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Aways Seems Hal Crusiers Against Kids.


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i rarely post here, but i religiously read these forums, planning my first cruise to celebrate my 30th anniversary next year, and assisting my daughter in planning her honeymoon cruise, also in 2007 (busy year for our family). i've watched this thread with interest, and it amazes me that those of us who have raised our children and who only want the adult areas on the ship to be enforced are termed as child haters. i've raised my children, i adore my children, and i enforced rules of behavior. if i wish to go to certain parts of the ship where children are supposedly not allowed, i don't want to feel like a total witch if i point that out to parents who feel that it is their right to allow their child to go anywhere and do anything. yes, you paid for their cruise and it's their vacation too. i paid for mine as well and i don't wish to raise your children. hello, i raised mine. you need to do the same.


so to read that parents who are not enforcing the same level of behavior are being dissed...well, yeah, they probably are. i don't care if you're on vacation or not, you are still a parent and you are still responsible for your children. if your children are running wild, well then, YOU need to stop that behavior.



Well put. :)


Welcome to CC!

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OK, call me sick but I have gotten a real laugh out of this thread. I appreciate the humor. Not sure everyone does.


I do not have kids of my own but I do have a wonderful step daughter who is now 15 yrs old (yes, I did say wonderful about a teenage girl). I have been in her life since she was three and enjoy her more and more the OLDER she gets.


Kids are a challenge and talk about dominating your life and time. It's a life style choice. Because of this I have chosen not to have any of my own. I do however, understand the challenges of those parents who are actively raising their children. Not easy!!


If I had young children I would most likely choose one of the other lines (already mentioned). We took my step daughter and her friend on a HAL cruise when they were 14 yrs old. They loved the cruise. They loved getting dressed up for dinner every night and laying out in the sun during the day. We booked hal BECAUSE of the more quiet and less party than the "other" lines. They don't know the difference and we don't have to worry as much about the environment and know the girls would not try to "find" a party and we are happy that it's not all around them to influence.


I would not call HAL a family cruise line but I think it is still an OK cruise for a family. After 6 HAL cruises I have never witnessed any negative attitudes towards children or their parents.


LOL......drag queens and throwing naughty kids over board........hahahahahahahahahahahahahahha.....you guys crack me up!!




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I'm afraid I just don't get the humor of "throwing kids [or anyone] overboard." It may sound like a joke to some, but perhaps a threat to others. If I were standing on deck with my kids, and they started carrying on, would I really need to be looking over my shoulder to make sure no annoyed passenger would pick one up, throw her overboard, and kill her?


It may seem funny, but for parents on the board, it definitely gives a hostile tone, whether this is your intent or not. There really are people out there who hurt children. I assume it is a joke, but so many terrible things happen to children.


Of course in America you have a right to say anything you like. I'm just trying to raise senstivity here. These aren't adult only cruises, so kids are allowed, whether some people like it or not. Please lets not joke about killing anyone.


I've been off the boards for months, then came back because my mom entertained the idea of a spring break cruise, which realistically, will never happen. Got sucked back into the kid debate...


Anyway, we found HAL to be very nice and welcoming and non threatening and fun for kids. Even most of the adults onboard were nonboorish and pleasant.

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I'm afraid I just don't get the humor of "throwing kids [or anyone] overboard." It may sound like a joke to some, but perhaps a threat to others. If I were standing on deck with my kids, and they started carrying on, would I really need to be looking over my shoulder to make sure no annoyed passenger would pick one up, throw her overboard, and kill her?


As a parent, I did not find the comment threatening. I got a chuckle. I think you are being overly sensitive. I am overprotective of my child, but found the comment quite humorous.


It may seem funny, but for parents on the board, it definitely gives a hostile tone, whether this is your intent or not. There really are people out there who hurt children. I assume it is a joke, but so many terrible things happen to children.



Please do not generalize for other parents - it was a joke.

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I'm afraid I just don't get the humor of "throwing kids [or anyone] overboard." It may sound like a joke to some, but perhaps a threat to others. If I were standing on deck with my kids, and they started carrying on, would I really need to be looking over my shoulder to make sure no annoyed passenger would pick one up, throw her overboard, and kill her?


It may seem funny, but for parents on the board, it definitely gives a hostile tone, whether this is your intent or not. There really are people out there who hurt children. I assume it is a joke, but so many terrible things happen to children.


Not only am I a parent (of 4), but I'm also a grandparent (of 8) so please don't presume to speak for me as to what's a joke and what isn't. The "hostile tone" is in your mind, not that of the person making the statement. And, yes, there are people out there who hurt children but there have been since time immemorial the only difference today is that we hear about it more often.


As I said, I've raised four kids and I thoroughly enjoy my 8 grandkids - but there are times when I wish to get away from them and simply be around other adults. Does that mean I "hate kids"? Not at all. It means that at different times, in different places, I prefer different company. So please don't impute that's or prejudices to me (or anyone else) when you have no proof of them.

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"If I were standing on deck with my kids, and they started carrying on, would I really need to be looking over my shoulder to make sure no annoyed passenger would pick one up, throw her overboard, and kill her?"


