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Everything posted by BamaVol

  1. I would have had to request a partial refund rather than drink Wild Turkey. It strikes me as odd that the food and beverage manager (or whatever they’re called) can’t work a deal with the duty free shop for that Baileys. If not odd, then disappointing.
  2. I don’t know if you were lucky or I was unlucky. A cortisone shot made me pain free for about 1-2 weeks. After the second, the surgeon recommended we go ahead with TKR. Maybe if I could have waited, stem cell therapy would have been an option.
  3. We have five senses: vision, hearing, taste, smell and feel. Stimulation produces reactions that range from pleasurable to painful. That varies by the receiver. What one person finds pleasant may cause the opposite to another. Taste: I am told some enjoy the flavors of tequila, licorice or mackerel. Others wouldn’t taste them (again) on a dare. Imagine arriving at a dinner party to be told that was the menu. Smell: how many times have you encountered someone who appears to have bathed in cologne or perfume? Yet, they themselves seem impervious. Ever bring a tuna salad sub into a plane? Well, don’t. Sight: Stripes and polka dots together. Hairy armpits. Blood and gore. Most people can name something they don’t wish to look at. Feel: Slime. Extreme heat or cold. I have one son who cannot suffer the feel of grass under his feet. Yes, that’s weird. But I doubt he is alone. Sound: Did you know that some carry a genetic trait that cause discomfort at the sound of others chewing? Opera. Thrash metal. Bubble gum pop. Tibetan throat singing. What one loves, another cannot tolerate. My point is that the considerate human recognizes the possibility that his taste in music, food & drink, scent, etc. may be upsetting others and acts accordingly. Music is for personal enjoyment and should be everyone’s choice. If it cannot be, it needs to be unheard. Just my opinion though. I don’t make the rules outside my own home and vehicle.
  4. I don’t want to hear how you know this.
  5. True to some extent. But I still might dump it and buy NCL with the proceeds, if CCL dropped the perk and the other two did not.
  6. If directors failed to renew, or significantly lowered the OBC, you can expect to see a lot of CCL stock suddenly dumped on the market with an immediate negative price impact. They wouldn’t want to do that.
  7. Can someone describe this UST? I’m intrigued.
  8. There have been years in my life when work schedules dictated meal times. But after retirement, I do what feels best for me. There is no universal right time for lunch or dinner, just as there is no food that cannot be eaten at a particular meal. I had chicken fajitas for. breakfast yesterday. As surely as someone thinks 5:30 is too early for dinner, someone else thinks my breakfast is inappropriate. Everyone else can dine when they’d like as long as there’s an empty table for me when I’m ready.
  9. US seniors have been trained to dine early by restaurant early bird specials. But seriously, I grew up eating dinner at 5:30 every night. Works for me still.
  10. Sound like a CYA answer. I busted my tail at rehab for a couple months. Other than one setback caused by scar tissue, I have been pain free since. I had arthroscopic surgery to remove the scar tissue. I was completely normal a day later. No pain. No waiting a year. Still good 5 years later. Maybe a second opinion?
  11. I hadn’t thought about that. I’ll have to figure out which kid is likely to take advantage if the OBC benefit. It’s just 100 shares. I’d never have “invested” in a cruise company’s shares.
  12. I don’t know which lines still offer traditional dining, but I think you’re more likely to make friends if you are assigned to sit with the same people night after night.
  13. I find kneeling uncomfortable. But not painful. That doesn’t sound normal. What is your surgeon’s opinion?
  14. I saw a picture posted here within the last week of a cruiser with a Lagunitas IPA in each hand. It’s all I have seen on menus posted on CC. I had never tried one so I bought a six pack and read Beer Advocate reviews. It’s a solid 3.8-4.0 out of 5. AFAIK, there are no other IPA choices, assuming you’re sailing here in North America. At least you’re not hoping for a decent porter or stout. Then you’d be SOL.
  15. That would be nice if true for my 3/2 Caribbean Princess sailing. The desserts mean nothing to us, so a $10 credit would be $200 compensation for losing the juice bar, which seems more than fair.
  16. Solution: change the word “duck” to “canard” on the menu and at least 100 people will order it, thinking it’s a type of fish.
  17. Don’t you have to use it every time you order a drink? I plan to give mine a workout.
  18. Glad to hear noise isn’t an issue. I’m over the casino next cruise. I’m sailing on the Caribbean Princess 3/2. Coincidentally, my cabin is on the Emerald deck. I can try asking my cabin steward what’s in the white space.
  19. I don’t know. But it is over “Club Fusion” which sounds noisy to me.
  20. I have done that. I may not have understood, but I thought it only applied to the MDR. Does this info go into my record so that for example, a bartender would make me a White Russian with non-dairy milk without me asking? I’m sort of expecting that I’m on my own at the bars and buffet.
  21. If I want to make an iced coffee at the buffet, does anyone know how easily I can obtain non-dairy milk of some sort? I’m not fussy about which, just don’t want the lactose.
  22. Mine took 3 days or less. Might have been the following day but based on the email, I didn’t look right away.
  23. This press release is the first time I’ve seen a limit of 2 on juices/smoothies. Bad enough they’re 5 ounces. Now I see I’m entitled to no more than 2 for free.
  24. I don’t picture them tracking stock transactions to see if you’re cheating. Assuming my name was John Smith, there would be a major hassle every time someone with the same common name sold shares. I’m hanging on to mine for now. It was purchased at a reasonably low cost and I expect to cruise on CCL brands again in the future. But I’m pretty sure I could dump it right now and not lose my OBC for a March sailing.
  25. I recommend using the downdetector app to see whether others are having difficulties as well.
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