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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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OK Roz its that time again. My daughter stayed with me while recovering from her surgery and finally went back home this past week. She left this behind for my lil pup; Blitz.....


It was clean water, I started running the water ran inside to get my phone to take the picture and this is proof we need rain in this area...



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Sandy is taking more medication that Rich's Mom. I think I am going to start calling her "Gram". At least she is not obsessed with her bowel habits.


Actually, we switched her from Advantage to Advantix. Fleas are really bad in Georgia so far this year, so many vets are recomending flea protection every 3 weeks instead of four......


Sandy is taking meds twice a day. Baths twice a week. I think I might need a flea coller before this is resolved. The rash has subsided and the licking and scratching have improved...


Can't sleep and because I'm off tomorrow I'll just sleep in, so........I thought I'd get online to get a chuckle from Sunshine and poor, suffering Sandy.


Sounds like Rich's mom's concerns are showing that she's getting better and that our Sandy is on the road to recovery.


Brenda is due for her Advantix on Tuesday, maybe I'll put it on later today......I'm getting itchy just reading this.

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In honor of Memorial Day, I want to share the story of this picture which was taken yesterday. Teresa (at the far left in the picture) and Marion (at the far right) are dear friends I have known since high school--they are both police officers in my hometown.


The handsome German Shephard Dog in the picture is "Josh," Teresa's partner--a patrol and drug detection dog. Josh is a very brave police officer but when he is not working he's a "pussycat" and a beloved member of his family. He loves his Moms and his two canine and one feline "sisters" very much.


So you ask, "What does this have to do with Memorial Day?"


Which brings me to the two men in the picture. Standing next to Josh is Sgt. Sal Giunta who some of you may have seen on "60 Minutes" tonight. Sgt. Giunta is the first living Medal of Honor recipient since the Vietnam era. Standing next to Sgt. Giunta is Mike Brennan, another police officer from my hometown and the father of Joshua Brennan, the wounded soldier for whom Sgt. Giunta risked his life to save from the Taliban fighters who were trying to drag him off as a "trophy."


As you've probably guessed by now, Josh the GSD is named in honor of Joshua Brennan, who died of his injuries the next day.


More than a million Americans have died fighting for our country since 1775. Please take a minute tomorrow to remember all of them but especially Josh Brennan who died on October 26, 2007. I'm sure soldier Josh is an angel now who keeps Teresa and doggie Josh safe as they serve and protect.




Kathi, thank you for sharing the picture and for telling us about these wonderful folks and Josh.


I'm proud of all our Service Men and Women, in the past and in the present....I pray for their safety and thank them for their service to this wonderful country and for keeping us safe.

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OK Roz its that time again. My daughter stayed with me while recovering from her surgery and finally went back home this past week. She left this behind for my lil pup; Blitz.....


It was clean water, I started running the water ran inside to get my phone to take the picture and this is proof we need rain in this area...




BIG DOG, very small pool! :D How funny is this picture. Looks like Blitz could care less about the size of it......he's loving it!!!!!

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Sunshine, Sorry to hear about Sandys problems. I hate fleas but they love me. Before they came out with all these meds, my house was infested a few times and we had to "bomb" it. What a pain that was. I seem to be an attraction for fleas, I get chewed up! We are so lucky that the IAADP gives us our Advantix and Cosequin for free because they are both very expensive. I'm glad Sandy is getting some meds and hope she will be better soon.


Quam, Thanks for checking in. I think we were all wondering where you have been. Hope you won lots of money in Vegas.


Kathi, What a wonderful pic and story, thanks so much for sharing it with us.


Guitarest, Great pic of Blitz, our last service dog loved his kiddie pool, but of course Wex is the anti-water lab and he hates it!



