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RB's Daily WW Chat

RB Bonzo

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I told him that the key is that you had to make a decision that your health is a top priority in your life; if you can get to that mind-set, then you can do it.


That is so true!


Carol, I know you can input recipes and get the points on weightwatchers.com if you are signed up for etools, but there must be other sites where you could do the same thing.

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Thanks RB - I for one know that I won't be eating 4500 calories!


Here is my food game plan. I am travelling to my sisters house where my 3 other sisters and their families and my parents will all be. We all bring food to share and one sis makes the main meal. There will be many temptations from my other sisters who are all obese. I will be making - shrimp cocktail (of course), curry black bean pumpkin soup (what a great filler before the meal - and yummy too) corn casserole (3 pts a piece) and for a dessert I am making cupcakes (with the devil food cake mix and a can of pumpkin - thats it and I am told they are yummy) - I will put a touch of frosting on each and that will be my treat! That morning I will get up early and run in the turkey trot the next town over - it is going to be cold and might rain so that kinda makes me nervous but other than the weather I think I have a good game plan in place.


How are the rest of you "planning" ahead for Thanksgiving?


Check this out when you have the time - I think I've lost my mind!




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I'm going to be at my in-laws. They are having it catered this year because my FIL is having cataract surgery the day before and MIL doesn't want to have to bother w/ cooking.


The plan is to exercise like a demon (they live near a great bicycle path by the water, a great place to run) and portion control. A few things that I find hard to eat in moderation I am just going to avoid altogether.

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I'm here, just really been out of it and not in posting mode:eek:

I finally got back on track on Monday so we will see if I can get the same motivation I had before my cruise.

By the time I got back on Monday I had put on 12lbs of the 32 I had lost pre cruise.

I am also starting my job search so I guess I need to be OP so I don't stress eat!!!

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Hi Julia,


12 lbs for a month long cruise is not horrible - I have done 11 in a week back in the day - LOL. Now you can get back to business and I would think that if they went on fast you can drop them fast as well. I haven't weighed in for about 3 weeks. I think I am down about 3 (not sure) but will WI on Friday and if I am down the 3 that I think it will be back to my low weight so far in this journey (last weigh in I was up 2.2). I have 9 to get back to goal and then I don't have to pay!! That is my motivation - LOL. I have also started training to run the Boston Marathon in April with the Dana Farber team. Hopefully all the training will make my fat melt off - if only!! My GF who has run 8 marathons says she gains weight during training because she is so hungry. She is at the perfect body weight anyway so if she goes up 5 big deal. Well, glad to see you're back and good luck back on program.



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I am just copying my post I made on the 10% board.


Hi all, we have been back from our cruise now for nearly a week. It has just been so busy, working and coping with jet-lag, so Saturday afternoon is my first chance to chat.


Many congratulations to those of you who are doing so well, especially the Ladies in Red!


Well at WW on Thursday evening, my official gain was 5lbs in 4 weeks. That was a 2 week cruise, one week in Florida and a few days either end. When I first weighed at home on Monday morning it was 6 lbs, managed to get it down 1 by Thursday and on home scales this am if was 1 more down, making a 4lb gain now. I can't bring myself to change the stats though. I am just trying to lose the extra before Christmas if at all possible. It will be difficult, I know with various get-togethers but I want to start the New Year the same as before I went away.


I was quite disciplined on the cruise, used the stairs for anything up to 4 flights and only the lift when boarding on 1 and going to 7. I wasn't able to walk much around the deck because of my sore feet, so the exercise was limited to the walking needed around ports and from the aft cabin to the stairs, which is quite long on Navigator. I had no cocktails (shame) and only my half share of 5 bottles of wine plus a couple of beers in 2 weeks. Unfortunately, I struggled more in Florida, both in restaurants, eating out once a day, and at Thanksgiving with friends. I am not sure why my resolve is not so good on land. I think it is because the ship has lovely light options and the restaurants are not so geared up. I did indulge in a few desserts, especially chocolate ones on about 7 nights out of 20 and of course I had to try pumpkin pie.


