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Do You Ever Feel Self-Conscious on a Cruise?

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And that is why I wear what I want, sing karaoke, and do what I want to do! :D Here's a story that might make you feel better.


DH and I (I'm 31, he's 37 and we're slightly fluffy people) met a young couple at the muster drill. She was 21, he was 23. Both of them looked like they could grace a magazine cover. The typical thin, well toned bodies, she had perfect makeup and clothes, he looked like he should be posing in a prep school brochure. Anyhoo...they struck up a conversation with us, one thing led to another, and we ended up hanging out for quite a bit of time while on the cruise.


We all went to the beach together in Antigua. Yes, I had to wear my bathing suit. ;) Not ONCE did it occur to me that these people looked better than I did. If it did occur to them, they sure didn't act like it did. We were just four people having a good time. We still keep in touch with them almost a year later.


It really doesn't matter. If it should matter to someone, they aren't worth worrying about anyhow.


What great story And very typical of the majority of people on a cruise ship.


To the OP, I hope that you are feeling a bit more comfortable by now. Go and leave your worries at home. Believe me, you will having so much fun you won't even be thinking about what everyone else might think. Smile, talk to those around you - and you might even be lucky enough to meet some friends who you WILL see long after the cruise is over!

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No matter what, you are going to feel self conscious if you asked this question! Your feeling that way at home and you will on the ship BUT most everyone is feeling the exact same way. Very few of us are perfect and we just have to learn to accept ourselves and others for who they are. Go and have fun.

As far as never seeing these people again, I keep in touch with 2 couples we met on cruises when my DD was 6- she's now 17 and on almost ever cruise we have taken I run into someone I know from somewhere.

I have been on 8 cruises and don't remember what anyone was wearing at the pool EXCEPT for my very first cruise when I went out by the pool- feeling self conscious about myself and looked over and saw a very large woman wearing a cow print bikini :] That I remember!

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ok, maybe I'm just tired. But, what does that have to do with the original question????


That post you are refering to is a direct answer to the OP.

Will the OP feel feel self conscious? Yes they will and that is the reason that poster takes care of themselves so they don't feel self concious.

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Just curious, I want to lay out by the pool and swim and such on the Lido deck...


But I'm just very self-conscious.


I'm not extremely overweight by any means,

I have put on a few extra pounds that have been difficult to diet and exercise off.


I want to have fun, but I'm not very comfortable in a swimsuit right now.


Has anyone else ever felt a little self conscious before their cruise?


Well you chose Carnival and it has been brought up in the past on this board that this ship is for looking at people.


Remember the old CCL ads which show Cathey lee and a friend and she states that one of the activities on ship is people watching people watching people.

Then she leans over to a friend and states "did you see that"

This cruise line helps to instill that self consious attitude.


Would people stare,laugh or make comments toward you? Could happen.


If you feel a little self conscious then just hit the gym a little extra extra before you go. I spend two hours a day working out whether in the gym or running so I look differently on those who don't. I have seen many on board who look like they need to go to the gym.Lack of exercise leads to health problems.

They should do away with the midnight feedings.Its like cattle going to a trough.:rolleyes:

The medical problems that arise later are so tough to see and deal with.


There is also a very nice gym on board.The morning classes are full as a rule and even getting a machine in the morning can be tough.I am glad they are getting rid of the hot tubs to make more exercise facilities.

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First off ladies:


Speaking as a red blooded American male. I like women with a few curves. Girls is supposed to look like girls, with boobs, and butts and hips.


This Nicole Ritchie, Tara Reid, Keira Knightly look like you just got off The Bataan Death March fad is sick.


Go and enjoy and have fun.

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First off ladies:


Speaking as a red blooded American male. I like women with a few curves. Girls is supposed to look like girls, with boobs, and butts and hips.


This Nicole Ritchie, Tara Reid, Keira Knightly look like you just got off The Bataan Death March fad is sick.


Go and enjoy and have fun.


Interesting statement,so you don't go the gym either?:D


The american media portrays what their defintion of beauty is thru TV and print ads.What you like and what main street USA portrays are two different things.It appears that everyone wants to look like those you listed above.

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DH and I (I'm 31, he's 37 and we're slightly fluffy people) met a young couple at the muster drill. She was 21, he was 23. Both of them looked like they could grace a magazine cover. The typical thin, well toned bodies, she had perfect makeup and clothes, he looked like he should be posing in a prep school brochure. Anyhoo...they struck up a conversation with us, one thing led to another, and we ended up hanging out for quite a bit of time while on the cruise.


luvmytbear: I am also 'fluffy' and used to be extremely sef-consious about my weight until we too met a couple at our dining table the first night. They were from Colorado and were extrememly wealthy and beautiful! Yet they were the sweetest and kindest couple we have ever met on any of our cruises. They invited us to join them on all their adventures, both on and off the ship... saved seats for us at the theater, etc... She told me that beauty was always in the eye of the beholder and that if we are confident in ourselves, than we will shine with a beauty that skin-deep beauty could only hope for! She was right and now I have the confidence to sit by the pool in a swimsuit and I think I might even try karaoke this trip too!


