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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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Okay, so as far as I can see, right now, we have two problems here:


1: Mom loves DH more than she loves you.

2: And, are you kidding, do you really think that she's going to "yell" at him like she does you......not in this lifetime! He's her "favorite!" That's obvious; he can do no wrong! Don't waste your breath! Move on and when it comes time to packing for the cruise.....forget to pack something that you know he just can't live without and tell him; "he needs to call "mommypoo" next time he needs packing done!!!!!!" :p


She might not yell but she will use her guilt saying "you want me to be happy don't you".

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You too are too funny. I don't have the gift of words like the two or you. :rolleyes: DH Ed has them and you never know what comes out of his mouth sometimes. :eek:


Have a few things pulled out for the cruise-----getting company Friday and then next week for Thanksgiving. Then I have all the next week to finish getting things done.


Cindy------what room are you in------I have my little map here. we don't have a room yet-----hope I find out soon and not have to wait till we board the ship. We are doing my time dinning, what are you doing?


I have a funny story about packing DH things-----he was in the military and away a lot of the time. My first time packing for him----I didn't pack his long pants----good thing he was wearing a pr. Then another time, and I will never live this down-------I packed his things and he was going where it was warm, so he asked me to pack the sun tan lotion----so I did----at least I thought I did. He and a friend were down at the pool and the friend wanted to borrow the lotion, he didn't have any, Ed said " use mine its a new bottle ". Good thing the guy looked because I packed him " Hair Remover" and the guy had lots of hair all over his body. :eek::D He told Ed, not to let me pack his bags anymore. I had a good laugh when he told me about it.


Bye for now, have to finish my packing list.



OMG Trudy too funny!!!! Imagine if he put it all over himself?


Did Ed retire from the military? What branch?


We are in 6108 and we have early fixed dining. The night we are in Puerto Rico we are going to the Pinnacle Grill, their speciality restaurant. I don't know if you go to the special restaurants, but maybe we can all have dinner there. If you find out your room before hand let me know.


I do all the packing, I give John the clipboard with my list on it and he checks things off. Thats the only thing I trust him to do. He will drive me nuts asking if I have this and that. UGH!!

Edited by rangeley
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OMG Trudy too funny!!!! Imagine if he put it all over himself?


Did Ed retire from the military? What branch?


We are in 6108 and we have early fixed dining. The night we are in Puerto Rico we are going to the Pinnacle Grill, their speciality restaurant. I don't know if you go to the special restaurants, but maybe we can all have dinner there. If you find out your room before hand let me know.


I do all the packing, I give John the clipboard with my list on it and he checks things off. Thats the only thing I trust him to do. He will drive me nuts asking if I have this and that. UGH!!


Yes, Ed retired from the Air Force. We have a reservation at the Pinnacle Grill the night before you, the night of Grand Turk at 7pm. I made my arrangement quite some time ago. If I hear about our room before we sail, I will let you know. Looking forward to our tour.

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She might not yell but she will use her guilt saying "you want me to be happy don't you".


Oh no she doesn't say that!!!! Oh! Cindy, please forgive me for anything that I may have ever said or done to upset or otherwise make you angry!

I owe you girl.......Boy, do you need a vacation! I bow down to you! You do have your pretty, little hands full! :rolleyes:

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Oh no she doesn't say that!!!! Oh! Cindy, please forgive me for anything that I may have ever said or done to upset or otherwise make you angry!


I owe you girl.......Boy, do you need a vacation! I bow down to you! You do have your pretty, little hands full! :rolleyes:


Oh she does say that. She is the queen and always tries to get her way. That is because my dad always let her do or have anything she wanted. I have learned how to deal with it, but John always feels bad. LOL She is 86yrs old and a shopaholic. She has more shoes than Imelda Marcos. Every week when I go home she is wearing something different. I told her I was going to buy her a grocery store gift certificate for xmas and she called John and begged him not to let me do that. She wants a gift card to some clothing store. She is to much, but I love her.

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Ok, I am going with Reining Ms. Rozilla! :D


Cindy: You are doing the right thing by just agreeing with mom, then doing what needs to be done! Learned that along time ago. My mom will 91 in March, she is doing great at the nursing home. She is happy and looks good.


91? thats great! Agreeing usually works with the men too! I just say "ya ya" and he thinks he got his way. ;)

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All joking truly aside......All of my friends who still have their mother's in their lives, bless you and bless them.

