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Cruising With A Service Dog....everything You Ever Wanted To Know!

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We'll be on Royal Caribbean again... I did fill out a thing on the website already that asked about what accessible amenities you require and if you're bringing on a wheelchair/scooter etc so maybe that's it... Seems too easy lol



Sent from my Speak & Spell using Tapatalk


The cabin you booked is yours. They will NOT move you out of it. Especially if that cabin is an HC. If you're worried about that you can call the "Special Access" Dept. of RC and double check with them.


Have a wonderful cruise.

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I wrote a whole story about what happened to us tonight at a Souplantation restaurant and then I hit a button and it all went "poof!"


The short of it is: The cashier told me that "pets are not allowed in the restaurant" and he wouldn't accept my payment. I told him to call the manager-she observed Horton's Vest and said,"it's okay but [and, she was looking right into my eyes] the dog can not eat off our dishes or bark in the restaurant."] I said, "you did not say that to me!" I went to to a table, walked back to the cashier and said send the manager over to me. I told her she was out of line and what she said was innappropriate.


One half hour later a woman comes walking by with a German Shephard puppy, who was tugging and pulling on it's leash. Another patron complained, the woman showed a card that said the dog was a "Therapy Dog." I said Therapy Dogs do NOT have public access.


I told the manager that she needed to go on line and get the information from the DOJ and ADA. She said she was going to have an all staff mtg. next week to discuss Service Dogs and who is allowed into the restaurant and who is not.

This similar thing happened to me and Brenda at a Souplantation, in a different area, about 5 years ago. After I called the police, they confronted the manager, we ate dinner and I dealt with the Corporate office the next day......the Manager was fired.

Ten years later; a Successor Dog and I'm still dealing with access problems. I'm going to deal with the Sweet Tomato's Corporate office on Monday, I'm going to call CCI's Graduate Dept., and I'm going to contact IAADP.




Edited by wizard-of-roz
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Roz: I wish I could make all ignorant people who have the ability to educate their staff, oh and themselves to get with the program with a wave of a wand. It must get old. Fortunately, I have not had an incident with my disabled hanging tag in a long time.


Thanks Nancy, I appreciate you support. I'm still seething!

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Thanks Nancy, I appreciate you support. I'm still seething!



Sorry to hear the trouble you had Roz, but unfortunately, there is always someone out there that do these things. I think I would cross that restaurant off my list. But still write to the home office.


Hope you have a better day today.

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I wrote a whole story about what happened to us tonight at a Souplantation restaurant and then I hit a button and it all went "poof!"


The short of it is: The cashier told me that "pets are not allowed in the restaurant" and he wouldn't accept my payment. I told him to call the manager-she observed Horton's Vest and said,"it's okay but [and, she was looking right into my eyes] the dog can not eat off our dishes or bark in the restaurant."] I said, "you did not say that to me!" I went to to a table, walked back to the cashier and said send the manager over to me. I told her she was out of line and what she said was innappropriate.


One half hour later a woman comes walking by with a German Shephard puppy, who was tugging and pulling on it's leash. Another patron complained, the woman showed a card that said the dog was a "Therapy Dog." I said Therapy Dogs do NOT have public access.


I told the manager that she needed to go on line and get the information from the DOJ and ADA. She said she was going to have an all staff mtg. next week to discuss Service Dogs and who is allowed into the restaurant and who is not.


This similar thing happened to me and Brenda at a Souplantation, in a different area, about 5 years ago. After I called the police, they confronted the manager, we ate dinner and I dealt with the Corporate office the next day......the Manager was fired.


Ten years later; a Successor Dog and I'm still dealing with access problems. I'm going to deal with the Sweet Tomato's Corporate office on Monday, I'm going to call CCI's Graduate Dept., and I'm going to contact IAADP.






