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Conquest Captain Boots Man off Ship for Starting A Protest !!!03/16/08 Cruise


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I have a small question that some of the more seasoned travelers on this board may be able to answer. I was under the impression that pregnant crew members were not allowed on board since they are more likely to suffer emergency situations that may require timely care. If this is true, then why was this woman on board?


I am glad to hear that she received care in time, and despite the loss of her baby, is doing well.


My understanding is that this was an ectopic pregnancy, where the fertilized egg gets stuck in the fallopian tube. (sorry guys...) The crew member would have been pregnant for only a few days or a week, and certainly would not have known it.


Ectopic pregnancies can be fatal, so it was imperative that she get immediate medical attention.

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I thank the Good Lord that the crew member is ok. And feel for her. I also feel sorry for the boys. What kind is he trying to teach his kids. How to act like a beep beep. I guess he did his job if that is what he wanted to teach his boys.

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My understanding is that this was an ectopic pregnancy, where the implanted egg gets stuck in the fallopian tube. (sorry guys...) The crew member would have been pregnant for only a few days or a week, and certainly would not have known it.


Ectopic pregnancies can be fatal, so it was imperative that she get immediate medical attention.


Thanks for clearing it up for me, I was just curious. Other reports said she was 7 weeks along so...

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1. Remember, when we cruise we are visitors in someone elses house. The captain is the head of the house. He/She makes the final decisions with regards to the well being of the passengers. 'Nuf said about that.


2. Slavery is illegal. You CANNOT force anyone to do anything in the civilized world, since, oh, around 1865.


Your best bet would have been to go along with the balance of the cruise and when you got home (if you just HAD TO) sue for damages. (Although I don't know what damages you suffered.)


3. Not only should the captain have thrown your butt off, it would have been nice if he could have booted the rest of the petition signers. Just for good measure. :p



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I too am glad that the crew member is doing ok. My prayers go out to her.


But onto the discussion about Carnival. I think one thing everyone is forgetting. How much extra revenue did the ship make on that day of the missed port? I am sure there were extra drinks ordered, another round of bingo. Not to mention the casino, shops, spa. How many of these passengers would of been onshore if the ship had made it to the port. Not to mention the fuel savings, I am sure that the bottom line was in the black. Even with the $25 credit given to the passengers.


Just something to think about:o

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Thanks for clearing it up for me, I was just curious. Other reports said she was 7 weeks along so...


Well, I could be wrong about it being ectopic. It HAS happened. :eek: But that's what I read last night in the first rush of reports.

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Give me a break. If you booked a cruise specifically for a single port of call and your ship still manages to pull in, yet there is a torrential downpour all day (this has happened to me!) are you going to write the cruise line and complain too, sue the cruise line, sue Mother Nature? What a joke. You might as well have spent that day at sea anyway. Like I said before there are NO guarantees in life or on a vacation. Your ship, car, plane, or train might break down, there might be Spring Breakers or NASCAR fans onboard that take over a ship, or a particular religious or Minority group that doesnt agree with you, there may be tropical storms or Winter storms in the Caribbean that cause port diversions. Some of the worse weather I have ever seen in the Gulf and Caribbean was in January and February. I was actually on a cruise that was 40% chartered by a Gay group, 40% chartered by a Jehovahs Witness group (or was it Morman's), and the other 20% of us got left out of almost everything. We didnt find out about the charters until we were already onboard! The public rooms and restaurants were always closed for meetings or catering to the main groups. Be we did the best with what we had on the ship and STILL had a good time. Suck it up folks, there are 100,000+ passengers leaving out every week and you are just ONE of them. Your vacation will not always be perfect, you may miss ports of call, the dinners may be lukewarm. If your vacation comes out flawless, consider yourself lucky!

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This has been beaten to death, but I'd just like to add my 2 cents. We have missed probably 3 ports in all of the cruises we have taken. I can't even remember if we were given any kind of credit at all or not, We probably did. To us it wasn't important. We were on the ship, we were being pampered and spoiled rotten with the care we got, and we sure ate real good. Count me in with the people that are on Carnivals side here. The guy got what he deserved. Except, he should have paid his own way home.

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I don't think there is a figure, but the fact that I get $100 credit for booking 4 additional cabins at the outset of the cruise tells me that $25 for missing 1/4 of my vacation is a little skewed. Don't you?



I don't see what one has to do with the other.


And you did not miss 1/4 of your vacation. You were still fed, your room was still cleaned. You weren't cooking or cleaning and you had the beautiful sea to look at - your vacation was still there. You missed one port on a 7-day trip. I'm sorry you missed it, but I do not see how you can be compensated more than port charges.


No one that I have seen has brought up if there was any compensation to the crew that should have had an afternoon off.

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No, I don't agree.


How did you miss a 1/4 of your vacation? I may be mistaken, but you were still on a ship...in the caribbean...with food, drink, sun and fun....that sure sounds like a vacation to me? :confused:


I guess you don't book a cruise for it's destinations?

Me personally, if I wanted to be at sea and didn't care where I went I would book a cruise to nowhere. However If I booked a cruise to Montego Bay I would want to go there. Seems reasonable to me. But hey that's me.