I miss my Mother. And, she was the "Royal Queen of The May!" She had more issue's than I'll ever have.

1. Hair Perfect

2. Makeup afixed to the face [even if your dying!]

3. Nails manicured [always]

4. You must this, you must that and on and on and on.......But, I miss her fussing and feuding.

I try not to be such a "pain" with my kids [i don't want them to remember me as the "always complaining, grouchy Mother!"]

I'll save my ranting and raving for my cyber-friends!

Love you!

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All joking truly aside......All of my friends who still have their mother's in their lives, bless you and bless them.


I miss my Mother. And, she was the "Royal Queen of The May!" She had more issue's than I'll ever have.

1. Hair Perfect

2. Makeup afixed to the face [even if your dying!]

3. Nails manicured [always]

4. You must this, you must that and on and on and on.......But, I miss her fussing and feuding.


I try not to be such a "pain" with my kids [i don't want them to remember me as the "always complaining, grouchy Mother!"]


I'll save my ranting and raving for my cyber-friends!


Love you!



Oh sure use us as your punching bag. ;)


I can send my son there for you to crab at. :D

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Oh sure use us as your punching bag. ;)


I can send my son there for you to crab at. :D


Wah, wah, wah!!!!!!!

Your son will be so happy to go home and be with you after one weekend with me. Just ask Morey and Brenda!

Horty's like me.....and, even he gets pretty tired at the end of our day! I can just hear him saying, "back-off blondie and stop putting those ridiculous collars on me!" I wonder how your son would look in one of them?

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Wah, wah, wah!!!!!!!


Your son will be so happy to go home and be with you after one weekend with me. Just ask Morey and Brenda!


Horty's like me.....and, even he gets pretty tired at the end of our day! I can just hear him saying, "back-off blondie and stop putting those ridiculous collars on me!" I wonder how your son would look in one of them?


My son would probably be terrified. :eek: My son is always making fun of Wex dressing up, but he really knows how excited Wex gets when you pull out something for him to wear. He even gets excited about a new collar.

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Mother Wars...how fun. I am blessed to have my mom. I called her the laundry fairy this summer. While I was at the hospital with Rich she would come by the house, do my laundry, fix a meal and then just leave. I guess there will be an extra present under the Christmas Tree for the laundry fairy.


On another note: I had Mackey home for the day. Met Rich and Terri for lunch with Mackey. Rich is still using a wheelchair part time, so he held his leash as we manuvered the chair around the restaurant. Of course mackey looked like a pro. I imagine he will be graduating in January. I think I will have to take a break from fostering until Rich is stronger and more independent.

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My son would probably be terrified. :eek: My son is always making fun of Wex dressing up, but he really knows how excited Wex gets when you pull out something for him to wear. He even gets excited about a new collar.


I love these big masculine, male dogs who sit patiently waiting for their foo-foo collars. Horton and Brenny are so good about me dressing them!

Ken, the trainer at CCI in Santa Rosa, begged me not to make him look too silly! Yeah, like I listened.

Did you get your Holiday Companion [the CCI magazine]? Go to page 10 and you'll see Horty and me at our graduation. He looks like a giant lamb.

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Mother Wars...how fun. I am blessed to have my mom. I called her the laundry fairy this summer. While I was at the hospital with Rich she would come by the house, do my laundry, fix a meal and then just leave. I guess there will be an extra present under the Christmas Tree for the laundry fairy.


On another note: I had Mackey home for the day. Met Rich and Terri for lunch with Mackey. Rich is still using a wheelchair part time, so he held his leash as we manuvered the chair around the restaurant. Of course mackey looked like a pro. I imagine he will be graduating in January. I think I will have to take a break from fostering until Rich is stronger and more independent.


How lucky are you to have your Mom.

It's so good to hear from you and it sounds like you're on the road to normalcy again. I'm thrilled for you and especially Rich. I hope he continues to do well [with you as his partner, I know he will!]

We miss hearing from you but we know how busy you've been. Boy, will you be ready for a cruise when Rich is stronger.

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Mother Wars...how fun. I am blessed to have my mom. I called her the laundry fairy this summer. While I was at the hospital with Rich she would come by the house, do my laundry, fix a meal and then just leave. I guess there will be an extra present under the Christmas Tree for the laundry fairy.


