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Cruise to Nowhere... and Beyond... A review of the Dream CTN


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Murphy, it seem, is enamored of me.


We all know Murphy, right, the little guy who has determined that anything that can go wrong will go wrong?? Well, it seems I must have packed him in bags for this trip because no matter what I did I couldn’t get away from him, or his minions.


We had a flight on Continental booked for Thursday morning early. We arrived at the airport at 5:45 for our 7 AM departure. When we first glimpsed the ‘Departures’ board directly abeam our flight was the dreaded ‘DELAYED’. Foo.


An inquiry at the gate agent’s desk disclosed that there was an issue with the aircraft when it arrived last night… a crack in the co-pilot’s windscreen. I was told they had worked ‘all night’ on the problem but even anyone not vaguely familiar with aviation could tell they had just recently begun working on the jet.





The forecast ETIC (estimated time in commission) was 10 AM, three hours late. Foo #2.


Numerous Newark bound folks were milling about rather unhappy with the turn of events. I was milling right along with them.


At 7:45 AM I was returning from acquiring a nutritious breakfast for Stitch and myself… Micky D’s sausage biscuits and ‘hash browns’ only to discover that Murphy had struck again. The flight was no longer delayed, it was ‘CANCELLED’. Foo #3.


The gate agent’s desk was awash with less than happy campers none of whom seemed to be making any progress. We stood in one of the three or four lines and because Murphy was parked securely on my shoulder it was the line that did not move. At 8:10 we finally made it to the gate agent, handed her our boarding passes and after more minutes of keyboard mashing she said we had seats on the flight to Houston that departed in 20 minutes at the adjacent gate.


We got in line quickly as we only had carry ons and had not checked any bags. We breathed a sigh of relief and then noticed that we were not seated together but were in center seats across the isle from each other, not exactly the arrangements we were interested in. As it was only a 38 minute flight I figured we could manage that and then make other arrangements once in Houston.


The other bad news was that the flight from Houston wouldn’t get us into Newark until 7:55 PM. Long day… long day…


Arriving in Houston we went directly to a Customer Service desk for Continental. It was inserted in a wall hidden away amongst the news stands, fast food ‘gourmet’ restaurants, shoe shine stands and bars. The agent who assisted us offered that there were no seats together on the flight but she would look about for cancellations and perhaps get us into Newark earlier. Good deal. A sign of life in this less than auspicious beginning.


We toddled off to find something to eat and perhaps something to drink as my nerves were in need of some soothing. A snack, and a $9 beer later we returned to the Customer Service hole in the wall to be told that we had just missed a flight to Newark. We were also told that we had been paged several times but didn’t respond so someone else got the seats. We were close enough to the Customer Service hole that we should have heard her pass gas but we didn’t. Murphy 3, me 0. Foo #4.

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Murphy, it seem, is enamored of me.


We all know Murphy, right, the little guy who has determined that anything that can go wrong will go wrong?? Well, it seems I must have packed him in bags for this trip because no matter what I did I couldn’t get away from him, or his minions.


We had a flight on Continental booked for Thursday morning early. We arrived at the airport at 5:45 for our 7 AM departure. When we first glimpsed the ‘Departures’ board directly abeam our flight was the dreaded ‘DELAYED’. Foo.


An inquiry at the gate agent’s desk disclosed that there was an issue with the aircraft when it arrived last night… a crack in the co-pilot’s windscreen. I was told they had worked ‘all night’ on the problem but even anyone not vaguely familiar with aviation could tell they had just recently begun working on the jet.





The forecast ETIC (estimated time in commission) was 10 AM, three hours late. Foo #2.


Numerous Newark bound folks were milling about rather unhappy with the turn of events. I was milling right along with them.


At 7:45 AM I was returning from acquiring a nutritious breakfast for Stitch and myself… Micky D’s sausage biscuits and ‘hash browns’ only to discover that Murphy had struck again. The flight was no longer delayed, it was ‘CANCELLED’. Foo #3.


The gate agent’s desk was awash with less than happy campers none of whom seemed to be making any progress. We stood in one of the three or four lines and because Murphy was parked securely on my shoulder it was the line that did not move. At 8:10 we finally made it to the gate agent, handed her our boarding passes and after more minutes of keyboard mashing she said we had seats on the flight to Houston that departed in 20 minutes at the adjacent gate.


We got in line quickly as we only had carry ons and had not checked any bags. We breathed a sigh of relief and then noticed that we were not seated together but were in center seats across the isle from each other, not exactly the arrangements we were interested in. As it was only a 38 minute flight I figured we could manage that and then make other arrangements once in Houston.


The other bad news was that the flight from Houston wouldn’t get us into Newark until 7:55 PM. Long day… long day…


Arriving in Houston we went directly to a Customer Service desk for Continental. It was inserted in a wall hidden away amongst the news stands, fast food ‘gourmet’ restaurants, shoe shine stands and bars. The agent who assisted us offered that there were no seats together on the flight but she would look about for cancellations and perhaps get us into Newark earlier. Good deal. A sign of life in this less than auspicious beginning.