Just to update, John has left school for the rest of the year. With his weakening arms and the toll it has been taking on him to get ready in the morning, he decided it was just to much. So now he is home (and driving me nuts!). We have been trying to get a second opinion. We filled out many forms and faxes to get his MRI and his medical records and after weeks of this, the woman we have been dealing with tells us no one can even SEE him til the end of July. So he has just scheduled the surgery with the doctor we saw first. As it is, he can't do the surgery til July 1st. We are hoping this will give him enough time to recover for school in the fall. Trying to see a doctor in this area is almost impossible. Sometimes you just can't wait months for an appointment. But they don't seem to care. We asked if we just sent the MRI and med records to Mass General, if one of the 15 neurosurgeons could review them and just tell us if he thinks he should have surgery. But they said they HAVE to see him, for what I don't know. There is no physical exam they can do to see any part of the problem. But thats how they work. For an area who has some of the best hospitals and best doctors, you have to be brought in on a stretcher to get to see one of them. If anyone knows a doctor looking for a job, we could use as many as we can here.


Thanks for letting me vent! It is so frustrating! :(



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Cindy, of course we are all hear for venting needs. I am so sorry that John is having such challenges, and sorry for the school that they are missing such a fabulous teaching pair as John and Wex! My background is in neurosurgical nursing...but the pediatric population. I know some great neurosurgeons, but sadly you have to be under 21 to see them. Please know that I am always here for you.

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Sunshine, Sorry to hear about Sandys problems. I hate fleas but they love me. Before they came out with all these meds, my house was infested a few times and we had to "bomb" it. What a pain that was. I seem to be an attraction for fleas, I get chewed up! We are so lucky that the IAADP gives us our Advantix and Cosequin for free because they are both very expensive. I'm glad Sandy is getting some meds and hope she will be better soon.


Quam, Thanks for checking in. I think we were all wondering where you have been. Hope you won lots of money in Vegas.


Kathi, What a wonderful pic and story, thanks so much for sharing it with us.


Guitarest, Great pic of Blitz, our last service dog loved his kiddie pool, but of course Wex is the anti-water lab and he hates it!



Just to update, John has left school for the rest of the year. With his weakening arms and the toll it has been taking on him to get ready in the morning, he decided it was just to much. So now he is home (and driving me nuts!). We have been trying to get a second opinion. We filled out many forms and faxes to get his MRI and his medical records and after weeks of this, the woman we have been dealing with tells us no one can even SEE him til the end of July. So he has just scheduled the surgery with the doctor we saw first. As it is, he can't do the surgery til July 1st. We are hoping this will give him enough time to recover for school in the fall. Trying to see a doctor in this area is almost impossible. Sometimes you just can't wait months for an appointment. But they don't seem to care. We asked if we just sent the MRI and med records to Mass General, if one of the 15 neurosurgeons could review them and just tell us if he thinks he should have surgery. But they said they HAVE to see him, for what I don't know. There is no physical exam they can do to see any part of the problem. But thats how they work. For an area who has some of the best hospitals and best doctors, you have to be brought in on a stretcher to get to see one of them. If anyone knows a doctor looking for a job, we could use as many as we can here.


Thanks for letting me vent! It is so frustrating! :(




Cindy, I'm so sorry to hear about John's not finishing the teaching year and his health issues.


You know, maybe you have the answer.......go through the ER; since John is in a wheelchair already, just have him go into the Emergency Room with severe pain and complaining that he can't use his chair without his arms and needs to see a doctor, NOW!!!!! He'll scare them enough that they'll take care of his problem ASAP!


There's just something so meaningful and "visual" about a man in a wheelchair complaining about severe pain!!!!!!! It may be the motivation that the doctor's need to get John the help he so desperately needs.


Please let us know how it all goes [we're here for you "Cindyrella"]......I know exactly what you're talking about with the "driving me nuts" thing!!!! Morey's home EVERY DAY, which is why Roz works a fulltime job. ;) :cool:

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Thanks guys, I can always count on you. I am actually going home today. We have the neighbor coming in to help John get into bed tonight. Then I will be back in the morning to get him up. John has some air conditioning issues with the van, (like the compressor is dead!!) so he needs to get that fixed. Since he has no air and its hot as heck I will be taking Wex home with me today. He has enough to deal with right now. And if he has to sit somewhere, it will be to much for Wex and him. Of course my son is thrilled he will get to see his buddy! Talk to you all tomorrow.



