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Anyone else doing Weight Watchers?


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Help me please ladies.

I don't know what is wrong with me. I dream of losing weight. I think about it all the time. I had a baby in Jan 2003--my only child--came out of childbirth 10 lbs lighter than when I became pg. (only gained 10 lbs my entire pregnancy and had a 10 pound child) My whole body shape changed then. I am all belly. Legs have zero fat but belly is huge. Arms and face are heavy but not obese. (Just so I say it---I am almost 5-7 and weigh 190) At one time I was upwards of 225 so I have lost some weight. (google Diabulimia and that is me--a diabetic that doesn't take care of themselves so you will lose weight)

So, I am back on my diabetes meds. I have to lose or I will be on dialysis before I am 50. (I turn 40 next year) I am slowly gaining weight b/c diabetes meds just naturally seem to do that.

Plus, I LOVE to eat. I am a carb-aholic. I work for a financial institution that is generous enough to buy certainl employees a membership to the nicest gym in town. I don't go...I hate to exercise and I hate to sweat. In high school I was very athletic and very fit but hated every minute of it.


Can someone please hep encourage me to do something? I am self-destructing. I KNOW that the way to do it right it to make it a lifestyle, not a diet. In planning my cruise I find myself looking at the menus and deciding now what I want to eat at each meal. That's not right. I am also one of those girls who would rather eat out every meal instead of cooking--it is just a habit I have got myself into.


Do you think WW can help me? I also would love to get my husband help too but he travels and it is impossible for him to attend meetings. He is one of those guys thats weight is also around the middle. He is 40 now and his dad died of a heart attack at 51. (dad was not overweight but he did chain smoke--that is something my dh doesn't do...)


sorry to ramble on and on--I am just looking for support in this great beyond....


aka masonsmom

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Help me please ladies.

I don't know what is wrong with me. I dream of losing weight. I think about it all the time. I had a baby in Jan 2003--my only child--came out of childbirth 10 lbs lighter than when I became pg. (only gained 10 lbs my entire pregnancy and had a 10 pound child) My whole body shape changed then. I am all belly. Legs have zero fat but belly is huge. Arms and face are heavy but not obese. (Just so I say it---I am almost 5-7 and weigh 190) At one time I was upwards of 225 so I have lost some weight. (google Diabulimia and that is me--a diabetic that doesn't take care of themselves so you will lose weight)

So, I am back on my diabetes meds. I have to lose or I will be on dialysis before I am 50. (I turn 40 next year) I am slowly gaining weight b/c diabetes meds just naturally seem to do that.

Plus, I LOVE to eat. I am a carb-aholic. I work for a financial institution that is generous enough to buy certainl employees a membership to the nicest gym in town. I don't go...I hate to exercise and I hate to sweat. In high school I was very athletic and very fit but hated every minute of it.


Can someone please hep encourage me to do something? I am self-destructing. I KNOW that the way to do it right it to make it a lifestyle, not a diet. In planning my cruise I find myself looking at the menus and deciding now what I want to eat at each meal. That's not right. I am also one of those girls who would rather eat out every meal instead of cooking--it is just a habit I have got myself into.


Do you think WW can help me? I also would love to get my husband help too but he travels and it is impossible for him to attend meetings. He is one of those guys thats weight is also around the middle. He is 40 now and his dad died of a heart attack at 51. (dad was not overweight but he did chain smoke--that is something my dh doesn't do...)


sorry to ramble on and on--I am just looking for support in this great beyond....


aka masonsmom




I know that when I have been at my heaviest non pregnant weight ( 179 lb and 5'2!:o ) I felt so large and was so out of shape that I couldn't even dream of working out. I even hated to step on the scale until I felt like I had lost a little bit so my heaviest was probably more than 179lb. I think that if you attend a weight watchers meeting you can see if it will work for you. You may be pleasantly surprised at how doable the program is, and it really becomes a way of life and not just a temporary diet. I think you can combine your diabetic dietary guidelines with the ww plan and see some results. Even small changes make a big difference in your health and prolong your life. With a little one you need to be around as long as possible! As far as your husband is concerned... just start making some positive changes for yourself. If he starts seeing some results in you, he may decide to take care of his health also. My husband always seems to follow my lead. If I eat with abandon, so does he. If I order the grilled chicken salad instead of a burger... pretty soon he does too.

