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Everything posted by Keksie

  1. Exactly why we are waiting. Plus, I don't want to be half-way through a cruise and be told we have to wear masks again. Once on the ship you are stuck while on a land vacation you can just check out and go somewhere else.
  2. We are still waiting. While some cruises are inching towards something we would enjoy they aren't there yet. I don't want to have to jump through any more hoops than a land vacation would require. I also want there to be a long enough time after the lifting of protocols to ensure they won't suddenly pop back up.
  3. I think we are in the minority liking ISP both times we went. We like to walk through the cannery, the nature walk and both times we took whale watching excursions. The first time we were on a boat of 6 plus the captain and had a whale breach in front of the boat. The second time we saw a pod bubble feeding and watched them for a long time. We were the only ones on the boat with the captain. He drove us by his house on the way back to the ship so we could see the eagle's nest in his front yard with the baby eagle in it. We like Ketchikan too. Had fun both times we were there also.
  4. We have tile floors. Annabel has learned to drift around corners and taught Samantha how to do it too. They don't slow down much when they are in full zoomy mode! In Texas we had a second floor and Cinnamon decided to skip the stairs. He had a hernia that had to be fixed from that jump.
  5. The reason the testing, vaccination requirements, and the possibility of having to mask stop us from booking a cruise is that other vacation options don't require any of that and are just as much fun! Just too many hoops to have to jump through.
  6. We have breakfast dinner often. I love breakfast foods, pancakes, waffles, french toast, eggs benedict etc.
  7. I just read them to see what is really happening mostly when travelling to different parts of the country. I get my questions answered regarding cruising from CC threads on the different lines. Too hard for us to both get away, only to be miserable on a trip.
  8. There are a few items that are deal breakers for us. When I am trying to decide what to do for a vacation I read the reviews to see if any of the deal breakers are mentioned. Right now we are opting for land vacations.
  9. Do they still have the Copenhagen card that gets you into all those things and more for 1 price? We liked the Christanborg Palace - have you been there?
  10. I just want a cruise line that has no masks at any point, no having to prove vaccinations, no testing, no constant upselling, and no bum's rush on the last morning. Then we will think about booking again.
  11. Plus add in the hoops that the cruise lines expect the passengers to jump through just to get on the ship. It makes other vacation options much more attractive. Previous to the pandemic there were a few things that annoyed me about cruising but I was willing to overlook them because we enjoyed the cruise vacation. Now, hearing about the food, short staff, venues closed, etc. a cruise is just not something I want to pay for until things change.
  12. Don't be surprised if the cat doesn't want to eat, drink or use the potty box while the car is moving. We have done several long trips with different cats including the 12+ hour drive with 7 cats and 2 dogs when we moved. Have a towel or small blanket in the carrier with the cat. If the cat will sit with your stepdaughter that would be the best. Offer water and maybe have a litter box available. It really depends on the cat. Some love to travel and are fine and others are not happy the entire time. When you stop for the evenings have familiar toys, bedding and quiet time for him to destress.
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