I remember the last incident very well. You would think they would have educated their staff after the incident at the other place. Didn't they want the manager to attend some course and he refused? You know Cali started this whole thing anyway by letting celebrities bring their little dogs everywhere they went. Until they can get some kind of national registry this is always going to happen. :mad:

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Sorry to hear the trouble you had Roz, but unfortunately, there is always someone out there that do these things. I think I would cross that restaurant off my list. But still write to the home office.


Hope you have a better day today.



Thanks Trudy. The kids love to go to this restaurant. And, this is the second incident with this place. The last one was about 5 years ago, you'd think they would have learned!


I am definitely going to contact them tomorrow, as well as let my org. know.

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I remember the last incident very well. You would think they would have educated their staff after the incident at the other place. Didn't they want the manager to attend some course and he refused? You know Cali started this whole thing anyway by letting celebrities bring their little dogs everywhere they went. Until they can get some kind of national registry this is always going to happen. :mad:


Wow! Good memory Cindy. That's exactly what happened. I'm writing them tomorrow and I'm going to let CCI know. The cashier was such a moron. The two managers were very apologetic but were so dumbfounded.....they didn't know what to do or say. They gave me two free dinner coupons and were very sorry but the "sting" of it all doesn't go away that easily! And, then to have that woman walk in with her badly behaving "therapy dog!" What a night!!!!!


My DIL reads this thread but doesn't write......to her I say I'm sorry if I embarrassed you....but there's no way I'm going to stand for this kind of treatment in a public place.

I walk and stand tall with all my fellow Service Dog users! Enjoy your travels with your dog! :)

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I wrote a whole story about what happened to us tonight at a Souplantation restaurant and then I hit a button and it all went "poof!"






Roz, I'm so sorry this happened to you... again at a Souplantation! You handled it/are handling it with professionalism and dignity.

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Roz, I'm so sorry this happened to you... again at a Souplantation! You handled it/are handling it with professionalism and dignity.


Marcia, thank you so much for your kind words.


I'm out in the public a lot.....I go EVERYWHERE with my wonderful dog. I guess it's bound to happen more to someone who exposes herself and her dog more.....but, it doesn't take away the insult, mortification and embarrassment.


It won't stop me....there are folks who will walk and wheel behind me with their wonderful dogs and, hopefully, their journey will be easier!

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My wife had an issue with someone at our local Foodtown Supermarket yesterday. She brought our 7 month service puppy in training, Ocho, with her to shop. She has permission from the store manager to bring him in. All of a sudden she hears "will the woman with the dog please come to the courtesy counter". She goes up there and everyone says, "oh...it's Ocho". There was a man there yelling that dogs are NOT allowed in the store. They tried to explain to him that he was a service dog in training and had permission to be in the store. He wanted no part of it and said he was going to call the board of health and the police. But before he did that he started dropping "F" bombs and was told to leave the store. So it all ended well.

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Marcia, thank you so much for your kind words.


I'm out in the public a lot.....I go EVERYWHERE with my wonderful dog. I guess it's bound to happen more to someone who exposes herself and her dog more.....but, it doesn't take away the insult, mortification and embarrassment.


It won't stop me....there are folks who will walk and wheel behind me with their wonderful dogs and, hopefully, their journey will be easier!


We still run into problems at places. I guess you cannot educate everyone.

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My wife had an issue with someone at our local Foodtown Supermarket yesterday. She brought our 7 month service puppy in training, Ocho, with her to shop. She has permission from the store manager to bring him in. All of a sudden she hears "will the woman with the dog please come to the courtesy counter". She goes up there and everyone says, "oh...it's Ocho". There was a man there yelling that dogs are NOT allowed in the store. They tried to explain to him that he was a service dog in training and had permission to be in the store. He wanted no part of it and said he was going to call the board of health and the police. But before he did that he started dropping "F" bombs and was told to leave the store. So it all ended well.


I love when people freak out when they see a dog. They always think the are "dirty". I always tell them that he is probably cleaner than you!!