I am well and truly back on track now and DH is trying to lose a few pounds for the first time in ages as his Dinner Suit (Tuxedo) was very tight and it made him realise how much he had gained in the last few months. Our next cruise is on 17th May to the Baltic, so my goal is to need new cruise wear by then.



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Cinna - so nice to hear from you!! I have missed chatting with you guys. Everyone has been so busy and/or away for a while. You did great on your trip! You should be proud. That is very impressive especially with your feet bothering you like it has been. Having DH onboard for watching his weight will certainly help to get you both where you want to be to start the new year. My WI this week with WW was down 4.6 (last WI on 11/8 I was up 2.2 so it was a new low of 2.4). I have only 7 to get back to goal and not have to pay WW another penny! Hopefully with training to run the Boston marathon in April it will get these last stubborn pounds off (fingers crossed).


RB has been missing for since the 20th and he is making me worried. Where are you RB? If you are off track please still check in with us so we can all motivate and inspire. Please don't make me post the "If your headed in a negative direction" quote because I will!! LOL - I read it often because I posted it next to my computer - I love that one - and thank you!!


Julia - how did your week go? Did you manage to stay OP and knock some of that cruise weight off? I hope you had a great week and got to a WI.


Carol - how is it going for you? I hope you had a great week and got to a WI as well. Update us when you have the time.


Gotta run - hope to hear from all of you soon. Keep chugging along. Colleen

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Hi Julia,


12 lbs for a month long cruise is not horrible - I have done 11 in a week back in the day - LOL. Now you can get back to business and I would think that if they went on fast you can drop them fast as well. I haven't weighed in for about 3 weeks. I think I am down about 3 (not sure) but will WI on Friday and if I am down the 3 that I think it will be back to my low weight so far in this journey (last weigh in I was up 2.2). I have 9 to get back to goal and then I don't have to pay!! That is my motivation - LOL. I have also started training to run the Boston Marathon in April with the Dana Farber team. Hopefully all the training will make my fat melt off - if only!! My GF who has run 8 marathons says she gains weight during training because she is so hungry. She is at the perfect body weight anyway so if she goes up 5 big deal. Well, glad to see you're back and good luck back on program.




I think I only put on about 7-8 on the cruise and then the rest eating everything insight since I got home and just couldn't get back on WW - my motivation was gone!!!

Started on Monday and been journalling and being good - even allowed points for my key lime pie last night as SIL said she was serving one so I planned around it:D

I am now down 24 of the 32 I had originally lost so need to stay on plan!!!


Good luck on your training.

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Carol - how is it going for you? I hope you had a great week and got to a WI as well. Update us when you have the time.


Well, I am having a difficult time as well. Up a few, down a few. The fact that the time has changed and I cannot walk outside as much as I am used to (as I work full time) is really hurting me. I am going to start journaling again and will try and work at my treadmill more (although I find it very boring compared with walking outside). I actually went outside and walked about 3 miles yesterday (Saturday) in 36 degree weather with a wind....but it was better than the treadmill for me. Time is moving on and January is closer than ever!


Carol:confused: :confused:

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It seems that this is an appropriate re-post. Back on 9/23 I was having a hard time and RB posted this to me. I printed it out and have it posted on the wall next to my computer. I have read it a few times since then. Hopefully RB will also read this again and check back in with us. Be well everyone! Colleen



These are crossroads - be very, very careful my friend! I've posted this before, but here it is again for you and anybody else that might need a nudge back on track:



If you're headed in a negative direction, getting back on track may seem hopelessly out of reach. Yet by taking just three steps you can completely change your prospects for the better.


Take one positive step, and you'll stop moving backwards. Take a second positive step, and you'll begin moving forward.


Then take the third step in a positive direction, and suddenly you've established real momentum. From that point, each successive positive effort comes more naturally and easily.


No matter how low you may be, at any point you are just three steps away from a whole different outlook. Just three small, positive actions can get you headed solidly in a new, empowering direction.


