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Why do people get drunk on a cruise?


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I'm finding this an interesting thread. I am a recovering alcoholic with 9 months of sobriety--actually, by the time we cruise I will have almost a year! We are fixing to go on our first cruise and I am a little concerned about being around so much alcohol. I will stay away from the casino, but am worried about other areas.


Is there anyone else who is recovering? How do you handle the temptation while on a cruise?




Karen, you can go in a lounge and order a cola and listen to music. I see many who do that. I am not much of a drinker. They will come around at dinner and try to get you to buy wine or a drink with your meal-just politely tell the wine steward you do not drink, no need to explain why, many do not drink.



Another thing also, I usually turn in around midnight. If I am not sleepy I read a book or watch TV. I do this because this is the time when you will start seeing the unruly drunks. I am okay with this because usually I have already enjoyed the piano bar or karoke lounge for a couple of hours.


Also, some lines have the pools open late-I enjoy taking a swim at night because very few use the pools at that time-so I almost have it to myself.


Many, many cruisers do not drink -period. Twice we have had dinnermates that were teetotalers. One couple was a baptist minister and his wife. The other couple was a deacan and his wife and their friends. (two differnat cruises)


The mimister was very nice. He said, they did not drink but they did not mind if we did, and we only learned he was a minister a couple of days later when my husband asked what he did for work.


The deacon and his group was not so nice. They informed us they did not drink and would appreciate it if we didn't. We were fine at first because we don't usually drink at dinner anyway but later in a lounge while we listen to music. We also wondered if possibly one of them was a recovering alcoholic and if so-we certainly did not mind not having a drink at dinner.


What got me about the deacon and his group is later in the week they saw us order drinks at the ice show (this was on RCI Mariner fo the Seas and they were sitting like 2 rolls behind us)-the next night they had a few choice remarks-we just smiled and motioned over our waiter and ordered pinacoladas! (at that point I could care less if one was a recovering alcoholic-they had no business being judgemental toward us)They never said another word to us about it!


anyway, I digress, my point was many do not drink, and I am sure you could even request to be put with tablemates who do not drink. I am sure you can still have a good time.


Do a search for that thread here " Don't laugh,Mormons on a cruise". It will help you to see there are many many things to do on a cruise besides drinking alcohol.

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Some people get in that state w/o meaning too. It's a vacation & they over-indulge not counting on the fact that they don't know their own tolerance. Some people drink things they wouldn't drink at home. Somebody who has 1 small glass of wine with dinner might decide to try a martini b/c it's vacation. Usually 1 martini equals at least 2 1/2 drinks b/c there is so much pure booze & very little mixers. But in their "brain" they only had 1 drink.


The cruise lines encourage it. At the last martini tasting I attended, they served us 5 martinis. You paid for them; you can't take them with you. What else was there to do besides drink them? Many excursions have all you can drink rum punch or include a bar crawl through some island. It's good for business. The mark-up on liquor is at least 300% & people who are "happy" keep on drinking & they tend to tip generously. They can also be more easily encouraged to buy other stuff they might not otherwise purchse -- an extra photo package, more expensive jewelry, some other souvenier that would not have otherwise been a "must have".


Other people do not understand the effect that mixing booze with their anti-seasick medication can cause.


Sun adds to alcholol absorption. So do carbonation and sugar. So do hot tubs. If you don't know that & have a carbonated, sweet, drink in a hot tub, you are going to end up in la la land if you are not used to it.


Most people don't drink all day at home but b/c it's vacation they may start with a bloody mary or mimosa at breakfast & have a few by the pool, add in a before dinner drink, wine with dinner & an Irish coffee & viola you have a seriously intoxicated person. Others go go go all day & don't get enough sleep on vacation (or don't sleep well in a strange bed). If you are overly tired that may effect the absorption rate.


Some think that b/c they are eating all day that will absorb the alcohol in their stomachs & prevent it from being absorbed into the blood stream. Food only slows the process.


Does that satisfy the pious crowds' curiosity?


Very well put!

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Just because people drink when having fun does not mean they NEED to drink to have fun. In the case of wine, just like salt it can complement the food and make it more enjoyable. (taste better) No one needs (extra) salt but most people throughout the world do use it on food.