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3 weeks from today we're on our way! I'm getting excited for the trip yet overwhelmed at the state my house is in right now. We had carpeting installed in our living room/dining room. I was just about done getting that done when we had water in our basement. Need to get someone in here to reinstall baseboards so my carpet can be reinstalled down there AND having my kitchen worked on sometime within the next two weeks.


But, in the meantime, I'm getting packing lists together, working on door decorations and getting Ollie's appointment for the vet scheduled. My stomach is doing flips like a kid the night before Christmas.


Are the requirements for Canada 5 days or within 2 weeks of travel? I can't find my notes and should call Disney again anyway. Ollie is due for his frontline and heartworm meds too. Thanks for the reminder.

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Thanks guys, I can always count on you. I am actually going home today. We have the neighbor coming in to help John get into bed tonight. Then I will be back in the morning to get him up. John has some air conditioning issues with the van, (like the compressor is dead!!) so he needs to get that fixed. Since he has no air and its hot as heck I will be taking Wex home with me today. He has enough to deal with right now. And if he has to sit somewhere, it will be to much for Wex and him. Of course my son is thrilled he will get to see his buddy! Talk to you all tomorrow.




I hope you had a safe journey. Didn't you just get a new car? This must be a different car. Morey has two [you heard me] two vehicles in our garage that don't work!!!! We couldn't survive, here in the L.A., without air conditioning. I hope it gets fixed soon!!!!


That Wex, does "double-duty", just like Brenda. She works for me and makes Morey feel good!!!!!!

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3 weeks from today we're on our way! I'm getting excited for the trip yet overwhelmed at the state my house is in right now. We had carpeting installed in our living room/dining room. I was just about done getting that done when we had water in our basement. Need to get someone in here to reinstall baseboards so my carpet can be reinstalled down there AND having my kitchen worked on sometime within the next two weeks.


But, in the meantime, I'm getting packing lists together, working on door decorations and getting Ollie's appointment for the vet scheduled. My stomach is doing flips like a kid the night before Christmas.


Are the requirements for Canada 5 days or within 2 weeks of travel? I can't find my notes and should call Disney again anyway. Ollie is due for his frontline and heartworm meds too. Thanks for the reminder.


When we went to Canada it was within 2 weeks of travel. You should double-check, it may have changed!

I love that feeling.....in the pit of your stomach.....knowing you'll be onboard a fabulous, floating hotel soon.......Have a wonderful time and come back and tell us all about it, so we can drool!

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I do not use the flea meds that is applied between the shoulders on any of my pups, I have had my lil guys on oral (pills) for years now not a flea in sight. Blitz's lil sister was too young for the pills and had loads of fleas as a pup until she was old enought to take a pill. No more fleas.... Plus you dont have to worry about the meds washing off.




Although, I do try to schedule her grooming a week or two after her meds have been given.......I was told by the Vet that it does not wash off the dog. The meds are absorbed into the skin and throughout the dogs system. It's applied to that the area so the dog doesn't lick it off!!!!

Advantix is very effective! Ooops! I better not say anything, I'll give myself and Brenny a "kaybosh"!

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"Itchy" and "Scratchy" reporting in. Sandy is still scratchy and all the licking and scratching is making me itchy!!! I am inspecting her daily for fleas. She looks at me like I'm crazy. And she is right I am crazy these days. Hopefully her skin will settle down soon. Poor Girl.

Going to get Cooler today. Her trainer is OK with her coming home, so, obviously it is me that is obsessing over the state of fleas. I'm taking her to my MIL's old apartment to do some serious packing. I'm not sure how much outing training this will be, but she's good company.

Moved Rich's mom to assisted living on FLEA day. Quite an experience, she is still a big miffed with us. And the good news: My daughter became engaged on the same day.

Maybe one of these days Mr Sunshine will loosen up the pocketbook strings to allow for a cruise. Oh, no, we have a wedding to pay for now..... I see overtime in my future........

