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I haven't got sick........yet. I suppose I will have to give it at least a day to see if I get it or not. I don't really want it. My mom was miserable all night, she woke me up getting sick all the way downstairs.



My knee is still a big swollen. But has come way down since Friday. So I think I'm safe for yoga today. I will just have to watch the things that use my knee a lot. I would say I won't do anything on my right knee, but I'm sure I have been over compensating on my left knee lately so I should be careful with both. I need to wrap it to help the swelling during the day on the steps at work.


Packed my lunch ahead again today so starting my third week of pre-planning my lunch.


hope everyone's day goes well.

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Whats the crunchy baked chicken?


I could seriously eat it every night.


Preheat oven to 350.


1/2 c cornflakes

1 tsp paprika

1 tsp sesame seeds

1 tbsp butter or margarine (don't skip this. I tried it...)

4 oz chicken breast


Crush corn flakes. Mix with paprika and sesame seeds. Coat chicken breast with the mixture (you may want to wet the chicken). Put butter on the coated chicken. Bake for 20-25 minutes.

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Brooke, I know you have been having stomach issues and thought this article might help.




Congratulations on packing your lunch 3 weeks in a row. It really does become a habit! I know at 9 pm when I fix my breakfast and lunch for the next day, it's a chore, but the next morning, I am so happy it's there waiting for me!!


Thanks for the vote of confidence on the weight loss. My weight loss has slowed to 1-2 lbs. a week. Probably need to kick the exercise up a notch, but so far am just doing the 4.5 miles on the bike and arm weights. I need to add more, but am tired at nights...


The crunchy chicken sounds good. I'd just need to find something to substitute for the corn flakes...maybe ground almonds.

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I could seriously eat it every night.


Preheat oven to 350.


1/2 c cornflakes

1 tsp paprika

1 tsp sesame seeds

1 tbsp butter or margarine (don't skip this. I tried it...)

4 oz chicken breast


Crush corn flakes. Mix with paprika and sesame seeds. Coat chicken breast with the mixture (you may want to wet the chicken). Put butter on the coated chicken. Bake for 20-25 minutes.


Do you think you could use the ICBINB spray and take some of the calories out of the butter, but get better coverage?

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Do you think you could use the ICBINB spray and take some of the calories out of the butter, but get better coverage?


You are actually better off with butter. Those fake foods are actually really bad for you. In fact any margarine is not good. Try real butter or whipped organic butter.

Or pan fry it in a little EVOO.

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My knee did pretty well last night. Few moves I had to be extra careful and maybe take some more time to complete them or adjust them, but I made it. My knee doesn't seem anymore swollen this morning. Maybe sore, but so does a lot of my body. This is like class 7 of yoga for me and I still get sore. I think I managed to find a knee brace that will fit my leg. Another real world fat girl problem. You don't typically find braces and things a the local CVS that are in triple X. I found one that is adjustable and hopefully it will stretch a bit too. I'm going to need it more tonight with zumba b/c there will be more impact. I thought about wearing my ankle braces too. My ankles tend to get really sore and tired so quickly in zumba. I have weak ankles or so I've been told. I guess a brace would just kill the strengthening effect of the exercise.


Packed my lunch again today. FINALLY got some more oatmeal. I've been so hungry the last couple of days for no reason really. I've been eating plenty and high in protein too. Its not normal for WW for me. Normally I'm very satisfied with how much food I get. In any case I shoved the water down b/c sometimes hunger can really be thirst. I had a few almonds and i was eventually fine by the time I had to go to the gym. I'm going to see today how I feel. I really believe a good breakfast should keep you from being more hungry throughout the day. Oatmeal has worked really well for me for a long time. I measure the portions of oats, milk and sugar (I don't want to hear it about the sugar.....:p). I could all be in my head though. I don't really care as long as I don't have to fight those hunger pains like yesterday. But I brought back up today. Some low sugar applesauce, low sugar pair bits and some greek yogurt. Plus I always have my almonds in the drawer now.