BTW I was not on this cruise I am just thinking that these cruise lines need some more policing. But if you all are OK with their policies so be it.


The next time you book a flight to LA and wind up just flying around and are offered free soda and "FUN TIME IN THE AIR" think of this thread.


Good night

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My Dh and I were talking earlier that maybe it's time to make people actually sign the contract to show they've read it and also give some kind of big bold printout or online when you book that ports are not guaranteed and subject to change. I realized that the majority of people won't look at the contract and actually read it. I work in the mortgage business and am sometimes amazed at what people sign without reading. But maybe it's time for the cruise lines to do a little more education during the booking process. It would certainly save themselves a lot of time and hassle in the end since it seems that there are plenty of people who get upset about missing ports. I guess I just see the logic of it - mother nature causes weather issues, people become ill - life (including vacation) doesn't always run on the perfect schedule.

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[ can't think of another industry that successfully operates that way. For example, think about what happens when a baseball game gets rained out, or a flight gets canceled due to weather.

You said to correct you if you were wrong -- I worked in commercial aviation for over 30 years. Never did our contract assume control of weather! Silver:cool:

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I guess you don't book a cruise for it's destinations?

Me personally, if I wanted to be at sea and didn't care where I went I would book a cruise to nowhere. However If I booked a cruise to Montego Bay I would want to go there. Seems reasonable to me. But hey that's me.


BTW I was not on this cruise I am just thinking that these cruise lines need some more policing. But if you all are OK with their policies so be it.


The next time you book a flight to LA and wind up just flying around and are offered free soda and "FUN TIME IN THE AIR" think of this thread.


Good night



I do book for the destinations, but always knowing that they could change. As for air travel, go back and read my post from this morning in this thread - #311. I don't see the airlines compensating for flight changes or delays.

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An ectopic (which means out of place) pregnancy can be anywhere other than the uterus. It usually is in one of the fallop. tubes. (hence the term tubal pregnancy). Although it can be in the cervix, abdomen, or ovary.

This happens early on in pregnancy. A pregnancy test shows your pregnant but doesn't indicate anything wrong. If left untreated it can be dangerous and fatal. I will try and include a link just for informational purposes. If anyone is interested..


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IF I WERE ON the ship and had to deal with the "great organizer", I would be inclined to get his name and sue him for disturbing my peace! Welcome to the age of entitlement. My way or the court or whatever.


Was this the same kid, all grown up, whose parents thought his grabbing things off cabin doors was 'sooo cute"? I doubt this is the first time the passenger has had behavior issues, if not something more serious. If he is so inclined, forget cruising and volunteer for something that ignites this passion to act for something worthwhile.


I have yet to sail on Carnival, but if I do, I want to sail with that Captain.....to any old port.





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An ectopic (which means out of place) pregnancy can be anywhere other than the uterus. It usually is in one of the fallop. tubes. (hence the term tubal pregnancy). Although it can be in the cervix, abdomen, or ovary.

This happens early on in pregnancy. A pregnancy test shows your pregnant but doesn't indicate anything wrong. If left untreated it can be dangerous and fatal. I will try and include a link just for informational purposes. If anyone is interested..



If this was in response to my earlier question, then thank you for replying. Just to clarify, I do not doubt that this poor woman was in need of immediate medical attention, nor that she had no knowledge of her likelihood of having this kind of medical emergency before departing; rather my question is this, is it allowed for pregnant women to be crew members on board a ship? If it is not allowed, then the question as to whether or not she even knew that she was pregnant can be addressed (since if pregnant woman are allowed as crew members, then it doesn't really matter).

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From the posts I'm seeing in this thread, I think I might stick with RCCL. They've proved their Captains know the value and importance of communication with the passengers, at least in my experience.


I guess you missed the big RCI ship goes to Canada instead of Bermuda brewhaha a couple of years ago. :rolleyes:

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Nope. Even on port days, the ship incurs plenty of expenses on behalf of its passengers. Even on port days, cabins are made up, food is cooked and served, staff is paid. Giving you back 1/7 of your fare makes no sense whatsoever.


The ship returned to the passengers the direct cost it would have paid in port fees. Would you have preferred that they didn't? Most lines would not have.


Are you aware of Carnival's guarantee? If a day at sea was that horrible, any of those passengers could have gotten off the ship and flown home, at Carnival's expense, and the unused portion of their fare would also have been refunded. I'm no fan of Carnival, but this guarantee is unrivaled in the industry.


But really, my point is larger than that. On cruiseships, as in life, stuff happens. Things don't always go as planned. Unhappy people belly-ache and try to make someone else pay, in one way or another, for their "victimization." Happy people, on the other hand, roll with the punches, find the adventure in unexpected events, and get on with life. (In this case, they might also be grateful that such extraordinary measures would have been taken for THEM if THEY had been the one who became desperately ill.)


If you are someone who cannot tolerate any deviation from plan, cruising may not be for you. Because out there on the high seas, things don't always go as planned. That's part of the adventure of cruising.