We toddled off to find something to eat and perhaps something to drink as my nerves were in need of some soothing. A snack, and a $9 beer later we returned to the Customer Service hole in the wall to be told that we had just missed a flight to Newark. We were also told that we had been paged several times but didn’t respond so someone else got the seats. We were close enough to the Customer Service hole that we should have heard her pass gas but we didn’t. Murphy 3, me 0. Foo #4.


Sounds like we need to arrange a Murphycism (exorcism) before "our" Feb 20th on the Ecstacy. :D

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Murphy is gonna get his azz beat if he comes anywhere near me on the 28th. He can either sit down in the corner and behave or get his azz kicked. I dodged Jury Duty and I am not going to let a twerp like him get in the way of me getting on the Triumph on the 28th...delay me from getting on the Triumph, or get his tired behind ON the Triumph. :mad:

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Both of us were a bit on the dour side as we stood there staring at the woman behind the counter. She mashed away at the keyboard for another thirty or forty seconds, stuck her head up and told us that she can get us on an earlier flight... about 45 minutes earlier. 45 minutes earlier is better than 45 minutes later so we took the deal.

Our arrival in Newark at 11:37 was a long gone target so we resigned ourselves to being later. Less of the day to contend with until we could board the ship... not too bad I guess.

There was sufficient time for another drink so we headed that way, bags and slowly brightening mood in tow. After another significant contribution to the Houston economy it was time for our flight to board.

Our seats were across the isle from each other so at least we could talk. The aircraft, a Boeing 767, had personal screens for you to glare at rather than glaring at the flight attendants. Good move. There were a few really odd movies available for view as well as a GPS based graphic representation of our position during the flight. They offered earbuds for a buck a pair and we purchased a couple.

As soon as I stuck one in my right ear I figured out why they were a buck. I am sure they were constructed on a government contract by the lowest bidder. The plastic ear filter thingy came off leaving me to pick about as if to extract a brain drilling bug. Stitch's ear buds failed about half way into the flight but we could still watch our little airplane crawl across the southern US.

Near Atlanta we turned north to avoid falling off the edge of the map. The end was getting near. We were down to about an hour and ten minutes. The discomfort in my back was only exceeded by the numbness of my posterior and I couldn't wait to get on the ground.

Oh, I forgot to mention the joy brought to us by the standard issue crying baby located one row of seats behind us. The little one had started crying as soon as mama sat down with him. The cabin attendant said 'Don't worry... he'll stop crying when we take off.' I should have bet the cost of the ticket that the baby would howl all the way to Newark. I would have won... double...

Our little graphic airliner crept north, now in Pennsylvania. My superior knowledge of geography allowed me to know that Newark wasn't far away... not far away at all.

My superior knowledge of navigation allowed me to know that we were no longer headed toward Newark but had turned west and were now turning south. This my friends, is whatcha call 'a holding pattern'. It's kinda like time out for airliners who were bad.

So, we went down one side of the holding pattern, back up the other side and around again. Forty minutes of this ate up the minor advantage we gained on our early departure from Houston. Murphy... this is getting old. Foo #5, maybe 6 or 7.

Released from the holding pattern we were once again north bound.... momentarily. It was no more than eight minutes later that we entered yet another hold punctuated by a surprisingly stunning increase in the decibel level from the darling young one behind me.

We finally landed at Newark, well after dark and not too surprisingly after the later departing aircraft that we were previously scheduled on. Yep, Murphy has ties with air traffic control, it seems, and the jet that departed one hour and ten minutes after us was snug at the jetway when we landed. I didn't want to tell Stitch... I was afraid she would cry.


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Murphy, it seem, is enamored of me.


We all know Murphy, right, the little guy who has determined that anything that can go wrong will go wrong?? Well, it seems I must have packed him in bags for this trip because no matter what I did I couldn’t get away from him, or his minions.


We had a flight on Continental booked for Thursday morning early. We arrived at the airport at 5:45 for our 7 AM departure. When we first glimpsed the ‘Departures’ board directly abeam our flight was the dreaded ‘DELAYED’. Foo.


An inquiry at the gate agent’s desk disclosed that there was an issue with the aircraft when it arrived last night… a crack in the co-pilot’s windscreen. I was told they had worked ‘all night’ on the problem but even anyone not vaguely familiar with aviation could tell they had just recently begun working on the jet.





The forecast ETIC (estimated time in commission) was 10 AM, three hours late. Foo #2.


Numerous Newark bound folks were milling about rather unhappy with the turn of events. I was milling right along with them.


At 7:45 AM I was returning from acquiring a nutritious breakfast for Stitch and myself… Micky D’s sausage biscuits and ‘hash browns’ only to discover that Murphy had struck again. The flight was no longer delayed, it was ‘CANCELLED’. Foo #3.


