviews were all positive.


So here we are, belly full of bacon and other breakfast goodies and we head down the dock and into Nassau. The kids are looking everywhere at once and trying to take it all in. A few other ships were docked next to us and most notably a MUCH smaller Carnival ship. Sometimes it feels good to be the big guy on campus. *big toothy grin*


We met up with our excursion and off we went. It was a fun few hours, we toured some castles, played some games, and tried some local food and drink. I'm keeping this vague on purpose. While we didn't dislike the excursion at all, it ran a little long and we were all anxious to get out and tour the city. I've decided to not share the name of our excursion only because we can't all fully agree to endorse it. It wasn't bad, it wasn't fantastic. So we will just leave that right there.


We ended our excursion just in time to be back at the ship to eat lunch. We decided to eat on the ship rather than waste time trying to figure out where to eat. We were literally dropped off at the dock and since it was right there, and well free, it made sense to us. We ate and were back off the ship in 40 minutes. Really good decision.


So once more through the Welcome Center and Gianna has decided she wants braids. We walk over to the women calling to us to come let them braid our hair and I watch in awe as Gianna haggles for the deal she wants. The posted sign says it is $70 for the style of braids she wants and my girl ended up getting it for $25. WHAT? And she was respectful the entire time and the woman that braids her hair tells her how impressed she is with her.



In the mean time teen boys have filed in and out getting a few braids in their hair too. I look at Blake. I get a death stare back. Pretty sure he is skipping the braids. I look at Brayden and he looks like a kid waiting to open a gift on Christmas morning. So he definitely wants some braids. Once Gianna is finished he works his deal and walks away with 3 braids and, is that a little swagger I see in his step?? Ahh the Bahamas looks good on my kids.

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So braids in tact we head into town. The colors of the city are everything. We decide to head to the Straw Market and search for the perfect souvenir.


Side note, please do not be afraid of Nassau. Some of the reviews I have read are enough to make you consider a Kevlar vest if you decide to brave the trek off of the ship. I've been to the Bahamas 3 times and have never had an issue. If you can say "No thank you" and continue walking, you'll be just fine. I can see how some may not like the Straw Market, but not because of the people, more because of the small spaces.


And there it is, the Straw Market. My kids have their money (well actually Aaron is carry it for Gianna and Brayden) and it isn't long before I learn that haggling for the deal is basically a sport for my kids. We spend a lot of time looking around and talking and making some small purchases. Somehow we find ourselves on the outside aisle of the Market and we are all instantly in awe. The craftsmanship of the hand carved wooden items is amazing. We all walk along offering compliments and even making a few more purchases.


From there we decide to find Diamonds International to get our free charm bracelet from all of the charms we've been collecting all week. We got the vouchers from the Promenade a few days back. And there it is! Right outside the Straw Market and across the street! We take in the vouchers and they give us the bracelets. Nothing of high quality pass down to the grand kids value here, but still fun nonetheless.


We have a little more time to kill so we wander in and out of a few more stores. I'm just gonna be blunt here. I was looking for some famous Rum punch to drink. Ok, there, I said it. Suddenly I spot a sign that says "Free Rum Cake Samples" and where there is rum cake there is rum...right?? In we go. AND I WAS RIGHT! Rum drinks, rum, and even the island famous pineapple soda only soda in the Bahamas and apparently also the World of Coke. The kids get a soda, Aaron and I get our rum punch and we are all happily sipping and sight seeing once again.

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After we wander around a little more and basically just love every minute, it's time to head back to the ship. Easy check back in and we head to our rooms. We decide we want to go to the Disney Music Trivia at the Schooner Bar before heading to formal dinner.


If you have kids you reallllly should go to the Disney Music Trivia! Actually it really doesn't even matter if you have kids. It's an absolute BLAST! You get to write it all down and name the tune and movie. It's really great for all ages and we saw lots of teens there. Really fun.


After that we head to dinner and enjoy the Main Dining Room. Helllooooo creme brulee! Did you miss me??


Dinner is over and the boys want to head to the Teen Club so off they go. More alone time with G! We skipped the Love and Marriage Game Show since it's not kid appropriate and we enjoyed our time together.


Late night snack at the Promenade and we are all ready for our day at sea tomorrow. Nassau did not disappoint. My pictures from the ship sail away are bound to be favorites and end up in a frame in our house.


Good night Day 5.

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Before I move on to the next day I wanted to take a minute to have some real talk.


