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Everything posted by Keksie

  1. He had diabetes and an autoimmune disease for several years. The meds for the autoimmune counter acted the insulin so it was a balance between the two. It finally just got too much for him. We had been expecting the end to come for awhile now.
  2. It has been an awful no-good day! Cinnamon was Kubota's brother and now they can be together over the Rainbow Bridge.
  3. Look at a Plan G. It is the best of the medigap policies. You might want to look into joining AARP and look at their medigap policies. For a plan D you can go to the medicare website and look for a place you can put in your current medications and it will give you the plans that include those medications.
  4. I am sorry. Maybe the needles were bigger then. So far I have had a diabetic dog and two diabetic cats. I have had a lot of practice giving insulin injections.
  5. It doesn't have to be an all-in or all-out. People can choose to use the tech that helps them and choose not to use the tech that doesn't work for them. I don't think that calling everyone who doesn't embrace everything tech a luddite. Some people may not think that turning over all aspects of their life to a cloud is a wise decision while still using parts of the cloud when it makes sense for them. Once China takes over Taiwan it might be nice to have things that don't depend on chips.
  6. That is why I volunteer at the refuge. They won't let me take the animals home! LOL So glad you took the pictures, I am sure that helped with a lot of adoptions. I have had a diabetic dog and have a diabetic cat. The needles are small and the animals really don't seem to notice the injections.
  7. Or when the store's internet goes down and they are taking cash only. Or when the person in front of me is fumbling around for their card or it is declined for a $5.37 cup of coffee while I already have the cash for mine in my hand. Or when the gas pump has a skimmer on it. Or when the grandson is taxed on his Venmo account. Cash transactions cannot be traced!
  8. My mother was from Wheaton. When I was little I remember visiting and my aunt (who is only 8 years older) would go to Joplin with her friends.
  9. The problem I have making appointments online is that I have a narrow window of times that will work for me. Every time I have tried to make an appointment online it gives me times or dates that won't work. When I call I can say I want an appointment on a certain day at a certain time and most times I get that appointment, or we discuss what other days/times work. The last time I tried to make a reservation online, when we got there they had no reservation for us. I should have called.
  10. The following meds would be helpful: fever reducer dayquill/nyquill eye drops excedrin migraine nose spray throat lozenges/cough drops thermometer, maybe a pulse oximeter Be sure to pack the trash from the above back into your luggage. For other things I also would bring pepto, imodium, tums, ginger chews, and any meds you normally take.
  11. I still have the full bottle of hand sanitizer I bought when this all started. Never used it, never got sick.
  12. Samantha was patiently waiting for her breakfast this morning. Annabel has the zoomies because it is cold outside. No way to get a decent picture of her. LOL
  13. It is 56 and windy here. Please come get your weather and take it back up north. I am cold! Tomorrow will be 59 for a high and 33 for the low. Brrrr. At least Monday will be 66 for a high. It does look like I will have to turn the air conditioner back on for Thanksgiving.
  14. I am very surprised that you gave such a "greedy corporation" your money. I would think with the way you feel about the cruise industry you would vote with your wallet and take a different type of vacation.
  15. When I was a kid we drove through RI looking for a hotel one night. No vacancies so we ended up driving to another state.
  16. It isn't greed it is business. If the cruise companies have misjudged their business model and cannot fill the ships then one or more may fail. That is supply and demand. You seem to forget that a lot of companies got subsidies to weather the pandemic while cruise ships (which are foreign flagged) did not.
  17. They could try to reverse the decision but once the infrastructure that is in place for the ships is dismantled it might not be that easy to bring it back. The ships will have replaced Bar Harbor with another port and may not need/want to return. Just the restaurants not being able to push their lobster rolls and blueberry pies can have a ripple effect on the local economy. Not as many lobsters needed, not as many blueberries needed, not as many wait staff needed.
  18. There will be a ripple effect for sure. Less tourists = less money. No ships = no jobs related to the cruise ships such as tender operators. Add to all that the closures during the pandemic and the recession = businesses cutting back or going out of business. During the off season = less local money for discretionary spending = more cutbacks. Time will tell whether the vote for less tourists was worth it.
  19. It isn't "greed for profit" it is called trying to have a successful business after being shut down for a year plus. Profit is what businesses strive to do and their shareholders appreciate it.
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