Wanted a skinny latte this morning so bad b/c its like 18 degrees here. But I would have had to walk longer in the cold to get it. Plus spend more of my budget plus I decided that they have free tea bags in our kitchen area and I could use a packet of splenda and be points free and $ free.


I've been thinking about killing the weekly points I get at the end of this month. I should be able to eat fine with 50points a day. There is no reason to tempt myself with those weekly points when they aren't really needed (WW says I can use them, but unlike daily points, I don't have to). They only provide about 350 more calories a day (if I did my math right). I'm going to give this serious thought before I do it.


I came home last night and mom had been to the store, she got MLK day off. There were a box of glazed donuts on the counter.......................:rolleyes:


I was hungry b/c it was time for me to eat after all that exercise. But I had planned a grilled cheese sandwich and a cup of tomato soup, then some chex cearal for something sweet (all within my points). I was hungry and I still needed to fix some food, plus make lunch for today. I decided I would stay with what I had planned to eat. I just ate the cereal while I was cooking, so that the donuts weren't a factor. It probably helped that I wasn't in the mood for donuts anyway. My sweet tooth goes on rounds. I can crave things for a month and not really care about them for the next few months.


In any case. I managed not to eat the donuts. I plan on asking mom if she will put them on top of the fridge or in a baggy in the fridge or cabinet. The big box on the counter with see through plastic is just kinda cruel :p.


I will be going with friends up to see a friend around the second next weekend. Its her 30th. Apparently, we are going to do a whole day of places and themes. I'm a bit worried about food and drinking. Somehow when we get together..........it turns into a food and drink fest. The only good thing is that I'm now on my "I'm going to be in my house by Fall" budget.


I have put myself on a fairly strict budget (close to what it will be like when I get a house) in order to save money in my savings account and pay my land down a bit and be able to put $4,000 down on my house. So, spending money on eating out or drinks are the lowest priority. Including buying clothes and CRUISES! Yea, I said cruising. I have managed to put some money in my budget for vacation after this initial saving fest, but it will take me a good long time to save for a cruise again unless I for some reason get a fabulous raise, get married, or win the lottery.

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How did I start years ago or how did I "restart" it as an adult? :)


I did run years ago, but not in races, etc. Got away from it, but had always been an active exerciser. Great shape 5 yeas ago, crap in life happened and before you knew it I'd gained 50 lbs. The problem was I am tall and I always 'wore" my weight well so nobody ever noticed. I joined the Team in Training program with the Leukemia Society to raise money for the cause but also because I knew they took ANYone of ANY shape and could train them to do a half marathon..running, walking, or a run/walk mix.


They have a very organized and structured program and I did the Disney Wine and Dine half marathon...but sadly I walked it because I had knee issues and other things associated with weight gain.but I did eventually run/walk intervals..1 minute run, 2 minute walk,etc. After 3 half marathons I got out of denial that I was no longer the runner/athlete due to the weight so I got serious about losing the weight to run faster..and having to buy a wedding dress helped..but I stuck with interval training, the diet I was on and now I run faster than I did when I was in my 20's (i am now "slightly" over 40).


I'd look at the interval training programs, the Couch to Five K program is said to be good. Best if you are a novice to start out on an interval schedule. My friend started with me..she weighed close to 300lbs and she walked the first race I did..she got serious about her weight and has lost over 60 lbs with WW since October 2011 and now she can run a full 2 miles wihtout stopping. She would agree that interval training is the best, and safest, mode.


Hope that helps..having a friend to do it with helps too!




Hi Gathina,

I have a question for you. How do you go about getting started running? I have always wanted to be a runner. Just not sure how to get started.



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Tonight I have zumba then yoga. I have two ace bandages that I plan on wrapping my knee on the top and bottom with and hoping they stay put and support my knee. I swelled a bit last night after zumba and I came down on my knee at one point and there was a sharp pain. I was more careful after that and protected my knee better, but I finished the class.


I've ice'd it today while at work and tried to put it up during lunch. If I can just finish this week then I will give myself friday-sunday to heal up.