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Hi all you lovely people:)


I just had to chime in here - I could not believe your stories Miss Roz (loved the Rodzilla by the way! Hahahaha!) and DKD, both are truly shocking - I am sure the same thing happens here in the UK.


I have the opposite problem, being a doggie girl myself! I just want to go up to all those hardworking dogs and give them a big hug, but of course I do know I can't because they're working and wearing their harnesses telling us so. But it's hard! :eek: and those little toots when they're training and trying their very best when they are very small - ah your heart just melts.


We were in a hotel last week when I suddenly noticed the lady sitting at the next table in the bar had a harness on the table - it was for a guide dog. The dog was lying very quietly at her feet and while the lady enjoyed her drink, the dog was enjoying hers! I would imagine that most people in there didn't even notice the dog, and that's the way it should be.


Oh Roz I checked out your photo in the magazine - hey blondie, we're two of a kind! And boy do we love our boys and girls LOL! :p

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Hi all you lovely people:)


I just had to chime in here - I could not believe your stories Miss Roz (loved the Rodzilla by the way! Hahahaha!) and DKD, both are truly shocking - I am sure the same thing happens here in the UK.


I have the opposite problem, being a doggie girl myself! I just want to go up to all those hardworking dogs and give them a big hug, but of course I do know I can't because they're working and wearing their harnesses telling us so. But it's hard! :eek: and those little toots when they're training and trying their very best when they are very small - ah your heart just melts.


We were in a hotel last week when I suddenly noticed the lady sitting at the next table in the bar had a harness on the table - it was for a guide dog. The dog was lying very quietly at her feet and while the lady enjoyed her drink, the dog was enjoying hers! I would imagine that most people in there didn't even notice the dog, and that's the way it should be.


Oh Roz I checked out your photo in the magazine - hey blondie, we're two of a kind! And boy do we love our boys and girls LOL! :p


Those guide dogs are amazing. Not that ours aren't, but I would never approach a guide dog. Their job is much harder than a service dog.

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Cindy-----I don't remember about room tips, etc. Do they add it to your sign and sail card? We still don't have a room number, as of today.


Happy Thanksgiving----we leave Wednesday for the Keys. I don't have to cook now. Then its home and pack and on the 2nd we cruise---see you on the 9th.

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My wife had an issue with someone at our local Foodtown Supermarket yesterday. She brought our 7 month service puppy in training, Ocho, with her to shop. She has permission from the store manager to bring him in. All of a sudden she hears "will the woman with the dog please come to the courtesy counter". She goes up there and everyone says, "oh...it's Ocho". There was a man there yelling that dogs are NOT allowed in the store. They tried to explain to him that he was a service dog in training and had permission to be in the store. He wanted no part of it and said he was going to call the board of health and the police. But before he did that he started dropping "F" bombs and was told to leave the store. So it all ended well.


That guy must get around or has lots of relatives. He's the one who stood-up onboard the Golden Princess and said, "I'm not eating in this "F'n" room with an "F'n" dog!" Love these guys!!!!!

Sorry that happened to your wife and little "Ocho."

There's Moron's everywhere......it's a plague!

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Hi all you lovely people:)


I just had to chime in here - I could not believe your stories Miss Roz (loved the Rodzilla by the way! Hahahaha!) and DKD, both are truly shocking - I am sure the same thing happens here in the UK.


I have the opposite problem, being a doggie girl myself! I just want to go up to all those hardworking dogs and give them a big hug, but of course I do know I can't because they're working and wearing their harnesses telling us so. But it's hard! :eek: and those little toots when they're training and trying their very best when they are very small - ah your heart just melts.


We were in a hotel last week when I suddenly noticed the lady sitting at the next table in the bar had a harness on the table - it was for a guide dog. The dog was lying very quietly at her feet and while the lady enjoyed her drink, the dog was enjoying hers! I would imagine that most people in there didn't even notice the dog, and that's the way it should be.


