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Live from Seabourn Spirit, Oct 25 - Dec 20 2008


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Have you heard of any guests planning to snow ski in Dubai on Dec. 1st? The "Ski Dubai" rents all clothing, skis, etc.

I know Captain Toenis and some of the Officer's skied last year while visiting Dubai ~~

Would certainly be different and fun!

Continued safe and fun sailing!:p

Martita B.

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Steve - we have just booked our first Seabourn cruise for next September in the Med (on Legend). Just wanted to say how much I am enjoying your daily reports and photos. It's cold and grey in England at the moment so your sunny pictures are really cheering! Keep up the good work. We are looking forward to being new members of the Seabourn family.



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Day 24 – At Sea.

Hi everyone. There’s not much to report today. Let’s just say it was a very relaxing sea day. The next two days are very busy so we have rested and recharged in preparation.

The whole ship is abuzz with talk of Somali pirates. The latest information I have is that we will be taking advantage of a French navy escort while in the pirate infested waters off Somalia. Apparently we will be travelling in a convoy with a frigate accompanying us so we will be perfectly safe.

Cheers for now,


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Hi everyone,

I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for reading this thread and making such encouraging comments. I am really enjoying writing my thoughts and capturing a few photo memories each day.


I'm sorry I can't respond individually to each post (due to the high cost of the internet on board), but I certainly read and appreciate all of your comments.


By the way, all the Steves are now on board. I don't think we have been all in one place at the same time, yet:rolleyes:.





Oh trust me, it's our pleasure to read!!! Thank you so much for sharing with everyone. I can't even imagine what it would be like doing the luxury cruises for so long. Someday!!! It must be really difficult to adjust when you come back home after being on the ship for that long! Continue enjoying we are all envious!

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I'm also enjoying your posts very much. Thanks for letting us live vicariously through your cruise!


I've never been on Seabourn, but am considering a cruise to the Greek Islands next year, and stumbled across your thread a couple of weeks ago. I've been checking in regularly to see new posts and pics.


Thanks for taking the time.

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Day 24 – At Sea.

Hi everyone. There’s not much to report today. Let’s just say it was a very relaxing sea day. The next two days are very busy so we have rested and recharged in preparation.


The whole ship is abuzz with talk of Somali pirates. The latest information I have is that we will be taking advantage of a French navy escort while in the pirate infested waters off Somalia. Apparently we will be travelling in a convoy with a frigate accompanying us so we will be perfectly safe.


Cheers for now,



Steve and Chris,

Let me add my voice to those enjoying your "sea diary" You and the posts of a few others have about convinced us to switch our allegiance from Cunard to Seabourn. It might result in fewer trips, since the financial trade-off would preclude as many on Seabourn, but more service, and more intimate wonderful ship.s


Do be careful of pirates. They snagged an oil supertanker. And I think it was Seabourn they tried to board a few years back (Ship's staff was on the ball and took evasive and defensive manuevers.)


Enjoy, and keep posting!




who is seriously thinking about the April crossing.

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Day 25 – Aqaba for Petra, Jordan.

Today we arrived in the Jordanian port city of Aqaba. We joined 5 bus loads of Spirit passengers for the day long trip to Petra. Interestingly there was also a bus with about 35 staff who left for Aqaba after us and returned before we did. It’s good they had the opportunity to also see Petra.

The drive was close to two hours and the scenery spectacular in a stark kind of way. This part of Jordan is very dry and we progressed from desert coastal scenery to desert mountain scenery, at one point reaching a height of 8000 feet.

We were into the Petra site a little after 10am. Rather than sticking to the slow pace of the tour we opted to head off on our own, giving us 4 hours to explore before we were due for lunch at the hotel opposite the entrance gates.

We walked and walked, trying to maximise our experience. We also managed to find some relatively quiet spots away from the crowds to enjoy the majesty of the surrounding scenery.

We were both really tired by the final section coming out of the site, so Chris opted to ride a horse for the last 900 metres or so.

Lunch at the Movenpick Hotel was fine, but we have become so spoilt by the excellent food on the ship.

We then headed back to Aqaba, arriving just as night was falling. The Spirit staff were on the dockside, complete with Welcome sign, Champagne or Sangria and band.

Another big day in Egypt tomorrow! The ship is currently speeding along at 16 knots. This is the fastest we have experienced so far. There is quite a pronounced vibration in our cabin!