IF the story was true and that the medical emergency concerned a crew-member with an ectopic pregnancy, then it was the cruiseline's fault that they do not have policy to prevent such occurence. The details of the medical emergency do NOT fall under the US practice of guarding privacy, because the ship is not subject to US law at open sea. (The Maritime Laws may have the same provisions, but somepne cited US law.)


US business practice dictates and Consumer Protection Agency assures that the buyer gets what he is paid for. Since the Cruise Company is incorporated in the US - even though it flies it's vessels under Panamanian and otehr flags - it should be reasonable to expect that since the passangers did NOT receive full value of their purchase, some compensation is to be offered. The $25 port fee WAS collected on behalf of each individual, and since the payment was NOT transfered to the Jamaica Port Authority, not refunding it would have been plain thievery.


The compensation did and does not have to be monetary, a simple gesture of future cruise discount would of seemed a gracious offer from Carnival. A little goodwill goes a long way. Alas Carnival chosen not to extend such courtesy so far.


I have signed a petition for redress but did not participate in the following ruckus, consider it completely out of line and inappropriate. My first impression was that the signatures are being collected to send those as a request to the Carnival home office AFTER the cruise.


All-in-all the cruise left a slight bitter aftertaste in my mouth and I am no longer and uncompromising cruise fan.


I had other disappointments as well.


I have observed crew members leaving the bathroom without washing hands. Some waitresses were less than gracious, being close to rude.

The Alfred Cigar Bar was OFF-LIMIT to cigar smokers during 'tea-time' and an hour before the waiters started shooing people out.


The service is declining and the training of the crew is lacking.


On the other hand, we had two absolutely delightful asian waitresses proving that sincerity and willingness could make up for the shortcomings of training. I think Carnival may be well advised to pay more attention to the natural personability of the individual who will face the public.


Oh, well.

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IF the story was true and that the medical emergency concerned a crew-member with an ectopic pregnancy, then it was the cruiseline's fault that they do not have policy to prevent such occurence. The details of the medical emergency do NOT fall under the US practice of guarding privacy, because the ship is not subject to US law at open sea. (The Maritime Laws may have the same provisions, but somepne cited US law.)


US business practice dictates and Consumer Protection Agency assures that the buyer gets what he is paid for. Since the Cruise Company is incorporated in the US - even though it flies it's vessels under Panamanian and otehr flags - it should be reasonable to expect that since the passangers did NOT receive full value of their purchase, some compensation is to be offered. The $25 port fee WAS collected on behalf of each individual, and since the payment was NOT transfered to the Jamaica Port Authority, not refunding it would have been plain thievery.


The compensation did and does not have to be monetary, a simple gesture of future cruise discount would of seemed a gracious offer from Carnival. A little goodwill goes a long way. Alas Carnival chosen not to extend such courtesy so far.


I have signed a petition for redress but did not participate in the following ruckus, consider it completely out of line and inappropriate. My first impression was that the signatures are being collected to send those as a request to the Carnival home office AFTER the cruise.


All-in-all the cruise left a slight bitter aftertaste in my mouth and I am no longer and uncompromising cruise fan.


I had other disappointments as well.


I have observed crew members leaving the bathroom without washing hands. Some waitresses were less than gracious, being close to rude.

The Alfred Cigar Bar was OFF-LIMIT to cigar smokers during 'tea-time' and an hour before the waiters started shooing people out.


The service is declining and the training of the crew is lacking.


On the other hand, we had two absolutely delightful asian waitresses proving that sincerity and willingness could make up for the shortcomings of training. I think Carnival may be well advised to pay more attention to the natural personability of the individual who will face the public.


Oh, well.


I guess you missed the final 2 paragraphs of my post. For your convenience:


"But really, my point is larger than that. On cruiseships, as in life, stuff happens. Things don't always go as planned. Unhappy people belly-ache and try to make someone else pay, in one way or another, for their "victimization." Happy people, on the other hand, roll with the punches, find the adventure in unexpected events, and get on with life. (In this case, they might also be grateful that such extraordinary measures would have been taken for THEM if THEY had been the one who became desperately ill.)


"If you are someone who cannot tolerate any deviation from plan, cruising may not be for you. Because out there on the high seas, things don't always go as planned. That's part of the adventure of cruising."


. . .


I'm not sure how the cruiseline could have "prevented" the ectopic pregnancy, since by definition they usually happen before the woman is aware that she's pregnant.


The buyers did get what they paid for -- which did NOT include guarantees about ports.


Future discounts are monetary compensation, just FYI.


Exactly what redress would make you happy?


Regarding the two waitresses, what does being Asian have to do with it? :confused:

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IF the story was true and that the medical emergency concerned a crew-member with an ectopic pregnancy, then it was the cruiseline's fault that they do not have policy to prevent such occurence.


You're absolutly right it should be mandatory for all female crew to be equipped with chastity belts. :rolleyes:



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I think I read on one of these threads that someone said something like "what if a pax or crew member had an ectopic pregnancy". I don't know if they were just throwing out possibles or if that was confirmed. I just wanted to give info as to what it is because some posters didn't know..


TR4VEL: yes my post was just to answer you question about what it was. I have no idea about pregnancy policies of crew members or if there even was a pregnant crew member..


Everyone have a good evening.. :)

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