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Everything posted by Babr

  1. I expect it will. You are cancelling for a valid reason. You just need to provide the necessary documentation. Glad to hear it is going well so far.
  2. Sorry for the anxiety and stress of a last minute health issue. As far as cancellation, I’m not sure why you expect to get FCC. HAL will refund port fees and taxes then the rest is up to insurance. With two insurance policies, you have to decide how to file. HAL will refund 90%, but you are cancelling for a covered medical reason so the travel policy should cover 100%. I don’t see the need to file with both. Did you buy the third-party policy through your travel agent or a broker? I’d call for advice on how to handle it, but it seems the travel policy should take care of it all.
  3. Babr


    And be sure to read the fine print regarding the insurance offered by the credit card. It does not perform the same as a comprehensive policy. Be aware of the gaps in coverage, and be sure you understand the definition/application of the pre-existing conditions provision.
  4. A significant point for those who depend on credit card insurance instead of a comprehensive travel policy. Those who rely on their credit card benefits need to be clear about what it covers and willing to accept the financial responsibility for the gaps.
  5. Medical evacuation is usually part of a travel policy whether comprehensive or medical. If you want just transportation without any other coverage for medical expenses/travel risks, you need to look into a medical transport membership like MedJet Assist. It isn’t really insurance. You pay a membership fee to access services.
  6. That is the best part. The solution was in your hands all along.
  7. Obviously, you have weighed all the possibilities and developed a system that is right for you. Many combine annual medical with CC coverage successfully. I just did not want others who may be less familiar with travel insurance to think that it was a less expensive solution to all their problems. Pre-existing conditions catch a lot of people unaware. They don’t understand the definition, the look-back period, or even if it applies to them.
  8. Apparently that has worked well for you, but others who may now consider it need to know that credit card insurance is not a true comprehensive policy. It offers limited protection applicable in some situations. For instance, it does not cover pre-existing conditions. Trip Interruption reimburses unused nonrefundable expenses if your trip is cut short for a covered reason, but it does not cover return transportation - only change fees. Trip Delay is minimal ($500pp) for mechanical delays only - not illness. Many people find those terms acceptable and enjoy the extra perk as part of their annual fee. The key is to understand how it works and be willing to accept some of the risk.
  9. 35. Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Pet or Service Animal is sick, diagnosed with a terminal illness, injured or dies within thirty (30) days prior to the Scheduled Departure Date. You must provide veterinary records documenting the illness, injury or death of Your or Your Traveling Companion’s Pet or Service Animal; Here is the language in question. It should appear in your policy as well. The link is to the SE policy - not state specific.
  10. https://www.insuremytrip.com/pdf.php?cert=IMG/ITISE/ITISEr15_cert_defaultFulfillment Here is a link to the IMG SE policy. Look under the section for Travel Arrangement Protection. There are four items under Trip Cancellation then a heading “Other Covered Events.” The one concerning pets is #35 on page 5 of the policy. It is #31 in the section of the policy dealing with Trip Interruption. Let me know if you find it.
  11. In that case, the policy in question is the least likely to meet your needs. If MedJet can’t get to you, then you need Seal Team 6. I think the lesson of the rimmit post is that sometimes the unthinkable happens in spite of your best efforts. Unless you are willing to travel with wads of cash when you go to exotic locations, there is only so much you can do.
  12. I did see language that stated payment for medical and evacuation services would be made to providers if they complied with terms of the policy and had not been paid by others. Specifically, advanced payment could be arranged for hospital admission, but evacuation says “pay” rather than “reimburse.” I’m not sure if that means they will pay directly because there is the issue of your other health coverage. Which is primary? TriCare may operate under different rules than private insurance. Also, the issue of pre-existing conditions is a concern. This policy does not cover pre-existing conditions that occur within 180 days. That is an unusually long look-back period. I did not find language that defines how to obtain a waiver. I think a phone call is in order.
  13. See Item 35 under Covered Reasons for Cancellation and Item 31 under Trip Interruption in the IMG plans. It is rather low on a long list of covered reasons, but it is there.
