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Posts posted by Sheal

  1. 1 hour ago, ownedbypets said:


    My grandfather had a friend that was missing his entire arm. We were told he lost it when he put his arm out of the window of a moving car. Don't know if that's really true but none of us ever put our hands or arms out of the window.

    Yep.  We were told the same thing too. I kept my arms in the car. 

    Now, I'm sure that could actually happen if you drive on any of the roads in Ireland. Nothing like racy through those narrow roads with all that vegetation.  No telling what might lurk in there. 



    @sunshine3601   I think I would have passed out. 


    I lost a bit of tip of my middle toe as a young teen thanks to my sister.  It was hanging on by a piece of skin.  They finally got around to sewing it back on about 3 hours later and it was good for a 4 week gym pass (school was ending).  😀  Few weeks later during the healing process same sister managed to kick my foot and part of the toe's tip turned black and fell off.  Fortunately the nail did grow back, not perfect, and I was always self consious of it. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, mafig said:


    Our local butcher had a piece of his finger missing.  As a child I was fascinated by it.

    lol.  This reminds me of a childhood memory of my sister in law that I heard about years later.  The girls all took dance lessons and finally one day, my sister was asked why, when she danced, did she hold her hand up with one finger down.  Her reply was "Mr. X dances like that".  Little did she realize but it was because he was missing a finger, not that he had it bent down like she thought.  Even now, almost 50 years later they still laugh about how she used to dance.


    Price on my cabin went up and no change on the dining and beverage went up but I did get the water park tickets for $54 or so.

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  3. 3 hours ago, ChucktownSteve said:

    Hey Norris, Here's a hint.  Buy a new stainless steel fridge  voila.  no magnets will stick and you don't need to buy any more.  lol

    LOL.  Mine is coming next Monday.  I put them all in a shoebox wondering what I was to do but now Norris has solved that dilemma for me. 

    1 hour ago, Baynanno1 said:


    Thanks again for the memories!

    I am green with envy . . . the Basilica is so empty!!

    It was like an overflowing sardine can when we were there in 2012.

    But I did also get to walk along the cliff path to the Santa Cova Chapel.

    My in-laws took my two girls (early 20's) about 6 years ago as a side trip until we arrived the next morning.  I specifically told them what train they needed to be on (super early as it was Chorus day).  Needless to say, they got there late and all I heard about was how they were crammed into the back and forced to stand there.  Well, I will make it right for them next time.  We will all get up at the crack of dawn and drag our tired behinds on that bus and this time we will be sitting.  Only problem I need to solve is when to go.  So many places and so little time.



    19 minutes ago, ChucktownSteve said:

    I WONDER  how nobody caught that.  They must be blind?

    I just logged in and have to admit this is the first one I recognized.  Shaking my head back and forth. 

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  4. I thought about doing a road trip this past spring after we cancelled our trip to Aruba.  Dog wasn't doing so well so I put it on the back burner.  I can see how slow traffic and poor weather could take away from the experience.  


    Bob, could you tell me about your Global Entry interview?  We go in 2 weeks.  I managed to get an appointment in Boston.  Just hoping it goes as planned.  I originally had us booked in early Feb at Bradley Airport (almost 2 hours from our home) and then when I was rechecking (since we now have a cruise and I would be flying that day) I saw that Boston reopened.  Now it is gone again so I am hoping my appointment didn't go poof.  Hey, I have the paperwork and they keep blowing up my mailbox with the EOA notices, no reason they shouldn't have some time to see us.

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  5. 4 hours ago, davekathy said:

    Out of all the Dylan songs I only have four or five I really like. "Lay Lady Lay" (1969) is my all time favorite. 

    Don't laugh but I thought that song "belonged" to Eric Clapton. 


    9 hours ago, dani negreanu said:


    1987. I don't know if you can call it "computer", though. It was a "computer" manufactured by Wang Laboratories -- actually a whole word processor. I thoroughly enjoyed working with it. At the time, WordPerfect was Wang's competitor.


    A "'real" computer came at the beginning of the nineties, an IBM 286. We bought an "internet" hourly package, and were very thrifty with the time we used it -- mainly for travel.


    Then came 386, 486 and afterwards -- no more numbers, just names, which I don't remember...


    DH bought us our first computer.  I think it was in the late 90's, a Gateway with Win 95.  I can't remember when we actually got internet service but I do know it was AOL.  It was so exciting to hear that buzzing sound. 

    6 hours ago, BonTexasNY said:

    My daughter did lots of homework assignments using online encyclopedia Encarta.



    Encarta was one of the CDs that came with the newer systems (think Win 98), along with Bach, Mozart, and some type of Maps cd.  No way to look up anything online with that slow dial-up service we had. Looking up stuff online is my part time job.  Too bad I don't get paid for it. 