Gonna have salad tonight. Been craving it a bit. Been doing so much better about NOT adding in the crackers and bacon bits and extra cheese and tons of dressing. In the past I couldn't trust myself to make a "healthy" salad so I just didn't eat them very often. I'm beginning to trust myself more.

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Oh my goodness, that looks sooo good and so much better than my mayo, celery, splenda concoction. I'm going to try it. Thanks!!

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Oh my goodness, that looks sooo good and so much better than my mayo, celery, splenda concoction. I'm going to try it. Thanks!!


I'm glad you think it looks good. Couldn't help but share it. I didn't know if the cin. would be a problem or not, but figured you could sub. something for it if it was.

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I might open a big fat can of worms here.........as I've noticed that most have stopped commenting to me..........but I guess I deserve that and it might be a good thing.


However, I would like to ask a frank question as no one here (including myself) has ever had a problem with honesty. Is the only reason I get "picked on" (for lack of better wording) about my food choices b/c I'm not losing anything? I mean if I was losing like 1-2lbs a week, but still had a cupcake everyday would you guys question me as much?


I don't want to pick on other people here, but there are others who have diets that give them permission to eat full fats and lots of meats (including red meat etc.) and there has nothing been said as to their choices in their diet. But they are losing and showing progress. People who say they eat out a lot (maybe good choices, but I've done good choices eating out too, but it didn't matter), but b/c they are losing..............not a word to them?


Is that it? Honestly, not trying to get into debate over this, but it is something that curiously popped into my mind yesterday and I kinda wanna know if its just me being paranoid or there is some fact to it.


I guess I might regret this. Curiosity killed the cat. :p


PS-Should know it about 48 hours about my gallbladder. You know they have to pay these extra special people to read these results and then they tell my dr. and I probably have to pay for an apt. for him to read them to me. :rolleyes:

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I might open a big fat can of worms here.........as I've noticed that most have stopped commenting to me..........but I guess I deserve that and it might be a good thing.


However, I would like to ask a frank question as no one here (including myself) has ever had a problem with honesty. Is the only reason I get "picked on" (for lack of better wording) about my food choices b/c I'm not losing anything? I mean if I was losing like 1-2lbs a week, but still had a cupcake everyday would you guys question me as much?


I don't want to pick on other people here, but there are others who have diets that give them permission to eat full fats and lots of meats (including red meat etc.) and there has nothing been said as to their choices in their diet. But they are losing and showing progress. People who say they eat out a lot (maybe good choices, but I've done good choices eating out too, but it didn't matter), but b/c they are losing..............not a word to them?


Is that it? Honestly, not trying to get into debate over this, but it is something that curiously popped into my mind yesterday and I kinda wanna know if its just me being paranoid or there is some fact to it.


I guess I might regret this. Curiosity killed the cat. :p


PS-Should know it about 48 hours about my gallbladder. You know they have to pay these extra special people to read these results and then they tell my dr. and I probably have to pay for an apt. for him to read them to me. :rolleyes:


You are not being paranoid, I agree with everything you said, it is all about losing weight, others are succeeding here, but each week if you do lose you manage to gain it back, when is the last time you had steady weeks of weight loss? and maybe having that cupcake everyday you could still lose the weight, the question is what else are you eating that is sabotaging your efforts? I do believe you could have one sweet a day and still lose, I think the problem is the extra food you are eating throughout the day. Just one opinion here. And I do agree, I think the Adkins diet is a poor choice, the program delivers success but I think it causes harm to your overall health, too many red meats, eggs and fats are not good either. I think a combination of the main food groups is a better choice, and getting fiber is most important. But again you are right, because others here are losing weight they are not going to be questioned about what they are eating. Sorry but you come back day to day, week to week with no or very little progress, and I have been reading your thread for a couple of years.

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You aren't being paranoid Brooke, however you're telling us you're not losing weight therefore we look at what you're eating and doing. Yes, I want you to be honest and open about what you're eating and if you are or aren't losing weight. When you tell us you want to lose weight but aren't (or fluctuating) and you're exercising like mad, but eating this, this and this....you need to figure out what the problem is. I realize we're all different and not one program works for everyone, but their is a common factor in that we all lose weight when, the program or whatever your regimen is, is followed correctly. I hope that makes sense.


