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To Those Who Don't Like Cruising During Spring Break


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Hey guys.


I've been reading a lot recently about cruising during spring break and how you all can't stand the behaviour of these 'kids' etc.


I've seen so many people put down 'spring breakers' so much and so I was just wondering for those who are 30+ etc and who have kids, when you are whining and moaning about spring breakers ruining your cruise, do you think that your children won't ever be like that?


In a post I just read that made me want to post this thread, someone said something along the lines of "who raises these kids, wolves?"

How do you think your kids behave when they're at parties? Do you think your kids will never drink when they go to college? Do you think they're going to stay inside studying 24/7 like you brought them up to?


Kids on spring break go on break to have fun. They drink. Yes, I totally agree that things can get out of hand. I'm 20, and I LOVE to drink when the occasion calls for it, but I also disagree with the chair throwing, fighting etc. There is a limit and I understand that they can sometimes step over this limit. But they are on a cruise, and they have EVERY right to drink. What they don't have the right is to break the law. So just because there is a group of guys mucking around in the pool does not give you the right to call their mother a wolf (in the example I mentioned above) I agree that there are limits. There are definately things noone has the right to do. But loud drinking with mates is something that everyone has the right to do, and if you don't like it then walk away. ONLY when they break the law, or have loud parties late at night etc (which is still technically breaking the law, at least in Australia, because you can't make noise loud enough for your neighbours to hear after midnight), can you start to complain.


To those who think these kids are so feral, I would absolutely LOVE to see your reaction if you were a fly on the wall when your kid grows up and then goes on Spring Break.. I really would. :)

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I happen to be a 21 year old college student. I like to drink and have a good time just like most people my age.... however....

I would never conduct myself in a manor like some of those SB'ers do.


I am all for a good time. After all thats why we go on cruises.

I simply refuse to travel during SB because its WAYYYY too crowed for my liking!


Id prefer to go in the off season

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I'm 20, and I LOVE to drink when the occasion calls for it


I hope you don't plan on drinking too much on your cruise. The legal serving age is 21 on board the ship and it is enforced.


But they are on a cruise, and they have EVERY right to drink. What they don't have the right is to break the law.


Since you are underage on the cruise anyhow, I'm going on the assumption that your friends are as well. The majority of college students are under 21. So therefore they do not have "EVERY right to drink" on the ship and they are breaking the law.


As one of those old 30ish people you mentioned (I'm 29), a mother of three and a college student as well, I do understand your point of view.


As an "old person": It IS annoying as hell having to chase drunks of any age out of your way to have fun. You have the right to get plowed, and I have the right not to have to put up with you. Either learn how to handle your alcohol and conduct yourself in a PUBLIC place with decorum or go sleep it off until you can.


As a college student: I love to be able to party, have fun with my friends and kick back a few. I do know that I am expected to conduct myself in a proper manner and be respectful of those around me. Maybe that's because I'm an old college student.... ;)


As a mother: If I ever found out my children were making asses of themselves in public on MY dime (more than likely), breaking the law by drinking underage and being an obnoxious nuisance to others..... I don't care how old they are I'd turn them over my knee! :D I'm not naieve enough to think they won't experiment with drinking. They WILL learn that being drunk is no excuse for poor behavior.


Drink and have a good time. It doesn't bother me at all!!! Just as I won't interfere with your good time, I expect you not to interfere with mine. Turnabout is fair play!


This whole situation reminds me of my Grandpa's favorite line: "I don't mind fools, I just don't want them around me".

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I hope you don't plan on drinking too much on your cruise. The legal serving age is 21 on board the ship and it is enforced.


I did mention that I was from Australia, and the legal drinking age here is 18. I never once was condoning illegal activity. In fact, I said quite the opposite.


Since you are underage on the cruise anyhow, I'm going on the assumption that your friends are as well. The majority of college students are under 21. So therefore they do not have "EVERY right to drink" on the ship and they are breaking the law.


Refer to the previous section.


As one of those old 30ish people you mentioned (I'm 29), a mother of three and a college student as well, I do understand your point of view.


As an "old person": It IS annoying as hell having to chase drunks of any age out of your way to have fun. You have the right to get plowed, and I have the right not to have to put up with you. Either learn how to handle your alcohol and conduct yourself in a PUBLIC place with decorum or go sleep it off until you can.


