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Everything posted by purplesea

  1. I have cruises booked, but not received any. Booked a cruise this week with my mother over the phone as she required assistance, were asked various questions and told a form would be sent out.
  2. Hope you have a great cruise. I always seem to come home with clothes in my suitcase that I didn't wear!
  3. To me they are a nightmare! We can't have a BBQ without being watched and they can be vicious, especially the ones in St Ives.
  4. Everyone seems to have problems with cats, my problem is seagulls. They nest on the roof between our house and next door's (on one side) and our neighbour on the other side of us is feeding them. They have on occasion knocked on our back door but when it gets something thrown at the door it flies off, not so this year, it won't move away until we open the door and chase it away. They have also started landing on our flat roof, outside our bedroom, and squawking from 4.30am😡
  5. Does anyone know which terminal at Gatwick we are likely to fly out from to Barbados in March as I am trying to arrange hotels.
  6. I have flown both ways, several time as well.
  7. That's a lovely picture to remember him by. I know the feeling of losing a loved pet. Thinking of you and take care. Pam
  8. Perhaps we could arrange a meet up. I should be easy to spot as I am Mum's wheelchair driver!
  9. We have just booked on Arvia's transatlantic and upgraded. I enquired, while booking, of the flight time from Gatwick and was told 11.20am but it was subject to change, but have no other details.
  10. We have just booked today on Arvia's transatlantic in March. I have sailed transatlantic before, with a different cruise company, and sailed down from the Med and flew home.
  11. I just fold the A4 sheets to fit inside my luggage label sleeves. So my name, etc shows on side but the cruise details and cabin are visible on both sides.
  12. Sun is now out but it is still very windy. Have just booked another cruise for March. A transatlantic this time, coming back from Barbados on Arvia. So something to look forward to in the dark and dull days at the beginning of the year.☺️
  13. Woke at 5 am and got up shortly after. Another winter's day again🙄😠 with wind added into the mix, just for a change!! Perhaps winter will be better🤷‍♀️ Hope you all have a good day. Pam
  14. Took a shopping trip up to Tesco this afternoon and was surprised at the amount of empty shelves. Good job I did go the rain has arrived and it's torrential and forecast to last all day tomorrow too. We've had two weather warnings added for tomorrow as well, one for heavy rain and the other for thunderstorms with hail. I seems as though we've had summer for this year.
  15. I have been on both Iona and Arvia, and due on Britannia next month, so will see if we notice any difference between them regarding vibration.
  16. Sunny down here, at present, but we have had a couple of showers and heavy rain forecast for this afternoon. I don't know where summer has disappeared to, but it certainly feels like winter has arrived!!
  17. Glad to hear that you had a good time and enjoyed your cruise. We are due on Britannia again in about six weeks.☺️
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