Moms and Dads, social media could possibly frustrate your vacation. Here's how...we all scroll through photo upon photo of our friends at exotic locals. Maybe they're in matching whites and their family photo is stunning. The happy smiles even I've shared in this post. It can all make you believe that in paradise everyone gets along and no one fights. Moms and Dads don't have to discipline and no one says anything that they'll regret.


Yeah. SO that's not at all how it goes. Siblings still fight. Oh Lord do they. And parents still have to discipline. Sometimes loudly and attract attention. Little kids still melt down. Husband and wife still fight.


But here's the best part, all of that is NORMAL. Don't feel like it isn't. Don't look around and compare. Maybe that Mom over there with the smiling kids just had a really hard moment and took her kid to the restroom to "have a talk" and now they're behaving for a few minutes. And that family there with the screaming toddler that they are trying to drag down the hallway to nap time? Don't look at them with disgust. REMEMBER all the past screaming nap times. Offer them a smile. Look into their exhausted eyes and offer them a kind of word of how they're doing it right.


And if you see me losing it a bit because one of mine is out of their mind, or has fought with their sibling one more time than I could take, give me that knowing nod of parenthood.


We all need it.


It's so normal.

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The Windjammer was, well, ridiculous. I consider myself somewhat of a foodie insomuch as I love food. All the reviews I read that had a negative tilt to Windjammer had me ready to accept whatever prison like cafeteria food they were going to try to push on us. WELL well well let me tell you about my first meal of Prime rib, horseradish sauce, mashed potatoes, lentils, more fruit than I probably should have ate, and roasted veggies. Heyyyyy, don't judge. I ate last at 8 am and it was now 2. I was pretty hungry and, well, down right thrilled at the choices.


Remember folks, it's a buffet. There will be things you don't like. Sooooo try, try again. I'm pretty sure no one has died from starvation on a cruise. Wink wink.


Here is my ONE and ONLY nod to the great food debate; the desserts on the buffet. My word are they beautiful. So colorful and glossy. Strangely though, very tasteless. Even those Ranger cookies? I'll just call them the best of the worst. That way I won't lose some of you readers. Haha! Keep the faith on the desserts though, because the main dining room is coming!

Yes...RCI makes them look so much better than they taste...actually they have none. I'm a long time loyal RCI cruiser and this has always been my complaint...they don't care. Well..I just returned from my very first Celebrity cruise on the Eclipse and ...Oh My Dear....dessert heaven....I only wish RCI would take a few lessons.

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Terrific review! Beautiful family and you are a very entertaining writer. Thank you for taking the time, and thanks for pearls of wisdom here and there. Cheers!




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Truly loving your review! I am so impressed with how much you have covered in a short time.


Fantastic pictures, thanks for including so many! Love the braids your daughter got.


Love the mom perspective! As the Packer-of-all-things and the Keeper-of-the schedule in our family, I appreciate all you have put into this vacation experience for your family! And I hear you about the real life aspects of vacations. No, they are rarely perfect.

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Terrific review! Beautiful family and you are a very entertaining writer. Thank you for taking the time, and thanks for pearls of wisdom here and there. Cheers!




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Thank you for the compliment! I need to go back and acknowledge so many comments but I’m having a great time reading them all!

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Truly loving your review! I am so impressed with how much you have covered in a short time.


Fantastic pictures, thanks for including so many! Love the braids your daughter got.


Love the mom perspective! As the Packer-of-all-things and the Keeper-of-the schedule in our family, I appreciate all you have put into this vacation experience for your family! And I hear you about the real life aspects of vacations. No, they are rarely perfect.




When I was reading reviews I was wondering all the time about people’s perspective and how we all see vacations differently. I guess that’s why I was motivated to be clear as to how this would go. I guarantee my husband’s review (not that he’d ever write one!) would be vastly different. We may only agree that we were on the same ship! Haha!

I’m glad you’re enjoying it. I’ll finish it up tomorrow morning.

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The picture of Gianna is the cutest picture I have seen in long time. She could sell tons of soft serve! We leave on the Adventure in August. Your fantastic review is getting me excited!




Thanks, my girl does love to strike a pose!


I hope you have an amazing cruise! She’s a wonderful ship.

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Ahhhh, such a great start. Can't wait to read the rest.


I remember the feeling of awe we had when stepping onboard for our very first cruise. And it was the "little" Majesty of the Seas. We still get butterflies when taking that first step off of the gangway and onto the ship.