In addition, taking three positive steps will give you a real sense of commitment. These actions will get you quickly and firmly invested in your own success.


Wherever you are now, you are just three steps away from being well on your way to whatever goal you choose. Now is indeed the best time to act.


-- Ralph Marston

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Hi everyone,

I have pretty much been op this week for the first week since getting back 5 weeks ago:eek:

This morning I got up and went to kroger before everyone else got up, then I made biscuits(2pts), scrambled egg(2pts) and a slice of cheese for breakfast, this was a change from oatmeal every morning this week and normally hitting the bagel store on Sunday mornings for a social hangout.

I then made turkey meatballs and broiled them before making a homemade sauce for them and added chicken sausages - this has been cooking all day and smells good and I am going to serve it with whole wheat pasta and salad.


RB, come back and join us:D

Where is everyone else???

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RB has been missing for since the 20th and he is making me worried. Where are you RB? If you are off track please still check in with us so we can all motivate and inspire.


Hi, Colleen! I appreciate the concern :D

I logged on to post an article that I saw that I thought was pretty good and timely; I thought it had been about a week since I had posted, but 11/20?? Wow! I had actually popped on a few times for a week or so, but hadn't seen any new posts and, not having much to add, logged off w/out writing anything. And, I was pretty busy this past week.


Anyway, I'm doing OK. I don't think that I can claim to be doing much better than ok, but I am still pretty much on track. I had gotten away from journaling a bit and am not exercising with the frequency that I used to, and that has translated into a very minor increase in the scale, but things are heading back in the right direction and I expect to be back to my low in a week or two. I even ran a 3.5 mile Santa Run this past Sunday and had a blast.


Thanks also for posting the Marston quote - I actually did think of it when I was teetering on the edge. And, it is funny, but it took me about 4-5 days to get completely back on track - each day doing things a little better.


Welcome back, Cinnamon! Sounds like you did great.


Hi, Julia!


Carol - Hang in there! January may be close, but this journey lasts a lifetime.


DW and I almost booked a short cruise at Christmas time. We're going down to Fla. where my parents are renting a condo for a few months this winter. The idea of hanging around a Pompano Beach condo for a full week was more than we could handle, so we decided to leave the kids w/ the grandparents for a few days and head out, and we almost did a short cruise. But, we decided that we weren't really up for a sailing that would be dominated by families when we were w/out our own kids, and we wound up booking a few nights at a Key West B&B instead. That'll be fun!


Thanks for keeping the thread going while I was away, everyone!




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I have also started training to run the Boston Marathon in April with the Dana Farber team.





I just saw this - you're running this April? Since you're running w/ the DF team, do you still have to qualify? That is my "in my dreams" goal - to qualify for BM. I figure that my best shot will be in about 4 years from now. Did you see the Nova special on the marathon? I think that you can watch it from the website.



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Hi everyone,


RB glad to see you back, it took me more than 4-5 days to get back on track more like 4-5 weeks:eek:


I have been OP except for tonight as we went to my mom for Channukah, she had potato latkes so I had 2 with cinnamon, sugar and apple sauce before we had dinner:eek: :eek: I also had dessert so now I need to go journal it all and see if I have any wpa's left for the rest of the week.


I was down 3lbs yesterday so onward and downward to get back where I was and more!!!:D

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Yay - RB has checked back in!! Glad to hear that you are "ok" because that is def. ok at this time of the year. Do you think you are suffering a little post half-marathon let down? I only ask this because after I ran my half I had no training schedule on the fridge and I had about two weeks where I felt like I was in limbo and started to get down. Like that day after Christmas feeling - all the preparation took forever and then the day comes and is great but then its gone. If you can relate to this feeling - perhaps finding a spring half marathon will give you the boost you need. As for me - I did not qualify for Boston - this will be my very first marathon. I don't see me ever qualifying but never say never! I will get a non-time qualified number by commiting to Dana-Farber to raise $3000 for cancer research. This journey is about two things - one fulfilling a life long dream that I have always seemed to think was out of reach and two - honoring my Dad's fight to beat cancer (5 years!) and my girlfriends brother's fight which he lost 5 years ago. I will train with a life-long friend (since 4th grade) and run the whole thing together - this being my first as I said and this being her ninth! Nice to have a veteran to guide me through the process.