That's exactly right. I have the right to get drunk. Rather, spring breakers (on the assumption that they are 21+ in America) have the right to get drunk in any bar etc on a cruise ship. You do NOT have the right, however, to say that spring breakers are not allowed to be in the public areas of the ship JUST because they are drunk. They have every right to get drunk and have a good time in any of the bars, and if YOU don't enjoy being around that, then it should be you that is the one to leave. I understand that you also have the right to be there, but JUST because they are drunk and having a good time does not give you any right to feel that they shouldn't be there.


As a college student: I love to be able to party, have fun with my friends and kick back a few. I do know that I am expected to conduct myself in a proper manner and be respectful of those around me. Maybe that's because I'm an old college student.... ;)


I agree with you here. I said in my original post that I do know that things get out of hand and that some of these kids do step over the mark, and I did say that that is when you have a right to speak up. But just because they are having a good time drinking and being louder than you are being with your company, does not give you any right to put them down.


As a mother: If I ever found out my children were making asses of themselves in public on MY dime (more than likely), breaking the law by drinking underage and being an obnoxious nuisance to others..... I don't care how old they are I'd turn them over my knee! :D I'm not naieve enough to think they won't experiment with drinking. They WILL learn that being drunk is no excuse for poor behavior.


Drink and have a good time. It doesn't bother me at all!!! Just as I won't interfere with your good time, I expect you not to interfere with mine. Turnabout is fair play!


This whole situation reminds me of my Grandpa's favorite line: "I don't mind fools, I just don't want them around me".


I'm glad you realise that your kids will be out there on spring break as well. I just hope you realise that your kids will more than likely be doing more than 'just experimenting' with alcohol. It's not like they are going to try it one night and never do it again. My main point in my original post was to ensure that you all realise that it most likely will be your kids out there on spring break, quite possibly doing the things that you whine about when you're on the cruise.


When spring breakers 'interfere' with you on a cruise you have every right to be angry. But merely drinking a few, or a lot, and being loud with each other, does not 'interfere' with your cruise, and if it does, then that is your prerogative, and thus your problem.


P.S. I have never once condoned the 'wild' behaviour some people have mentioned witnessing on cruises. I completely agree that the idiots who end up breaking things and fighting should get security on their asses. But I don't agree with everyone knocking spring breakers just because they like to have a few and enjoy themselves. It's the minority that you all despise, not the majority.

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I dont know what the great debate is all about. We crusied spring break last year and are again this year and I never saw any college students drunk. For one thing the age restrictions for traveling on a cruise ship keeps a lot of college students away. My son was looking at a cruise for spring break and when I told him the age restrictions he changes his plans. Yeah college students drink and have a good time. I bet a few of the people on here that is griping about them went to college and had a nip or two also. How soon we forget our past. College is supposed to be the fun time of your life. Right afterwards come the rat race we all call makin a living. Id rather be around a bunch of college students having a good time than a bunch of smaller kids running around saying marco polo all the time. Give the kids a break, they are our future. Mines in ROTC and will be in Iraq probably within the next two years. All I can say is have fun son and enjoy yourself responsibly. Youve got a cruel world full of critics facing you and life will never be the same. Nuff said

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How soon we forget our past. College is supposed to be the fun time of your life. Right afterwards come the rat race we all call makin a living. Id rather be around a bunch of college students having a good time than a bunch of smaller kids running around saying marco polo all the time. Give the kids a break, they are our future.
Amen! I'd like to add that I would rather be cruising with a lot of college aged "kids" having fun than the fellow passengers we had on the Legend in December. It was a much older crowd, nightlife was dead, and a lot (definitely not all, but A LOT) of the people were just downright rude. Obviously, no one wants to deal with out of hand behavior from any age group, but I can put up with the noise, etc. I'm 45, but I'm not dead yet! :p
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I've cruised with spring breakers, but not had any major problems. However, I would find shouting next door at night or vomit on the hallway floor for the cabin stewards to clean up VERY irresponsible, not to mention disgusting. Even as a teenager, I never did think that drinking myself into a total stupor was fun, nor is throwing up or the resulting hangover. Of course, it doesn't take a spring breaker to exhibit that kind of behavior!


So what are the age restrictions for cruising? I didn't realize there were any. Apparently they are not being followed, if the drinking situation is that bad.

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I just came back from my first cruise, on spring break, as I am a university student. I cannot stand that people are always blamming the drunkenness on college students. Okay, some like to have a good time, but that doesnt mean all college students are drunks during spring break. On our cruise I can tell you that I saw more sober college "kids" than sober adults. I did, however, see adults vomiting in the line ups to get back on the ship because they've been drinking since they got up in the morning, and adults too drunk to walk properly during the day.