I believe you can make some good changes and be successful. Set some small reasonable goals .

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I have been working with a trainer at the gym for about 5 weeks, I am overweight but i have lost 20 lbs and 14 inches (over my body)


Guym is the best way but just dont do cardio, lift weights. You burn more calories and you don't have to be a body builder just tone up your body!!


:p I'm trying to lose 30 pounds by November 21,2008. I'm crusing on Carnvial Spendor. I'm doing Weight Watchers and I'm walking. I have lost 4 pounds so far, so only 26 more to go. I would love to hear about everyone else success with Weight Watcher!!
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Hi, I started WW Jan 4th this year and lost 40 lbs in the first 4 months. Now I've just barely been maintaining at 180 lbs since April. I just booked an Eastern Med cruise for November so I have to get the last 30 lbs off! I've been back on plan now for 3 days and have already dropped 2 pounds...Greece here I come!:D

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Help me please ladies.

I don't know what is wrong with me. I dream of losing weight. I think about it all the time. I had a baby in Jan 2003--my only child--came out of childbirth 10 lbs lighter than when I became pg. (only gained 10 lbs my entire pregnancy and had a 10 pound child) My whole body shape changed then. I am all belly. Legs have zero fat but belly is huge. Arms and face are heavy but not obese. (Just so I say it---I am almost 5-7 and weigh 190) At one time I was upwards of 225 so I have lost some weight. (google Diabulimia and that is me--a diabetic that doesn't take care of themselves so you will lose weight)

So, I am back on my diabetes meds. I have to lose or I will be on dialysis before I am 50. (I turn 40 next year) I am slowly gaining weight b/c diabetes meds just naturally seem to do that.

Plus, I LOVE to eat. I am a carb-aholic. I work for a financial institution that is generous enough to buy certainl employees a membership to the nicest gym in town. I don't go...I hate to exercise and I hate to sweat. In high school I was very athletic and very fit but hated every minute of it.


Can someone please hep encourage me to do something? I am self-destructing. I KNOW that the way to do it right it to make it a lifestyle, not a diet. In planning my cruise I find myself looking at the menus and deciding now what I want to eat at each meal. That's not right. I am also one of those girls who would rather eat out every meal instead of cooking--it is just a habit I have got myself into.


Do you think WW can help me? I also would love to get my husband help too but he travels and it is impossible for him to attend meetings. He is one of those guys thats weight is also around the middle. He is 40 now and his dad died of a heart attack at 51. (dad was not overweight but he did chain smoke--that is something my dh doesn't do...)


sorry to ramble on and on--I am just looking for support in this great beyond....


aka masonsmom


Michele............I am also diabetic and most times have been in less control than otherwise.......I tried WW before........but lost interest over the smallest reason..........did Atkins and did well, until stress took over......

I'm now almost 53 and maybe just seeing things a little different....this time my friend (who I joined with 20 years ago) and I are taking it more seriously.........not letting slip ups ruin our success.......

Since I am diabetic, (before WW, my HbA1c was over 8.0), I avoid the carbs of bread, pasta, rice and potatoes and eat more veggies.....I also avoid fruit..........my last HbA1c was 5.7........I am also able to reduce my meds, according to what my bs reads..........if it's a little high, I take an entire pill..........good reading, 1/2 a pill............low, no pill (according to my doctor) I went without cholesterol pills for 3 months and it was perfect..........

I have begun adding a little bit of fruit such a blueberries and strawberries in small amounts and occasionally some WW bread..........but I put in extra veggies if I do..........

You can do it........the meetings will give you support.........

And so will this board.....:)

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That is one awesome HA1c! Mine is 10.5 right now. Ugly, I know. I have been in denial for quite a while--I have always thought that if I would just lose some weight that my diabetes would go away---not so. Went from 225 to 175-ish and my bs just went up. Ugh.

I'm joining tomorrow. It isn't going to be easy...but I am committed to doing it now.

Wish me luck and I will check in tomorrow!


thanks for all the encouraging words!

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That is one awesome HA1c! Mine is 10.5 right now. Ugly, I know. I have been in denial for quite a while--I have always thought that if I would just lose some weight that my diabetes would go away---not so. Went from 225 to 175-ish and my bs just went up. Ugh.