Alcohol can be like a tool, it can relax a person and thus allow someone to enjoy or partake in a fun experience that they may not normally in a uptight stressful world be able to do.

Perhaps if you had a drink or two from time to time you would understand…….

But once again, having a few drinks even getting a buzz or "drunk" is equated to the "you drink until you puke and have a 4 figure bar bill types", and that comparison is silly.


By the way, I have found when cruising, the rude & grumpy sober people, people who seem to complain about EVERYTHING incessantly (in the dining room, in the hallways, elevators, it goes on and on and on), and women who have a need to bath in perfume, far more of an annoyance and disruptive to my enjoying my cruise then any “drunks” I have even encountered on a cruise ship!



I never said I didn't drink. I enjoy wine and champagne. But I don't "need" the wine to have fun and unwind---I enjoy the taste and how it goes with the food I'm eating. What I said I didn't understand is, the notion of needing a drink to have a good time? I hear people say that all the time---I "need" a drink to have fun and unwind. And, I'm not flaming anyone either. It's just a curious notion. I mean, for the falling down drinkers---are you really having fun when you can't remember what you did while you were drinking? How can that be fun? I've never personally experienced anyone on a cruise that was falling down drunk, but if you believe what's written when a problem occurs on a ship (like when people jump overboard or whatever), alcohol is usually the culprit. I've had a couple of failing memory drinking experiences wayyyy back in my college days, and not remembering what you did during that drinking time can be dangerous.

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I don't think so. I have wondered the same thing. The mentallity of a lot of people who think crusing and drinking to a stupor mean the same thing. All you have to do is read a few posts here bragging that their bar bill was three or four times what they paid for the actual cruise. Just do a search you will find PLENTY of those type posts


No one is bothered by nice polite drunks. The problem is you rarely see a nice polite drunk.


Wait! Just because a bar bill is 3/4 times the amount of their cruise does not mean that they drank all of that booze! Sharing a couple of bottles of good wine for dinner at a large table will tap your card for a couple of hundred dollars! Do that a few times over the course of a cruise and add to that other drinks, it is EASY to run up a large bar bill!

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I never said I didn't drink. I enjoy wine and champagne. But I don't "need" the wine to have fun and unwind---I enjoy the taste and how it goes with the food I'm eating. What I said I didn't understand is, the notion of needing a drink to have a good time? I hear people say that all the time---I "need" a drink to have fun and unwind. And, I'm not flaming anyone either. It's just a curious notion. I mean, for the falling down drinkers---are you really having fun when you can't remember what you did while you were drinking? How can that be fun? I've never personally experienced anyone on a cruise that was falling down drunk, but if you believe what's written when a problem occurs on a ship (like when people jump overboard or whatever), alcohol is usually the culprit. I've had a couple of failing memory drinking experiences wayyyy back in my college days, and not remembering what you did during that drinking time can be dangerous.


Somewhere in the 98 gradient points between your unneeded glass of wine or champagne and falling down drunk is a very fun place.


I'm out. This is one of those threads that "seems" to be a nice honest question but I have a habit:


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Hi there, I am new to these boards and am going to be a first time crusier, so I look forward to reading all of the threads.


I found this one interesting, because I used to drink -- a LOT (I don't have a drinking problem at all), and for me at the time it was just a way to relax and connect with my friends. I would never drink alone. It just did nothing for me that way! When I did drink I could totally imagine myself getting "drunk" and, well, probably being that way for the majority of the cruise, but only because of what someone else said already -- I would likely start with Mimosas at breakfast, Bloody Marys at lunch and whatever else in between. So for me, to answer the OPs question, it was really for social reasons.


I don't drink now by personal choice for a number of reasons, but people that do drink do not bother me. I don't remember who posted it, but I think the person asking you not to drink was a bit out of line. :(


Anyway, thats my 2 cents and I am really glad I found these boards. :)

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I didn't see the question as why do people drink. That would take until the end of time to get to the bottom of. Instead I saw it more as a question of why spend all this money on a cruise and spend the entire time drunk. Maybe I read more into the question than was intended. But of course, its each person's money and vacation to enjoy however they see fit as long as its not disrupting anyone else's vacation.

