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Why do people complain constantly about...


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the kids on cruise ships. Every single thread about "what would you like improved" or just any thread in general that mentions kids turns into a gripe about naughty kids post. I am pretty sure that "those" parents don't read the board, and Carnival isn't going to turn away families any time soon. I know we all have seen those kids, but what about the 100s of well behaved ones...

I read these boards all the time, and post very little, but gee, if I was new to cruising, I would think that the ships were like out of control day care centers to read most of the threads about kids on the ships.


I know you have strong opinions, and please share when appropriate, just don't hate the good kids and the good parents by making sweeping generalizations.


Have a great day!:)


When I see a well behaved kid, I tell them that they are fun to be around. When they are running around and taking the chance of falling and hurting themselves, I thank them for walking and being safe. When I see children acting good in restaurants, I stop and congratulate the parents. Maybe you haven't been at the receiving end of brats on a ship. Knocking on doors and running away. Playing elevator tag and tying up the elevators for hours. Smashing ice cream cones on the buttons on the elevator. Sitting on the stairways with their friends and not moving so you can get by. Cutting in line and grabbing food at the buffet, then deciding that they didn't want that piece and bread and they put it back. This is just a few for starters. These aren't sweeping generalizations, these are stunts I have witnessed on many a cruise.


I won't get started on the babies in the pool wearing a diaper, that's the parents fault.


We generally go cruising in January when the brats are in school.

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You have such a great attitude, but I have to laugh at your last line. We leave on Sunday and our 8 year old says he will see us in a week, he plans on spending all week in Camp Carnival and none of the time with us. So much for a family vacation! Laughing


I wanted my kids to do some of the camp stuff, but they wanted to hang out with us instead. :confused:

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It's not so much the KIDS I have a problem with...it's the inattentive parents. Don't want to be with your kids during a vacation, then LEAVE THEM AT HOME. The reason I don't have any kids right now is b/c I'm not done doing grown-up things. When I'm ready to go on kid-friendly vacations and spend every waking moment making sure they're not effing up someone else's hard-earned vacation, then I will have some of my own.


I don't mean to sound like a kid-hater, but I don't choose to have kids right now, so why should I be annoyed by someone else's kid making a mile-high ice cream cone that will collapse in a heap right at my feet and then go jump in the pool and splash my library book while mom is asleep on a deck chair, alcoholic beverage in one hand, iPod in the other?


You my friend have hit the nail on the head. Tell us how you really feel:D

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I for one have no problem with the kids onboard. Well maybe once or twice, but it was over and done with in 10 seconds. The issue I have is with crappy parents. Not just onboard, anywhere they happen to be. Personally I believe that cruising is a great family activity, break them in early and make life long fans.


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That is so true. I'm going on Carnival after school is back in session and on HAL when school is out for summer, spring break, or holidays. We cruised Carnival over Thanksgiving one year and know not to do that again. That was an 'obnoxious kids and inadequate parenting' nightmare.


Yikes that is not what I want to hear. We want to go when they won't miss school.

What ship were you on? How long of a cruise?

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To those of you whom seem to misunderstand this complaint.....


We are NOT talking about you parents who keep your children with you all the time. Or send them to Camp Carnival to be supervised.


We are NOT talking about special needs children who seem to be out of control but are WITH their parents.


We ARE talking about the children who run rampant up and down the hallways at 3:00AM; children who hold their mouths open under the ice cream spigot and the parents are nowhere in site; the children who run around in gangs (not formal gangs per se, just groups of kids together) cussing, yelling, throwing things at people; children who run up and down the stairs at all hours nearly or actually knocking people down as they do (yes, I've been knocked down by this type of thing happening, in addition, have been nearly knocked down several times); children who are running around unsupervised pushing all the buttons on the elevators...I could go on.


And yes, you can bet your life savings that the apple has not fallen far from the tree with these kids. To the person who said they've seen adults doing worse, you can bet that they are A) one of the parents of these kids and/or B) were one of those kids earlier in life and have never yet gotten the ass whooping needed to straighten that crap out.


To all the people who are "defending" the good kids....you don't need to do that at all since it is completely and utterly irrelevant to what is being griped about. If you have well behaved children who would never think of acting as I described above, the gripe is NOT about you or your children. It's ok to just let it go.

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The previous poster who stated these kid's are "effing up" everybody elses vacation, nailed it. But it's the parent's "effing up" the vacation for the rest of us. Most of the kid's on our cruises have been great. It's those few who are not being supervised that make us all mad.