I agree that everyone can drink and have a good time, but it is not fair to put the blame only on college kids!

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I just got off a spring break cruise. I had a BLAST! (I am going to be 45 in June). I also sailed a 2week X cruise through the canal this past Nov where the average age was 68 years old. I prefer sailing with the kids :D

We talked to many of these kids...out of the hundreds on board, 99% were just having fun...yeah, there were a couple obnoxious ones but my feeling is that they'll just be obnoxious adults one day, so age has nothing to do with their behavior. Most of these kids we talked to were going on to further schooling...we talked to one group of girls going into medical school, we talked with a guy who is graduating from Annapolis this May and will be in a submarine for a long period when he graduates.

My opinion is that these kids have 2 decades of absolute crap coming up...the real world with real jobs and real realtionships with marraige and kids. They won't be free again until they're my age or older....let them have this one lousy week to have fun!

Carnival was totally dilligent on my cruise (Inspiration) carding these kids.


OH and I want to congratulate ALL the kids on this cruise who really knew how to get dressed in the dining room each night. Even on casual nights these kids were looking awesome!! I was quite impressed....maybe I was just lucky and hit the spring break week with the kids from the better schools ;)

It doesn't matter....I'd take a ship full of 21 year old kids over a ship full of middle school kids ANY freaking day. Been there done that with both, and middle school kids can be terrors!! :eek:

I also enjoyed being poolside with these kids each afternoon, watching them participate in the pool games. On my Celebrity cruise I was not entertained like this.

My DH and I had a BLAST. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't make every booking durring spring break week, but I wouldn't turn down a week with these kids either. I absolutely loved them.


I also must add that I am a Yankee born and raised and the southern kids have the best manners I've ever seen. Kudos to Southern moms for raising such nice boys!!

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I think that people gripe about the spring breakers is because their bodies are in better shape than the rest of us. I'd rather look at cute twenties than a fat 60 year old stuffed in a bikini. They should revive F deck during spring break! Now the dirty old men like me can go up to the funnel looking for mini golf and be surprised finding minikinis.

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I agree with many here. I think some spring breakers get a bad rap just for being in college. My last cruise in January started with a groupof 30 somethings that drank too much as we sailed and were very loud, especially with their use of 4 letter words!!.


Just wanted to add my two cents


Now off to packfor my April 1st cruise!!!

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...I was just wondering for those who are 30+ etc and who have kids, when you are whining and moaning about spring breakers ruining your cruise, do you think that your children won't ever be like that?


definitely not. but, i really hope not. i had a blast when i was in college. still like to think that i do. but i saw some unbelievable things on spring break. i was there, of course, and i partied harder than my parents wld like to have known, i'm sure, but...


1. i did not sit in the barber chair in a bar on the strip, almost fully reclined, and have the bar staff free pour bottle after bottle of hard liquor down my throat until i cldn't take any more, then get out of the chair w/ some much needed help, stumble out of the door, and fall face first -- hard -- against the curb, losing 3 teeth...


2. i did not climb up to the roof of my hotel room (totally wasted), and dive off of it into the built in pool below...


3. i did not play football in the hotel room (again totally wasted), and try to make a catch which sent me flying through the sliding glass door, landing me in the hospital...


4. i did not climb onto the roof of the hotel and summarily start throwing garbage cans off of it, into the parking lot and into the pool, just to be destructive....


these things all happened on only ONE of my spring breaks. i have a million more stories i cld tell. will my children be in a similar environment one day, probably -- it's college. But, i'd like to think that they will be smart, safe, and not be the active participants in such life threatening behavior.


So, w/ all due respect, you are truly kidding yourself if you think that most of us don't know what it's all about. And, as a parent of 3, i don't want my little ones witnessing your behavior. they are in elementary school, not college, so gimme a break on that one. and this is why i wld not want to cruise during a college spring break.



But they are on a cruise, and they have EVERY right to drink. What they don't have the right is to break the law.


when i was in school the drinking age went from 18 to 19. it went to 21 toward the very end or right after, if i remember correctly. but, the drinking age on carnival is supposed to be 21. so aren't you all breaking the law you say you have no right to break? not trying to be a hard a$$, just making the point. and BTW, how are you getting booked? aren't you supposed to be 25 y/o to book a cabin on your own?


...To those who think these kids are so feral, I would absolutely LOVE to see your reaction if you were a fly on the wall when your kid grows up and then goes on Spring Break.. I really would. :)


just a question -- how wld you feel if your mother was the proverbial "fly on the wall?"