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I think a lot of people expressing their opinion are missing the point. No one cares if you drink all day and night, or simply have a glass of wine with dinner. The op is talking about being drunk. Not feeling good, being silly, or having a good time. DRUNK. Now I know everyone's idea of "Drunk" is different. The last drunk we had the pleasure of experiencing was having fun spilling his drinks on people, using inapropriate and explicit language around kids, and making rude gestures to female passengers. Oh yeah and for some reason he felt the need to talk really really loud.


I know some of you believe that what other people do is their business and we shouldn't concern ourselves. However, when people get Drunk on a ship (small space, lots of people), it usually affects the other people around that have paid a lot for their vacation and want to enjoy it without being bothered by some drunk. Drink all you want, that is none of my business. But please respect my right not to be affected by it.



That is my definition of "drunk" too. I could care less if someone is a little buzzed- but when the person is to the point that they do things that make others miserable around them (and that make them ashamed of themselves when they wake up after passing out and are told what they did-as they have no memory whatsoever) that is what I think of when I use the term "drunk".

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Wait! Just because a bar bill is 3/4 times the amount of their cruise does not mean that they drank all of that booze! Sharing a couple of bottles of good wine for dinner at a large table will tap your card for a couple of hundred dollars! Do that a few times over the course of a cruise and add to that other drinks, it is EASY to run up a large bar bill!


I realize GOOD wine is expensive and just to clarify msyelf-people who enjoy GOOD wine regulary and spend that kind of money on wine are not the Mogen David $3.99 a bottle winos. They are rarely drunk.


They are also used to spending that amount of money as they enjoy good wine and that is part of their lifestyle-that type of person I doubt is among ones who come here and bragg about their high bar bills.


You know, classy people do not bragg about spending alot of money for ANYTHING. It is just bad taste to do.


I am sure there are exceptions to the rule-but my guess is the majority of posts who brag about their bar bills- (and how much they smuggle in their luggage)-would not get enough of a "buzz" from good wine.

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I realize GOOD wine is expensive and just to clarify msyelf-people who enjoy GOOD wine regulary and spend that kind of money on wine are not the Mogen David $3.99 a bottle winos. They are rarely drunk.


They are also used to spending that amount of money as they enjoy good wine and that is part of their lifestyle-that type of person I doubt is among ones who come here and bragg about their high bar bills.


You know, classy people do not bragg about spending alot of money for ANYTHING. It is just bad taste to do.


I am sure there are exceptions to the rule-but my guess is the majority of posts who brag about their bar bills- (and how much they smuggle in their luggage)-would not get enough of a "buzz" from good wine.


Are you sure they are bragging about their bar bills and not just relating how awful it is to get a huge bill at the end? As I said, we don't drink too much on cruises, but two bottles of champagne, a bottle of wine, three beer helmets, and maybe two pina coladas (make that four) over a 7 day cruise- how much is that? Almost 300 bucks? Imagine if you had a larger party, drinking far more- you could easily get up to 1 or 2 grand.

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Why do people get drunk on a cruise? I'm curious to hear from those that actually do get drunk on a cruise to understand the rationale.





What is there to understand ? Some people enjoy drinks and yes, some do get drunk. I honestly don't understand the "rationale".


So what is drunk ? Someone getting a little tipsey or buzzed could qualifiy as much as someone who is falling down drunk and passes out.


As far as how much someone spends, I didn't see the OP's question having anything to do with spending money.


The posts about "it is none of your business" made sense when I read this thread.

In all fairness it is difficult to understand why the OP asked and the post could be taken different ways. :)

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Thank you Onessa. I was not being judgemental, just curious.



I thought it was a great question for a lot of reasons.


I had a friend that went on a crusie with her family every year, (I think they did the Mexican Riveria cruise) and she would talk about how they would disembark and go to Senor Frogs and then go shopping and then more partying. It was basically nearly non-stop drinking for them. I used to party on dry land with this person and friends, and we were drunk most definitely, but she was never obnoxious or rude to anyone, drunk or not.