I am currently 7 lbs from being back at goal and I believe the last time was in 1999 or 2000. I haven't really been "counting" points or journalling but have been good with my choices and my running is about 20 miles a week and will only climb from here. So that's the update. Glad you have checked back in.

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Julia - re the latkes, check out the article that I linked to in my post yesterday. The primary point is that, during the holiday season, you aren't going to do any real harm if you have a bad day. The problem is if you have one bad day after another.


Colleen - Wow! You are really doing fantastic - what an inspiration!!!


Yes, I think that I have had somewhat of a letdown after running the half marathon. I'm still running, but not as frequently as I had been. I have tentative plans to run a half in Nashville in late April; I probably need to just register for the thing in order to get myself back into "training" mode. I'm also planning to do a full marathon in the fall - either Hartford or Philadelphia.


I wasn't aware that the charity teams were exempt from the timing requirement. Something to keep in mind for '09.

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I just realized that the link I gave didn't work. Here it is:





Published: December 4th, 2007 01:00 AM


Worried you won’t fit into your Christmas outfit? Read on for ways to combat holiday pudginess. David Whitwell used to be terrified by the holidays. Already overweight, he knew that his indulgences over the season would lead to more weight gain.

After another season of overeating, the Tacoman joined Weight Watchers in January 2004. By that time, he was 100 pounds overweight.

By the following Thanksgiving, he had lost almost 90 of those pounds. With another season of temptations looming, Whitwell planned a strategy that helped him avoid overeating.

“The last 11 pounds I got rid of from the week before Thanksgiving to the week after New Year’s,” he said. How? “I knew what I wanted.”

Between visions of sugarplums, buffets stocked with forbidden foods and as many holiday parties as you can fit in your planner, holiday weight gain seems inevitable.

But, as Whitwell proved, it doesn’t have to be that way.

We asked readers, fitness experts and health professionals how to stay on track during the holidays. As you might expect, there is no magic cure, but there are plenty of common-sense tips and tricks for staying in control.




It takes about 3,500 calories to gain a pound, said Laura Frank, a dietitian at the St. Francis Center for Weight Management in Federal Way. To gain 5 pounds this month, that translates to about 17,500 calories, or an extra 580 calories per day for a month.

Sounds tough, but what does that look like? It could be a few cookies and a mixed drink, or a long conversation near the chips and dip.

There’s hope. First, you’d have to eat those extra calories every day.

Second, “You can offset that by doing more physical activity,” Frank said. For the average person, burning that 600 calories would take about an hour on the treadmill at a healthy clip.




If you hate the treadmill, that’s not a problem. Pick an exercise that you enjoy, whether it’s swimming laps or walking, and find a way to increase the amount of time you spend doing it, said Mark Willis, associate director of the YMCA in downtown Tacoma.

Willis said the key is being realistic. If you’re doing 10 minutes of exercise a week now, it probably isn’t feasible to jump into a two-hour-a-day program.




For some exercisers, the cold weather is a real turnoff. But Frank said you can view it as an opportunity. It’s a great time to snowshoe and ski, for example.

If that’s not your cup of tea – and you don’t have a gym membership – head for the mall. “I would suggest mall walking. It’s a great way to get your festive fix while having that safe environment,” she said.

“Exercise is a very key piece to fitness,” Frank said. That includes cardio workouts – like walking and biking – and strength training.




Reader Phyllis Knopp said she plans to keep holiday weight gain at bay this year the same way she has for the past two decades: by exercising first thing in the morning.

“I am now working out at 4:30 a.m. in my house five days a week,” she said. She does anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour of cardio, weights, toning and stretching.

“The only way I know I will get my exercise in every day is to do it as soon as I get up.”