To the Poster: I say 'go for it' and have the time of your life!

PS.. as far as not knowing anyone.. we come from a small town and on 2 of our cruises, we have met people on our ship that my husband works with... ha ha :D

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That post you are refering to is a direct answer to the OP.

Will the OP feel feel self conscious? Yes they will and that is the reason that poster takes care of themselves so they don't feel self concious.


Most of it is about a woman who died snorkelling. And her husband just watched. And they left snorklers there while the boat operators made a futile attempt to get her to a hospital or something. How do ya correlate that?

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I'm a "big" girl, and I do feel self conscious at times. However, I've planned and paid for my cruise just like everyone else on the ship. I deserve to be there just as they do. Sure i'd love to be a size 5, and maybe I will at some point, but it won't be on this cruise (as i'm leaving in 2 days! :p).


I dress tastefully for my size and am kind and gracious to everyone. I'm there to have a good time and, big or not, will do just that. If I let my self-image dictate my enjoyment of the cruise, both DH and I will be miserable...and will miss out on many good memories. Hopefully we'll wind up with table mates who feel the same way.


To the OP, stand tall and proud, whatever size you may be. Body size does not determine your worth as a person.

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Interesting statement,so you don't go the gym either?:D


The american media portrays what their defintion of beauty is thru TV and print ads.What you like and what main street USA portrays are two different things.It appears that everyone wants to look like those you listed above.



Lost about 85lbs about 6 years ago and have managed to keep 70 of it off. Went to the gym religiously to get it off and have maintained it by just cutting out the crap, eating smaller portions and doing a lot of walking.


I was in my late 30's when I dropped the weight with 3 kids and a fiancee , so i was hardly doing it to look good for the ladies. I was just tired of lugging all that weight and almost passing out when I bent down to tie my shoes.






Remember one thing. Most of the men in the fashion industry who dictate how you are "SUPPOSED" to look........DON"T SLEEP WITH WOMEN


So what the hell do they know ? :)

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You know, I find the opposite is true. I am very self conscious at home, but not at all on vacation. It's probably because I'm surrounded on board by people I haven't met. I will say that of all my friends, the "fluffy" types are way more fun than the stick people :).

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Sitting here a bit slap happy from not being able to sleep. Thought of how white my legs and arms are..people better bring sunglasses if you are gonna be near me for the intense glare off my milk white skin rofl..sorry I'm tired lolo



Let's not even go there with the white legs :D I made sure to buy extra sunglasses for my family to help with the glare.

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Sitting here a bit slap happy from not being able to sleep. Thought of how white my legs and arms are..people better bring sunglasses if you are gonna be near me for the intense glare off my milk white skin rofl..sorry I'm tired lolo


LOL - I will be glowing white on my cruise too. I refuse to do the fake tanning thing...way too bad for the skin.

And OP - I specifically bought a bikini for my upcoming cruise that is way skimpier than anything I would wear at home. It's a vacation after all! I'm just excited to not have to wear mittens, parka, and toque in January!!

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Thank you so much for making me feel SO much better. All of your viewpoints are true and assuring in different ways.


TBear- That story is so inspiring! I'm so glad you had a good time and made friends!


To the poster that mentioned that my boyfriend will make me feel like a beautiful girl: Yes, you are right. He makes me feel very special :) Perhaps maybe there MAY be an engagement on this cruise :)

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Remember one thing. Most of the men in the fashion industry who dictate how you are "SUPPOSED" to look........DON"T SLEEP WITH WOMEN


So what the hell do they know ? :)


This made me LMAO, thanks!! :D


Most of it is about a woman who died snorkelling. And her husband just watched. And they left snorklers there while the boat operators made a futile attempt to get her to a hospital or something. How do ya correlate that?


Here's how I took that post - she is self-conscious of herself, so she works out and tries to stay in shape so she's not that person having a heart attack on the boat because she's overweight.


Sounded relevant to the thread to me.

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Trust me. Figure out before you go that no one on a cruise is going to be "looking at you." That way, you can enjoy all seven days of your cruise.


Don't let self-consciousness get in your way of having a good time.


Just remember you will never see these people again.


Just have fun.

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Thank you so much for making me feel SO much better. All of your viewpoints are true and assuring in different ways.


TBear- That story is so inspiring! I'm so glad you had a good time and made friends!


To the poster that mentioned that my boyfriend will make me feel like a beautiful girl: Yes, you are right. He makes me feel very special :) Perhaps maybe there MAY be an engagement on this cruise :)



May I just ask?


Is that you in the picture in your signature?


You are a beautiful lady


This is what I mean about what is wrong with the fashion industry and the media making lovely ladies feel badly about themselves.