It really CAN be a lot of fun, unless you have a problem with alcohol or you are one of those people who drink to oblivion and get messy, sloppy and intrusive (as already mentioned) or who is what we would have called a "mean" drunk.

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A cruise ship is a floating BAR. Further more, they make a LOT of money on liquor sales, so drinks are not just available, but pushed.


Many people who drink conservatively or even moderately let their hair down so to speak and consume more, simply because it is available at every corner of the ship, and that little plastic card makes it SO easy to get one with out spending REAL money.


I think its contagious and a bad habit most have developed.


Think about it this way. Two people are given a shopping list and sent to a grocery store. One is given 100.00 in cash, the other a credit card and told to spend only 100.00. While it is not scientifically proven, I'll bet that the person with the plastic spends more and buys things that aren't on the list.


Anyway....Momofmeg...John and I usually have a LARGE bar tab. However it is quality vs. quantity. A few nice bottles of wine with dinner with after dinner drinks can add up into the high hundreds. Plus we usually order a bottle of champagne at the last formal night and you know how prices on some of those are.


People are on vacation. People let loose and do things on vacation they USUALLY don't do at home, however in my opinion from what I've seen, there are a few who have been practicing their drinking long before they got onboard.


If someone is totally inebriated, they should be reported to the staff for not only the safety of the passengers, but for the drunks safety also.



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I think a lot of people expressing their opinion are missing the point. No one cares if you drink all day and night, or simply have a glass of wine with dinner. The op is talking about being drunk. Not feeling good, being silly, or having a good time. DRUNK. Now I know everyone's idea of "Drunk" is different. The last drunk we had the pleasure of experiencing was having fun spilling his drinks on people, using inapropriate and explicit language around kids, and making rude gestures to female passengers. Oh yeah and for some reason he felt the need to talk really really loud.


I know some of you believe that what other people do is their business and we shouldn't concern ourselves. However, when people get Drunk on a ship (small space, lots of people), it usually affects the other people around that have paid a lot for their vacation and want to enjoy it without being bothered by some drunk. Drink all you want, that is none of my business. But please respect my right not to be affected by it.

I too have seen drunks in public areas not respecting others rights to not be affected by their drunkenness.


In regard to posts similar to "what other do is their business"; societal law doesn't agree. There are laws against public drunkenness (varies by location I suspect). Even on a cruise ship you can be sent to the brig for public intoxication.

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Why do some people drink so much on a cruise? Annoying other passengers.


Why do some people eat so much on a cruise? To the point of getting sick.


Why do some people smoke so much on a cruise? Annoying other passengers.


Why do some people gamble so much on a cruise? And complaining loudly about losing.


Why do some people complain so much on a cruise? Annoying everyone.


Why do some people dress so badly on a cruise? Annoying other passengers.


Why do some people behave so badly on a cruise? Annoying everyone.

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I too have seen drunks in public areas not respecting others rights to not be affected by their drunkenness.


In regard to posts similar to "what other do is their business"; societal law doesn't agree. There are laws against public drunkenness (varies by location I suspect). Even on a cruise ship you can be sent to the brig for public intoxication.


While your at it, throw rude, loud, obnoxious non-drinking passengers in the brig too!:D

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I've attempted to ask this question before (in response to a bunch of VERY rancorous posts about the change in RCCI policy as to carry-on alchohol) with very little sucess. I was just curious as to why the drinking portion of the cruise was so important to these cruisers to have caused such an uproar and so many emotional responses when RCCI changed their policy about carry-ons. It just didn't make sense to me.


I too am not much of a drinker -- more than one glass of wine with dinner and I'll just fall asleep:D !


So now you know why I DON'T drink and why I am curious as to why other people really need to drink in order to consider their vacation a success. Not certain if this is the reason the OP asked, but this is why I looked at this tread.



As always, sometimes people just do not understand reasoning behind persons being upset with policy changes. Before the policy change, my husband and I were able to bring aboard a few of our own choices of wine to enjoy with dinner, paying a corkage fee for the priviledge. We did not have to "smuggle" then and we don't care to do it now. To be honest with you, it was not only a way to save a few $$, but we had a far better selection of wine than RCI has on their wine list. Never were you allowed to bring aboard your own liquor.