Oh Roz I checked out your photo in the magazine - hey blondie, we're two of a kind! And boy do we love our boys and girls LOL! :p


In my eyes, there's NOTHING more sweet than a Service/Working Dog who is resting next to his partner in the public.

I think the Guide Dogs are such amazing beings, I have tons of respect for them. That said, remember the Guide Dog does not work when his partner is resting or sitting [the dog is also resting, probably heavy sleeping.] Whereas the Hearing Dog works all the time......and, he has to think through, problem solve and over ride commands all the time. Talk about a genius dog!

And, we do love our boys and girls so, so much. They give us back more than we'll ever be able to give them, although I sure do try.

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Cindy-----I don't remember about room tips, etc. Do they add it to your sign and sail card? We still don't have a room number, as of today.


Happy Thanksgiving----we leave Wednesday for the Keys. I don't have to cook now. Then its home and pack and on the 2nd we cruise---see you on the 9th.


Yes Trudy they add the tips to your card.


Have a great trip to the keys. Nice not to have to cook. I will do all my cooking on Wednesday.


I can't believe you are leaving the next weekend. Hope you have your cabin number before you leave. My son texted me this morning and said "mom there's only 20 days til the cruise" DUH!! why does he think I've been bugging him for clothes. :eek:

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That guy must get around or has lots of relatives. He's the one who stood-up onboard the Golden Princess and said, "I'm not eating in this "F'n" room with an "F'n" dog!" Love these guys!!!!!

Sorry that happened to your wife and little "Ocho."

There's Moron's everywhere......it's a plague!


I hope the guy walked out! :D

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Yes Trudy they add the tips to your card.


Have a great trip to the keys. Nice not to have to cook. I will do all my cooking on Wednesday.


I can't believe you are leaving the next weekend. Hope you have your cabin number before you leave. My son texted me this morning and said "mom there's only 20 days til the cruise" DUH!! why does he think I've been bugging him for clothes. :eek:


Love that boy! Such a good son to remind you how close it is to cruising!

We're going to Coronado to meet a family that I met onboard the Sapphire. The kids fell in love with Horton, I fell in love with them, they fell in love with me.....Oh! You get the picture. We're going to be a bunch of Pilgrims at the Marriott Resort in Coronado and then go ice skating at the Hotel Del Coronado.

Have fun cooking [i actually love cooking for Thanksgiving, it's one of my most favorite holidays.] This year is a "no cooking year", I don't know if I'll like it, but it'll be fun to try.

Have a warm, lovely and fun-filled day everyone! I treasure each and every one of you and am thankful that you're in my life!

Edited by wizard-of-roz
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I hope the guy walked out! :D


No, the people he was sitting with calmed him down and the Matre d' came over to the table and brought him a bottle of wine [imagine getting rewarded with wine because you act so badly, we'd never reward a dog who acted that way!!] Anyway, he stopped ranting and darling Brenda layed under the table, not to be seen again until after the guy had finished his dinner and left.

You know, we NEVER saw him again the rest of the cruise. Isn't that weird how that happens. You see some people all the time and others you don't see until the last day or not at all again [thank goodness!]

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Love that boy! Such a good son to remind you how close it is to cruising!

We're going to Coronado to meet a family that I met onboard the Sapphire. The kids fell in love with Horton, I fell in love with them, they fell in love with me.....Oh! You get the picture. We're going to be a bunch of Pilgrims at the Marriott Resort in Coronado and then go ice skating at the Hotel Del Coronado.

Have fun cooking [i actually love cooking for Thanksgiving, it's one of my most favorite holidays.] This year is a "no cooking year", I don't know if I'll like it, but it'll be fun to try.

Have a warm, lovely and fun-filled day everyone! I treasure each and every one of you and am thankful that you're in my life!


You are going there for the holiday? You are not seeing your kids?

I'm going home today so if I don't see anyone before the holiday, everyone have a great one!!!!

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