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More great photos Steve. We were there in May this year and my photos are very similar to yours.


We had a drink at the Movenpick Hotel before heading back to our ship. I had organized a private tour for 12 which was very successful. We also went to Wadi Rum.



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Day 24 – At Sea.

Hi everyone. There’s not much to report today. Let’s just say it was a very relaxing sea day. The next two days are very busy so we have rested and recharged in preparation.

The whole ship is abuzz with talk of Somali pirates. The latest information I have is that we will be taking advantage of a French navy escort while in the pirate infested waters off Somalia. Apparently we will be travelling in a convoy with a frigate accompanying us so we will be perfectly safe.

Cheers for now,



Ah yes, Pirates. I remember them well from 2005; November 5th, to be exact. Not a fun time, believe me. Oddly enough our local TV station called today to arrange an interview with us about our experience aboard the Spirit on that day. I haven't heard anything about cruise ships being attacked these days, only the cargo ships. Our Capt. Sorenson was a hero to all of us and we'll never forget it. If I knew how to post pictures I would put one in with him and us "survivors" (our name for our group aboard that day) presenting him with a painting by one of our passengers of the Somali boats that Norm captured on film.


Enjoy the rest of your journey. BTW, that was our first Seabourn cruise and it was 47 days if memory serves. We've had two since! Jean

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Day 26 Safaga for Luxor, Egypt.

We opted for a private tour today and were joined by fellow ccers Steve and Linda (hoya68). We met our guide and driver on the dock and proceeded to the rendezvous point for the convoy to Luxor. We assembled a motley group of vans, cars and buses and at 9am headed off though the eastern desert to Luxor, a distance of over 200km.

There was a rest stop half way and apart from the rather erratic style of driving adopted in Egypt everything was fine. There was an unexplained delay at one of the many checkpoints. We finally arrived at about 1pm.

We were met by a local Egyptologist guide, Hannah, who escorted us through the sites around Luxor. Our first stop was the temple(s) of Karnak. This was fantastic. This is one of the places I have wanted to visit for most of my life. I was not disappointed.

After a short walk to the river bank we boarded a local boat to cross the river. Our van had proceeded to the other side via the only bridge in this area, which was some distance away. It was nice to get close to the river in this way.

Waiting for us in the van was a bag lunch, which was well received. We ate as we drove to our next stop; the Valley of the Kings. We descended into three tombs, all spectacular.

Our Egyptologist guide had been trying to sell us things since her arrival – cartouches, papyrus scrolls, even postcards! We were on a very tight schedule as we needed to return in the 6pm convoy, so when we learnt she was taking us to an alabaster factory/shop we firmly but gently said no!

So, sticking to the agreed itinerary we proceeded to Hatshepsut temple and then to the statues of Amenhotep. By this time it was 5:15pm and time to again join our convoy for the journey home to Safaga.

This time the convoy consisted of about 100 vehicles. The convoy driving style at night was even more intriguing. Where the road allowed the convoy was very fast, speeding along at over 130 km/h. The drivers jockeyed for position at the front of the convoy. The line markings on the road didn’t seem to serve any purpose. At one point we were three abreast travelling in the same direction. There was strange use of indicators and hazard lights, all with secret meanings reserved for the initiated.

Steve, Linda and Chris sat transfixed by this spectacle unfolding before them. (I couldn’t watch and so pretended to sleep!)

With all the skill and/or luck of the drivers the convoy arrived safely in Safaga and we were back on board by 9:50. A local cultural group was putting on a performance for the 50 or so passengers still on the ship. The ‘whirling man’ was amazing.

What a day! We ordered room service dinner at 11pm and finally crashed about 12:30.















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Day 27 – Safaga.

Today was a day of rest for us so I won’t bother you with the repetitive detail. Suffice to say we did not leave the ship and have had two fantastic meals in the Restaurant. The people who took the overnight tour to Luxor returned this evening just before sailaway. The ship is very quiet tonight as I imagine they are just as exhausted as we were upon our return yesterday.


We don’t know where or when our next port will be. We are to join a convoy being escorted through the Gulf of Aden by a French corvette. We have now been officially notified of this. We will have to wait for the convoy to form and so there will be some delay. Our port stops of Salalah and Khasab, Oman are now in doubt.

We were originally to take on fuel in Salalah. Now we have been notified that we will meet a bunker ship just off Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Even though no-one is going ashore, Saudi Authorities reserve the right to inspect the ship.