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I hope you had a safe journey. Didn't you just get a new car? This must be a different car. Morey has two [you heard me] two vehicles in our garage that don't work!!!! We couldn't survive, here in the L.A., without air conditioning. I hope it gets fixed soon!!!!


That Wex, does "double-duty", just like Brenda. She works for me and makes Morey feel good!!!!!!


John has a van with a lift and all the handicapped crap (hand controls, swivel seat), and I have my new (2006) car. He is bringing his van down tomorrow. I have a feeling it's gonna be like 800.00 bucks to fix :eek:. We really don't need any unexpected bills (since he's not working) but that always seems to happen. Luckily he screwed up our taxes and we both got back more than expected.


Wex was great last night and everyone enjoyed him. Took mom on all her errands, did some stuff with my son, and did the laundry. Now I am back. Whewwwww. Bad thunderstorms today, so we will just hang out at home and drive eachother nuts.



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"Itchy" and "Scratchy" reporting in. Sandy is still scratchy and all the licking and scratching is making me itchy!!! I am inspecting her daily for fleas. She looks at me like I'm crazy. And she is right I am crazy these days. Hopefully her skin will settle down soon. Poor Girl.


Going to get Cooler today. Her trainer is OK with her coming home, so, obviously it is me that is obsessing over the state of fleas. I'm taking her to my MIL's old apartment to do some serious packing. I'm not sure how much outing training this will be, but she's good company.


Moved Rich's mom to assisted living on FLEA day. Quite an experience, she is still a big miffed with us. And the good news: My daughter became engaged on the same day.


Maybe one of these days Mr Sunshine will loosen up the pocketbook strings to allow for a cruise. Oh, no, we have a wedding to pay for now..... I see overtime in my future........


Congratulations on your daughter's engagement.......Get the checkbook ready. Yep! I do see some "overtime" in your future. No matter, it's "good times", celebrated with our families.

Poor Sandy. This year Brenda is looking so different than ever before. She's losing all her fur down to that "ducky down, fluffy" stuff under her black, gorgeous coat. She's gray/brown/black and when I pat her, she's not as "cushy, soft" as I'm used to. She's certainly not that "double coated" dog that I used to always brag about! This aging thing is changing my girl a lot.

I hope your MIL gets past her anger and learns to enjoy her "golden years" a bit!

Enjoy Cooler.....certainly sounds like these simple pleasures don't last as long as we'd like!!!!

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"Itchy" and "Scratchy" reporting in. Sandy is still scratchy and all the licking and scratching is making me itchy!!! I am inspecting her daily for fleas. She looks at me like I'm crazy. And she is right I am crazy these days. Hopefully her skin will settle down soon. Poor Girl.


Going to get Cooler today. Her trainer is OK with her coming home, so, obviously it is me that is obsessing over the state of fleas. I'm taking her to my MIL's old apartment to do some serious packing. I'm not sure how much outing training this will be, but she's good company.


Moved Rich's mom to assisted living on FLEA day. Quite an experience, she is still a big miffed with us. And the good news: My daughter became engaged on the same day.


Maybe one of these days Mr Sunshine will loosen up the pocketbook strings to allow for a cruise. Oh, no, we have a wedding to pay for now..... I see overtime in my future........



Wow Sunshine, the MIL, the dog, the daughter and Cooler!! You have your hands full. I'm tired just listening to you. You are one tough cookie!!



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John has a van with a lift and all the handicapped crap (hand controls, swivel seat), and I have my new (2006) car. He is bringing his van down tomorrow. I have a feeling it's gonna be like 800.00 bucks to fix :eek:. We really don't need any unexpected bills (since he's not working) but that always seems to happen. Luckily he screwed up our taxes and we both got back more than expected.


Wex was great last night and everyone enjoyed him. Took mom on all her errands, did some stuff with my son, and did the laundry. Now I am back. Whewwwww. Bad thunderstorms today, so we will just hang out at home and drive eachother nuts.




With ALL that you do for everybody else.......when's it YOUR turn?