Not to hijack the thread, but..


I see you are in K-Vegas...I am just up the road in King..good to see someone else from my neck of the woods!

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"Playing elevator tag and tying up the elevators for hours. Smashing ice cream cones on the buttons on the elevator. Sitting on the stairways with their friends and not moving so you can get by. Cutting in line and grabbing food at the buffet, then deciding that they didn't want that piece and bread and they put it back. This is just a few for starters. These aren't sweeping generalizations, these are stunts I have witnessed on many a cruise."


And I've seen adults do all of these things!

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I expect all passengers to respect each others vacation experience. Don't care what the age, but as many have said - way too many unsupervised kids - where is Carnival security? Would love to see a curfew as mentioned is the case on RC. I love fun, even loud fun, drinking, dancing and general "merry-making". We join in all activities and are usually right in the middle of whatever is going on. That being said, I don't want/like":

  • Kids snorkeling in between my legs in the hot tub
  • Cutting in an out of the hallways, food lines, debarking lines - you get the idea.
  • Taking the menu cards off the doors at night - so no food or wake-up knock occurs.
  • Trashing the elevators
  • Monopolizing the elevators
  • We too have seen on numerous occasions unsupervised kids - throwing ice cream cones overboard, once saw a deck chair thrown overboard, ping pong balls etc. All kids who are old enough to be on their own...

Yep - it's the parents fault, but seriously, what are the consequences for these "absent" parents who have "little angels" negatively affecting my vacation?


Carnival rarely challenges misbehaving kids stating it's their vacation too...freedom is for all - as long as your "freedoms" don't infringe upon my "freedoms"...get it?

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I see your point, but I bet you wouldn't let any of your children, special needs or not, run up and down the halls screaming and knocking on cabin doors. We've had situations where they were also taking the breakfast room service orders off cabin doors (not just one night either).


I think the entire issue is really supervision vs. a child not behaving. Any child will misbehave at times. If a parent is there to correct that behavior then it won't get out of hand.


I agree. I doubt that it's special needs children that are being complained about on this thread. It's the unsupervised kids run amok that is the issue. I've been on 7 Carnival cruises, and thankfully on most of them, poorly behaved kids weren't prevalent. In many ways, I feel sorry for the undisciplined child--they only know what they've been taught (or haven't been taught). In some sense, there are no bad children, just bad parents.

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I don't have kids of my own only nieces & nephews and I don't believe that every kid is bad. But I do have a problem when I use my hard earned $ & go on a cruise and have to deal with the "elevator parties" and the constant noise at 3:00 a.m. of kids running up and down the halls. Knowone is perfect but it would be nice if you didn't have to deal with that kind of agravation while on vacation.


Aggravation while on vacation is better than aggravation while at work!

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"Playing elevator tag and tying up the elevators for hours. Smashing ice cream cones on the buttons on the elevator. Sitting on the stairways with their friends and not moving so you can get by. Cutting in line and grabbing food at the buffet, then deciding that they didn't want that piece and bread and they put it back. This is just a few for starters. These aren't sweeping generalizations, these are stunts I have witnessed on many a cruise."


And I've seen adults do all of these things!



So, are you saying that since you've seen adults do it, it's ok for kids to do it too? This is JUST the type of attitude that a KID would have! I can see a kid saying exactly that when they get busted for doing something they know they shouldn't be doing onboard. "But I saw an adult doing it!" Is that what you'd say when YOUR kid is brought to you after being caught? Not a valid excuse.

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Its absolutely absurd for someone to go on a cruiseship and expect not to get splashed. What do you care how high someone else's ice cream is? I've seen plenty of adults with mile high cones. Wake up - Carnival IS a kid friendly vacation!

I go on cruise ships whenever I can and do NOT expect to get splashed, in fact I have about 11,000 dollars worth of electronics on my head and would SUE if I got splashed!!!

Perhaps you mean it's absurd to go to the pool and not expect to get splashed?????

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The only times the kids get on my nerves is when they are packed in the adults only hot tubs like sardines, sometimes with their parents. When they are running on the ship and you have to dodge them. And the most annoying is when they show up to karaoke in a bar or lounge at 11pm and get in line over and over and over, and when they insist on trying to get involved in games that are obviously meant for adults.

