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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Hey Everyone! I've been super busy, but have been checking in periodically. First of all Cindy and Roz, I am so sorry for all the things you have been experiencing lately. I know how hard it can be when family members are lost or face serious health complications. My prayers are with you all.

Rich's Mom health continues to occupy most of our time these days. Thankfully, she is no longer in the hospital and we have not had any night time phone calls for 3 weeks. She has not recovered completley and is now in a rehab facility. Our fingers are crossed that she will regain enough strength to return to independent living.

The silver lining in all of this is Cooler is getting lot's of experience in care of the elderly. She has been a rock star at the children's hospital for quite some time, but she is totally stealing the show when we go visit "Gram". She is gentle and kind with all the residents and smiles greet her everywhere.

She shows off all the time. Amazing how impressed people are with good manners and a dog that "sit's" on command. And then when she picks up my keys or opens a door with a tug command....amazing. And of course the more cheers she gets the more she wants to perform. No treats or kibble needed for this girl. Just give her some elderly people in wheelchairs!!

I'll keep y'all posted. She is 12 months old now. Somehow, I would not be surprized to see her graduate at 14 months in July.

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Hey Everyone! I've been super busy, but have been checking in periodically. First of all Cindy and Roz, I am so sorry for all the things you have been experiencing lately. I know how hard it can be when family members are lost or face serious health complications. My prayers are with you all.


Rich's Mom health continues to occupy most of our time these days. Thankfully, she is no longer in the hospital and we have not had any night time phone calls for 3 weeks. She has not recovered completley and is now in a rehab facility. Our fingers are crossed that she will regain enough strength to return to independent living.


The silver lining in all of this is Cooler is getting lot's of experience in care of the elderly. She has been a rock star at the children's hospital for quite some time, but she is totally stealing the show when we go visit "Gram". She is gentle and kind with all the residents and smiles greet her everywhere.


She shows off all the time. Amazing how impressed people are with good manners and a dog that "sit's" on command. And then when she picks up my keys or opens a door with a tug command....amazing. And of course the more cheers she gets the more she wants to perform. No treats or kibble needed for this girl. Just give her some elderly people in wheelchairs!!


I'll keep y'all posted. She is 12 months old now. Somehow, I would not be surprized to see her graduate at 14 months in July.

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Cindy: I am glad to hear that John is not in pain. It doesn't make it any better, but meaning pain on top of it all would just not do! I certainly hope they find what is wrong.


Sunshine: That is awesome about Cooler. What a good, smart girl she is. I was really surprised because Jezzy jumps and screams and claws and act like a fool when anyone comes over, but she never did that to mom. Thank goodness with mom's thin skin she would have been a mess. I really, really do think they know and are the best therapy for people.


Speaking of which, I haven't gone on there tonight but there was an ugly thread started about someone bringing their "cute pet dog" with them on a cruise and passing them off as a service dog. Sarcastic remark about how the dog couldn't even be a service to themselves much less anyone else and of course the rest of the ugly comments. I kept my fingers off the keyboard because I knew I couldn't be civil and I didn't want my hands slapped or worse, sent to Cabo! for being naughty. People can be so ignorant.

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It's so difficult for me to share this because it's still not real for me or my family.......My brother Barry suddenly died and we're all in a horrible fog. We were very close. We are 6 siblings, he was the oldest. He was a puritan when it came to food/air/water. He only ate healthy and kept a very healthy weight. He rode his Harley, with his wife Jeanie and camped and hiked and just loved life. He had a 4 acre ranch in Acton CA. He was weeding in his garden and suddenly collapsed. He died instantly. So, so strange and so unreal. We spoke at least 3 times a week and the loss of him has left a HUGE hole in our lives. He would hug me so hard when we saw each other that I would squeal and beg him to stop!!!!!

Sorry for going on.......I just needed to share with you. Thanks for reading/listening.


Roz, I am so sorry you have lost your big brother--I bet it is just as hard as losing a parent. And it goes to show, even if one is super healthy, you just never know so live life now and don't put off those cruises (or anything else) for "when I'm retired," or "when I have more time." We need to make that time now!


Leo and I will be holding you in our hearts as you go through this difficult time. It's OK to be sad but remember it's also OK to be happy at times--I'm guessing your brother wouldn't want it any other way.