Do I have my sweets? Certainly but not every day, and when I do they are "healthier" sweets. Sorbet, homemade banana ice cream, 100 calorie pack of fudge stripes (If I must), etc. It really depends on how/what it is made.

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You are not being paranoid, I agree with everything you said, it is all about losing weight, others are succeeding here, but each week if you do lose you manage to gain it back, when is the last time you had steady weeks of weight loss? and maybe having that cupcake everyday you could still lose the weight, the question is what else are you eating that is sabotaging your efforts? I do believe you could have one sweet a day and still lose, I think the problem is the extra food you are eating throughout the day. Just one opinion here. And I do agree, I think the Adkins diet is a poor choice, the program delivers success but I think it causes harm to your overall health, too many red meats, eggs and fats are not good either. I think a combination of the main food groups is a better choice, and getting fiber is most important. But again you are right, because others here are losing weight they are not going to be questioned about what they are eating. Sorry but you come back day to day, week to week with no or very little progress, and I have been reading your thread for a couple of years.


Fair enough. I've never denied that I'm not losing.


But its hard to swallow that one cupcake for the week could ruin my weightloss. I use the cupcake as an example. Obviously, it must be something else I'm doing, but as soon as I mention on here that I ate a cupcake...................:eek:. That was it.............that's why you're not losing. That one cupcake you had this week, even though you had the points to eat it and even though your plan says its okay to have it. Cupcake.:o

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You aren't being paranoid Brooke, however you're telling us you're not losing weight therefore we look at what you're eating and doing. Yes, I want you to be honest and open about what you're eating and if you are or aren't losing weight. When you tell us you want to lose weight but aren't (or fluctuating) and you're exercising like mad, but eating this, this and this....you need to figure out what the problem is. I realize we're all different and not one program works for everyone, but their is a common factor in that we all lose weight when, the program or whatever your regimen is, is followed correctly. I hope that makes sense.


Do I have my sweets? Certainly but not every day, and when I do they are "healthier" sweets. Sorbet, homemade banana ice cream, 100 calorie pack of fudge stripes (If I must), etc. It really depends on how/what it is made.



I can only tell you that I may have not followed my plan consistently these last few years (whichever one, though WW the longest), but I can say that there have been months where I followed the plan. Ate the right points, at the foods I could, ate the recommended fruits, veggies, fats, dairy and exercised and still haven't lost weight.


In fact. The last three weeks I have followed the WW program. Yes I ate all my weekly points in a weekend,BUT I can do that if I want. The plan says I can. As another WW member has stated. So for three weeks I've followed the plan, exercised my booty off (well, maybe my knee) and for three weeks I've maintained my weight.


Now I've gotten pounced on for not following the plan as WW has laid out for me from the start before. I'm seeing what happens on the scale this weekend and if I don't see a positive change then I'm going to start changing the program manually. The first thing I will do is take away my weekly points. If that shows a difference then I will stick with it. If it doesn't then I will start lowering my daily points a week at a time by one point. If that doesn't show any response, then I'm going to cancel my WW membership and find another program to go to.


I know you guys are losing faith in me, I know you think I'm just playing around. You probably think I like attention or something. You're probably more angry about my lack of weightloss moreso than I am. But its b/c I'm not worried. I maybe worried about my back and knee, and bp and other fat related issues, but worrying about when and how the weight will come off, I'm not. I'm patient.


They say everyone has to do it differently. Everyone has to find their moment, time, motivation. Everyone has to remove the mental and physical barriers that are blocking them.


I'm everyone. I have no doubt that I will lose the weight. That's why I'm not worried. My time will come. I have faith that God will show me the path and tell ME to start walking.

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Fair enough. I've never denied that I'm not losing.


