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Live from the Jewel April 29-May 13, 2024: will definitely contain sarcasm and grumpiness

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On 4/29/2024 at 6:03 PM, ceilidh1 said:

I need to know some very important information:


1. How many pillows a) started on dad's bed and b) remain on dad's bed?


2. How many mistakes are in today's Freestyle Daily?


3. How much do you DESERVE this break? (Spoiler: I already know the answer to this one)

When I was on the Jewel, the "relieving back pain" was written as "reliving back pain" I hope they changed that typo haha

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13 minutes ago, natefish95 said:

When I was on the Jewel, the "relieving back pain" was written as "reliving back pain" I hope they changed that typo haha

Lol.  My favorite Freestyle typo is from the Bliss…the day after I slipped and fell from wet carpet to hard floor. BTW…four months later it was still a typo🙃


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Your dad spa story is hilarious!!! You should tell Epi the spa manager that story. She'll (hopefully) find it hilarious. If you chat with her, tell her Nate from the Transpacific said hello! She was the sweetest and very funny. 


The Jewel feels like my home away from home too. Glad you're having a great time! 

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Posted (edited)

Loving your review and I’m so happy to hear that you and your Dad are having a great time and making wonderful memories! Dad’s comments are priceless and I’m sure I’m not the only one who misses their Dad or Father-in-law when reading about him. 

In case you hung out at Magnum’s on the Spirit last summer, the amazing bar server and singer, Jane, is on the Jewel in Magnum’s/Shaker’s martini bar.  She has the biggest smile and has such a beautiful voice to enjoy when she is invited to sing. 


Can’t wait for more of your review- have a wonderful cruise! 😀

Edited by Seas2mountains
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YVRteacher, I have enjoyed so many of your reviews.  I lost my Dad a month ago.  Your report has brought a few tears.  Our Dads seem to be very similar.  The spa story was hilarious.  I can tell how much you enjoy your time with him! 

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2 hours ago, oshmom said:

YVRteacher, I have enjoyed so many of your reviews.  I lost my Dad a month ago.  Your report has brought a few tears.  Our Dads seem to be very similar.  The spa story was hilarious.  I can tell how much you enjoy your time with him! 

I’m sorry to hear about your dad. Sending you love and care!

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Wines Around the World


Not a dad story:

As we were gathered, waiting for Wines Around the World I asked someone if this was the line for Wines Around the World. The event was taking place in Le Bistro so we corralled in Magnums. A woman said she had stepped inside and they were still setting up. I asked her if it was Aan.


She said no, it wasn’t on.


I said not on.  Aan.


She said no, not on.


Then I went and got us pre-wine tasting pineapple mimosas.


The two best Wines Around the World sessions we have experienced have both been on the Jewel and one of them was today. 50 people attended! Room numbers were checked off a list as we entered so there was no sneaking in.


We were divided into 4 groups of +/- 12 people and sent to one of 4 stations. A knowledgeable wine steward was at each of the four stations and they did a presentation for each wine we sampled. For each wine we learned where it was made, what flavours and layers to notice, the alcohol content and recommended food pairing. 


Our first stop on our worldly tour is Italy. Wonderful wine steward Siegefreid (I need to check the spelling of his name) was at the Italy station and as he poured our wine he said “alcohol for you, alcohol for you, alcohol for you…”  I took notes as fast as I could but it’s hard to type on a phone with a glass of wine in one hand and a dad to manage. Below you’ll see the photo of the wine with the notes underneath. 


White flowers

Passion flowers

Golden raisins


Food pairing 

Mushroom soup and endive salad

Carbonara  (peas on the side because Siegefreid does not like peas.)




Red berries

Red morello cherries


Food pairing

Porterhouse at Cagney’s


The fastest way to travel from Italy to France is to move clockwise in Le Bistro.





12% alcohol

Pairs well with Japanese dishes




Pinot Noir

Thin skin grape

Low acidity

Goes well with chicken or pork

13.5% alcohol

Good for celebrating

Dad likes this one.


