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Everything posted by ontheweb

  1. We were able in St. Petersburg to buy enough nesting dolls to have Christmas presents for the entire family.
  2. That is strange. Do they get no feedback from their customers?
  3. No, I see making sure hospital staffing is not below a dangerous level a protection for any of us who may at some point need to be hospitalized. I don't see where protecting lawyers' fees is for anyone's benefit other than lawyers. And without her unique for legislators experience, no bill like this would pass, let alone even be proposed.
  4. I was quoting @Eli_6 but somehow the post went through without me being able to write what I wished to write. So, here goes. Lawyers looking out for lawyers, the way of the world. As the great, late Warren Zevon wrote and sang: "Send lawyers, guns, and money." I am proud to say that my representative in the NY legislature is NOT a lawyer. She (and I know her because our son and one of her daughters went to school together) is a NURSE. She has wrote legislation mandating standards for staffing at hospitals. In other words, she has looked out for common people, not just fellow lawyers.
  5. How do attorneys do compared to stockholders? Probably rather well.
  6. My apologies for posting what turned out to be a misleading article. Thankfully there are those in the know who could correct the impression it gave. I do believe The Points Guy is usually more reliable than this.
  7. It is only the attorneys that make out like bandits.
  8. We felt lucky when we picked a cruise that had alternate weeks with Berlin as a "port" and Olso that we had an Oslo week instead of that journey to get to the alleged port city. (We actually picked the date because it included our wedding anniversary, but Oslo which we very much enjoyed was a bonus.)
  9. There is a thread in the Carnival section of cc that is reporting that this problem might be beginning to abate.
  10. That is a problem. In another thread it is reported that the backlog of obtaining visas for the crew is beginning to get better. Hopefully, that will help with the staffing problem.
  11. So true, shareholders become the big losers in a bankruptcy reorganization.
  12. 🤞 It continues without any snafus.
  13. AS always, thanks for sharing your knowledge. I believe you can blame it on the Points Guy as I think MSN just reprints things they find interesting, or to be of interest to those viewing their site.
  14. Yes, they are sort of a "phantom" group. I know we have at least once if not more been a part of such a group, but also have never knowingly met someone else from the group.
  15. Sounds like just another wrong headed decision by the bean counters. Passengers who would have used this will instead of using the guarantee and go on an excursion with Princess will take the private excursion.
  16. But this is what can happen after you file for bankruptcy. From record-setter to rubbish: World’s biggest cruise ship to be scrapped without sailing a single voyage (msn.com)
  17. sometimes the lights all shining on me other times I can barely see lately it occurs to me, what a long strange trip it's been to the OP--keep on truckin', or maybe more appropriately, keep on sailing.
  18. Agree, we have had that happen a few times, but not until onboard. I do remember the first time asking our TA later on, and that was the answer he gave, a return of overcharged estimated port fees.
  19. From record-setter to rubbish: World’s biggest cruise ship to be scrapped without sailing a single voyage (msn.com) Or was it just because it was by Genting and they declared bankruptcy?
  20. (I originally read the title on another thread as bought instead of brought.) In the Greek setting for the original Olympics, DW bought a book that showed the site both as it is now and was then by fliiping the transparent covering over the page. Since she is an elementary art teacher and Greek art is part of the curriculum, this turned out to be very useful for her.
  21. I'm not sure what it is called (and we received it actually as a present from a nephew)--you hang it in the bathroom and it hold toothbrush, dental floss, bandaids, hair brush, etc. Also, of course my wife as I have no sense of direction and would have been lost several times. The worst was on our very first cruise as I got us on the train the wrong way from Livorno (the port for Florence and Pisa).
  22. The price dropped here (though not at every station) at the beginning of June as NY state temporarily (until the end of the year) dropped its 18 cents a gallon gas tax. But, it did not take long for the price to go higher than it was at the end of May.
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