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HORRIBLE Customer service -- On the Majesty NOW!

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Don't have much patience or time, but I'm writing this in hopes that either someone from RCCL will see this and try to help, or if not, to let others know of my experience.


I'm on the Majesty now -- Boarded this afternoon. I've had excellent service from the room stewards, the casino personnel, the wait staff, etc... But the Purser's desk and check in area have been an absolute nightmare!


I know that I've read about others having this same problem. They cannot seem to get me a key that opens the door to my JS. I have already been to the Purser's desk 7 TIMES... And as I sit here typing, not 40 feet from the desk, I am again locked out of my room.


The person working the desk seems content in blaming me for the malfunction. He claims that "I must have something on me that is demagnetizing the keys." And what, you ask, do I carry in my pockets on vacation? ONLY MY SEAPASS CARD! Not keys that may damage it... Not a cell phone. ONLY THE CARD. And yet I am blamed for their malfunction.


I have asked for this person's (Richard) supervisor, only to be told that he has none. He tells me that he is going to send up a carpenter to fix the problem. No one comes to let me in or fix the problem. And here I sit, still locked out of my cabin well past midnight, with no help... And for this, I get the right to pay hundreds of dollars for a "fabulous vacation." ARRGGHHH!!!


Hopefully I can get back in, and I suppose, stay in the cabin for the rest of the trip. For it seems that if I leave again, I can't get back in...


Sorry if it seems like I am frustrated, but, quite frankly, I am. I hope that they can get me back in the room and get this fixed before it ruins the entire trip, but with the attitude so far, I fear that it won't happen. I'll keep you updated as I can...


If anyone from RCCL can help, I'm in room 1568. Or, should I say, I'm NOT in room 1568!

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Wow,what a way to start your vacation:eek: . How frustrating for you. I'd go back to the purser's desk and ask for a blanket and pillow and camp out in front of the desk if I were you. Hope you get this problem fixed ASAP. Good Luck!

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i think I would find someone else on the ship and ask who this mans supervisor is and when you find them make sure to mention he said he didn't have one.I know it must be frustrating but try to enjoy the rest of the cruise.

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When he says no one is above him, as in no supervisor, I'd simply ask who the hotel manager is for the ship. If he has trouble remembering who that might be, I'd remind him it's not that hard to find out and when I did, the major complaint was going to be about how poorly he was handeling the situation. In no uncertain terms I would let them know that not only did I wish to enter my room, I wanted to do it NOW and then be able to do it on a regular basis.


I once had this problem at a hotel. In this case, I was staying there a week at a time on business. After a few false starts I asked to speak with the hotel manager and politely explained the problem I was having. As I've stayed in many hotels before without anything in my wallet demagnetizing room keys, I surmized that either they used an inferior product or someone doesn't know how to enter them so that they don't deactivate on their own. In any case, if I wasn't going to able to get into my room on a regular basis, my buisness was going to the hotel across the street. Funny thing was, after she programed the card, I didn't have another problem.


While you can't go to another hotel, I'd let them know you can contact corporate from the ship to make them aware that you have been unable to enter you room and I'd be naming names in that E-mail.

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I would demand an upgrade from RCCL for all the inconvenience caused and lack of immediate assistance from the pursers office.

What a nightmare on the first day of your cruise.

However, please enjoy the rest of your cruise.

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DH had same problem although my key would work. Finally found out if it was anywhere near his glasses or sunglasses then bang there went the key. Forgot that his glasses and sunglasses had little magnet clips on them. Hopefully your problem will be resolved soon.

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It's unusual that something like that (little magnets) would demagnetize room keys. I carry a couple of ID's with magnetic sensors in them and they don't demagnetize each other. Also, I carry a couple of credit cards in my wallet with the magnetic id cards and they don't demagnetize each other. I would have to agree with a previous poster, must be faulty card or reader.


Edited: I agree with another poster, try contacting corporate or hotel manager whilst you can.....