Quicker than a flight across the Atlantic, we mosey over to the USA


Chateau Ste Michelle

Chardonnay from Washington State. This is an older vintage which becomes yellower as it ages. 

Hints of oak, vanilla and pineapple.

Good with chicken, fish, oysters and lobsters 

-a medium to full bodied white wine so it goes with steak, sausages, pork chops





East West


Mostly Cabernet Sauvignon, Zinfandel and Merlot

Lots of plum, blackberries and raspberries. This is a fruit forward wine.

This was dad’s favourite!

Good with spicy food.

Order your meat medium with this wine. 

Michael Mondavi wine



It was a quick jaunt from the USA south Argentina  (except our wine is from New Zealand. I guess they didn’t have the funds for a New Zealand sign.)


At this station Wonderful Wine steward Jennifer taught us the Ss and Vs of wine tasting:














Matua 2019


Sauvignon Blanc

High acidity

Pairs well with green salad


Spicy food









Fruit forward

Slow legs

Swirl for flavour 

14% alcohol

Pairs well with steak or pasta with red sauce 


As most of you know I’m not a wine drinker. I had tiny tastes of the Italian white and the French rosé. Both tasted good to me. My dad tried all 8 and enjoyed them all. I was so impressed with the organization and effort to make this a fun sea day event for Latitudes members. 


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Interrupting this live to say I miss our daily text convos so I’m going to continue you them on what’s app so you have all my daily drama to read whenever you have free wifi!


As you were…

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Oh thanks for sharing the wines around the world tour. Is this for only high latitude members or can us lowly folks pay to go. I love dine and this seems like a fun activity. Thanks again for taking time out of your vacation to share with us much appreciated.

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I hope this brings pride to your face! You warned me not to drink while reading the story about dad's full frontal. What you didn't warn me about was to close my office door. Half my wing heard me dying in here at the antics of your dad - I'm sorry it happened as I know it has to be difficult - but glad you relayed the story to us. I didn't share the source of my laughter with those I disrupted. So consider that a NY office building disrupted by Jewel activities! 


Thank you, thank you!

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11 hours ago, Faulkh said:

Oh thanks for sharing the wines around the world tour. Is this for only high latitude members or can us lowly folks pay to go. I love dine and this seems like a fun activity. Thanks again for taking time out of your vacation to share with us much appreciated.

It’s a free latitudes perk.

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7 hours ago, Disney Deb said:

Are you on the Jewel again in August? DH and I are on the southbound cruise on Aug 12th.

Loving this live report!

We board the day you disembark.

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Posted (edited)

Day 2 more

There weren’t any draft beers on the Jewel yesterday. Today there is Stella.


My dad is demonstrating excellent flexibility in accepting beer out of a can or bottle. 



We have found our musician! His name is Ed Young.




He is a stellar pianist who does everything I like! Phantom! Copa Cabana! Oh wait. What’s this?


Sweet Caroline. Day 2. I’m doomed. Not even 36 hours into the cruise.


I drowned my sorrow in some nachos at O’Sheehan’s.  My dad and I shared the nachos but he doesn’t understand the joy of nachos so really I ate them by myself.


Peeking at the Freestyle Daily at 4pm I said, “we could go make flowers.”


My dad screwed up his face and made a long exhaling nooooooooooo then said, “I don’t want to make flowers.” 

He didn’t circle flower making so we don’t get to do flower making. When he looked at his Freestyle Daily he also told me there was no dinner circled so how were we supposed to eat dinner.


I could tell my dad was waning but he didn’t want to go have a nap in the cabin. I told him I needed a nap and we went back to the cabin together where he napped and I read. I’m not sure he actually napped though, because I distinctly heard the lid of the cookie tray being lifted, paused and replaced with a little thunk.


When I asked my dad what he wanted for dinner he said he thought he already ate dinner. 


We went to Garden Cafe. The soup of the day was clam chowder plus it was shrimp boil night so I took a bowl of clam chowder and added shrimp and mussels and it was dad heaven. I added some broccoli on his plate so at least something came from the plant kingdom today.  My dinner was lentil dal, basmati rice and broccoli. 