The gate agent’s desk was awash with less than happy campers none of whom seemed to be making any progress. We stood in one of the three or four lines and because Murphy was parked securely on my shoulder it was the line that did not move. At 8:10 we finally made it to the gate agent, handed her our boarding passes and after more minutes of keyboard mashing she said we had seats on the flight to Houston that departed in 20 minutes at the adjacent gate.


We got in line quickly as we only had carry ons and had not checked any bags. We breathed a sigh of relief and then noticed that we were not seated together but were in center seats across the isle from each other, not exactly the arrangements we were interested in. As it was only a 38 minute flight I figured we could manage that and then make other arrangements once in Houston.


The other bad news was that the flight from Houston wouldn’t get us into Newark until 7:55 PM. Long day… long day…


Arriving in Houston we went directly to a Customer Service desk for Continental. It was inserted in a wall hidden away amongst the news stands, fast food ‘gourmet’ restaurants, shoe shine stands and bars. The agent who assisted us offered that there were no seats together on the flight but she would look about for cancellations and perhaps get us into Newark earlier. Good deal. A sign of life in this less than auspicious beginning.


We toddled off to find something to eat and perhaps something to drink as my nerves were in need of some soothing. A snack, and a $9 beer later we returned to the Customer Service hole in the wall to be told that we had just missed a flight to Newark. We were also told that we had been paged several times but didn’t respond so someone else got the seats. We were close enough to the Customer Service hole that we should have heard her pass gas but we didn’t. Murphy 3, me 0. Foo #4.


Hey Mach. Do us a favor. Please leave Mr Murphy in San Antonio next November.:D

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Our seats were across the isle from each other so at least we could talk.



Mach, hope you don't mind if I add, this was only because a very kind gentleman gladly traded seats with me as we were actually assigned seats four rows apart. His remark to me, "I don't care where I sit as long as I get there".

It didn't take long to discover why he was happy to trade. The chap I sat next to complained constantly about the food and the cool temperature and the fact that the airline doesn't carry blankets anymore. That is, when he wasn't sleeping...at one point his head rested on my shoulder!! :eek:

FOO, indeed.

And you're a wise man...I probably would have cried! :(

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Mach, hope you don't mind if I add, this was only because a very kind gentleman gladly traded seats with me as we were actually assigned seats four rows apart. His remark to me, "I don't care where I sit as long as I get there".

It didn't take long to discover why he was happy to trade. The chap I sat next to complained constantly about the food and the cool temperature and the fact that the airline doesn't carry blankets anymore. That is, when he wasn't sleeping...at one point his head rested on my shoulder!! :eek:


FOO, indeed.


And you're a wise man...I probably would have cried! :(


OMG Stitch. Mr Murphy got a hold of you too.:eek:

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Mach, my family has a problem that we have nicknamed 'laughing at peoples misfortunes' ... honest, none of us who suffer from this ailment can help it. We try but if something untoward happens to another soul and we witness it, well sadly, we laugh and we laugh hysterically most of the time. It is a terrible thing to be afflicted with, it really is.

Well, guess what I'm doing right now? I do apologize (honest!) but I can't control it. It is a disease :D


PS. I'm loving this review to no end - even if it means I'll have to clean my screen and keyboard a few dozen times. ;)

PPS. I do hope that I read that you knock Murph into the drink soon! That would be really funny :D

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Well Mach, I am hoping that the cruise portion turned out better than the travel. Judging by the first line of the thread, I am guessing that may not be the case. :eek:


In any case, I am anxious to see the rest of this. With only 10 little months to go until my Dream cruise, I am more than curious about what kind of time you had.

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Mach, my family has a problem that we have nicknamed 'laughing at peoples misfortunes' ... honest, none of us who suffer from this ailment can help it. We try but if something untoward happens to another soul and we witness it, well sadly, we laugh and we laugh hysterically most of the time. It is a terrible thing to be afflicted with, it really is.

Well, guess what I'm doing right now? I do apologize (honest!) but I can't control it. It is a disease :D


PS. I'm loving this review to no end - even if it means I'll have to clean my screen and keyboard a few dozen times. ;)

PPS. I do hope that I read that you knock Murph into the drink soon! That would be really funny :D



We had high hopes for this cruise and the days surrounding it to be perfect. That never happens but we can wish.

I'm sure that in a few days we'll be chuckling about it ourselves but right now it's still not that funny.

Of course, it had no influence on our cruise, just the lead up to it...

I'm glad you're enjoying it and I hoped that people would laugh. It helps to know that tales of such foibles, offered in good spirit can bring a smile to someone's face.

Hang on, the good parts are just ahead!!!


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Well Mach, I am hoping that the cruise portion turned out better than the travel. Judging by the first line of the thread, I am guessing that may not be the case. :eek:


In any case, I am anxious to see the rest of this. With only 10 little months to go until my Dream cruise, I am more than curious about what kind of time you had.



Is there any such thing as a bad cruise? I've not found one.

The only complaints I've ever had about any cruise is my fellow passengers. This cruise was no exception...


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