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"Playing elevator tag and tying up the elevators for hours. Smashing ice cream cones on the buttons on the elevator. Sitting on the stairways with their friends and not moving so you can get by. Cutting in line and grabbing food at the buffet, then deciding that they didn't want that piece and bread and they put it back. This is just a few for starters. These aren't sweeping generalizations, these are stunts I have witnessed on many a cruise."


And I've seen adults do all of these things!



You have!!!! And what did you do when you caught them doing it? I think you are hmmmm...lying! Or you have brats that misbehave on board and make life miserable others. Thought so.

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Its really very easy to avoid the kiddies. We only cruise when school is in, problem (mostly) solved! The fares are lower, and the child population is lower, double bonus!:D


For the most part same goes for my DW and I, but it's surprising how many children are taken out of school for a cruise. Another strong parenting move I guess?

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For the most part same goes for my DW and I, but it's surprising how many children are taken out of school for a cruise. Another strong parenting move I guess?


Actually, some might be homeschooled. As my son is. We are taking a cruise together in November. And yes, there will be school involved by way of writing reports about the places we visit. And no, you would never catch my son doing any of the things mentioned. His butt would be tanned in a New York minute and he knows it. Any Southern woman knows that just having a wooden spoon is enough. I've only had to use it once. In 12 years. Southern kids know what that is about :D

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I blame the parents who never supervise their kids, in five cruises I have seen all that have been written on the subject, I choose CCL over DCL because of Kids (there are less of them), But the Problem of the Drunks is another story. That can be discussed else where. I love Kids and have 3 of my own. I did not allow them to run around unsupervised. In this day and age I would be worried about something happening to my children. They removed a sex offender (child molester I believe) from one of the ships leaving Tampa. Thank goodness some one in Homeland Security was doing their job. Parents do your job, supervise your kids you could be saving their lives.


Past Cruises

Holiday – August 2005

Fantasy - February 2006

Holiday – September 2006

Sensation – March 2007

Celebration September 2007

To Come:


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"Playing elevator tag and tying up the elevators for hours. Smashing ice cream cones on the buttons on the elevator. Sitting on the stairways with their friends and not moving so you can get by. Cutting in line and grabbing food at the buffet, then deciding that they didn't want that piece and bread and they put it back. This is just a few for starters. These aren't sweeping generalizations, these are stunts I have witnessed on many a cruise."


And I've seen adults do all of these things!


??? and that makes it right??


some of this goes way beyond childish fun...what about the kids spitting on the musicians or ruining a motorized scooter??


no not ALL kids do that....but why defend them or say that adults "do that too" to defend them?


and I think if you read thru this thread most people clearly put the blame on the ones who deserve it : the parents who let their kids run wild


another example is infants...no infant just ups and crawls into a pool with a diaper on ..it is some silly and selfish parent who hauls them in there despite the clear warnings and the danger they pose to others

Parent's fault totally


I do wish Carnival would impose some curfews and also step in to nip problems in the bud. Princess has a "youth security" program that seems to work pretty well. As for splashing, I guess that is to be expected at the pool. I don't see the point of hot tubs for kids since it is not really even good for them, but I just avoid the lukewarm tubs at the main pool.


I will say that on the Imagination I didn't have any kid problems and it was Halloween...lots of cute costumes (on kids and adults)....I liked the Serenity deck a lot...NO kids out there and that was enforced, in fact I don't think a kid even ventured out there.


all in all it comes down to Carnival listening to the customers...they have great kids programs....kid friendly features... Carnival just needs to enforce the rules about the adult areas, and step in a bit quicker before things get out of hand when kids are messing on the elevators, hallways.

A curfew and laying down the rules to the parents of offending kids/teens would probably be a big help too.

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We will be going on our second cruise as a family on Sunday. Both with Carnival. Our 1st on was 3 years ago and my children were 7 and not quite 4. We had dinner in the MDR every night and my kids were so well behaved(surprised me even) and then in Camp most other times.


This time my DS (who is Autistic Spectrum) is 10yrs old. We debated giving him sign in and out privileges. We decieded against it just because we don't feel it would be good for him at this time. I don't want any chance for anything to happen to him or him to do anything I don't want him doing.


Our DD is now almost 7yrs old and she can be crazy acting but she and her brother will either be in camp or with me or dad or my parents who will be joining us for the cruise.


I don't want my children to end up being the kids that become threads on these boards. I would have to woop their butts then. I know I am their parent and that is my job even if I am on vacation, it doesn't stop just because I paid money for a trip. I also realize that everyone else has paid good money for their own vacation.

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