And, when I "hang" at home with Morey.....I have to be so careful not to open my mouth when he; leaves crumbs everywhere but on his plate, when he drops something and it just stays where he dropped it, when he calls eating out-picking up a pizza or when he wants to invent something new in the kitchen and it's "everywhere" - on the walls, the floor - never mind, you get the picture! :cool:

My most favorite [NOT] is my "highly trained, very highly valued Service Dog" waiting at Morey's feet for the next scrap to be given to her - something he "marked and trained" her to do. Then she'll come over to me and I'll say to her, "you are kidding, right?" She knows exactly what I mean and will walk away looking like the most abused dog in the world.

There's nothing I can do.....this behavior will go on, no matter how much I complain about it. I just keep warning Morey and Brenda that when "Successor" comes into this house they both will need to shape-up!!!!!

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Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

Do you want to guess what I've been doing??????........Now, remember, I have a cruise booked for September 24th......I'm looking into a cruise in December. It has to be easy/reasonable and with all the "trimmings" of Christmas. I know Princess decorates their ships in the beginning of December, so I'm thinking of doing a Mexican Riviera cruise on December 10th.

It would be onboard the Sapphire Princess [the same ship we're taking on Sept. 24th]. Please come onboard!

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Scratchy is feeling much better after one heck of a steroid shot! Thank goodness, the girl hasn't slept much for a week, and neither have eye. Feeling better myself after 24 hours of non MIL duty and a day with children. Roz, the MR cruise sounds great....hmmmmm, maybe if the prices drop. I'll keep an eye out.

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Scratchy is feeling much better after one heck of a steroid shot! Thank goodness, the girl hasn't slept much for a week, and neither have eye. Feeling better myself after 24 hours of non MIL duty and a day with children. Roz, the MR cruise sounds great....hmmmmm, maybe if the prices drop. I'll keep an eye out.


I'm so glad our Sandy is feeling better. You sure made all of us aware of our Advantix this month.


I haven't booked the cruise, in December but let me know if your serious and I'll get on the booking wagon.

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My Carnival Dream,


I was completely exhausted from traveling from NYC the day we arrived at the port. We were out of the house at 4:30 AM and in the car by 4:45 to LGA/NYC Airport. Our flight arrived and gated on time and we were met by our driver from Mears. We managed to make a stop at the local 711 to pick up to cases of soda to keep in the room and make the port early. We were pointed toward the VIP line having medical equipment and medication with us. Jumper, my service dog was excited and everyone including the port staff were asking to pet him. Within 15 minutes we were walking to the gangway. On a side note, they asked people to raise their hands who were members of the military or veterans. Being a disabled veteran from the USMC and a 911 rescue worker I raised mine, and port staff applauded us, and even managed to give us hugs. I was taken back by that and that is something I will never forget.

I was told to report the the guest services desk and spoke with the purser who called the head of housekeeping who asked us where we wanted the service dog's litter box. I said not on the balcony and we had it put on the lifeboat deck, away from where people can throw cigarette butts in it and away from crew lounging areas so they did not use it as a giant ashtray. We were told our room was ready, and we were shown around the ship. being TBI, it took awhile to come out of overload, and thank goodness we got to our room pretty quickly. The first thing I did was take a cold shower and called room service for smoked salmon, in NY called a bagel lox and cream cheese sandwich. Within 15 minutes, the hotel staff brought it and I signed the slip. To my chagrin it said, it was costing Zero. I was told that it was a part of the fare. I was so surprised, and happy. He also got ice for the two cases of coke.

We were given the schedule and went to the LIDO deck, we had some great lunch food and had our departure party. We already had our spa services scheduled that night, so we both went for our massages. I was in bliss and slept like a baby that night. Woke up early to catch the son rise at sea. That was something i lived for on watch while in the USMC. Even jumper settled in very quickly and was eating, drinking and loving the cruise.