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i agree with the post above! RCI opens the bar when the ship cant get to port...tell them to open the bar 'til they open your room! :D


sorry to hear about all this negativity... when we were on the majesty last month we had a wonderful time and the crew were perfect (despite the insanely rude pax who complained about not going to the Bahamas because of the hurricanes we were running to Mexico to AVOID!)


hope it all works out for you!

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Still no supervisor...


Thanks so much for all of your input and suggestions. The "Gentleman" at the purser's desk informed me that no one on the ship was superior to him. This morning, as we all anticipated, the tune has changed...


This morning at the purser's desk there is still no supervisor (they claim that she will not be in until 10, and we will be on the island soon, and not back until after her shift ends!!!), but the gentleman that I spoke with (Fernando --MUCH IMPROVED ATTITUDE) is trying to fix the situation. I hope that he can, and I will certainly let you all know!


And by the way -- When I asked Richard for the captain last night, I was told that he didn't speak with "people like me"! ARRGGHH!!!


Thanks again for the support!!!!!!!

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Believe me, the purser has a supervisor. Everyone on that ship answers to someone all the way up to the captain. The hotel manager is probably the person to get in touch with. I just feel that I would've had the problem resolved well before midnight, but not being there, it's jmho.

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I'm so sorry that you have to deal with this. However I understand b/c we had similar problems on the Majesty this past June. We go on the Majesty a couple times a year (been 21 times) and know most of the staff/crew onboard. Unfortunately, most of the older and more experienced crew members have left for other ships, hence the horrible customer service at the Purser's Desk. The turnaround has been quite high lately and quite frankly these people do NOT know what they're doing. THey use the shorter cruises as "training" for the larger ones, I have found out. The service at the Majesty's Purser's Desk is AWFUL.


We know of a man who is the Guest Relations Manager, his name is RAY. Not positive if he is still onboard or not, but it's worth a try. Go back to to the desk and ask for Ray. Maybe by now your situation is resolved, however I would STILL ask for RAY or the for the Guest Relations Manager onboard. Be stern about it and insist on speaking with him and let them know what you've experienced and how ridiculous it was. EVEN if the matter was resolved, let someone higher up know what you went through. BELIEVE ME.....they need to know how these staff members are treating the guests.


Let us know...

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I am curious too if you were locked out all night. I also would ask for the Hotel Manager and speak with him/her whether it has been resolved or not.


We have been on many RCI cruises and had not had that problem until last year. On one trip my card "demagnetized" / "unprogrammed" 3 times. Each time the purser's desk also said I was doing something to it. I also had it in my pocket with nothing else. They insisted I had it next to something...magnet, camera, walkie talkie, etc. They said there are many things that can cause this to happen (even though I had it near nothing!).


Hope things work out for you and you enjoy the rest of the trip.

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................... we had similar problems on the Majesty this past June. We go on the Majesty a couple times a year (been 21 times)..............................QUOTE]




Tell us about your June trip. No review this time?

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Personally, if I were locked out of my cabin at midnight, there would not be a soul sleeping, 'cause everyone on the ship would hear me yelling!!!


First, ask for the Hotel Manager. Every ship has one. If he is sleeping, you politely say, "Wake Him Up", I'm Up, He Should be Up"!


Second, ask to speak with the Loyalty Ambassador on the ship. You know, the one you book your "next cruise" with for that lovely Island vacation! Let him/her know what is going on too! Even if the problem gets resolved, let them know!


Third, I would "insist" on someone at RCCL be contacted about the rude Pursor's Desk employee. This is not the vacation you paid for and you should be treated with more respect than simply stating "it is your fault".


Geez, I sure hope you have a better cruise from here on out. Good luck!


P.S. Please post or email to me the names of the folks that are causing you trouble. I'll email it to the Crown & Anchor folks for you personally! Be sure to include your full name and cabin #.



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I had a similar problem with my card not working and they sent someone up to work on the actual lock (or whatever it is) after that it worked fine.

Speak with the hotel manager he is in charge and don't take no for an answer.

I had a problem with shore excursions desk (RUDE!!!) on the Explorer and lo and behold he was the manager HA I just went around him to the guest relations manager who was very nice and she took care of the problem but let me tell you if she hadn't I would have just gone around her till it is taken care of.

