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Those that cruise with panic/ anxiety problems.


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I was just wondering if there was anyone out there that suffers with panic/anxiety that goes on cruises? This will be my first cruise in summer and I do and have suffered in the past with panic and anxiety. Im excited about my trip, but some days I feel like I can't go through with it, like Im just gonna freak! Im trying not to read about stuff like the viruses and other negative stuff, but Im human and Its like a train wreck, I look at the boards with my hands covering my eyes, peeking out the little hole! So I was just wondering If I was alone or not:eek:

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I can't believe i am even talking about this it is but here i go, I have panach attacks, i am on meds for it, I was so upset and nervous about my first cruise that i was causing myself to have attacks and i have really bad ones, you know the heart beats out of control and you just know you are going to pass out and so on..., i even went to my doctor crying, after calming me down and telling me that i would be fine and that nothing was going to happen to me (he's just a regular MD but i love him) i forced myself to keep going and not to think about it, as soon as i got on the ship i was fine infact i had never felt better in my life! i think i was just so busy and excited that i didn't even think about it. I have gone on many cruises sense than and have been fine, i even made myself get on a plane last year to go to Puerto Rico (something i thought i could never do) but i just kept thinking while boarding the plane "if i want to go on a cruise, i have to get on this plane"

i hated the plane ride but i am going to get on another plane this year to go to Florida for another Cruise. Just keep thinking every thing will be fine and how exciting your vacation will be and i think you will be fine.

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I have been treated in the past for anxiety disorder, but not travel related or panic disorders. But what I wanted to suggest is EMDR treatment ... you can learn more about it here www.emdr.com I am doing this for another type of therapy, but it has been used with 9-11 and hurricane survivors, other post-traumatic stress disorders, and also used for people with phobias.


If I explain it, it may sound hokey or new agey, but in a nutshell it is the use of light or sound rhythms to make the eye move from left to right, that teaches the brain to let go of the negative cognization and be replaced with positive thought patterns.


I don't know what your location is, but if you're in a big city there are probably well-trained therapists who specialize in EMDR and may help you with your panic disorder.

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I have a mild form of Situational Anxiety Disorder and usually can feel an onset if I have to dine at a table for 10 or so total strangers during my cruise. I was on Paxil but have since switched to Paxil CR and I think it's doing the trick. Good luck and enjoy your cruise!

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I don't suffer from anxiety but have a few suggestions. Do you have a balcony? Sitting outside looking at the ocean can be calming. Book some spa treatments early on so you have something to look forward to. The library on board is a quiet peaceful place to relax. If you do not like crowds, the alternative restaurants are more intimate. Make sure you have your medication with you. Realize that people on cruises are friendly and warm. Best wishes.

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I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, but control them on my own with breathing techniques and not medication.


I had one on board a past cruise that just came on all a sudden, but I talked myself out of it and I was back to normal pretty soon after. My heart races and skips when my panic attacks come on, so that is my biggest symptom.


Talking a slow stroll around deck could help you if you feel panic coming on. The nice breeze is very calming.


Dont cancel your cruise, you will be fine. If you have a fear of crowds, though, then you need to let people get off the ship before you and THEN get off. Those lines can be very agitating and horrible sometimes. People get like wild animals wanting to get off ship at ports sometimes.


Just try to have fun. I read a book called "Anxiety for Dummies" and it was chalk loaded with great information and techniques on how to battle attacks. Worked for me!! Med free!

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After I booked my first cruise two years ago, I started to panic. I couldn't believe what I had done! I talked to my doctor about my fear of having anxiety problems on board. He gave me a scrip for Xanax, which I took with me and never needed! Maybe knowing it was available helped. Now I am totally addicted to cruising, and the second time was so much easier.

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You may hear negative cruise news from time to time. Maybe thats interesting to read & think "how could that happen?". What we dont read or hear about are all the successfull cruises, focus on them!


It may never happen but interesting to think of the news each night reporting: "today 9,455 airplanes carrying 875,000 people landed safely & today 13 cruise ships carrying over 26,000 people completed their planned routes with no mishaps."


(try this: put a rubber band around your wrist. everytime you have a negative thought while on board (or before your cruise) snap yourself in the wrist so it stings. ouch! before you know it... negative thoughts will stop! i do this on airplanes)


Focus on the positive! Focus on meeting people, relaxing, enjoying the shows, the food, the ocean views, your time away from work & conquering those negative thoughts.