Here is an excerpt from the letter we have received from Seabourn:


“During this call all alcohol on board has to be accounted and locked away and is subject to inspection and/or may be sealed by the Saudi Arabian Customs. For the same reason we are unable to serve alcohol at any of the ships bars or restaurants between 07:00 and sailing from Jeddah.

To facilitate this procedure your stewardess will collect all alcoholic beverages from your suite during turn down service, the evening of Saturday 22nd November. These will be put into a bag, labelled and will then be placed in storage.

Any printed images, ie. Magazines, photographs etc., which sho scantily clad people or persons embracing, such a family photographs at the beach or pool, engagement photographs or magazines with lingerie adverts etc., are considered pornographic. Images such as in comic horror books are considered offensive. These must also be put away in a drawer or locker for the duration of our stay at Jeddah. This must be done before the evening of Saturday, 22nd November.

Once fuel bunkering is completed and we have departed from Jeddah, all items that were temporarily removed will be returned during the next service or turn down in your suite.

If officials do inspect the ship then please may we ask you to be aware of the local dress code and please cover up with a robe or towel if officials should be in the vicinity while you are on the open decks or at your suite window or balcony”


I’ll let you know of any further developments.

Cheers, (or not, as the case may be!)


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Day 28 – Sea Day.

Four weeks down. Four weeks to go. Today marks the half way point of our voyage.

We have had just the best time so far. The second half of the cruise is to be very different with lots of sea days and possibly not as much to report. There will be lots more time to fit in my afternoon nap, which is just fine by me.

I took a few snaps around the ship today.

Bye for now,




Chef Alain chops an onion - Cooking Demonstration.



Team Trivia - 'Panorama' wins again!



Hustle - Lunch in The Veranda



The weather keeps getting warmer



Where is this? A little hard to find on this ship.

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Day 29 – At Sea.

We awoke at anchor off Jeddah. Refuelling went without a hitch. We didn’t see any Saudi officials on board. By 11am we were done and on our way again. The bars were restocked and opened.

Our new Cruise Director Barry Hopkins is settling in nicely. He gave a talk today on the British Royal family, which was well attended and interesting.

Tonight we had dinner under the stars at the Sky Bar. It was Surf and Turf night. The weather was perfect. The Surf part of dinner was a giant Nigerian Prawn (shrimp) which was something like Scampi, only bigger. It was pretty good.

Assistant cruise director Marla Sanders put on her one woman show tonight. Lots of the passengers seem to know her from previous cruises. The Admundsen lounge was packed and everyone enjoyed the show

There is still no word on when or where our next port of call will be. There is also some secrecy surrounding our convoy arrangements, which is quite understandable. Everyone is nice and relaxed though and enjoying the sea days.





Sky Bar with no alcohol - Jeddah



At anchor - Jeddah



As close as we got to Saudi soil.

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Loved the photo of your group who play Team Trivia. It was great to see Lorraine and John looking so well.


We were in those seas in May on our way to Athens and fortunately had no trouble at all with pirates whilst on the Nautica. Our wonderful lecturer though was on the "Spirit" when the pirates attacked it a couple of years ago and did tell us all about it.


I hope you don't miss Salalah as we found it a most interesting port.



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thank you for your travel log ! We do the same trip in the Middle East in april when the Spirit comes back to Europe. We follow your "travel adventures" every day with great pleasure !!

I suppose you have used "Menphis tours" for your one-day-trip to Luxor. Were you pleased with the services of this tour-operator ? Can you recommend it ?



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Grrreat travel log and photos! Many thanks!:p


Might the brass bell be located Deck 5 forward, above your head ~~in the staircase? A gorgeous ship's bell!


Have a continued safe voyage ~~

Martita B.


Absolutely right, Martha!

Please see my post below about dinner with the Captain.




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thank you for your travel log ! We do the same trip in the Middle East in april when the Spirit comes back to Europe. We follow your "travel adventures" every day with great pleasure !!

I suppose you have used "Menphis tours" for your one-day-trip to Luxor. Were you pleased with the services of this tour-operator ? Can you recommend it ?





Yes, Memphis tours were very good. Be sure to state your exact needs and on the day be firm if you don't want to visit shops, etc.

They did everything they said they would, the guides and driver were good, the van in good condition.

Yes, we can recommend.



Steve. (and Chris)

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