If you don’t have time to do one big exercise session per day, spread it out. Amanda Sattler, a reader in Bonney Lake, said she uses her home stair stepper five or six times a day, for about six minutes each time.

Frank said any time spent exercising adds up, whether it’s six minutes at a time or 30.




If you’re headed to a holiday party, be prepared. Eat a snack before you go, and make sure you’ve had plenty of water, Willis said. “Make sure you have your snack before you go to the event, so when you go, you’re not having that glaring empty hole” of hunger, he said.

When you are at the party, sip on water with lemon or lime, which will “spritz it up a little,” Frank said. If you’re not drinking alcohol at a party, the lemon or lime might also help you avoid questioning, she said. If you are drinking, slow it down a bit by alternating an alcoholic drink with water. You’ll consume fewer calories and feel better the next day.



When you’re in the buffet line, reserve half your plate with vegetables, a quarter for meats and a quarter for starches. Weight Watchers says mapping your plate will help you prioritize what food to take and what to leave. If you must try everything, the plate map will help you control portions.

Whitwell plans which items he’ll splurge on ahead of time by picking the one or two things he can’t live without. One of his favorites is stuffing, he said, so he takes a small serving, then loads up on vegetables.

Whitwell said it’s important to savor the food you do pick up.




Aim for high-fiber, low-sugar foods, Frank said. If you’re planning the menu (or contributing), opt for dips like hummus, salsa or a low-fat tzaziki dip instead of ranch or cheese dips. Those dips are lower in fat and higher in fiber, which will keep you full longer.




If you indulge, it’s not the end of the world. “You have to have the attitude that, OK, that’s done. It’s not an all or nothing,” Frank said. If you convince yourself you’ve failed miserably, you may be less inclined to eat healthy and exercise for the remainder of the season, she said.

“It doesn’t usually do that much damage as long as you get back on track the next day,” Frank said. She recommended getting 30 to 45 minutes of exercise the day after the feast, which will help with bloating and fatigue that holiday overindulging can induce.




You have to work late. Your kids are sick. You have to bake three pies before the end of the week. …

There are all kinds of barriers to meeting your goals, Frank and Willis pointed out. The key is not to let it get you down.

Exercise is “really like brushing your teeth. You have to prioritize it,” Frank said.

Willis recommended keeping your eye on the prize, which is a long-term lifestyle change, rather than a short-term fad.

He said an easy way to keep on track is finding a partner to exercise with or a co-worker who is committed to helping you avoid the endless stream of treats at the office.




If you do your best and it doesn’t work out, it’s OK.

Whitwell reminds himself frequently: “A poor choice is just a single moment in time.”

He also considers poor choices an important learning opportunity. “What we do is feedback, it’s not failure,” the 42-year-old said. “When we recognize that we made choices that aren’t going to help us get to our goals, we can learn from that. That takes some of the sting out of it.”

Niki Sullivan: 253-597-8658


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Hey Guys,


Julia - down 3 - WOOHHOOOO - keep it up girl - you'll be back to where you were in NO TIME!!! YAY Doesn't it feel good to be on track and oatmeal is such a great cold weather, yummy breakfast!!


RB - Nashville sounds like a good plan! I love country music and have dreams to go to Nashville someday!! Maybe I will slate that HM for next year!! What is holding you back from registering? Does you friend (the Seinfeld guy) want to run it with you? I so enjoyed running mine with my cousin although the next few I do might be on my own - not sure. I am signed up for a HM in February that runs along the Atlantic Ocean (BRRRRR) and then a 20 miler that runs along the Atlantic Ocean from Maine through NH and ends in MA in late March (hopefully the weather will be warmer). These are of course prep runs for Boston as I have to run that mileage anyway so running with tons of people and getting a shirt or medal = much more fun!! LOL. Let me know if you register for Nashville.


Weighed myself today and saw a new low # - very cool. WI is tomorrow but I don't really have the time to go. I hate to pay just to WI and miss the meeting. As lifetime I only pay when I show up so I am inclined to skip it. I'll let you know what I decide tomorrow.