Hugs to you and Mr. Wizard of Roz and the gorgeous Miss Brenny!


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Happy Mother's Day to all my cruising friends. Hope this day is special for all. Rich is off to have lunch with his mom, and my gift was a day of quiet at the house. Of course I am taking Cooler back to CA and will give some kisses to a few of the camp dogs. Training camp starts tomorow and some very special friends will probably graduate and go out into this big world. Maybe some will even be cruising dogs...


I'm attaching a link (I hope) that shows some of the pups in training. The golden retriever in the Christmas Tree picture is Cracker's sister and should graduate this camp. Also the big black lab with the balance harness also is slated for camp. If you look hard you can see Cooler: yellow lab at the aqhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7bCNGMae04uarium and one of her with "Gram". Enjoy.

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Mornin' all:

Happy mother's day to all!


Sunshine: I played that video for Travis the other day. He loved it. He especially like the photos of the dogs in the pools. Him and Reno always shared the pool. He has been talking a lot about Reno lately.


I just love the Labradoodles! I just want to scratch my fingers in their hair. Roz knows I am secretly sending vibes for her to get one!


Everyone have a great day.

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Sorry Valentine's mom, I have already been over there. I have to leave my keyboard alone or I will be banned! I know Zydecocruiser use to cause a lot of havoc on the boards. Don't know if he is still around or not. I would ask him who gave him permission to post Valentine's photo on the internet? What a bunch of hooey.

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Hello all, I always read this thread but have not posted on here before. It makes me so sad and so happy at the same time, sad that people need service dogs, and happy that dogs can fullfill a role and purpose that many people need.


I daren't post on that carnival thread as I would surely be banned as well, but I simply want to say I cannot believe how many ignorant, rude and downright selfish people there are on there - if that is the type of person who freqeuents carnival then I want nothing to do with them, but I really hope they are a miniscule minority. thankfully there are one or two people on there trying to keep those ignorant ones in their places.


However,I also dont believe that every dog claimed to be a service dog is one (there are always people who want to buck the system) but some people just cant believe that just because it is not a seeing eye dog then it can't be a service dog.

My beloved, and very dearly departed, choc labrador was my life for 11 years. He passed away 5 years ago exactly and I think of him every single day. He was not a service dog but he certainly acted very strangely for 3 weeks prior to me having a heart attack. Always pushing his nose into my chest when I got up in the morning or if sitting together on the sofa and sighing or whimpering...he was right...there was something wrong. During my MI, my heart went into fibrilation and arrested, I fell backwards and crashed so hard against the wall it kicked my heart back into rhythm, and when I came round the dog had his face very close to mine and was whimpering, agitated and confused. The joy and happiness that was so obvious in his face when I came home from hospital a week later really is something to be remembered and cherished forever.


Roz, we have exchange a small number of messages on other threads and I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I'm sure Brenda is feeling and sharing your pain - they have their own way of helping us through these times, as I'm sure you know.

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Hello all, I always read this thread but have not posted on here before. It makes me so sad and so happy at the same time, sad that people need service dogs, and happy that dogs can fullfill a role and purpose that many people need.


I daren't post on that carnival thread as I would surely be banned as well, but I simply want to say I cannot believe how many ignorant, rude and downright selfish people there are on there - if that is the type of person who freqeuents carnival then I want nothing to do with them, but I really hope they are a miniscule minority. thankfully there are one or two people on there trying to keep those ignorant ones in their places.


However,I also dont believe that every dog claimed to be a service dog is one (there are always people who want to buck the system) but some people just cant believe that just because it is not a seeing eye dog then it can't be a service dog.

My beloved, and very dearly departed, choc labrador was my life for 11 years. He passed away 5 years ago exactly and I think of him every single day. He was not a service dog but he certainly acted very strangely for 3 weeks prior to me having a heart attack. Always pushing his nose into my chest when I got up in the morning or if sitting together on the sofa and sighing or whimpering...he was right...there was something wrong. During my MI, my heart went into fibrilation and arrested, I fell backwards and crashed so hard against the wall it kicked my heart back into rhythm, and when I came round the dog had his face very close to mine and was whimpering, agitated and confused. The joy and happiness that was so obvious in his face when I came home from hospital a week later really is something to be remembered and cherished forever.


