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RB's Daily WW Chat

RB Bonzo

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Hi Mel- You have some willpower!! Good for you. I have been looking for a recipe builder website and cannot seem to find it. Can you please give me the site you use? This is the one where you can put an entire recipe in and it will give you the points per serving?

Thank you for your help.





I actually use the weightwatchers online...it is easy..if u need a recipe checked just let me know

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hi, folks -


great loss, Michelle!!


Last night was my daughter's birthday (turned 17). She asked me to make pulled pork for her and some friends who came over, so I obliged. Not the healthiest thing to have around - it goes about 2pts/oz, so a sandwich w/ sauce will be about 11 pts. But, I took it easy the rest of the day so that I could enjoy a sandwich, too. Managed to enjoy it w/ a beer and some cole slaw (dressing made partly w/ low fat sour cream but full fat mayo), and even had a small piece of birthday cake.


Good thing I"m on program now - othewise, I would have had a regular day of eating, two sandwiches (w/ more than the 4 oz of pork than I wound up having), a large piece of cake, and at least another piece worth of cake by cutting little "tastes" after everyone else had left.


DW and I went to a wine tasting earlier in the day, so I had a bout a serving and a half of wine. Between that and everything else, I was about 10 pts over for the day, but I don't expect much more need for my weekly points this week, so I'm in good shape.


Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

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Well i was rather good today and I was at a party too!! I chose to eat plain lettuce mix, 1 slice of coldcut turkey and a little salsa on the side!! What a combo but I was good!!!


We will see as my WI is tomorrow



Good luck to all



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I'm still struggling to get my evening eating under control. Maybe I haven't eaten enough during the day - come dinner time, I had so many points left. I would eat a reasonable dinner and then, after dinner, eat another meal's worth of points, usually putting me over for the day.


Yesterday, though, I managed to keep it under control Right after dinner, I had a yogurt parfait - plain yogurt w/ a quarter cup of grapenuts, a tablesppon of craisins, a tablespoon or raisins, and a half tsp of honey. At half time of the Steelers-Ravens game (go Steelers!) I had 3 cups of microwave popped popcorn w/ a tsp of canola oil.


Finished spot on w/ the points. I'll try to keep that going all week. But, last night - a Victory!

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I'm still struggling to get my evening eating under control. Maybe I haven't eaten enough during the day - come dinner time, I had so many points left. I would eat a reasonable dinner and then, after dinner, eat another meal's worth of points, usually putting me over for the day.


Yesterday, though, I managed to keep it under control Right after dinner, I had a yogurt parfait - plain yogurt w/ a quarter cup of grapenuts, a tablesppon of craisins, a tablespoon or raisins, and a half tsp of honey. At half time of the Steelers-Ravens game (go Steelers!) I had 3 cups of microwave popped popcorn w/ a tsp of canola oil.


Finished spot on w/ the points. I'll try to keep that going all week. But, last night - a Victory!


congrats on your victory...doesnt it feel good!!!

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Hi everyone,


Congrats on all the great weight losses :) It's so motivating to see so many people on track and supporting one another :)


I may not post regularly but I try to get here a few times a week. I find this thread very motivating!!


I managed to lose one pound this week so I am absolutely delighted :) I weighed in on Thursday last week, but now I am back to my regular Tuesday weigh in day.


Amy--I hope my suggestions help you a little on your cruise. Just remember to have a GREAT time!! Oh to be in the warmth and sun right now LOL


RB--You have some really great ideas about a lot of things. I loved your veggie stock one and now you parfait. YUM!!


Mel--How does the recipe builder work? Do you need to Nutritional information and quantity for each product you use? I am really interested in finding one online. I make a Bran Muffin Recipe that I would love to know the points for. I count them as 3 points each and I LOVE them. I try not to make them too often LOL


I live in Toronto Canada and boy do we have LOTS of snow and cold!! I continue to get out for my walks most mornings but I tell you, some days I would just prefer to stay under the covers LOL


Has anyone ever heard of Intensity Cardio? I read an article by Jackie Warner (Personal Trainer to the Stars) in February 2009 Family Circle Magazine. She talked about a walking program that states the average woman can use 1 lbs per week by only doing what she states and NOT changing what one eats. The plan is to be done only 3 times per week and each session is only 20 minutes. So here's the plan: On the treadmill, you start off at an incline of 15 at 2.8 miles/hr and do that for 2 minutes. Then reduce the incline to 0 and walk at 4.8 miles/hr. You do this for 2 minutes as well. Then after that, you reduce the speed to 2.8 miles/hr with still an incline of 0 and do that for only 1 minute. You repeat these steps 4 times to equal a 20 minute workout. Every week, you increase the speed for each step by 0.2 miles/hr.


When I did some reading on this type of training, they state that it's extremely challenging and you should slowly introduce it to your workout. I am going to try it one day this week and I will keep everyone posted. Sounds gruelling but pretty interesting at the same time.