But, you're not a drinker, so you probably wouldn't notice the difference like we do. We were annoyed by the change, but stick to the rules they have put forth.


On to the OP:


At home I'm not a big drinker, but I enjoy letting my hair down and partying, especially the first night of a cruise. We have fun, we dance (sometimes), we laugh, we stay up later than we do at home (we're a bit lame, usually in bed by midnight), it's a far different life than what is "normal".


I don't particularly care for a drunk person in my face, or the ones who are loud and crash around the hallways, waking everyone up at 3am. Other than that, it's absolutely none of my business how much others may or may not drink. My feeling is that many drink because it is a way to relax and party.


Why do people feel they need a soft drink card and why the heck they are drinking so much soda? There is no need for it, no nutritional value, only empty calories that add fat to a body. Why do they think that food is "free" and they should take as much as their plate can possibly hold? Why would a person think that gambling, bingo, art auctions or spa services are such a great thing on a cruise? Why do people bother with buying souvenirs, especiall logo crap, on a cruise ship? Why do people think they need to be first off the ship, first onto the ship, in the front row of the show, right next to the pool on the loungers. Why do people think they get better service than everyone else if they tip along the way, or yell at the crew? Why do people feel the need to judge a person by the clothing they are wearing or by what they may or may not be drinking?


My point is that it is all up to the individual and no one elses business but their own. You do what you enjoy doing and don't worry about the next person. It's just people.....

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Are you sure they are bragging about their bar bills and not just relating how awful it is to get a huge bill at the end? As I said, we don't drink too much on cruises, but two bottles of champagne, a bottle of wine, three beer helmets, and maybe two pina coladas (make that four) over a 7 day cruise- how much is that? Almost 300 bucks? Imagine if you had a larger party, drinking far more- you could easily get up to 1 or 2 grand.


I guess so if you are paying for everyone's drink in your party.


Our bill is usally about like yours-sometimes a little higher. We don't drink champagne though (unless it is a special occassion) and hubby and I are not really into wine. He ususally has around 3 or 4 drinks in a day- I maybe one though usually I am more into the specality coffees.


and yes these folks were bragging. do a search-there are several old threads on the subject.

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While your at it, throw rude, loud, obnoxious non-drinking passengers in the brig too!:D


Yes you see those people also-but usually, people are drunk when they act that way- because most people have been taught to have better manners and would only act a certain way when they no longer have their "good judgement" because of having one or two drinks too many- but you are right-drunk or sober-it is not acceptable behavior.

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I had one person reply to me that he always has a couple of drinks to "unwind" every night after work and he also needed to "unwind" every evening on a cruise before going to dinner. He sounded to me like a an alcoholic in denial,why would anyone need to unwind on a cruiseship?


I find this statement very judgemental, and wrong. :cool:


I think the real question is "why is it your business?" Whether the guy next to you is drunk or not is simply his business unless he is somehow extremely bothering you. And by that I don't mean he talks a little too loud. He could do that sober. My question to you is why you've decided to ask such a rude question. If that person bothers you then move. Why do people wear thong or teenie bathing suits when clearly their body is not designed for them. I find that offensive. More so then someone who had one too many drinks. Why do you read books on deck. That's rude....someone may want to talk to you and you're just ignoring them. Come on people, get your own life instead of someone else's.


I'm sorry I just find the whole question and most of the answers rude. Perhaps we should ask all of you why you do the things you do. If one searches hard enough there will always be something about everyone that is offensive to someone. Whether I drink or not is none of your business. Whether I smuggle alcohol on is none of your business. Whether I wear underwear is none of your business. Whether I do anything is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.


The ranting is over, but sometimes I really have to wonder about why other people feel it is their right to judge others.




The salt in the sea air makes me thirsty. Who really cares people, step down off your high horses for a minute and have a drink.

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hate to say it like this, but until the first dry ship comes along this is just going to be something that happens. Cruise lines take a HUGE profit on alcohol sales every week and there is no foreseeable reason they will limit the availability of alcohol. If its such a big issue and gets to you that much just go to Disney World

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