You must be kidding...no one on HAL or any other line is going to throw your little darlings overboard. The paranoia has reached a new level.



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Congrats on your successful and enjoyable HAL cruise!

If all kids were as well behaved as yours and all parents were as caring as you obviously are, we wouldnt have this type of discussion.*

Thank you. I couldn't have said it better myself.


Blue skies ...



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Probably due to lawsuits, everyone has gone over the top. This week, a gunman was being hunted in Lakeland, 50 miles away, our local schools were in partial lockdown. Yesterday, there was some kind of smell in the air near a couple of schools...they went into LOCKDOWN!!!!!


Ease up a bit. What is this over reaction doing to the kiddos? Jeez, everyone is SO sensitive.


I think even the Rev has joked about using kiddos as chum.

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Not only am I a parent (of 4), but I'm also a grandparent (of 8) so please don't presume to speak for me as to what's a joke and what isn't. The "hostile tone" is in your mind, not that of the person making the statement. And, yes, there are people out there who hurt children but there have been since time immemorial the only difference today is that we hear about it more often.


As I said, I've raised four kids and I thoroughly enjoy my 8 grandkids - but there are times when I wish to get away from them and simply be around other adults. Does that mean I "hate kids"? Not at all. It means that at different times, in different places, I prefer different company. So please don't impute that's or prejudices to me (or anyone else) when you have no proof of them.


thank you, and so very well said! i know that the parents of small children who are insulted that their children may not be as welcome in adult areas of a ship can't imagine that there will come a day when they will be able to travel alone, and can't imagine that they might actually enjoy a childfree (or child lessened) time. i couldn't imagine that either in the years when i was raising my children and traveling with them.


it is a bit disheartening to be branded as someone who "hates" children, simply because at this time of my life, with grown children and no grandbabies yet, i don't really want to be slobbered on, pushed at, or shrieked at. i adore well behaved children, i will laugh myself silly at the pride of a little girl in her first grown up dress, whether she is 3 in a pretty pink dress, a 13 year old young lady in her first pair of heels, or a little boy dressed in a suit when you can just SEE the impishness shining out of him. i just LOVE kids. i am the first person to move to help a tired and beleagured mom in the grocery store with a cranky toddler and a crying baby. but i really don't want to put up with bad behaved children whose parents couldn't be bothered to correct them. there is a difference. so please, anyone who feels that not wanting to spend 24/7 with badly behaved children makes us child haters? take a moment and think about what i've said, and what you might feel when YOUR children are grown. you might fit very well in our shoes.......;)

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I was wondering how this thread took on such a life of it own? I dont see were anyone called anyonelse a child hater, could someone teel me where? I startd this thread to bring up discussion not name calling like i said everyoneis entited to their opion. i dont think i am talking about kids in adult only areas in fact that is why i like to cruise kids can do somethiings i n club hal and mom and I can sit on balcony for a few minuts and unwind. i have been a way for a couple of days and cant seem to foollow some commits here .

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And in summary, HAL is fine for children and families. The people who post anti-child stuff on the internet seem to be internet-specific, and perhaps trying to steer families away from HAL to keep it adult, despite HAL's marketing efforts.

You sound like a parent, though, who keeps a watchful eye on her children, so I can't understand anyone onboard having a problem sharing the boat with your kids. And, if they do ... well, plain and simple ... it is THEIR problem, not yours. You are right ... there are a lot of people on this board, myself included, who would prefer a child-free sailing ... for whatever personal reasons we have. That's fine. But as you say, HAL is actively marketing to families with children, and whether we like it or not there will always be some kids on the boat ... hopefully well-behaved ones ... and we have to get used to that. If we can't ... well, then it's time for us to find another cruise line to sail, but I fear we'll all have a problem with that since most lines are welcoming families these days ... so it looks like the best we can do is try to sail at times when there is less likely to be many children onboard. We can also sail itineraries that wouldn't appeal to families. But other than that ... we will have to get used to kids ... and to sharing the ship and its facilities with them. There really is no other choice.


As for what you perceive as the hateful comments posted here about children ... that's the problem with the internet. If someone were to say those things to your face, you would know immediately if they were said in jest or as a serious threat. On the internet, it is difficult to determine that. However, I really believe that some of the comments posted were truly in jest ... and if the posters were your neighbors or friends, saying those same things over the back fence, you'd be laughing it off. Please, don't take offense. I don't honestly believe there is one child hater among us. There are just some who prefer to keep their cruises child-free ... and are having a hard time accepting that HAL is welcoming the family market with open arms, thus ensuring that their future cruises are going to be anything but. But, give them time. They'll adjust.


Blue skies ...



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And in summary, HAL is fine for children and families. The people who post anti-child stuff on the internet seem to be internet-specific, and perhaps trying to steer families away from HAL to keep it adult, despite HAL's marketing efforts.

