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Why do people get drunk on a cruise?


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Well, we love our cocktails! We don't set out to get drunk by any means, but hey, it happens sometimes! If we are awake when we are on vacation, we most likely have a cocktail in hand.


We are all different and unique. I don't understand why some people go on a cruise just to eat - but hey, that's their thing.

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To each their own. Personnally, I do drink more when I am on a cruise (and I drink less when I go on a backpack and hostels trip) than I normally do at home. As for the backpack trip, I guess I drink less because I have so many different things to do and see and I want to get up early in the morning and in very good shape, sometimes one drink after dinner but that's all while at home I don't drink every night (maybe once a week) but when I do, it's 3-4 drinks (usually half a bottle of wine and some sort of drink before dinner or after dinner).


When I am on a cruise, it's different, I drink more. Why? I don't really know but it must be a combination of different factors such as:


1. Not much to explore on sea days (a ship is limited), so I stop in a lounge or by the pool to enjoy a good conversation and often say yes to the bartender when he offers me a drink.


2. I go to the nightclub at night (what I don't do at home but on a ship, it seems like about the only option if I don't want to sit down all night) and I do drink in a nightclub (as someone said, people do look better and I think I can dance)


3. The first Pina Colada marks the beggining of a great vacation.


4. A glass of wine (or two) is a must with a long, good food, sit-down meal that I didn't have to prepare myself.


5. I'm not used to hot weather and i drink alcoholic beverage among other drinks (diet coke, juice, water).


6. Don't have to worry about driving my car.


7. My room is never very far whenever I want to go back to bed.

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DH and I drink in "real life"- he has a beer or glass or two of red wine and I am a classic binge drinker. I never drink at home, don't drink for days/weeks/months, but if I go out to party I will have one million beers or a bottle of champagne NO PROBLEM. The next day I am a little slow but basically okay.


The last two cruises DH and I took left out of Manhattan. The night before both we met up with my cousins for a drink and dinner. Unfortunately there is no such thing as "a drink and dinner" with Clan O'Brien. So both cruises began with my DH so hung over he could barely make it through embarkation and the lifeboat drill without wanting to DIE.


The very good side effect to these hang overs has been very small bar bills. Neither of us wanted to look at alcohol for a week.


The price of drinks is so high on cruises that we really don't drink much at all. NCL has those nice "beer helmets," where I think you save about 50 cents off of 5 bottles, and we have had those. We have also had wine at dinner, but who wants to add 40 or 50 bucks to your dinner bill every night for ten days? Foo foo drinks are watered down, expensive headaches in a glass.


Also, we are usually so exhausted and full of sun that Diet Coke or coffee sounds far, far more appealing than liquor.


So... to sum up... we are more likely to drink to excess of land than we are at sea.

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I don't usually get drunk anywhere (any more ;) ) but if I do, it's because I was having so much fun I neglected to count my drinks. That's unlikely to happen on a cruise as I'm just not likely to spend that much money on alcohol.


That's just me, tho - perhaps others are unwinding and buying and buying, and laughing and having fun, and buying and buying. So long as they are Happy Drunks who cause no damage anywhere (I count Puke as damage unless it's in an acceptable receptacle!), ok by me.

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All those reasons seem good to me! But in all seriousness, why do you care, browe? Unless a drunk person is bothering you (and by bothering I mean insulting/threatening/getting physical), just let them be. :)

It seems like I can't go anywhere without putting up with a bunch of drunks. I quit camping because everytime I went to the lake a herd of boozers would keep me up all night with their partying. If they drink and are halfway mannerable with it, fine. But there have been several that woke up wondering why they had black eyes and knots on their heads.

The only problem that I have really had with drunks is you can beat them half to death and they don't realize it until the next day.

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I think the real question is "why is it your business?" Whether the guy next to you is drunk or not is simply his business unless he is somehow extremely bothering you. And by that I don't mean he talks a little too loud. He could do that sober. My question to you is why you've decided to ask such a rude question. If that person bothers you then move. Why do people wear thong or teenie bathing suits when clearly their body is not designed for them. I find that offensive. More so then someone who had one too many drinks. Why do you read books on deck. That's rude....someone may want to talk to you and you're just ignoring them. Come on people, get your own life instead of someone else's.