On another note: I had Mackey home for the day. Met Rich and Terri for lunch with Mackey. Rich is still using a wheelchair part time, so he held his leash as we manuvered the chair around the restaurant. Of course mackey looked like a pro. I imagine he will be graduating in January. I think I will have to take a break from fostering until Rich is stronger and more independent.


Sunshine, So glad to hear from you and it sounds like Rich is doing well. We all know that things take time and we have to be patient. Wishing you the best. :D

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I love these big masculine, male dogs who sit patiently waiting for their foo-foo collars. Horton and Brenny are so good about me dressing them!


Ken, the trainer at CCI in Santa Rosa, begged me not to make him look too silly! Yeah, like I listened.


Did you get your Holiday Companion [the CCI magazine]? Go to page 10 and you'll see Horty and me at our graduation. He looks like a giant lamb.


We did not get the magazine but I just went online and saw it. Awesome pic of you two, I love it!!!! How special you got your own page.

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John is at his dentist appt so I took the time to make some appointments. Hair next week, pedicure and Wexlers vet for the health certificate. John will take care of his own hair, and his pills which are not to be refilled til the 10th so he's going to have to talk to the pharmacy about that.

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John is at his dentist appt so I took the time to make some appointments. Hair next week, pedicure and Wexlers vet for the health certificate. John will take care of his own hair, and his pills which are not to be refilled til the 10th so he's going to have to talk to the pharmacy about that.


3 weeks away.......It's getting close to "crunch" time! I'm so excited for you.

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Hi again - hope everyone is doing well and great to see some upcoming cruises... can't wait to hear the stories!


I need to pick some brains... i'm out of my element to some degree :eek:


We have 2 more joining us on the Hawaii cruise - we're up to 10 now! The latest additions are my 2 aunts (49 and 54) the younger had a below knee amp a year ago & I managed to snag an accessible stateroom (only one left on the ship!). They've never cruised before so I was hard pressed to get the "book now, think later" mentality in their heads when accessible rooms are concerned but I finally succeeded. Is there anything that we need to send / fill out etc at this stage?? I'd hate to not know I had to do something and end up getting bumped from the cabin!


In hindsight I should have used my email in the booking rather than theirs so I could filter the information but I didn't. Was more concerned with quickly releasing the courtesy hold I put on the cabin and rebooking it without losing it at the time! The 2 of them did Disney in September so i'm not worried about the plane/hotel aspect - they can deal with that ;) but the cruise is going to be all on me LOL

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Hi again - hope everyone is doing well and great to see some upcoming cruises... can't wait to hear the stories!


I need to pick some brains... i'm out of my element to some degree :eek:


We have 2 more joining us on the Hawaii cruise - we're up to 10 now! The latest additions are my 2 aunts (49 and 54) the younger had a below knee amp a year ago & I managed to snag an accessible stateroom (only one left on the ship!). They've never cruised before so I was hard pressed to get the "book now, think later" mentality in their heads when accessible rooms are concerned but I finally succeeded. Is there anything that we need to send / fill out etc at this stage?? I'd hate to not know I had to do something and end up getting bumped from the cabin!


In hindsight I should have used my email in the booking rather than theirs so I could filter the information but I didn't. Was more concerned with quickly releasing the courtesy hold I put on the cabin and rebooking it without losing it at the time! The 2 of them did Disney in September so i'm not worried about the plane/hotel aspect - they can deal with that ;) but the cruise is going to be all on me LOL



Hi Beth, I don't know what cruiseline you are going on but your aunts should get an SRI(special requirements) form to fill out and send back.



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Hi Beth, I don't know what cruiseline you are going on but your aunts should get an SRI(special requirements) form to fill out and send back.




We'll be on Royal Caribbean again... I did fill out a thing on the website already that asked about what accessible amenities you require and if you're bringing on a wheelchair/scooter etc so maybe that's it... Seems too easy lol



Sent from my Speak & Spell using Tapatalk

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We'll be on Royal Caribbean again... I did fill out a thing on the website already that asked about what accessible amenities you require and if you're bringing on a wheelchair/scooter etc so maybe that's it... Seems too easy lol



Sent from my Speak & Spell using Tapatalk


Maybe that was it. On Holland America they send it to us after we booked, but I'm sure each line does it different.

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