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P.S. I have never once condoned the 'wild' behaviour some people have mentioned witnessing on cruises. I completely agree that the idiots who end up breaking things and fighting should get security on their asses. But I don't agree with everyone knocking spring breakers just because they like to have a few and enjoy themselves. It's the minority that you all despise, not the majority.



:) Well said!



For goodness sake people!! If you don't like sailing with young people that are having fun, then try X. I swear you'll like it better!! No young kids!

Personally I plan on growing old and being an 88 year old Carnival cruiser enjoying the 21 year old kids...and there were many on my cruise that were senior citizens and doing just that. That's how I wanna be when I grow old(er);) I'll be doing the Macarena with a cane...if you see me, stop and say Hello!

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Hey guys.


I've been reading a lot recently about cruising during spring break and how you all can't stand the behaviour of these 'kids' etc.


To those who think these kids are so feral, I would absolutely LOVE to see your reaction if you were a fly on the wall when your kid grows up and then goes on Spring Break.. I really would. :)


Hey Mikey,


I guess 20 is old enough to learn that not everyone has children. It's a choice these days.


I don't have kids, and I don't enjoy cruising with hundreds of them - 2-yr-olds or 20-yr-olds.


And no, I didn't behave like that on a cruise when I was 20. I was too broke to pay for it myself, and my parents certainly weren't going to pay for me to drink myself stupid on a cruise (and mostly, but not always, I had better sense!):eek:

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No one has a problem with people having fun.


We do have a problem with drunks screaming and cussing at the top of their lungs (doing "hoo waa" calls) at 2AM in their cabins and hallways every night.

There is no excuse for that. And no, my son (currently 19) would not do that because I raised him to be able to have a good time AND respect himself and others. (It can be done!!)


Both my boys have cruised with us since they were 5 and 8. And after 16 cruises, I have not had to correct them one single time. The oldest knew that the place to joke and cut up and be loud was up on Lido or on Promenade but NOT in the cabins or hallways. The oldest also knew that when he came in a 3AM that he had better not wake me up (much less anyone else) or it would be his last cruise. We have a saying "if you want to cruise, you follow the rules!"


And yes, he is off at college and travels all over the State with the college Speech and Debate team and they all have a great time....but they still always respect themselves and others. He traveled all over the State in High School for Academic competitions and "mommy" wasn't there to tell him how to act.


The bottom line is that people "who were raised by wolves" act on the ship the same way they act at home...hence the problem.

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:) Well said!



For goodness sake people!! If you don't like sailing with young people that are having fun, then try X. I swear you'll like it better!! No young kids!

Personally I plan on growing old and being an 88 year old Carnival cruiser enjoying the 21 year old kids...and there were many on my cruise that were senior citizens and doing just that. That's how I wanna be when I grow old(er);) I'll be doing the Macarena with a cane...if you see me, stop and say Hello!


halos -- you clearly had a different experience than those shared in recent threads. i don't think we are talking about well behaved people here. but, there is always the risk of behavior that is outta hand. so ya can't dis' the ones who say they'd rather skip it (the cruise) until a later time b/c they don't want the little ones being exposed to it if it occurs. most of us who discuss skipping it have either had a negative exp on a cruise b/c of it or, have "been there, done that" and know what the chances are.

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No one has a problem with people having fun.


We do have a problem with drunks screaming and cussing at the top of their lungs (doing "hoo waa" calls) at 2AM in their cabins and hallways every night.

There is no excuse for that. .


I agree that the noise in the halls at night was a little more than what I'm used to, but it didn't bother me THAT much. In all honesty, when I cruised one week during the month of June, we had younger kids running and screaming in the halls at all hours as well....that was actually worse (Doors banging constantly drove me NUTS!)

This is why I won't likely cruise in the summer to the Caribbean again...the age demographic on the ship doesn't appeal to me. With this knowledge I will book accordingly.

People who cruise during the months of March & April should know better. Unless you live in a cave by yourself, you'd know this is college break time. If you don't want to take the chance of being on a ship with some kids that act like wild animals, then you have no business cruising Carnival during these months.

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That is so cool how you have the slideshow of your cruise on your post. I enjoyed watching it and it just makes me even more excited and ready for my trip next month. Looks like you had a fabulous time. Thanks for the uplift in the midst of another thread of people all fussing at each other.