I'm sorry I just find the whole question and most of the answers rude. Perhaps we should ask all of you why you do the things you do. If one searches hard enough there will always be something about everyone that is offensive to someone. Whether I drink or not is none of your business. Whether I smuggle alcohol on is none of your business. Whether I wear underwear is none of your business. Whether I do anything is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.


The ranting is over, but sometimes I really have to wonder about why other people feel it is their right to judge others.

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Isn't it a strange question? People get drunk anywhere, at home, at a pub, on holiday etc. etc. Not just on a cruise? I enjoy wine and we drink wine most days at home. We don't get drunk, because that ruins any enjoyment of the wine.


I've never seen anyone falling down drunk on a cruise, but I see them outside our local pub at home.

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Everybody's definition of "drunk" is different. The Q is horribly judgmental, IMO.

If I or anybody else wants to consume more alcohol then YOU are comfortable with, why is that any of your concern? It's between me, my wallet & my liver.

I'm on vacation. It's my choice. I'm not driving. I'm not bothering you. My conduct is perfectly legal. If someone is bothering another passanger or committing a crime, that's a different story.

So to the OP, why do you care? If you are going to ask, why not go for the really invasive Qs, like Why do people take drugs (don't kid yourself there is somebody smoking pot on your cruise); Why do people take too many OTC medications? Why do some people overeat? Why do some people smoke tobacco? Why do some people watch porn / have pre-martial sex or commit adultery? Why do people do anything that some overly zealous intrusive know-it-all thinks they shouldn't be doing whether on land or at sea?

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To start with people drink and get drunk not only on a cruise, and my feeling is as long as they don't hurt or bother me I say go for it.Most times your on a cruise to have a good time. Besides sometimes a drunk person can be fun to watch.


For a lot of people it is a time to just let loose and have a good time, some have a good time by drinking a lot, others drink a little it is just each persons choice.


You don't have to DRIVE home nor do you have to go to WORK the next day. You don't have to do anything any day your on the ship except for going to the great and wonderful mustar drill... other than that there is not one thing you have to go do the entire time your on the ship. Oh except get off when your back to the home port. :(

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I'm really asking about why folks get drunk, not have a drink or two. It seems to me that getting drunk would not be a pleasant way to spend a vacation. The few people I've known that have gotten drunk don't recall parts of the cruise, get sick, or have a hang over, etc. Just seems unpleasant to me, so I'm trying to understand the other side of the equation.


I guess I'm still missing the point of asking becasue if that's all you have to worry about, life is good.


I drink a lot on a cruise since it's vacation and that is one of my enjoyments. My goal is still no hangovers, still remember most aspects of the cruise (no guarantee though) and no embarrasment as I don't want to screw up my wife's time as well. What else in life is there other than sun, sand and beer.

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While I admit it's not anyone's business, I've always wondered about this whole drinking thing. I find that I don't need alcohol to have fun and I've never understood why so many people feel they need it to have a good time. Just one of the mysteries of life, I guess. I don't give a rat's behind what anyone does on THEIR cruise so long as what they're doing has absolutely no impact on me enjoying MY cruise. When the hard partying negatively affects my vacation, that's when it rankles me. But if you want to drink until you puke, run up a big four figure bar bill, that's your problem and not mine, thank God.

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I'm really asking about why folks get drunk, not have a drink or two. It seems to me that getting drunk would not be a pleasant way to spend a vacation. The few people I've known that have gotten drunk don't recall parts of the cruise, get sick, or have a hang over, etc. Just seems unpleasant to me, so I'm trying to understand the other side of the equation.


What you described is not so much drunk/buzzed as it is trashed. It’s called moderation. The people who can't remember the ports, what occurred, their behavior, have what is known as a drinking problem. Comparing them to people who have some fun getting a buzz, tipsy, even drunk is silly. Q: Tell me why does a 3 year old spin in circles until they are dizzy? A: To change their perception of reality if for just a few moments.

So why do people get a buzz from alcohol or whatever? Short answer, ITS FUN! Don’t think so… oh well.