Your boyfriend is a lucky guy, and you are lucky to have someone who loves you so much.


Thats all that matters

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May I just ask?


Is that you in the picture in your signature?


You are a beautiful lady


This is what I mean about what is wrong with the fashion industry and the media making lovely ladies feel badly about themselves.


Your boyfriend is a lucky guy, and you are lucky to have someone who loves you so much.


Thats all that matters



Yes, that is me. Thank you so much. That's very sweet of you.

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We are on the same cruise as you! And can't wait! I'll cross my fingers that a rumor makes it's way around that a couple got engaged while on the ship!


As for your question, I am concerned about what others think. I know I shouldn't be, I know I'll probally never see most of these people. But it is still there. I don't want any pictures floating around where I find myself thinking "Man, what was I thinking of wearing that bathing suit?"


I lost 25 pounds this past year, and even though I am at a size that I haven't seen since before my three kids, I still don't look the same. Seems gravity and the pregnancies has created extra flab that wasn't there before when I was at this weight...add to that the fact that my body is in complete agreement with the laws of gravity, well it leaves me a bit self-concious.


But I look at it this way, I'll use the cruise as another goal for me. Overall it has been a good thing trying to get my old body back. My husband and kids all eat healthier now, and I find myself having so much more energy and happiness.


And if I don't get to that point before the cruise, well I'll just have a DOD and hope that the booze helps bring on that "I am here to enjoy myself and not care what others think I look like."

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First off ladies:


Speaking as a red blooded American male. I like women with a few curves. Girls is supposed to look like girls, with boobs, and butts and hips.


This Nicole Ritchie, Tara Reid, Keira Knightly look like you just got off The Bataan Death March fad is sick.


Go and enjoy and have fun.


Dude, RIGHT ON!!!! My wife is very curvy and I love her just the way she is!!! Curvy women are a turn-on; skinny women are sticks and not very attractive to this guy and a host of other men I know. :D


Interesting statement,so you don't go the gym either?:D


The american media portrays what their defintion of beauty is thru TV and print ads.What you like and what main street USA portrays are two different things.It appears that everyone wants to look like those you listed above.


True enough, but the American media is so out of touch with Main Street USA it's not even funny...:p

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I am glad to be a guy and I dont have to deal with these issues as much... Mainly because less pressure from media and everything else. I still try and stay in shape as best as possible and I have even more before I go on a cruise. The funny thing is I always gain some weight from all the food! (: DONT WORRY ABOUT IT AND HAVE FUN!!!!

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Just curious, I want to lay out by the pool and swim and such on the Lido deck...


But I'm just very self-conscious.


I'm not extremely overweight by any means,

I have put on a few extra pounds that have been difficult to diet and exercise off.


I want to have fun, but I'm not very comfortable in a swimsuit right now.


Has anyone else ever felt a little self conscious before their cruise?


I used to be the picture of fitness 7-8 years ago.


Being in construction, from So Cal, and a member of a health club/gym . . . weight training and cardio at least an hour a day (carbo loading before and fish, chicken and protein malts after), I was tanned, not ripped but very nicely "cut" and even wore a speedo (US Olympic swimmer style). I prided myself in working with each of my employees at least 30-45 minutes every week at a "haul-a$$" pace. I felt and looked great. With 3 pools at the complex I live in, I never found any interest in the "postage-stamp-sized" pools on cruise ships, but always hung out around the pools and sunning decks with a bar.


Well . . . as I said, that was 7-8 years ago. :D


Today, with my next birthday hitting 70, I wouldn't think of putting on that speedo (probably wouldn't fit either). I now wear more conservative cargo shorts with a zillion pockets for my camera, gear, etc., let my t-shirt hang over my waist line, and realize I don't have near the strength or endurance I used to have and seldom ever work on one of my job sites. I've gained 30 pounds and for the first time in my life, my thighs rub together. :eek: But I personally feel just FINE.:)


Wear what you want, look the way you want to look. Its important only that YOU like the way you look . . . the OTHERS don't really matter. Don't worry, be happy. :)


"Surrender gracefully, the things of youth" :rolleyes:(sorry, can't remember the poet, probably Shakespeare)

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I know I feel weird walking on the pool deck that is for sure!!


I am the one who is still wearing my jacket from the chilly breezes! LOL

So I know everyone is staring at me thinking "what's wrong with that girl?"


I figure to each his own, I have never felt comfortable in a swim suit and I am 5' 3" and weigh 105 lbs., so even if you are small, you can feel "fat"

and ugly......must be in our genes......anyway, I usually just wear my cover up and just dont take it off until I sit down and put it back on before I walk around again, that way I am dressed for the pool, but nobody has to see me.

When I do snorkel or swim I am in a swim shirt as well, dont need to sunburn or cancer. I have had too many friends/family members with melanoma....so that is a way to get around being seen in a swim suit if you are embarassed.


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