Make it a great day everyone :)

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Teri - I think that the recipe builder that Mel was referring to was part of the Weight Watcher's On-line tools - if you put in the ingredients in a recipe, it'll calculate the number of points per serving. I've used it, too. That is not something that is available if you don't subscribe to the WW on-line tools.


I think that Sparkpeople has something very similar - and all of their content is free; you just have to register. BTW, I am very impressed w/ the Sparkpeople site. It is superior in many ways to the WW content that you have to pay for.

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Hi Everyone- Well, I haven't posted in a week. I have been in bed with a stomach virus, yuck!!! I found myself in the emergency room and then not able to lift my head for 5 days, but today I feel like a new person. My weight has stayed exactly the same as last week. On any other normal person not eating for a week would be a tremendous loss, but not me! Anyway, back on track today.


Mel- Thank you for offering the points counter. Hope you are doing well.


Continued good luck to you all.


Take care,



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Just jumping on to say hello. Boy the thread picked right up after the new year - nice job RB. Is your friend "Seinfeld" running the hampton half? I will be gearing my effort towards that race in 3 weeks and am trying to eat well and stay strong between now and then. On my cruise at the beginning of January I came home down one pound! LOL - I did however gain five over the holidays so I am still working on getting them off BUT it is still better than putting on another five! Sounds like you are doing great with the weight loss - keep it up!


Welcome to all the new people! I don't have time to be on this thread like I used to be but RB is awesome at keeping up the motivation and has great tips! Good luck everyone!!

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Had a small gain this week. Obviously, I'm not pleased to have gained nearly a pound, particularly after doing a pretty good job of tracking. I was 2 points over for the week.


I did not, however, get in much exercise. I'll have to focus on improving that. I'll be following my own advice about keeping the weigh-ins in perspective - just a snapshop of an imperfect measuement. Next week, however, will be a much prettier picture!


Michelle - ouch! Sounds like a rough stretch you had. And, the only good thing about a stomach virus is the weight loss that you can expect - and you didn't even get that benefit! Glad you're better.


Colleen - Hi! Ray (a/k/a Seinfeld) has been kind about not telling me all of his running plans since he knows that having to quit is a sore subject for me. I'll be speaking with him today, though, and I'll ask him. In March, we'll be teaming up for a run/bike duathlon in the town where we live in Connecticut. And, congrats on losing during a cruise. Wow!


Have a great weekend, everyone!

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Teri - I think that the recipe builder that Mel was referring to was part of the Weight Watcher's On-line tools - if you put in the ingredients in a recipe, it'll calculate the number of points per serving. I've used it, too. That is not something that is available if you don't subscribe to the WW on-line tools.


I think that Sparkpeople has something very similar - and all of their content is free; you just have to register. BTW, I am very impressed w/ the Sparkpeople site. It is superior in many ways to the WW content that you have to pay for.



absolutely right, the one i use is on the WW Etools..helps me alot


I like the spark site too!!! In fact anytime I can read something on the boards it keeps me motivated and in the right direction!!


Was very bust past few days as I hosted a baby shower for my neice. Have to say with all the food and treats I was really good!! This week I lost another pound but I did not get so much cardio time in!! This week hoping for more, in fact my partner is cooking for me today and I heard that I am having some chicken and roasted beets dinner!! Sounds good!!My one worry is tomorrow night we have tickets to see Wicked and are taking the in-laws to Carmines, a family style restaurant in the city!! uh..



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I am glad you are feeling better!!

I leave for Miami bright and early tomorrow morning. Set sail on Monday. I really hope I don't gain a whole lot:rolleyes: I will let you all know how I did when I get back.

Take care and keep loosing!!




Lets hope your having a fantastic time!!! USE THE STAIRS USE THE STAIRS!!! lol

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Had a small gain this week. Obviously, I'm not pleased to have gained nearly a pound, particularly after doing a pretty good job of tracking. I was 2 points over for the week.


I did not, however, get in much exercise. I'll have to focus on improving that. I'll be following my own advice about keeping the weigh-ins in perspective - just a snapshop of an imperfect measuement. Next week, however, will be a much prettier picture!


Michelle - ouch! Sounds like a rough stretch you had. And, the only good thing about a stomach virus is the weight loss that you can expect - and you didn't even get that benefit! Glad you're better.


Colleen - Hi! Ray (a/k/a Seinfeld) has been kind about not telling me all of his running plans since he knows that having to quit is a sore subject for me. I'll be speaking with him today, though, and I'll ask him. In March, we'll be teaming up for a run/bike duathlon in the town where we live in Connecticut. And, congrats on losing during a cruise. Wow!


Have a great weekend, everyone!



I am sure next weigh in will be better for you!! I was down a pound, was hoping for more but I will take it!!..lol and I even took an hour long step class!!



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Hi Mel-Great loss!!


I am not doing so well. I am having a difficult time getting going. I am really determined though not to give up. Food always gets the better of me. I have a great cruise to look forward to and want to be very active.

I hope to have a better report for next week,


Take care,



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Hi Mel-Great loss!!