There was cake! Such scrumptious cake! Mocha with milk chocolate icing adorned with Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. The world needs more peanut butter cups as garnishes! 




Dad complaint of the day:

the ice cream is too cold. 

Edited by YVRteacher
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After dinner we went to the Great Outdoors for whale watching! Wow wow wow! 

Orcas on the port side, orcas on the starboard side, orcas in our wake! That was a treat and we were both enchanted!


I didn’t even try to take photos. I just enjoyed the moments. Every few seconds there would be a spout followed by the arcing of a glistening black back. The sun was still high at 6:00pm so the whales were almost sparkling. 



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Day 2 VIP


After our impromptu (and “free”) whale watching excursion to the Great Outdoors we headed to Bliss Lounge for an event. 


I stopped at a bathroom and when I came out Armando was standing next to my dad and my dad was looking all distraught and forlorn. I asked him what was wrong and he said he found a party but we weren’t invited.


I said, dad this is why we’re here. Did you think there was a party that we didn’t get to go to? 


He said yes. 


He was very relieved when he found out he got to attend the party upon which he had stumbled. Armando had a little giggle too. I guess my dad loves a good party! He met my mom at a party. He was traveling around the world in 1964, met my mom and ended his travels in Vancouver.


Back to Bliss Lounge and the party. This was the Captain’s VIP party. There was a great turn out from all the officers, department managers, CD and guest services team. The Love Brothers played fabulous tunes while butlers served food on silver spoons (if you know me, you know this isn’t me at all!) We didn’t eat any canapés but they looked yummy.  We did have some drinks and wow were they good! They had rum and pink stuff but they weren’t rum punches or Bahama Mamas.  The captain went to the bar and stood there drinking water with the staff captain and chief engineer. All the department managers left without talking to guests and the cruise director didn’t say anything to anybody. We enjoyed the music, the drinks, talking to Tyson and Rumi and Cruise Critic friends Tammy and Ron.


Then it was showtime! My dad had circled Rock You Tonight. Before I tell you about tonight’s show, let’s recall how on previous cruises he left this show due to noise. Before we left Vancouver we went to the store and I had my dad choose the ear plugs he wanted. Armed with said earplugs, we stuffed them in and braced for noise.


Turns out the volume was perfect and the show was a high energy production that got my dad’s feet tapping and hands clapping. The singers, dancers and musicians give it their all (truly) and gave us a fantastic show. The Stardust Theatre was packed and there was a standing ovation. I didn’t see anyone leaving early. I just saw a theatre full of cruise ship passengers enjoying an excellent performance.






When the applause stopped and the lights came on my dad turned to me in a panic. He told me he put the earplugs in his ears and only one earplug came out. He said the other was still stuck in his ear. As this was happening my head was whirling with what was going to happen next. I hate body stuff and can’t even handle it when the kindergarten kids lose their teeth and want to tell me ALL ABOUT IT.  Just as I was envisioning an ear plug search and rescue mission I looked on the floor and saw the ear plug. 


It never even made it into my dad’s ear.


We chatted with Chip and Chris for a little bit then I could see dad was done. He kind of droops a little when this happens. We went back to the cabin and dad found typos in tomorrow’s Freestyle Daily while I blew bubbles on the balcony.








He ate some cookies and I ate the chocolate strawberries. 


What a busy sea day!  This is what happens when you travel with someone who likes to circle/highlight the Freestyle Daily.


Tomorrow we are in Ketchikan and I’m excited for a new-to-us shore excursion. 

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The Jewel spent the late autumn and winter cruising Asia. She did a  Tokyo to Tokyo trip  before the transpacific from Tokyo to Dutch Harbor. 


Instead of Flow water, we have Japanese water for our Latitudes free water.


  I assume this water is selectively harvested from gurgling brooks tricking down from the mighty peak of Mount Fuji. The snow crystals formed atop the mountain from clouds of breath exhaled by the daily prayers of Buddhist monks and sushi chefs, melted as the sun rose. This must be water at its purest, the elixir of life in a cardboard and foil box that has ended up in my cabin. Japanese people live long lives so I drank a whole box of water tonight, hoping it will counteract the day’s accumulation from the ultimate beverage package.