Roz, we have exchange a small number of messages on other threads and I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I'm sure Brenda is feeling and sharing your pain - they have their own way of helping us through these times, as I'm sure you know.


Hi Dave, I'm writing on another computer hence the different avatar.


Thank you so much for your kind words and your "tearfilled" post. I don't think you mentioned your Lab's name but your love for him was very obvious and shined through every word you wrote. Your story of how he was right "there" for you when you had your heart attack is amazing. Your thinking of him everyday is testament to how much you valued him in your life.


You are so right about Brenda and the happiness she brings to my life, she makes me feel so good everytime she lays her head on my lap and just looks into my eyes!!!! My dear old girl is such a source of comfort for me.


I haven't looked at the Carnival thread that everyone is writing about. I will take a look.


It was good to hear from you....take good care of Switzerland, my dream is to go back one day!

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Happy Mother's Day to all my cruising friends. Hope this day is special for all. Rich is off to have lunch with his mom, and my gift was a day of quiet at the house. Of course I am taking Cooler back to CA and will give some kisses to a few of the camp dogs. Training camp starts tomorow and some very special friends will probably graduate and go out into this big world. Maybe some will even be cruising dogs...


I'm attaching a link (I hope) that shows some of the pups in training. The golden retriever in the Christmas Tree picture is Cracker's sister and should graduate this camp. Also the big black lab with the balance harness also is slated for camp. If you look hard you can see Cooler: yellow lab at the aqhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7bCNGMae04uarium and one of her with "Gram". Enjoy.


This video makes me nuts....in the very best way! I could watch it over and over again. I just love these dogs and all you volunteers for your tireless work.


Happy Everything to you and for all that you do for so many!

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Roz, I am so sorry you have lost your big brother--I bet it is just as hard as losing a parent. And it goes to show, even if one is super healthy, you just never know so live life now and don't put off those cruises (or anything else) for "when I'm retired," or "when I have more time." We need to make that time now!


Leo and I will be holding you in our hearts as you go through this difficult time. It's OK to be sad but remember it's also OK to be happy at times--I'm guessing your brother wouldn't want it any other way.


Hugs to you and Mr. Wizard of Roz and the gorgeous Miss Brenny!



Kathi, thank you so much for your kind words. It's a very difficult time, for sure. Your "cyber-hugs" are much appreciated!


I believe more than ever now, that life is made to live and enjoy. I'm so happy that I have a cruise to look forward to and, my wish for everyone is that they have one too!!!!!

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Mornin' all:

Happy mother's day to all!


Sunshine: I played that video for Travis the other day. He loved it. He especially like the photos of the dogs in the pools. Him and Reno always shared the pool. He has been talking a lot about Reno lately.


I just love the Labradoodles! I just want to scratch my fingers in their hair. Roz knows I am secretly sending vibes for her to get one!


Everyone have a great day.


I, too, wished that CCI trained Labradoodles, but they don't. It sure would make the allergy and shedding thing so much easier on our allergies. But, alas, they don't and the dogs they do train are so amazingly wonderful, I'm grateful to have one.......even if the hair is "EVERYWHERE!"

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Wow is ther ever a situation over on the Carnival Board. They are really talking down on service dogs! Poor Valentine has been targeted and has had her picture p.osted as a fake service dog. I could really use your help over there here is the link



I have not seen the thread on Carnival but you know once I get there' date=' the "naysayers" who are picking on you or any other Certified Service Dog had better be ready for my words.[/b']


I'm sorry Valentine was targeted.....please consider the source and don't allow these folks to make you feel bad. Although, I've been there and have had some difficult times myself and I know how it feels to be picked on.......you've got us and we've definitely got your back.


Take care of yourself and take care of our little worker. She's made your life more complete and she derserves the respect she's earned.

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Hey Guys long time since I have logged in; sorry. Just wanted to update yall; I still haven't got off dry land yet due to personal family issues but I have become involved in something near as dear to everyones heart who has been helped by a service animal.




That is a link to a program based in Vegas and I have started with a location here in S Mississippi. Its a Win-Win for all involved; the Vet after he gets approved by his Doctor (and can prove the ability to take care of the animal) and the Shelter wins as its a life that was not put down due to not being adopted out.