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Went on the Explorer of the Sea's, sailing October 3rd... had the same exact problem with my sea pass card daily. The staff at the purser's desk kept telling me that I demagnitized the card. By Wednesday it had started being twice a day that I would have to go down and ask for someone to let me in. FINALLY by Friday, they decided to have a 'carpenter' look at it at 2 in the morning. Loved the ship,very disappointed in the purser's desk. Hope all works out well for you and enjoy yourself!!!!

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An update from Nassau :) By the way, thanks for the concern. They did get me back in by 1:15 AM...


But then today:

10:00 AM -- Tried to exit the ship. Alarm sounds and I am told that I have an invalid card! Thankfully, the same security personnel were called and they recognized me and were aware of the problem. The told me to go, enjoy the island, and they would fix everything, but to ask to be manually checked in upon return.


2:00 PM -- Tried to re-board. The gentleman at the check in area remembers us, and tells us to put in our cards. We remind him that we need to be manually checked in. He says "No, I've fixed it... Please go ahead". You can see the rest coming.... Alarms go off, etc... HOW HUMILIATING!!!!!


2:15 PM -- Tried again at the pursers desk for the hotel or front desk manager. Again told that they are in a meeting and cannot be disturbed... Try back later...


Trying not to let this spoil a good time, but it gets harder and harder...

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Do you have a Captain's reception tonight? If so then you probably will have lots of "staff" around and probably the hotel manager will be there too. I would very nicely wait very near the edge of the stage or the door and grab him when he gets off the stage. (Usually the hotel manager is introduced at the reception....or at least it was that way years ago...I haven't been to a reception in about 10 cruises.) Grab him just as he is getting off and tell him you have a big problem! If you can't get to him then try to get a word with the captain and explain to him that you know he is not in charge of such items (as he has much more important stuff to deal with....) BUT...you are getting no results elsewhere. If you can't see either of them...then get to the CD. They may not have any "control" over the pursers desk but I bet they could get you an "audience" with the appropriate person.


Good luck. Don't let it ruin your cruise. If you are like most of us you work way too hard and deserve a vacation. Even though it is frustrating for sure...just hang in there. Go have a BBC or a strawberry colada and listen to the pool band play. That will relieve a little stress (for a little while....at least until you try to get in your room again.)

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I agree that there is no excuse for rude or bad service. After all, this is a money-making enterprise and the staff is there to assist the passengers. That being said, I have to tell you that this happens to me all the time with my seapass cards. I don't put anything else in my pockets except the card, and I still have to have the card re-programmed several times each cruise. This also used to happen to my ID badge and time card at work if I put it in my pocket. It also happened on a Princess cruise. My husband's seapass card worked fine, so we knew it wasn't the lock itself. The purser on the Radiance said he has seen this happen and told me to try to not put it in my pocket because sometimes people's body chemistry can de-magnitize the card. He put it in an envelope and told me to keep it in that. On our last cruise on the Jewel I took a lanyard and kept it on that, and if I did have to put it in my pocket I made sure the magnetic strip was facing out, not toward my body. I just refuse to carry a purse on a cruise! Everything went fine on the Jewel.


I do think the purser was totally out of line with the comment about the captain not speaking to "people like you". That type of behavior must be reported. You may have to add another sheet of paper to your end of cruise comment card.

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i have an off topic question for you... if you get a chance could you see if there is a guy working at the rock wall named Sammy or a lady in the champagne bar named Lucy...if you find either of them could you ask them to email Adam from Sarasota...cruised last month over Labor Day... (Lucy will know me because I know her sister on the Empress, and Sammy will know me from the cruise with Brian, Stewart, the hooters girls, and the mexicans) they both have my info (srq2003@yahoo.com in case they lost it) and I need to get in touch with them! I appreciate it much! :D

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Hi D.Mike,

As mentioned earlier, you should try to get your cabin changed to a higher catagory, as compensation. Tell em, you did not get a good night's sleep last night due to their slowness in correcting the problem!

Good luck and have a great cruise.:)

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