I know how you feel. Majesty was our 1st in 1997. Cried at the farewell show. Couldn’t wait to get home to book the next one.

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Thank you so much! My husband is determined to do laundry (never at home - just on vacation I guess!) This is our 7th cruise and he's shocked there's no laundry room on AOS (they've been gone from all ships for YEARS - last I can recall is Disney in 2006 - so I'm not sure of his memory!) He keeps telling me that he needs to wash shirts and socks. Every time he mentions it I cannot help but be confused at him!! LOL


Just a tip for when you decide to use the laundry bag. Roll up your clothes instead of folding them, this way you can fit way more clothes in the bag :)

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Good morning Day 6! Today is an 8 am wake up for our day at sea.


Breakfast. By the way did you know they have chocolate dipped fruit at breakfast? Mainly apples and bananas. I definitely enjoyed the bananas.


Today we decided to really make use of the ship. We started the morning with shuffle board. What a fun game. We all really enjoyed it and played quite a few games. No one was around and we really had the feeling of being alone for a bit.


Then it was off to Mini Golf. It's crazy to look over the edge while playing! Seriously some of the best views you will ever have. The course is actually really well set up too. Especially when it goes to the second level.


After mini golf everyone was ready to cool down and we decided to go see the Ice show. It was really good and impressive for how much they can do on that rink. Best seats for this show are at the end of the rink looking at the curtain. We sat 50 yard style and I remembered (once the show started) that the best seats were on the "end". Really it isn't bad where ever you sit but if you remember to sit facing the curtain you will have the best view of the show.


After the show we clearly had worked up an appetite so we had lunch. We always went to the same place to sit when we ate at the buffet, and that worked well. When everyone separates getting their food it can be hard to find each other so realizing where we were going helped a lot.


And back out to the ship! It was time for more water fun! Gianna and I raced again and again on the water slides. I really had fun being terrified in the clear sections. The blue one is really cool because it has a strobe like effect as you go through it while the yellow one has a longer clear section. The boys joined us on the water slides with their friends and it turned into a great afternoon.


Eventually it was time to make our way back to our rooms to get ready for formal night dinner. Lobster night!


Side note: Our servers were very nice in the main dining room. I did notice that some wait staff is definitely more fun or exciting than others. While our sever was very sweet and she even cut up Gianna's steak one night, she wasn't one that was really into getting to know us. She was very busy and our service was never less than excellent, but I'd read a lot and noticed that some people seem to really bond with their severs. That wasn't our case but it didn't really upset us.


Alright everyone was decked out and ready for dinner. It was pretty cool to get everyone dressed up and walk through the Promenade on the way to dinner. We stopped for a picture from one of the photographers that was stationed there.


So, the main dining room is beautiful and there is a swirly wooden staircase that I watched people pose on each night with their family and have a picture taken. My family was well aware that I wanted that photo when we were all in our formal wear. I mean I REALLY wanted this photo and had drove my family crazy all week talking about it at each dinner. Thankfully they all walk down there with me all dressed up and Blake flags down a waiter to grab the picture for us. Welllll if you've never been to lobster night, it's pretty much hell for the staff. But bless this man he was so kind and even had us move into different spots to take the photo. We thank him again and again and everyone weaves their way back to our table.


YOU GUYS. When we got back to the table and I pulled up the picture, I just wanted to cry. I showed everyone and they all just said - "Ohhh Mom" "Oh we can go back down and try it again". You know how something becomes so sad it makes you laugh? Well that's what eventually happened here and it has become our favorite photo of our entire vacation.


Ready to see it??


Well ready or not, here it is...

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Yeah. That's going on the wall for sure.


After dinner was the 80's party and the kids thought that was fun, but after that it was THE QUEST! The kids took off because it's adults only so they went back to the jacuzzi for the movie of the night (together). Blake did hang out with his friends during The Quest so Gianna and Brayden stayed together.


I'm not going to give you details on The Quest because if you've never attended it's worth being surprised. It's a TON of fun and go with a really good attitude. We had a great time!


Once again we had our Promenade snack and walked back to our rooms to find our towel animals and final cruise compass all laid out.


How was it time for our final day at sea? The week didn't fly by, it actually was a fabulous pace. But going to bed realizing tomorrow was the last full day, ugh. There's always that feeling, isn't there?


Side note, I LOVE how dark the interior cabins are. I did bring the little flash lights and the battery powered candle thing for the bathroom, but the absolute black is amazing to sleep in.


Good night Day 6.

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