But its hard to swallow that one cupcake for the week could ruin my weightloss. I use the cupcake as an example. Obviously, it must be something else I'm doing, but as soon as I mention on here that I ate a cupcake...................:eek:. That was it.............that's why you're not losing. That one cupcake you had this week, even though you had the points to eat it and even though your plan says its okay to have it. Cupcake.:o


I know about the WW plan, although back years ago when it was just the points plan, and it did work for me when I followed the program, that cupcake you want everyday, well if it is within your points for the day I do not see a problem with this. You can include a sweet everyday and still lose the weight. I think your problem is what else are you eating that is not within your points for the day, and doing this everyday you are not going to see a weight loss if your going over your points on a regular basis. I struggle myself from day to day about having sweets, I go through withdrawals if I miss a day without something sweet;) so that is my weakness that I need to work on. So in the end I do not believe it is that "cupcake", I think it is whatever you are snacking on throughout the day or evening that is going to sabotage any weight loss efforts. Have that cupcake or one sweet a day that is within points and stop there, you will be satisfying a craving and still lose the weight, stay within those points for one week and you will see a loss. As everyone had mentioned here, only you can make this happen.

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So, I have been reading this thread for three years. I just knew you would end up back to 327. As far as I know you haven't...yet...and I hope you don't. Brooke, I really hope you don't. Sometimes you just drive me CRAZY and I just have to stop reading for a couple weeks.


I had been on Atkins for a couple months and did lose weight. I did not take vitamins (which they tell you to do) and ended up with some health issues.


So, in December I started ww. I only need to lose 20 pounds. I get 26 points a day. I try not to use the weekly or the activity pts. The evening (like you) is when I use most of my points. I am only writing this now because I found something on the ww forum that helped me enormously and just in case you didn't know about it, I thought I would share.


It is called Reverse Tracking. Do a search for it on the ww forum. Basically, take a point in time (I use 4:00 P.M.) as the beginning of my day. Anything I eat or drink after 4:00 P.M. gets listed for dinner the next day. So if this is the 24th I would log these items on the 25th. Then tomorrow (the 25th) I would log everything up until 4:00 P.M. It is all about logging for a 24 hour period. My day just begins at 4:00.


I hope this can help you, it has me.

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Brooke: You know I don;t post on her often but would like to say to keep up trying to figure out what will work for you. You have a lot of food "issues" and a particular "diet plan" might not work for you as written.


I will point out that it's not all about "points" but the quality of the "point" that you probably should be more concerned with. I am sure if you thought more on the well-balanced, whole (real, unprocessed) food and portion control, you will see consistent weight loss...even at 1 lb or less a week. Believe me....you cannot exercise enough to combat a poor diet.

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You pointed out something very important, the "quality" of the "point". Even if she consistently lost only 1 lb per week, considering she started this thread in May 2009..from Jan. 2009-Jan. 2013 that would be 208 weeks or 208 lbs. Even a half pound lost per week would be 104 lbs in four years. Of course, there could be weeks of fluctuation but at any rate it would be over 100 lbs lost...and that doesn't account for the time from Jan 2013-May 2013 when this thread will be 4 years old.


I want to clarify something I mentioned earlier when I said you will NEVER be able to eat the way you always have. What I mean is, the way you do that got you to where you are now. Could you have a cupcake every day? If it's allowed in your plan, technically you could, but why would you want one every day? Is your life that much worse off if you have a cupcake 3 x per week instead of every day? There may be some who can eat a cupcake every day of the week and lose or maintain, but you might not be one of those people. I think what everyone here is saying is that no matter what plan you choose that works for you, follow it the way it's supposed to be.



Brooke: You know I don;t post on her often but would like to say to keep up trying to figure out what will work for you. You have a lot of food "issues" and a particular "diet plan" might not work for you as written.


I will point out that it's not all about "points" but the quality of the "point" that you probably should be more concerned with. I am sure if you thought more on the well-balanced, whole (real, unprocessed) food and portion control, you will see consistent weight loss...even at 1 lb or less a week. Believe me....you cannot exercise enough to combat a poor diet.

Edited by Gathina
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