That morning, we pulled into Nassau/Bahamas. We were scheduled for a para-sailing. I made sure jumpers vaccination and service dog ID were with me in my wallet with the passport. Trying to leave, security told me to go to guest services, I was pissed that they would not let me off, but within two hours port authorities gave jumper his visa. Security wanted to make sure my service dog was not taken from me by port authorities, and that he was cleared. In hindsight, the cruise director Todd Whitmore, the ships XO and port agents busted the rear ends to make sure things happened for us. However, the tour operator in Nassau was pissing me off because he did not want the dog on-board, and US laws such as the ADA does not apply.

The excursions director promised that I would para-sail and he made that happen. In Saint Thomas, they booked the boat for just the two of us. That meant, they had to purchase two extra tickets. I did not have to pay for them. I felt that was unreasonable to carnival and they insisted. I felt bad, but I purposely blew that amount in the casino. So they did not lose it. As all of you know, Saint Thomas is a US possession, and mostly follows most federal laws including the ADA within reason.

Next stop, Saint Marteen. We booked the jeep tour, being seizure free for a year I have my license and drove. Fun....We loved it. It was true paradise. One last excursion, the behind the fund tour, they had some checking to do, but we were allowed on it. Jumper went, but we were waiting outside of the food prep areas, that is understandable. We had a group and individual photo with the old man. Loved it, the logistics of these cruises are amazing. Almost on par with active duty operations of an LST or aircraft carrier. The sheer amount of activity and advance planning/

In retrospect, the crews are respectful and very appreciative of their customers and the Americans as well as international tourists. I even had one of the entertainers who is local to me, come to dinner in the MDR thanks to the CD for making it happen. This was by far the best vacation ever. Despite the rug rats running around, making noise and blowing UP carbon dioxide bags and throwing them at passengers, and the minor spatt in Nassau, which I will never recommend to another person with a disability who uses a service dog, this by far has been even better than staying on-site at WDW. Carnival went above and beyond to make sure we had a good time. Unlike Nassau, we have the ADA in the US, as such access challenges always get answered by me if repeated in a court of law. Therefore, because of peoples ignorance and prejudice I will be going another carnival cruise real soon. And it will be the dream again.

Philip Kirschner

Cabin 8255/ Dream Aug 14, 2010

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OK so I am still waiting on those back owed checks and have yet to leave on my first cruise. I tell ya if I owe people money they want it ASAP; although if people owe me cash they take their sweet fricking time for sure......


OK Finished venting; today I am posting some recent videos of the wonder dog.... lol



Notice how slow Blitz grabs his favorite inside toy; kinda funny if you go by the breed reputation his favorite toy should be something with a very strong profile like a huge bone with meat hanging off of it or something like that.... lol



Here is Blitz and my Daughter playing catch on the beach; this was a month ago when we had all those band storm come through down south.


Edited by guitarest
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My Carnival Dream,


I was completely exhausted from traveling from NYC the day we arrived at the port. We were out of the house at 4:30 AM and in the car by 4:45 to LGA/NYC Airport. Our flight arrived and gated on time and we were met by our driver from Mears. We managed to make a stop at the local 711 to pick up to cases of soda to keep in the room and make the port early. We were pointed toward the VIP line having medical equipment and medication with us. Jumper, my service dog was excited and everyone including the port staff were asking to pet him. Within 15 minutes we were walking to the gangway. On a side note, they asked people to raise their hands who were members of the military or veterans. Being a disabled veteran from the USMC and a 911 rescue worker I raised mine, and port staff applauded us, and even managed to give us hugs. I was taken back by that and that is something I will never forget.

I was told to report the the guest services desk and spoke with the purser who called the head of housekeeping who asked us where we wanted the service dog's litter box. I said not on the balcony and we had it put on the lifeboat deck, away from where people can throw cigarette butts in it and away from crew lounging areas so they did not use it as a giant ashtray. We were told our room was ready, and we were shown around the ship. being TBI, it took awhile to come out of overload, and thank goodness we got to our room pretty quickly. The first thing I did was take a cold shower and called room service for smoked salmon, in NY called a bagel lox and cream cheese sandwich. Within 15 minutes, the hotel staff brought it and I signed the slip. To my chagrin it said, it was costing Zero. I was told that it was a part of the fare. I was so surprised, and happy. He also got ice for the two cases of coke.