    3 hours ago, Lionesss said:

    Then he goes, why did you wait so long to start your payments you lost 8 months of payments........I started to talk and he said "Your done, anything else?"  I gave him the look and had there not been a security guard there I would have got on my broom and told him how unhappy I was with his lack of unprofessional-ism.


    You are a nicer person than me.  I would have hit him with said broom.

    3 hours ago, George C said:

    I know from my HR wife that’s it’s illegal to even ask your age here.

    It has been illegal here in RI for as long as I can remember.  Back when I started working (35+ years ago) I worked for a place that asked if you had collected workers' comp.  Another "no no" that I learned a few years later.

    1 hour ago, reallyitsmema said:

    Went and picked up the Christmas present that was a big hit last year, Advent calendar craft beer boxes!  I had to order them almost two months ago as they sell out. Decided to get one for my sister’s three kids this year, as well as my son. Delivering them on Thanksgiving. 😀


    Can I ask where you bought them?  DH likes craft beers.  Probably too late for this year but I can start my shopping list for next year.

    1 hour ago, BonTexasNY said:

    Jack and I figured out the trick for shorter wait at the Soc. Sec. office pre-covid.  We arrived 10 mins before closing when the office was only open half a day until 1. Apparently, others knew when it closed and didn't bother coming in close to closing time. Office was almost empty.  We had less than a 10 min. wait.  They continue working with you beyond 1pm, they just lock the doors at 1.




    We used the same trick for our registry here.  Upside was that you might only have to wait 2 hours instead of the typical 4.  My DH said a friend told him the appointment only process they have now have works well.  Personally, I'm not sure how well it works when you actually work and are trying to score one of the appointments.  I don't understand why it took 4 hours in the first place but that was the way of life here since I started driving.  In later years the ticket would tell you how long so at least you could run an errand if you dared.

    59 minutes ago, island lady said:


    I would definitely look into replacement card online, if it ever happens again...I think I saw that feature the last time I was on there.  


    Anything to stay out of that Feds building.  😮 

    DH finally applied for a duplicate card online only because he (me) could do it online.  About 10 years ago I printed out the docs for him to bring to the ss office.  He didn't need the card so it never happened.

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  6. 17 minutes ago, h20skibum said:

    Unless it is the Social Security Office.  I can’t believe they are still only open for telephone appointments.  And if you can actually get through to them, they are scheduling those for mid-January now.  

    First 3 calls today, their system says everyone is busy, call back later.  Fourth time, I made it in the queue, but after 20 minutes it says everyone is busy, and it hangs up. Fifth time I actually get to speak to someone, and they say all appointments are filled, call back tomorrow. 

    If anyone ran a business this way, they would no longer be in business.  

    Ok, rant over for the day, and I just poured my second glass of wine.  And while looking online for something good, I found this. 



    Just my luck, they are sold out!!!  Oh well, I didn’t need the 7600 calories. 😂😂

    My son was just commenting on this just this morning.  He couldn't believe they only make 3K of them.  If I were them I would do another 10K.  


    Imagine trying to cut it?  48 slices.  I can barely get the first piece of a normal slice of pie out in one piece.  This would be a hot mess. 

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  7. Greg or anyone who has experienced the Chefs table,


    Can you find out the menu ahead of time?  I'm not much of a seafood person and the lobster and scallop would be lost on me.  I would probably try the Brazino since I will eat some fish.  That octopus from the other day gave me creeps.  I blame that on the 30,000 leagues under the sea. LOL

    • Like 3
  8. 13 hours ago, Ocean Boy said:

    Styx. Love the song. Often times it was played in an abridged version. I like the full version much better.

    One of my first concerts. The very first was Seals and Croft.  Soft rock introduction to my later concerts which would probably get booed. 😀 Judas Priest/Iron Maiden, AC/DC, Rush,  can't remember the others, probably due to the severe fog inside the building.

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  9. @Momof3gurlzWhat a nice break to be able to spend it with all of your family.  One question, did you use the new ride system (genie and lightning)?  Seems like Disney is so complicated now!


    For you cat lovers I came across this video.  I have to say, I think Greg could do a better job editing it. The other thing is, the cats on this thread are so much more photogenic.  The cat on the right looks downright scary.



    There is a video for the dog lovers too.  I need to check it out.

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  10. Andrew,


    I'm glad Owen is on the road to recovery.  My son played from the time he was 5 right through high school.  One year during the semi-finals (he was about 16) he was moving to the blue line when he came in contact with a player from the other team.  


    His skate got caught in the ice and his knee collided with the other skater's.  It happened so fast we had no idea what actually happened.  It was pretty scary seeing him lying on the ice while they summoned for help.  I rode with him in the rescue and by the time we got there (maybe 20 minutes later) his knee had blown up to twice it's size.  Nothing serious that a teenage couldn't bounce back from in a few weeks.  Me, probably months.  