I am not doing so well. I am having a difficult time getting going. I am really determined though not to give up. Food always gets the better of me. I have a great cruise to look forward to and want to be very active.

I hope to have a better report for next week,


Take care,





I am sure your week will be great!! It is funny, we were supposed to be on the freedom on the Med cruise but when they pulled it our of the Med we switched to the Dream, but you will be sailing when we are sailing!!! That is great, we can inspire each other!!



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Hi everyone,


I hope everyone is keeping well :) I did say I would try and get here a few times a week but I haven't been successful in that :(


I continue to well at WW. I managed to lose 1.2 lbs last weeks and shock of all shocks, I lost 4.2 lbs this week. I was a really pleasant surprise. I have been using my treadmill more than I normally do. I usually walk outside but the weather hasn't been so great here in Toronto and I increased the intensity on the treadmill :)


I am going back to Curves today, as I really need to start strengthening my muscles. I am intimidated by real gyms so I think going back will be a good thing for me. I went several years ago when I first started this journey but I stopped after about one year.


Make it a great week everyone :) I will definitely try to get here more often.

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I knew I'd been away for a while but didn't realize it was nearly 2 weeks! I guess I've been busy.


I have not been doing as well as I'd like. I haven't gained, but I'm not losing. And, I'm not tracking. I'm starting to think that maybe I should stop the WW On-Line and start going to meetings again.


So - here's the deal I made with myself - Drop 5 lbs by the end of the month or start going to meetings in March. Seems pretty simple. Let's see how I do!

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Hi everyone,


WOW I am back in less than a week LOL


RB I read your post and it sounds like a good plan :) I wanted to let people on WW know what I tried this past week that helped me lose quite a bit of weight. Has anyone heard of the Wendie Plan? Here is what I have found on it:


The Wendie Plan divvies the points up differently each day. How many people eat the same amount of calories every single day while dieting? There are sources who feel that your body gets used to the same thing and your metabolism stagnates around it. So you need to keep your metabolism guessing by switching things up.


If you add these up they total 167 weekly points. Being on the same level on Weight Watchers, you are allowed up to 175 points (20 points a day plus an additional 35 for the week, to be broken up however you want). So with The Wendie Plan you’re eating a bit less, but you get one high point day.


The rules were set that you should eat the days in the same order every week but the more I’ve dieted the more I disagree. I feel that as long as you keep your points at 167 per week it shouldn’t matter how your days line up. Some times you need your SHD for a weekend; sometimes you need it on another day. I truly don’t think it matters, as long as you stick to the other days as planned. I made switches and reached goal just fine. But I did stick to the allotted points per week.


The Super high day is +15 points

The other days are +2, +4 or +5 points.

That is all there is too it.


The Wendie plan uses all but 8 of the Flex points.


Below I am listing the points targets I have found. So if you fall in between the targets as I do, just adjust it to meet your Points Target. My Super High Day is weigh in day.




Day 1 - 22 points

Day 2 - 27 points

Day 3 - 23 points

Day 4 - 37 points Super High Day (SHD)

Day 5 - 22 points

Day 6 - 26 points

Day 7 - 24 points



Day 1 - 24 points

Day 2 - 29 points

Day 3 - 25 points

Day 4 - 39 points Super High Day (SHD)

Day 5 - 24 points

Day 6 - 28 points

Day 7 - 26 points



Day 1 - 26 points

Day 2 - 31 points

Day 3 - 27 points

Day 4 - 41 points Super High Day (SHD)

Day 5 - 26 points

Day 6 - 30 points

Day 7 - 28 points



Day 1 - 28 points

Day 2 - 33 points

Day 3 - 29 points

Day 4 - 43 points Super High Day (SHD)

Day 5 - 28 points

Day 6 - 32 points

Day 7 - 30 points



Day 1 - 30 points

Day 2 - 35 points

Day 3 - 31 points

Day 4 - 45 points Super High Day (SHD)

Day 5 - 30 points

Day 6 - 34 points

Day 7 - 32 points



Day 1 - 31 points

Day 2 - 36 points

Day 3 - 32 points

Day 4 - 46 points Super High Day (SHD)

Day 5 - 31 points

Day 6 - 35 points

Day 7 - 33 points



Day 1 - 32 points

Day 2 - 37 points

Day 3 - 33 points

Day 4 - 47 points Super High Day (SHD)

Day 5 - 32 points

Day 6 - 36 points

Day 7 - 34 points



Day 1 - 33 points

Day 2 - 38 points

Day 3 - 34 points

Day 4 - 48 points Super High Day (SHD)

Day 5 - 33 points

Day 6 - 37 points

Day 7 - 35 points



Day 1 - 34 points

Day 2 - 39 points

Day 3 - 35 points

Day 4 - 49 points Super High Day (SHD)

Day 5 - 34 points

Day 6 - 38 points

Day 7 - 36 points



**For Activity Points, add them in the appropriate places. It is assumed that if you have earned your activity points, then you have burned off the extra calories, so it should all equal out.


Good luck :)

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