Take a deep breath & have fun!!!:)

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I've had a couple of isolated panic attacks during high stress times, so I know what you're talking about.


If yours are claustrophobic in nature, then I agree an outside cabin with a balcony is a good idea. However, with mine the ONLY thing to calm me down was get outside and walk, and breathe deeply. Walking on Deck 5, the Promenade Deck, will probably feel more comfortable than going up on top to the sports deck. Deck 5 is like a recessed "porch", so you're outside but protected. The Sports Deck is completely open. Pick the one that would make you feel the safest, yet help with the claustrophobia.


If airplanes are a problem, I HIGHLY recommend noise canceling headphones and calming music. I use Bose headphones and music to keep the noise of the airplane out. I'm not afraid of flying and don't have anxiety attacks from it, but I find I arrive more rested and relaxed using them on flights. Chris Spheeris has some great music. My sister is a theraputic masseuse and she uses his music all the time.


Take your meds just before getting on the plane, and again just before getting on the ship. Sometimes anxiety can be triggered by just the anticipation and excitement. The body reacts to stress, but doesn't always distinguish the "good" stress from the "bad" stress. So, keep yourself relaxed as much as possible.

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We drive from Charleston, SC to Port Canaveral (approx. 6 hours), and when we were going on the Mariner last year, we were on the stretch of I-95 where there are NO stops, and I had to stop BAD (I think I ate something for breakfast that didn't sit well with me). I started to have a panic attack, which I never had before. I knew I just had to get there and lie down for a while, but it was awful! We were only about 30 min away, but it felt like we had just left home!


I drank some Ginger Ale, and ate some crackers and started to feel fine. Once I got on board, I was fine, for the entire week! Then on the last morning before we left I started to feel sick again, I think I was remembering the uncomfortable feeling on the road again. I just fell asleep in the car, and woke up when we were about 20 min away from home.


I went to a therapist, and we decided not to put me on meds because we felt with some Pavlovian conditioning (yes, I'm a psychology major ;) ) I would be fine. It's true, I focus on the times I've gone on road trips and I've been okay. I focus on my breathing and the relaxation I'll get. I've taken a few short trips, and have felt fine.


I've brought a CD player and listened to Dane Cook, my favorite comedian. When you're laughing, you don't think about anything else. This June we're going to PC again, and I've gotten a portable DVD player, because when I focus on something else like music or movies it helps. The way I see it, the trip is about 6 episodes of CSI :p Now if only I can decide which season to bring.....


I would also recommend these herbal drops called "Rescue Remedy" I got in a health food store, they are great! I calm down right away, and it's all natural. They're in a yellow box if you want to look for them.


Have fun, and remember you'll be fine and have a great time!!!

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I am surprised to have recieved so many posts. I really appreciate it.


Caribbean dreams~ Im glad to hear that once you got on the ship you felt fine! Im hoping that will be me. You are brave for flying. I don't think I can do that. But I said I would never cruise either!


megessey~ Thankyou for the website. I will definitely check it out!


S&SBorst~ thanks for the info on Paxil. I did try 1 pill a few years ago, I got sick so I threw the rest out! Im glad it is working for you though.


Ocean cruise~ I do not have a balcony, in fact my thinking was to be in an inside room, fearing that watching the water from the window would make me freak out! I will have to get a spa treatment though. Great idea! I like the idea of going to the library too.


Oliver the cat~ Thank you for the book suggestion. I do not get a racing heart as much as I get an upset stomach! I would rather have the racing heart, hmmmm wonder if I can choose with discomfort to have? lol


Mary Frei~ I do have a prescription for Xanex. I take them occasionally when needed and they do help, but Im always afraid they won't help and I hate taking meds! I take them maybe 6 times a year. But Im going on a 5 day cruise, I could use my whole years worth in one week! haha. I hope the excitement overtakes the fears.


Michael & Nikki~ THANKYOU for that positive news! I really appreciate it! I will try the rubber band thing, couldn't hurt! Only my wrist maybe if I get carried away. I could always let my hubby snap the rubber band. Then he could get out some of his energy too. =} I think I push his patience when I have my anxiety, he tries to understand, but has not been there done that.


pcur~ I will go to deck 5 and look around. We actually have our cabin on deck 4, so thats not far! Where is the spa?