We were given the schedule and went to the LIDO deck, we had some great lunch food and had our departure party. We already had our spa services scheduled that night, so we both went for our massages. I was in bliss and slept like a baby that night. Woke up early to catch the son rise at sea. That was something i lived for on watch while in the USMC. Even jumper settled in very quickly and was eating, drinking and loving the cruise.

That morning, we pulled into Nassau/Bahamas. We were scheduled for a para-sailing. I made sure jumpers vaccination and service dog ID were with me in my wallet with the passport. Trying to leave, security told me to go to guest services, I was pissed that they would not let me off, but within two hours port authorities gave jumper his visa. Security wanted to make sure my service dog was not taken from me by port authorities, and that he was cleared. In hindsight, the cruise director Todd Whitmore, the ships XO and port agents busted the rear ends to make sure things happened for us. However, the tour operator in Nassau was pissing me off because he did not want the dog on-board, and US laws such as the ADA does not apply.

The excursions director promised that I would para-sail and he made that happen. In Saint Thomas, they booked the boat for just the two of us. That meant, they had to purchase two extra tickets. I did not have to pay for them. I felt that was unreasonable to carnival and they insisted. I felt bad, but I purposely blew that amount in the casino. So they did not lose it. As all of you know, Saint Thomas is a US possession, and mostly follows most federal laws including the ADA within reason.

Next stop, Saint Marteen. We booked the jeep tour, being seizure free for a year I have my license and drove. Fun....We loved it. It was true paradise. One last excursion, the behind the fund tour, they had some checking to do, but we were allowed on it. Jumper went, but we were waiting outside of the food prep areas, that is understandable. We had a group and individual photo with the old man. Loved it, the logistics of these cruises are amazing. Almost on par with active duty operations of an LST or aircraft carrier. The sheer amount of activity and advance planning/

In retrospect, the crews are respectful and very appreciative of their customers and the Americans as well as international tourists. I even had one of the entertainers who is local to me, come to dinner in the MDR thanks to the CD for making it happen. This was by far the best vacation ever. Despite the rug rats running around, making noise and blowing UP carbon dioxide bags and throwing them at passengers, and the minor spatt in Nassau, which I will never recommend to another person with a disability who uses a service dog, this by far has been even better than staying on-site at WDW. Carnival went above and beyond to make sure we had a good time. Unlike Nassau, we have the ADA in the US, as such access challenges always get answered by me if repeated in a court of law. Therefore, because of peoples ignorance and prejudice I will be going another carnival cruise real soon. And it will be the dream again.

Philip Kirschner

Cabin 8255/ Dream Aug 14, 2010


Philip, welcome to the thread and thanks for sharing your experiences onboard the Dream with your Service Dog "Jumper!" It sounds like you handled all the challenges really well.


We also enjoyed our Carnival cruises with Brenda and I wouldn't hesitate to go back onboard one of their ships. We had some challenges with the pottybox but it didn't take long for the Hotel Manager to correct them and also had some difficulties with some rowdy teenagers but Carnival did their best to meet the challenges and make everyone happy and, as we all know, that's not always an easy thing to do!!!!!


Let us know when you cruise again.

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OK so I am still waiting on those back owed checks and have yet to leave on my first cruise. I tell ya if I owe people money they want it ASAP; although if people owe me cash they take their sweet fricking time for sure......


OK Finished venting; today I am posting some recent videos of the wonder dog.... lol



Notice how slow Blitz grabs his favorite inside toy; kinda funny if you go by the breed reputation his favorite toy should be something with a very strong profile like a huge bone with meat hanging off of it or something like that.... lol



Here is Blitz and my Daughter playing catch on the beach; this was a month ago when we had all those band storm come through down south.



Awwww, Blitz and his Binky, how cute was that. :) Thanks for sharing the videos.....the best was watching the puppy watching Blitz going into the ocean. Blitz is such a beautiful dog.

You're a genious on sharing your pictures and videos, I love them.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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