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  11. Full disclosure.  I was trying to save this video for later but when I attempted to respond to the below items it reappeared.  No option to cut so I'm leaving it. 



    On 11/13/2021 at 9:25 PM, Ozark_Kid said:

    In Arkansas we have an area they call tornado alley.  The bottom half of our county is in the area.  Our old house was on a highway.   I heard the news say a tornado was spotted at the town next to ours and headed done our highway.   It looked calm out until I walked outside and looked in the direction of the town and it looked like a war going on.  We took the kids to the hallway and pulled a mattress over.  It came through but luckily did not cause major damage.   Every spring we deal with tornadoes.  The most damage is normally the county below us.


    On 11/14/2021 at 10:49 AM, island lady said:


    We have tornadoes in Florida as well.  

    LOL.  Back in 2004 my sister and I were in Florida to help my mother move into her latest home.  The trip started off with us sitting in the Tampa airport garage sucking in exhaust fumes (she refused to get a cell phone) waiting an hour for her to pick us up.  Needless to say, we were exhausted just getting there.  The following morning she comes in and says "we need to go to Walmart, a hurricane is coming".  Good Grief!  The good news was that the house was built to battle cat 5 hurricane.  Perfect.  Well, the hurricane came (cat 4) during the night and being a light sleeper I spent the night listening to the winds which reminded me how tornadoes seem to crop up during these storms.  I ended up moving from the bed, to down sleeping on the to the floor between the twin beds.  My sister slept soundly up on her bed.  Eventually, that wasn't safe enough in my mind, I then dragged the twin mattress to the hallway.  Only place in the house with no windows except the bathroom but it wasn't big enough for me and my mattress.  DS found me in the hall the next morning wanting to know why I left her in the bedroom.  I didn't want to worry her was my answer. And to top it off, I was on the bed closest to the window.  I managed to drag the mattress off the bed, past her (tight corner between her bed and wall) and get said mattress into the hall.  How could I wake her from this incredible sleep?  It almost seemed selfish to inflict my paranoia on her. 


    Guess I need to brush up on my tornado survival skills, I was sleeping on top, not under.

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  12. On 11/13/2021 at 7:32 PM, Coralc said:

    Wow. I didn't know you have tornadoes on the East Coast. :classic_huh: I always think of tornadoes as an Oklahoma, Midwest phenomena.  

    Apparently this cloud got lost, really really lost.  Seems like most of the my family ignored the warning.  I took my dog and headed into the basement.  Apparently I am the only one who has had nightmares about tornadoes since watching the Wizard of OZ some 50 years ago.

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  13. On 11/13/2021 at 2:15 PM, Sunshine3601 said:

    Great news!    As of today and royal's website St Kitts is now off the bubble list.    Anyone fully vaxxed is allowed to book private tours, shop, etc etc.       

    This was updated for St Kitts, St Lucia and Barbados.    Antigua was removed from the list the other week, so all is slowly getting back to "normal". 

    LOL.  My sister just came back yesterday.  She missed the updates by one week.  Those were many of the ports she was visiting besides SJU and maybe one other. 

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  14. *secret rate - a rate they're not allowed to publish, to be given only if you ask for an estimate....


    Like Dani, it has been a while since our first cruise on Celebrity so I may not have my facts straight but I believe I received the "upgrade" on my first cruise due to my RC status.  I do book with a Celebrity rep since I have to make them aware of my status to get the A1 at the A2 rate.


    Besides the free laundry they also have a free item of dry cleaning per person. I use them both for myself in order to pack a little lighter. 


    We still travel on RC since we started about 15 years ago.  We have traveled every year with another couple who have a now teenage son.  RC fits better for families with the many activities.  I think he would be bored to death on Celebrity.  He spends the entire day on the basketball court, plenty of kids his age, at least during Spring Break. 

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  15. 1 hour ago, Ozark_Kid said:

     Not sure if it is just the way they advertise but it looks like every meal is a dress up meal.  

    Not at all, smart casual works well.  My husband doesn't even bring a jacket anymore on either line.  I believe in Luminae (suite dining room) more people probably dress up.  I can not attest to that and my sister who has eaten in there is on the Apex this week.


    We will be on the Edge in February I expect.  I just need to work on finding a dog sitter.  I keep pushing it off and it will be here before I know it.

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  16. 1 hour ago, dani negreanu said:

    No, they have a "free category upgrade" instead, though not on your 1st cruise on Celebrity.


    Starting with your second, if, for example, you book a E3 category, you'll pay the rate of the lesser one, E4. It ranges between 70$-100$. You have to ask for it when booking.

    LOL.  Guess I should have read a little further.  Thanks Dani. 

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