Your kids are still young ... and maybe that's why HAL is fine for them. But, believe me, when they grow a bit older, I can't imagine HAL being the best line for them. In fact, I would think for most kids, it would be downright boring. How can HAL possibly stand up to a line like RCCL and Disney for kids? HAL has nowhere near the facilities that one of the big RCCL ships has ... stuff that kids go nuts over ... rock climbing wall, ice skating, etc.


I'm glad your kids enjoyed HAL, but wait until they get older. I doubt they're gonna be interesting in sailing the line again.


Blue skies ...



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As a parent who is planning a cruise on Presidents week on the Westerdam with a 2 yr old and a 3 1/2 year old I feel I need to chime in and explain why we are choosing to try HAL.


We have been on Carnival twice with our kids, in fact just over Labor Day and b/c they are so young, Carnival is not the best choice for us. Why? (Well, for many reasons, but for the purposes of this thread...) Because there is no in cabin babysitting. We have been on RCI and Celebrity with them as well where there is private babysitting and it was a different cruise. The camps dont take the younger child, and it really is not so great for them to wake them up from sleeping on the floor to transfer them back to their rooms which is what you do with the "slumber parties." With the in cabin babysitting we can go to late seating dinner without them (keeping them out of the dining room) and feed them in the room before. They go to sleep, we go to dinner/show etc. Sometimes the kids dont even know we are gone b/c they slept through it!


After the last Carnival cruise we looked for another line that has this service. (Celebrity and RCI's itineraries were pretty same old same old. Also, RCI does not permit toddlers under 2 into the camp at all if they are in diapers. HAL has a toddler time) and to my surprise discovered that HAL has babysitting, plus the camp that can take 3 year olds. Also, the itinerary was different and had ports that we havent been to. I was very hesitant to book HAL as I thought it did not cater to kids, but since it offers the camp and the babysitting where other "kid friendly" lines do not, we decided to chance it.


BTW, of the 3 cruise lines we have been on with the kids, the one where we received the most dirty looks for having little kids was believe it or not, Carnival. On RCI, we were just one of the hundreds, and on Celebrity (we just had the one child at the time) we were constantly stopped by other passengers to comment on how cute our son was, or to ask how he liked the cruise etc... So nice and friendly.


Last point, when I called HAL to get a price quote, I mentioned that I thought they were not so kid friendly and the agent quickly corrected me and advised that HAL is looking to change their image and wants to appeal to all generations of families.


So if you are cruising the Westerdam over Presidents week in February, we will be there with our little guys. But I would think since it is a holiday week we wont be the only ones with children.

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So if you are cruising the Westerdam over Presidents week in February, we will be there with our little guys. But I would think since it is a holiday week we wont be the only ones with children.

Your little guy will have tons of company that week.


That's why I don't understand why so many HAL cruisers get bothered by kids onboard. You can so easily avoid it. Example: If you don't like sailing with kids, DON'T book a seven-day cruise over a holiday period ... cause that's exactly when families will opt to cruise. I'm leaving for a cruise on the Amsterdam in two weeks. It's a Panama Canal itinerary, 13 days from New York, middle of October. I'm guessing that if there are a dozen kids onboard, that will be a lot.


So it's all a matter of selective cruising ... picking your spots depending upon what you are looking for ... either lots of others for your children to play with ... or no kids at all. We can all enjoy the HAL experience that most suits us, and everybody can be happy.


Blue skies ...



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I was wondering how this thread took on such a life of it own? I dont see were anyone called anyonelse a child hater, could someone teel me where? I startd this thread to bring up discussion not name calling like i said everyoneis entited to their opion. i dont think i am talking about kids in adult only areas in fact that is why i like to cruise kids can do somethiings i n club hal and mom and I can sit on balcony for a few minuts and unwind. i have been a way for a couple of days and cant seem to foollow some commits here .


Maybe this ?

I am truly horrified by what I read on these boards. Can you think of any individual group of people in America that would tolerate having such horrible things said about them as kids, parents (there's a lot of blaming the parents on this board, I think as a cover for kid hating), and families
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thank you, and so very well said! i know that the parents of small children who are insulted that their children may not be as welcome in adult areas of a ship can't imagine that there will come a day when they will be able to travel alone, and can't imagine that they might actually enjoy a childfree (or child lessened) time. i couldn't imagine that either in the years when i was raising my children and traveling with them.


it is a bit disheartening to be branded as someone who "hates" children, simply because at this time of my life, with grown children and no grandbabies yet, i don't really want to be slobbered on, pushed at, or shrieked at. i adore well behaved children, i will laugh myself silly at the pride of a little girl in her first grown up dress, whether she is 3 in a pretty pink dress, a 13 year old young lady in her first pair of heels, or a little boy dressed in a suit when you can just SEE the impishness shining out of him. i just LOVE kids. i am the first person to move to help a tired and beleagured mom in the grocery store with a cranky toddler and a crying baby. but i really don't want to put up with bad behaved children whose parents couldn't be bothered to correct them. there is a difference. so please, anyone who feels that not wanting to spend 24/7 with badly behaved children makes us child haters? take a moment and think about what i've said, and what you might feel when YOUR children are grown. you might fit very well in our shoes.......;)


Well said. :)

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