Cinna - how's it going??


Enjoy your points!

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Lately, I've been making a point to go to bed much earlier, and I've increased my average sleep per night by about an 60-90 minutes. It seems that, the more you sleep, the more leptin (a hormone) is produced. Leptin signals your brain that you have enough food. Not enough leptin, and your brain screams "You're hungry! You're starving! Eat!!," even after you've had more than enough.


If you are sleep deprived, you have less leptin, and you tend to overeat. This appears to be a major factor in obesity - BMI and sleep deprivation are very strongly correlated.


Here's a link to an article discussing this. For those more technically inclined, here's a more detailed article.


Pleasant dreams!

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Yes, Colleen, the "Seinfeld Guy" may go to Nashville, and we just need to make a final decision on it.


Didn't you mention a Virginia Beach HM once? Is that the Atlantic Coast one you're referring to? I've checked that race out, too, and considered doing the full marathon for this March - at one point, I had thought about trying to run a full marathon in March so that I could complete a marathon within a year after starting my weight loss. But, I think that next November is ambitious enough!


That Maine/NH/MA run sounds pretty interesting - I'll have to look into that one for next year.

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Lately, I've been making a point to go to bed much earlier, and I've increased my average sleep per night by about an 60-90 minutes. It seems that, the more you sleep, the more leptin (a hormone) is produced. Leptin signals your brain that you have enough food. Not enough leptin, and your brain screams "You're hungry! You're starving! Eat!!," even after you've had more than enough.


If you are sleep deprived, you have less leptin, and you tend to overeat. This appears to be a major factor in obesity - BMI and sleep deprivation are very strongly correlated.


Here's a link to an article discussing this. For those more technically inclined, here's a more detailed article.


Pleasant dreams!


I had recently read somewhere that children who sleep more tend to weigh less thru life.


I guess I need to go sleep cause I have not stopped eating all day today!!!:eek: :eek:

Often we mistake hunger for thirst or tiredness.

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That is really interesting about sleep. I never heard of that. I do have a good sleep cycle - same time each night and up the same time each day. (10 p.m. - 6:00 a.m.) It actually really bugs me that on the weekends when I can sleep I am up at the same time and once I am up, thats it I am up. I know its suppossed to be good for you to have the same cycle but it really would be nice to not wake up at 6:00 or 6:30 when you don't have to. Anyway - - -


The Atlantic Ocean one in February is actually called the "Hampton Half" and it is along the ocean in NH - BRRR. The other one is the Virginia Beach Rock N Roll Half and that is Labor Day Weekend and that will be very pleasant. One will be "work" towards my full and the other will be "pleasure". I am soooo looking forward to the VB half. Sunday I have 10 planned and it will be my longest "cold" run. Let me know if you end up signing up for the VB but I def. think the Nashville one in the spring sounds good and I would do it if you can get the wives onboard!! LOL Good luck. I am doing the VB half as a "ladies weekend away" so we are very excited about that.


Cinna where are you???


Julia - better luck tomorrow! One day at a time! Today I did well all day - even had lunch out with a friend and made great choices - unfortunately DH ordered pizza for dinner and well, ummm - you guessed it - tomorrow is another day. On the upside - I didn't have to cook dinner!!!! LOL


Good night!

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Well, things seem to be improving. I am still having difficulty getting my exercise in with the cold weather and early darkness, but my self discipline in the eating area seems to be kicking in.


RB-Thanks for the article. It was very good and had alot of "common sense" strategies that we probably have heard, but need to be reminded of frequently! Also, I totally agree about the sleep...with the right amount of sleep, I find my self not only more energetic, but able to stay more focused. Plus, I am an "evening grazer" and going to be earlier cuts out some of my "grazing time".


I am hoping to walk in an AVA event today, if the weather improves. American Volksmarch Association offeres alot of walking opportunities worldwide. If any of you are interested check them out. They have events all year long...organized and on your own. I think they are www.ava.org.



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