  14. Medicare itself does not cover you outside the US, but Medicare Advantage or Medigap plans do with varying levels of coverage depending on each plan.
  15. I have had that exact concern and only recently found a policy to address it. Look at IMG SE or LX policies to see if they meet your needs or call Trip Insurance Store to see if they can suggest other options.
  16. You can’t find them because they don’t exist. The closest thing you’ll find is the travel benefits with premium credit cards, but that kind of coverage has significant gaps. It does not cover pre-existing conditions for Cancellation or Interruption. Travel Interruption does not provide for return transportation - only change fees. Trip Delay is minimal and only for mechanical problems - not illness. Nevertheless, you may find it adequate for your needs. The best practice is to discuss specific circumstances with a professional. As mentioned in the previous post, if you have worked with Trip Insurance Store, return to them for advice in finding the best solution.
  17. Failure to provide required documentation in a timely manner is not a covered reason for cancellation under anybody’s insurance - not even credit card travel benefits. The best bet for reimbursement is the CFAR provision in the Princess plan.
  18. There are some significant details that were not revealed in the original question, making any earlier comments pretty useless for your situation. That is why it is important to talk directly with Steve about specific circumstances. Sorry it was not the answer you were hoping for, but at least you got accurate information so that there will be no false expectations or nasty surprises if a problem arises. Insurance is complex as it is and becomes even more so when dealing with credits, vouchers, or FCC. Thanks for the update.
  19. Refer to the Guide to Benefits that came with your card. If you have misplaced it, you can access it online. You are bound by the written provisions, not what the Customer Service agent tells you on the phone; but seek clarification of any part you don’t understand once you have studied it. Note that Trip Interruption will reimburse for the unused nonrefundable expenses if your trip is cut short for a covered reason but only the change fees for return transportation - nothing additional if you had to buy new tickets. As I said earlier, the level of benefit depends on the card; however, any of them will provide only partial protection for travel risks and little to none for medical.
  20. Just know that credit card insurance does not cover pre-existing conditions. If there is anything in your medical history that can be attributed to your reason for cancellation, the claim will be denied. They will look at any reported symptoms, tests, treatments, and even RX changes. Travel delay is minimal ($500 pp) and limited to mechanical problems - not illness. Medical is also minimal to non-existent, depending on the policy. The terms in some cases dictate that they arrange the evacuation rather than your primary insurance, which could complicate things. Credit card insurance does not perform the same as a comprehensive travel policy. It is merely a bit of protection applicable in some cases in return for your annual fee. Being from New York is all the more reason to consult a professional because New York has some unique regulations affecting travel insurance.
  21. They have a limited number of insurers because they only do business with companies they have vetted and trust. They have long-term association with these companies and are thoroughly knowledgable of their policies. I wouldn’t necessarily be deterred by having fewer companies to choose from. The real test comes if you have to file a claim.
  22. The board can be useful but also overwhelming with lots of new information and sometimes conflicting advice. Use it to familiarize yourself with the subject, then call the often-recommended Steve or one of his agents at the Trip Insurance Store to find the right policy for your needs/situation. It does not cost anything extra to use their professional service because insurance is regulated by each state. Price is determined by age, amount insured, length of trip, and level of coverage. A comprehensive policy will protect you against cancellation and trip interruption/delay as well as medical costs.
  23. Taxes, fees, and port expenses are refundable. You do not have to include those in the amount you insure. Be careful about including air because the airlines issues vouchers if you cancel. Once you accept the voucher, insurance will not reimburse because you have already been compensated. Be sure you understand how that works before you buy. Some policies require that you include all nonrefundable expenses in order to qualify for the pre-existing conditions waiver. That complicates the question of whether to insure air and hotels. Technically, those hotels become nonrefundable at some point. IMG policies do not have such a requirement, but I’d discuss it with a professional to be sure since the pre-existing conditions waiver is important to you. Many here recommend the people at Trip Insurance Store.
  24. You don’t have to assume. The covered reasons are listed in the policy under Cancellation.
  25. Chase Sapphire Reserve covers loss or damage to luggage/personal effects that occurs during a covered Common Carrier trip - not shipping.
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