I'm joining tomorrow. It isn't going to be easy...but I am committed to doing it now.

Wish me luck and I will check in tomorrow!


thanks for all the encouraging words!


WW and losing weight will really help that A1c. Mine was 8 in January and last time I went in it was 5.6! My blood pressure meds had to be reduced as well!!! The diabetes gets so much better and under control!

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That is one awesome HA1c! Mine is 10.5 right now. Ugly, I know. I have been in denial for quite a while--I have always thought that if I would just lose some weight that my diabetes would go away---not so. Went from 225 to 175-ish and my bs just went up. Ugh.

I'm joining tomorrow. It isn't going to be easy...but I am committed to doing it now.

Wish me luck and I will check in tomorrow!


thanks for all the encouraging words!


Michele......good luck......

I found that if I stop eating by 8PM, the first thing I noticed was my fasting blood sugar changed.....from 160+ to lower or near 100 each morning.....and only drink water after 8PM.....

Let us know how you are doing...........:D

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On another thread, people were writing that they would switch to Core when cruising so you don't have to count points......

Flex is good for me......how do you do Core? How do you pick the foods to eat in the dining room? Do you have substitutes if they don't offer Core foods....or you just don't eat? Do you have the list memorized? Do I carry the book with me? :confused:

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I use the online WW program and use the Flex program. I thought about switcing to Core for my cruise, it would certainly be easier in my opinion. If you use the online program go and switch to Core to get the info and if you feel it's not for you, switch back to Flex. You will have access to the Core Plan and foods. You can also Google Core Foods and you should find a list like I did. If I am at a point where I am not losing as I would like, I'll eat Core foods and count the points....it's really getting away from bad carbs all together... if you want to eat things like bread or drink alcoholic beverages those come out of your weekly points. I like my wine in the evenings so I am staying on Flex until my cruise. I'm going to be very careful and have planned to exercise every day.

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I use the online WW program and use the Flex program. I thought about switcing to Core for my cruise, it would certainly be easier in my opinion. If you use the online program go and switch to Core to get the info and if you feel it's not for you, switch back to Flex. You will have access to the Core Plan and foods. You can also Google Core Foods and you should find a list like I did. If I am at a point where I am not losing as I would like, I'll eat Core foods and count the points....it's really getting away from bad carbs all together... if you want to eat things like bread or drink alcoholic beverages those come out of your weekly points. I like my wine in the evenings so I am staying on Flex until my cruise. I'm going to be very careful and have planned to exercise every day.


Thanks.....will speak with my leader at the meeting

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I have been posting to CC for a few years now and never thought to look for a board about WW - wow, I am so excited about finding this. I have not read any of the posts yet, but will catch up.


I have lost 23 so far and 40 more to go. I should probably lose more, but this is my main goal for the time being. I go every Sun. morning to WW meeting and am on the flex plan.


I am very nervous about how much I will gain on my next cruise - as in the past I did not care - "I paid for it - so I am going to eat it":o was my motto.

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I have been posting to CC for a few years now and never thought to look for a board about WW - wow, I am so excited about finding this. I have not read any of the posts yet, but will catch up.


I have lost 23 so far and 40 more to go. I should probably lose more, but this is my main goal for the time being. I go every Sun. morning to WW meeting and am on the flex plan.


I am very nervous about how much I will gain on my next cruise - as in the past I did not care - "I paid for it - so I am going to eat it":o was my motto.


Good for you Janis! How long have you been doing WW?



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Hi ya WW pals!

Yesterday was my weigh in and I stayed the same, which I guess is better than gaining right? LOL!

My sister and I have been doing this for 7 months now and yesterday we decided to try Core for the first time. Day 1 on Core went well! Hopefully I will have a nice loss next Saturday!

I have three months left to make my goal of 75 by the cruise. I need 15 more pounds!!!


Tina in Antioch, CA

Norwegian Star 10/18/08

First cruise EVER!

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I lost 35 pounds on WW at the end of 2006 - then we went to Disney for Christmas and I fell off the wagon. In the Last year I have managed to put it all back on!!!! I need to start again not only for my cruise next year but also because I am taking part in a 200 mile charity bike ride accross Cuba (I'm from the UK) at the end of November this year.


I was succesful last time counting points but also I went to the gym or out on my bike every day.