I hope all had a great Mothers Day and a Great Easter. Hey Roz here are a few more pictures of your favorite Mississippi German Shepherd when he is not working... For the local office of SAV, Blitz is going to be the mascot; I can't think of a more deserving service animal.









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I have not seen the thread on Carnival but you know once I get there, the "naysayers" who are picking on you or any other Certified Service Dog had better be ready for my words.


I'm sorry Valentine was targeted.....please consider the source and don't allow these folks to make you feel bad. Although, I've been there and have had some difficult times myself and I know how it feels to be picked on.......you've got us and we've definitely got your back.


Take care of yourself and take care of our little worker. She's made your life more complete and she derserves the respect she's earned.


Your post on that thread was wonderful. Hoping my more crabby posts on the same thread won't get me banned!

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I just read the posts sorry for your loss...


Thank you, I cry everyday for him. My brother Barry is the one who would bring all the strays home, when we were kids. I swear, he was like the pied piper.......we had such a zoo of animals [we drove our mother nuts.]

His home is filled with animals. He had a 35 year old Parrot who talked just like him and if you don't think that's not eerie to hear......it's so weird. The bird will not stop calling my brother ["Hello Barry, how are you?"] everyday [my brother would answer him and he would stop.] Well, he's not here to answer and my other brothers are trying to fake Barry's voice, just to shut the bird up!!] It would be funny, if it weren't so sad. My sister-in-law hates the bird, always did. Oh well, we'll see just what family member becomes the adoptive parent. We'll see!!!!!

Morey posted on the Carnival thread, in response to the monstrous things that were being said and implied about Service Dogs.

He's my biggest defender.....[actually, I think he'd defend Brenda before me any day!!!!]

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Roz you are a wonderful person and you always know justy what to say to make us feel better no matter what we go through. I just wish that I could think of the words to say to take away some of your pain.:( Just remember we are here for you when you need to talk.


Hugs and kisses

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Roz you are a wonderful person and you always know justy what to say to make us feel better no matter what we go through. I just wish that I could think of the words to say to take away some of your pain.:( Just remember we are here for you when you need to talk.


Hugs and kisses


Thank you! You've all been a wonderful source of "centerness" for me. I'm very lucky in that I have lots of family and friends. You guys are different..... We share the same sort of bond with our dogs and understand the love and devotion that goes with what we do with our canine partners on a daily basis.

We truly understand each other and I so appreciate each and every one of you and thank you so much for your genorosity of spirit and kindness with your words' date=' it means a lot to me.[/b']

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Evenin' all:

Guitarest: I wondered where you went! I am glad you have been busy. Blitz is a natural as a mascot! What a handsome boy.


Just wanted to come on here and feel "my sense of being" if that makes any sense. Sometimes I just have to reground myself!


Everyone have a great evening.

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Guitarist: Thanks for sharing Blitz with us, he's a beautiful boy. I haven't had a chance to look at the link that you sent. I will look later this week.


I'm sitting here on Morey's computer trying to get some downtime before tomorrow's golf tournament. It's going to be huge and the day will be filled with many demands, which will be good, as my mind is wondering a lot these days and I find myself crying at every turn. Everyone around me is just going to have to put up with the sniffeling mess called "Roz!" I can do it, afterall, this is the stuff that pays for those cruises-that take me away from it all!!!!!


Nancy: I hear you girl. "This" is where "it" all makes sense!

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While i won't call them ignorant, the nay-sayers on the other thread are either woefully uninformed or just plain hard-headed. You do have a good deal of support there.


Many just don't understand that all service dogs are not German Shepards :eek:, and while there is abuse of the system in condos, stores, etc, I'd be willing to bet you many would be detered by the cost and the hoops you have to jump through to pull that crap with a foriegn country.


It was also pointed out that our perceptions may be regionally related. I very rarely see service dogs where I live, but apparently South Florida has many, mostly in strollers. How many are skirting the law, I wouldn't venture to guess. I don't see enough to even consider questioning whether it was a true service animal, but if I saw them all the time, that train of thought might change somewhat.


I support service animals 100% at all times. I try to see things from both sides, and in this thread, I fall on the service animals side without question. Some cruisers have their issues, but they're miinimal and can be avoided. Some just have no compassion for their fellow humans.

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