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I think a lot of people expressing their opinion are missing the point. No one cares if you drink all day and night, or simply have a glass of wine with dinner. The op is talking about being drunk. Not feeling good, being silly, or having a good time. DRUNK. Now I know everyone's idea of "Drunk" is different. The last drunk we had the pleasure of experiencing was having fun spilling his drinks on people, using inapropriate and explicit language around kids, and making rude gestures to female passengers. Oh yeah and for some reason he felt the need to talk really really loud.


I know some of you believe that what other people do is their business and we shouldn't concern ourselves. However, when people get Drunk on a ship (small space, lots of people), it usually affects the other people around that have paid a lot for their vacation and want to enjoy it without being bothered by some drunk. Drink all you want, that is none of my business. But please respect my right not to be affected by it.

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While I admit it's not anyone's business, I've always wondered about this whole drinking thing. I find that I don't need alcohol to have fun and I've never understood why so many people feel they need it to have a good time. Just one of the mysteries of life, I guess. I don't give a rat's behind what anyone does on THEIR cruise so long as what they're doing has absolutely no impact on me enjoying MY cruise. When the hard partying negatively affects my vacation, that's when it rankles me. But if you want to drink until you puke, run up a big four figure bar bill, that's your problem and not mine, thank God.


Just because people drink when having fun does not mean they NEED to drink to have fun. In the case of wine, just like salt it can complement the food and make it more enjoyable. (taste better) No one needs (extra) salt but most people throughout the world do use it on food.

Alcohol can be like a tool, it can relax a person and thus allow someone to enjoy or partake in a fun experience that they may not normally in a uptight stressful world be able to do.

Perhaps if you had a drink or two from time to time you would understand…….

But once again, having a few drinks even getting a buzz or "drunk" is equated to the "you drink until you puke and have a 4 figure bar bill types", and that comparison is silly.


By the way, I have found when cruising, the rude & grumpy sober people, people who seem to complain about EVERYTHING incessantly (in the dining room, in the hallways, elevators, it goes on and on and on), and women who have a need to bath in perfume, far more of an annoyance and disruptive to my enjoying my cruise then any “drunks” I have even encountered on a cruise ship!

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If a person is that over the top drunk then why don't you first walk away and then call security. Sure, I agree 100% you shouldn't have to but there are a lot of things you shouldn't have to do in life, but its your choice to stay and put up with it. Personally, I don't remember in my 20+ cruises running into that problem more then once and it was handled by security. Sometimes sh*t happens and the person drinking didn't get the expected result. Maybe he drank an alcohol that was stronger then he was used to and it affected him differently. Maybe he mixed new medicine with alcohol and got an unexpected reaction.


I have run into more rude people on ships that were simply that ... rude. People don't have to be drunk to be offensive. On one cruise we had a old man that I actually complained to the CD about. I was tired of his comments, he was out of line and rude. I'm pretty patient with old folks. Love them and their quirks to death BUT.


However, the OP asked why people would want to get drunk. There was no mention of the degree. Tipsy or obnoxious. Personally I wonder why people want to ride mountain bikes. I just don't get it. How can doing all the hard exercise be fun. My point is, you might enjoy the bike riding and I might enjoy the drinking. If you ride your bike in the road I don't like it, but I try not to hit you. If I drink where you walk and you don't like it, try not to hit me.:rolleyes: Just go around like I do.

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I'm finding this an interesting thread. I am a recovering alcoholic with 9 months of sobriety--actually, by the time we cruise I will have almost a year! We are fixing to go on our first cruise and I am a little concerned about being around so much alcohol. I will stay away from the casino, but am worried about other areas.


Is there anyone else who is recovering? How do you handle the temptation while on a cruise?



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I'm finding this an interesting thread. I am a recovering alcoholic with 9 months of sobriety--actually, by the time we cruise I will have almost a year! We are fixing to go on our first cruise and I am a little concerned about being around so much alcohol. I will stay away from the casino, but am worried about other areas.


Is there anyone else who is recovering? How do you handle the temptation while on a cruise?




There are usually Friends of Bill W meeting everyday on most all cruise lines.



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While some of the posts here have seemed to have a judgemental undertone, I don't feel that the original post was judgemental. I read it as a legitimate question, and I feel badly for the OP for people accusing him/her of being nosy, judgemental and/or rude just because the OP asked a simple question.