Bambam2972~ I know exactly what you mean about the driving thing. I have actually stopped ont he side of the freeway, in front of everyone becasue I HAD to stop and there was not any resturants around! After my attack was over though, I remember I started laughing. I actually think I was delirious! Good for you for driving again, depends on how badly you want to do something I guess. I have about a 1 1/2 hour drive to LA port. That is stressing me too! I think, 1 step at a time, just get me in the car, then down the freeway. Then the boat, then out to sea! Yikes! I hate the ocean!!!! Im doing this why I ask myself? Oh yeah, MIL's 60th b-day! Talked 14 of us into going. Im doing it for her!:D Ok, Im going to the health food store to look for rescue remedy! I better write all this stuff down.


I so appricate the replies, I really do. I wish you were all sailing with me! They should have a panic attack society cruise! How many of us would actually show up?




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Hi Cindy,


No you aren't alone. A LOT of people have them but don't realize it. My BF and I both suffer from panick attacks. We are both in the same boat (pardon the pun) so we generally don't make each other do things that we are uncomfortable with. We are leaving for our 3rd cruise in almost 3 weeks. We love to cruise and you will feel very relaxed and will have no problems. Anyway if you don't think so, just remember you can always just go to your room. You are not on a show and nobody expects you to do anything while on a cruise.


I used to feel like I was alone but not at all anymore. I think that is the scariest feeling of all. I will not say that we didn't have things happen while traveling but we just talked ourselves down and left the situation. One thing I have learned is before a stressful situation I avoid sugar or caffiene. Distractions are great like the other posters added. I like to count backwards or read. And remember to always breathe.


Don't give up this oppurtunity to enjoy life. Remember anxiety/panick attacks don't own you. You are responsible for your own feelings.



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This is a subject that is very close to me. After a lifetime of panic attacks and 8 years of different doctors over that time, I finally was diagnosed with bipolar II with panic/anxiety disorder. I have no problem talking about it because the more people are educated on the subject of mental diseases the less ignorant they are. Chemical imbalances are a pain in the butt. Just remember that it is not your fault and you can overcome them either with therapy, medication or a combination of them. For those of you that suffer, get a good psychiatrist. A lot of the regular MDs don't have enough knowledge on the wide variety of combinations of these disorders. I have found that they tend to give you a med and say see ya later. Unfortunately I have just come off 6 months of extreme panic, distress and deep depression. Bipolar patients have a much deeper depression than those without it. All I could think about was getting better so that I can enjoy my cruise which happens to start this sunday. I am happy to say that I have finally got the medications at the right level and feel pretty good so I am looking forward to having a great cruise with my family.

Good luck to all of you. Don't give up. You can manage it over time.

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"Where is the spa?"


It's usually on the upper decks, where the Solarium is. The Solarium is also a good place to go and have more space. Above it is the jogging track and the upper outside deck.


I'm sure you'll be the most relaxed person on the ship with all the breathing, walking, visualizing, drug and music relaxation tips we've given you....:D

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I have a little anxiety with flying and cruising. Although, not enough to be on medicine, I believe. Before our first cruise last year I had a lot of anxiety about bedbugs, Norovirus, terrorists, sinking, falling off the ship, kids falling off the ship, etc. However, when I first got on the ship, I never thought about those things again!! I was so busy I forgot to worry about those things. Also, once on the ship, it seemed like you were just on a land vacation with day trips to different islands. :) I was inside most of the time with dinner, shows, activities, etc. Even on the sea day while I sat at the pool, I didn't really have to look over the side of the ship at the big ocean. It just seemed like I was at the pool. Now, I am not sure I would have felt the same if I had a balcony!! One of the famous aft balconies was available for our cruise, but I passed on it because I worried one of my kids (14 and 11) or I would fall off. So, I am not completely anxiety free, but when I was on the ship I didn't worry.


When I fly, I just focus HARD on my book and don't look out the window.



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" Before our first cruise last year I had a lot of anxiety about bedbugs, Norovirus, terrorists, sinking, falling off the ship, kids falling off the ship, etc"


MAggie, I started laughing when I read that top sentence, It could of been me that said it! Im currently obsessing over the viruses. :( Im hoping like you, that once I get on the ship all my worries will melt away!


Thanks pcur for letting me know where the spa is, I should be in a relaxed transe ;)


pwrbrok35~ You must be getting on your cruise today! Im glad that you have made it thus far and I hope you do have a wonderful time. Let us know!


Thankyou Carrie for the feed back. I have to remember that I am in charge, not my panic. It seems unusual to have both parties in the couple to have these problems, sometimes I think that may be an advantage, you would know how the other is feeling and be better able to work things through together. Oh, your right on the sugar, I don't usually have caffiene.


Thanks all!