Emma :D

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Been on WW now since Feb. - weigh in on Sun. mornings. this week lost 0.6

- total 24.2:D One of my secrets is that I look forward to Sun. because I do cheat a bit on that day only:eek: . Start right back again on Mon. and thru the week.

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Hi everyone, thats on the program i made life time in 2006 since then i've taken 2 cruises didn't do bad at all. did alot of walking on the ship took the stairs just watch what one eats U could have your desserts if u like just work it off...Gloria

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Hi All another weight in day I lost 2.8 lbs!! That is now 24.6:D I have another 1.4 to get to my 10% goal and 8.8 lbs to get the the weight I want to be for the cruise. I have another 7 weeks before I cruise so I can actually lose a bit more I guess but I will be sooooo happy to get to my cruise goal!!


I really think that this thread is great. Support is really the best thing!! My friend and I are doing this together and we keep food journals and exchange once a week. We also push each other to go to the gym. All in all its a friendly competition!! The other thing that is helping this time around on WW is family and friend support. I did not have that the first time, and I am really noticing that it makes a huge difference. The gym is a huge tool as well. If I do not go at least 3 times a week I feel bad.:o


I am glad we are all here to support each other it is the best thing to help us on our new ways of life!!!



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Hi All another weight in day I lost 2.8 lbs!! That is now 24.6:D I have another 1.4 to get to my 10% goal and 8.8 lbs to get the the weight I want to be for the cruise. I have another 7 weeks before I cruise so I can actually lose a bit more I guess but I will be sooooo happy to get to my cruise goal!!


I really think that this thread is great. Support is really the best thing!! My friend and I are doing this together and we keep food journals and exchange once a week. We also push each other to go to the gym. All in all its a friendly competition!! The other thing that is helping this time around on WW is family and friend support. I did not have that the first time, and I am really noticing that it makes a huge difference. The gym is a huge tool as well. If I do not go at least 3 times a week I feel bad.:o


I am glad we are all here to support each other it is the best thing to help us on our new ways of life!!!



Renee congrats on the wieght loss, when is your cruise and where are you going? and to everyone just remember to enjoy the journey Gloria
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Hi All another weight in day I lost 2.8 lbs!! That is now 24.6:D I have another 1.4 to get to my 10% goal and 8.8 lbs to get the the weight I want to be for the cruise. I have another 7 weeks before I cruise so I can actually lose a bit more I guess but I will be sooooo happy to get to my cruise goal!!


I really think that this thread is great. Support is really the best thing!! My friend and I are doing this together and we keep food journals and exchange once a week. We also push each other to go to the gym. All in all its a friendly competition!! The other thing that is helping this time around on WW is family and friend support. I did not have that the first time, and I am really noticing that it makes a huge difference. The gym is a huge tool as well. If I do not go at least 3 times a week I feel bad.:o


I am glad we are all here to support each other it is the best thing to help us on our new ways of life!!!




congrats on the weight loss.

wow - your first cruise - you are gonna love it - and beware - you are gonna get hooked !

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Been on WW now since Feb. - weigh in on Sun. mornings. this week lost 0.6

- total 24.2:D One of my secrets is that I look forward to Sun. because I do cheat a bit on that day only:eek: . Start right back again on Mon. and thru the week.


I've been going since Jan....I also lost .6 on Sunday for a total of 27.4....

I also do a small secret......on Saturday, especially dinner.....I try to have an all veggie day ;)

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Since I weigh in on Sun morn. I really struggle on Fri and Sat night as DH likes to eat out. I purposely go on Sun morn to force myself to be good on those days. Years ago I had gone on Sat morn., but then I would not do so well all weekend.

So far Sun. has been working for me !

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Since I weigh in on Sun morn. I really struggle on Fri and Sat night as DH likes to eat out. I purposely go on Sun morn to force myself to be good on those days. Years ago I had gone on Sat morn., but then I would not do so well all weekend.

So far Sun. has been working for me !


Try to order as much salad/veggies as possible.............

Our diner has a warm roasted veggie salad........I get that with grilled chicken!

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I joined WW last September and I lost 20 lb. I gained 8 back (after two vacations in a row), so I rejoined 2 weeks ago and have lost 4 of the 8 lbs! I only want to lose the other 4 plus 10more. I don't necessarily have to get it all off before my next cruise, but it's nice to see other folks in the same spot.:)

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