Now I have to pee.

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Posted (edited)
21 minutes ago, YVRteacher said:

After dinner we went to the Great Outdoors for whale watching! Wow wow wow! 

Orcas on the port side, orcas on the starboard side, orcas in our wake! That was a treat and we were both enchanted!

Oh my…what a beautiful addition to your cruise.  And, it was free, compliments of Mother Nature🥰.  Was this between Ketchikan and Juneau??  We just got notice today that our whale watching excursion in Juneau doesn’t guarantee whale sightings…so this would be amazing to see.  And…our cabin is really close to the Great Outdoors.  Tell Dad he has a fan club!  

Lol, I just got to your next post where you acknowledged it was free!  Yay!

Edited by laudergayle
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On 4/29/2024 at 10:24 PM, YVRteacher said:


The Thermal Spa


This may be the best dad story ever. Make sure you’re sitting down and are not going to spit your coffee or wine on your companion.


After our big casino win, I wanted to go to the thermal spa and hold down a hot ceramic lounger and let the thalassotherapy pool work its thalasso magic.


In the cabin my dad asked, “what do I do now?”


I said put on your bathing suit and robe. 


He went in his room to change and I went in my room to change. We both came out wrapped in the dense snuggliness of  Haven terry cloth robes.  When we arrived in the spa all the loungers were taken and we had to wait a few minutes before two became available. I knew from last year to go full-on Princess and the Pea and stack the towels and pillows in order for dad to be comfy. I made his ceramic stone lounger cozy nest and told him to take off his robe and lay down.


He disrobed.


And there he stood.


Naked in the thermal spa except for his flip flops.



As I and all the other patrons gasped in horror, dad asked,

“What? Was I supposed to put something on?”



Moments later the entire spa emptied out. My dad turned to me and said in a soft puzzled tone


 “everybody left.”


Yes.  Yes they did. They did not know the Full Monty would be showing tonight in the spa.


After 20 minutes of hot ceramic lounging my dad turned to me and said, “I’m cooked.”


Then he asked, “where did my clothes go?”


I laughed so hard I couldn’t speak. 


I know this is Freestyle Cruising but no one wanted to see this.


If we get kicked off the ship due to indecent exposure, I’ll be really mad I don’t get those huckleberry truffles.

I kinda wish your dad would come to the spa now and scare away someone who's really loud 😬

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Day 3


With apologies to Billy Joel

here are scenes from a breakfast buffet.



This is what I made


Look as these snowy peaks in Ketchikan! We have a sunshine day and it is glorious.






Here we are:




It’s going to take more than the washy washy team to fix this


When we came back to the cabin my dad asked what he needed for the day. I’m now giving instructions one step at a time. 

First his Keen shoes

Then a jacket

Then a discussion about a hat. No hat.

Then camera.


My dad took his camera out of the travel pouch and turned it on. He got this delighted look on his face and exclaimed “oh look at that! What a great picture!”


I asked “is it me?”


Dad said, “no, it’s a goose.”




The security officer tapping key cards was saying good morning to each passenger as they disembarked and greeting them by name. To my dad she said,

“Good morning John!”


With me she paused 

Took a read

I get called “why von knee” a lot so I was expecting that.

Instead she said, 

“Good morning, Jiv in Knee.”


Better than Starbucks’ names!



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I'm another Yvonne. I get called lots of names too. At Starbucks I'm often Evan.


Loving your review. The laughs keep coming. Better than Burns and Allen (ask Dad).

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, laudergayle said:

Oh my…what a beautiful addition to your cruise.  And, it was free, compliments of Mother Nature🥰.  Was this between Ketchikan and Juneau??  We just got notice today that our whale watching excursion in Juneau doesn’t guarantee whale sightings…so this would be amazing to see.  And…our cabin is really close to the Great Outdoors.  Tell Dad he has a fan club!  

Lol, I just got to your next post where you acknowledged it was free!  Yay!

This was in Seymour Narrows on the sea day between Vancouver and Ketchikan. We are heading north, not south.

Edited by YVRteacher
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