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halos -- you clearly had a different experience than those shared in recent threads. i don't think we are talking about well behaved people here. but, there is always the risk of behavior that is outta hand. so ya can't dis' the ones who say they'd rather skip it (the cruise) until a later time b/c they don't want the little ones being exposed to it if it occurs. most of us who discuss skipping it have either had a negative exp on a cruise b/c of it or, have "been there, done that" and know what the chances are.


Not dissing anybody. I'm just saying that if you want to sail Carnival don't sail during March or April if you don't want to risk the chance of some craziness...if you need to cruise in March or April there are other cruise lines that young adults/college students can't afford ;)

I do think that these spring break threads dis the kids, who for the most part are really awesome, and I think that some adults grow 'old' too fast. My thread was meant to not DIS anyone, but to stick up for the kids.

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Personally I plan on growing old and being an 88 year old Carnival cruiser enjoying the 21 year old kids...




To the College kids I say party on. Just remember that a ship is a confined space and you are sharing it with others of all ages.

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I don't have a problem with the young adults... my problem is the 13-17 year olds that get sloshed... college kids generally know how to act someone civil, but these young teens are ridiculous... our cruise last February was full of them, NEVER again!!!! Most college kids I have run into are 21 or older, and just having a good time... I'll take the college kids any day over the under 18 crowd... but just the same, I won't be cruising from late Feb through Mid April :p Or in the summer...

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I did mention that I was from Australia, and the legal drinking age here is 18. I never once was condoning illegal activity. In fact, I said quite the opposite.



Refer to the previous section.



That's exactly right. I have the right to get drunk. Rather, spring breakers (on the assumption that they are 21+ in America) have the right to get drunk in any bar etc on a cruise ship. You do NOT have the right, however, to say that spring breakers are not allowed to be in the public areas of the ship JUST because they are drunk. They have every right to get drunk and have a good time in any of the bars, and if YOU don't enjoy being around that, then it should be you that is the one to leave. I understand that you also have the right to be there, but JUST because they are drunk and having a good time does not give you any right to feel that they shouldn't be there.




I agree with you here. I said in my original post that I do know that things get out of hand and that some of these kids do step over the mark, and I did say that that is when you have a right to speak up. But just because they are having a good time drinking and being louder than you are being with your company, does not give you any right to put them down.




I'm glad you realise that your kids will be out there on spring break as well. I just hope you realise that your kids will more than likely be doing more than 'just experimenting' with alcohol. It's not like they are going to try it one night and never do it again. My main point in my original post was to ensure that you all realise that it most likely will be your kids out there on spring break, quite possibly doing the things that you whine about when you're on the cruise.


When spring breakers 'interfere' with you on a cruise you have every right to be angry. But merely drinking a few, or a lot, and being loud with each other, does not 'interfere' with your cruise, and if it does, then that is your prerogative, and thus your problem.


P.S. I have never once condoned the 'wild' behaviour some people have mentioned witnessing on cruises. I completely agree that the idiots who end up breaking things and fighting should get security on their asses. But I don't agree with everyone knocking spring breakers just because they like to have a few and enjoy themselves. It's the minority that you all despise, not the majority.


I noticed you were from Australia. You are so lucky! After our cruise, Australia is next up for our vacation plans! :) I was trying to point out that it isn't legal to drink under 21 on the ship no matter where you are from and that a majority of the "hellraisers" do drink underage. I think that in itself is a whole different saga though! :)


I haven't cruised yet so I really don't know what it's like on Spring Break. I'm not against anyone being loud, happy and having a great time! That's what vacation is about at ANY age! :) I guess I didn't make that clear enough in my post. It's being loud and happy in front of someone's cabin at 3am when people are trying to sleep that grates on my nerves. I don't care how old you are, college age or in your 70's....if you drink, conduct yourself in a proper manner. Like someone else said (and I'm STILL laughing about it!) if you can't handle it, go back to the sippy cup. I'm not "whining" about anything.


My children are still fairly young (11, 5, and 3) so I won't cross that bridge until I come to it. My 11 year old is coming close upon it though according to the statistics of today! :)


I've found that great people come in all ages, shapes and sizes. I am definitely not one to lump anyone into a category! I'm looking forward to meeting new and interesting people, period.

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If you're goal is to "get drunk", then you need to do it in the privacy of your room. A few drinks is one thing but going to extremes is a whole new ballgame. I love to cruise, I love to have fun, I drink a few, but I don't see how much I can cram down in order to have projectile vomiting contests. In order to avoid this I don't cruise during spring break, therefore I don't have to complain about it.

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