I do not believe the OP is calling for another temperence movement, but instead is just looking for some insight into human nature. I like dark chocolate -- when someone asks me why, I can list off reasons why I prefer a good dark chocolate to other desserts or other chocolates. At no point in the discussion, would I jump to the conclusion that the person asking me was necessarily being judgemental or nosy or rude -- just that they were curious.


This reminds me -- I have a nice chunk of 70% caco chocolate someone gave me for Christmas and we had a Merlot with dinner Christmas night -- now there is a pairing I can understand (and a reason to drink!). One oz of chocolate and about 3/4 of a glass of wine and life is good (my definition -- I accept yours will probably be different). Drinking the rest of the bottle and maybe a second bottle so that I can be miserable during my 5.5 hour drive to visit my MIL tomorrow? No thanks!:D


So back to the OP's real issue -- if you did get drunk (defining drunk as drinking more than that which would qualify you as simply happy or buzzed ora similar euphemism) when you are on a cruise -- why?

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I think the real question is "why is it your business?" Whether the guy next to you is drunk or not is simply his business unless he is somehow extremely bothering you. And by that I don't mean he talks a little too loud. He could do that sober. My question to you is why you've decided to ask such a rude question. If that person bothers you then move. Why do people wear thong or teenie bathing suits when clearly their body is not designed for them. I find that offensive. More so then someone who had one too many drinks. Why do you read books on deck. That's rude....someone may want to talk to you and you're just ignoring them. Come on people, get your own life instead of someone else's.


I'm sorry I just find the whole question and most of the answers rude. Perhaps we should ask all of you why you do the things you do. If one searches hard enough there will always be something about everyone that is offensive to someone. Whether I drink or not is none of your business. Whether I smuggle alcohol on is none of your business. Whether I wear underwear is none of your business. Whether I do anything is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.


The ranting is over, but sometimes I really have to wonder about why other people feel it is their right to judge others.




I don't think so. I have wondered the same thing. The mentallity of a lot of people who think crusing and drinking to a stupor mean the same thing. All you have to do is read a few posts here bragging that their bar bill was three or four times what they paid for the actual cruise. Just do a search you will find PLENTY of those type posts


No one is bothered by nice polite drunks. The problem is you rarely see a nice polite drunk.

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So back to the OP's real issue -- if you did get drunk (defining drunk as drinking more than that which would qualify you as simply happy or buzzed ora similar euphemism) when you are on a cruise -- why?


Some people get in that state w/o meaning too. It's a vacation & they over-indulge not counting on the fact that they don't know their own tolerance. Some people drink things they wouldn't drink at home. Somebody who has 1 small glass of wine with dinner might decide to try a martini b/c it's vacation. Usually 1 martini equals at least 2 1/2 drinks b/c there is so much pure booze & very little mixers. But in their "brain" they only had 1 drink.

The cruise lines encourage it. At the last martini tasting I attended, they served us 5 martinis. You paid for them; you can't take them with you. What else was there to do besides drink them? Many excursions have all you can drink rum punch or include a bar crawl through some island. It's good for business. The mark-up on liquor is at least 300% & people who are "happy" keep on drinking & they tend to tip generously. They can also be more easily encouraged to buy other stuff they might not otherwise purchse -- an extra photo package, more expensive jewelry, some other souvenier that would not have otherwise been a "must have".

Other people do not understand the effect that mixing booze with their anti-seasick medication can cause.

Sun adds to alcholol absorption. So do carbonation and sugar. So do hot tubs. If you don't know that & have a carbonated, sweet, drink in a hot tub, you are going to end up in la la land if you are not used to it.

Most people don't drink all day at home but b/c it's vacation they may start with a bloody mary or mimosa at breakfast & have a few by the pool, add in a before dinner drink, wine with dinner & an Irish coffee & viola you have a seriously intoxicated person. Others go go go all day & don't get enough sleep on vacation (or don't sleep well in a strange bed). If you are overly tired that may effect the absorption rate.

Some think that b/c they are eating all day that will absorb the alcohol in their stomachs & prevent it from being absorbed into the blood stream. Food only slows the process.

Does that satisfy the pious crowds' curiosity?

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