P.S. I will try to stop obsessing over the Norwalk virus! After all Im not cruising until August!

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P.S. I will try to stop obsessing over the Norwalk virus! After all Im not cruising until August!


Yes, by then you can start obsessing about HURRICANES! OMG...what have I said....:eek: :eek:


Ignore me, ignore me.....think good and calm thoughts



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I'm not a sufferer myself but this thread couldn't be more helpful. A group of us will be sailing on the Freedom in August this year (WOOOOHOO!!) and one person in our group is extremely nervous and would rather make an appointment for a root canal rather than this cruise. He keeps asking me if he'll have to go out on deck, to which I replied only for the drill at the beginning of the cruise. Except for me, it will be the entire group's first cruise -- my 4th with RCI, counting down to my 6th so I can graduate to another C&A level!! Anyway, my friend is dreading the cruise, and I'm going to forward this very helpful thread to him and his wife so that this fun couple can both relax and enjoy themselves.


Thank you all so much, you just never know what people are going through. I admire you all for facing down your fears and getting onboard. God bless you all and I wish everyone here health, happiness, and meeting the FREE DRINKS FAIRY GODMOTHER ONBOARD!! (Well, I can wish.) :D

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Peggy, that was bratty!:D But, Im sailing out of LA port on the Monacrh. Going for the Catalina, San Diego, Ensenada cruise. We don't get many hurricanes out here! LOL. So not a worry for me!


Sailyacruise~ Im so glad I originally started this thread, I actually hesitated. Everyone has been so helpful and I hope this will help your friend! :)

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Cindy......I too, have suffered from panic attacks from time to time. Today they happen very rarely, and I am thankful for that. I think once you are aboard that all thoughts of panic attacks will disappear, and you will be totally engrossed with all that you are having fun with!! BTW, you have picked a great cruise. The Monarch Baja trip is great. I just got off of the Monarch on Friday, and am looking forward to another cruise on her.



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You will be fine, my GF is going on her 1st cruise in 13 days and alos her 1st time being on a plane. She has panic disorder and I have had it in the past and I have been giving her some pointers. Enjoy, don't let panic control YOU! You are in charge and going on the cruise is an excellant way to challenge panic, Good Luck!!:)

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I suffered many years with general panic and anxiety disorder. I also had a horrendous fear of flying and didn't fly at all for 3 years and then only a few times a year for business purposes over a 12 year period.


I signed up for a program called CHAANGE and it gave me the tools to overcome most of my panic and anxiety quickly. After taking the program I began assisting the therapist with the program and eventually overcame my fear of flying completely.


The program is available on line or in group settings throughout the country. I cannot attest for the self program, but the group program is one of the best in the country IMHO. You can check out their website at http://www.chaange.com or contact them directly at (619) 224-2216.


It's all about allowing yourself to relax and I cannot think of a more relaxing time than on a cruise ship!! Good luck to you and if you'd like more information you can email me at lfeinb9640@aol.com

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Hi. I don't suffer from what is usually-understood as panic attacks. What happens to me is if I get penned in a crowd, especially if it's not moving, I start to feel I can't breathe. Bad enough walking down West Edmonton Mall in a mass of people, but at least it's moving. My Grandma told me many years ago that when I get in a crowd I go through it like a race car driver.:rolleyes:


But my daughter had the best advice I've ever gotten about the problem. She said "Mom, if the crowd is moving, you slow down... that will give you some space. If it's not moving, back up a few steps, also gives you some space, and people don't mind you backing up as if you pushed ahead."


I'm counting on using those tactics when we're boarding and disembarking on our cruise the end of the month. If that doesn't work, I'll just move to the side and let the rest clear out, then I'll have lots of space.:p


Just my two cents worth.:)



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Thought I'd stop lurking and post....I too suffer from panic attacks. I've been having them more regularly of late, usually when traveling to/from work (they are very transportation-based if that makes any sense). I was okay for a couple of years, but their back...ughh. Interestingly, I've never had one while cruising, although I'm not the biggest fan of flying. I know those of us with panic attacks are not all the same, but I find being on a cruise ship very freeing. It feels kind of like the last place I'd have one. What I do need to watch out for are some of the shore excursion activities. You'll never find me on a speed boat or traveling on a zip line:eek: . My body just seems to work better at a slower speed. I thought snorkeling would be out, but I can do that without a problem as well. I'm not sure, but maybe the open air and relaxed mode just help me feel great while cruising. You might just find this to be the case for you as well. ;)

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