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Everything posted by papaflamingo

  1. My wife is allergic to seafood and she had 2 great meals at Pacific Rim.
  2. Delta isn't "declining" to sell open business seats to anyone. But if Regent has no contract rates at all, all they can do as act as a "travel agent" and book the flights at full price, the same price you can get for yourself. So what they'll do is only offer to put you on airlines that they have some contract rates, even if that means an upcharge (the contract rate is higher than what they charge in the advertised cruise price for air). And yes, Delta DID have contract rates with Regent, and all the other cruise lines for that matter. The report is that they are no longer offering any contract rates, but that may be overstated. It could be that they just aren't offering contract rates for certain routes. And it could be they aren't offering them for certain high time travel dates. We will really never know other than to ask for.a Delta flight and see what we can get. I am a retired Delta pilot. I can get at least a 25% discount on any Delta flight through an employee discount program. Even with this discount, it was still cheaper for me to book through Regent and pay a $1000 up charge. And I'm talking at least $1000 CHEAPER. So Regent's contract rate, even though it required an up charge, was extremely deep.
  3. I believe Regent only charges what the airline charge to them is. So the fact that Icelandic Air is not lay-flat but actually domestic first class is already factored into the equation.
  4. We were on Grandeur in Jan. for the Panama Canal. Yes we heard our neighbors but only a couple of times, and only on the side where the couch is. I was sitting on the couch both times and I think our neighbor was too while talking to his wife. On the tv side of the cabin, our friends were in there, neither of us heard each other or the tv. So I think the noise report may be a bit over exaggerated, or maybe it was just that when I took my hearing aids out the noise seemed to stop. 😜 Anyway, it's real, for sure, but in our case (we were in 811) just not a big deal at all. Enjoy the beautiful Grandeur and have a wonderful cruise. 😎
  5. No. Haven't forced disembarkation for a couple of years now. Now they quarantine you to your cabin (or a separate cabin if available) for a period (around 5 days) until you test negative (I think 2 days in a row). Then, I believe, you still have to mask for a few days after you are out of quarantine. I believe they do carry Paxlovid, but from what I hear it's pretty expensive on the ship so make sure you have medical in your travel insurance. As for who can or cannot take it, ask your doctor.
  6. I'm retired airline. The way it works is that Regent includes a specific amount in your cruise fare for air. You can see this amount on the website. This represents the ticket prices that the airlines gives Regent via "contract." Unfortunately since Covid the airlines are horribly short of flight crews so fewer flights, and so many people are traveling, so seats are pretty much a premium. Delta, apparently, isn't willing to give Regent "contract rates" anymore. So that eliminates them from the mix. That's also why so many flights have stops and undesirable times, vs. non-stop, i.e. early or late departures, short layovers for flight changes, etc. The desirable flights are selling for premium and are selling out. So, it's not that the airline policies are "interfering with Regent's advertised 'free business air," it's just that ticket prices have gone through the roof so Regent has, and will continue to have to, raise their cruise fares to cover the higher cost of airline tickets.
  7. Yeah... don't blame you for not wanting to cal them. Good luck...hope you get it al worked out. It'll be a great cruise either way. 😎
  8. Yeah.... My mistake. I was looking at my reservations for our upcoming cruise and got confused. What it means is that you DO have a 7:00 reservation for the 4 top, and I suspect that the only times available for a 2 top are 8:30 and 9:00, 7:00 is a very popular time. You can try a couple thing...you can select a different time and then you would definitely get the new reservation or you can call Regent and see if they can change it for you. Also, you can go to the Dining Reservation person on board and see if they can change it for you too. . Sorry for the confusion.
  9. What you have posted shows that you already HAVE a 2 top reserved in Prime 7 for 7pm.
  10. You don't have to call Regent, all you have to do is open up your "Make Dining Reservations" prompt, select "NO" for "Share Table" and it switches to 2 tops available. You can look at the days for each restaurant and see if any availability exists, including the day you already have. Simply select the day and time you want and select "Reserve New" prompt the it will cancel your first reservation and give you the new one, and it'll be a 2 top (there may be a "confirm" prompt of some sort too, don't remember). You have to do each step or each restaurant, including selecting "NO" for "Share Table." But DON'T cancel your current reservation, selecting a "New Reservation" will automatically do that when you confirm your choices.
  11. To add to what Minotaur said.... I just did this a few months ago for our Grandeur cruise that we completed on Jan. 24th. When you get into Dining Reservations, you'll see the "add another guest" prompt as. Minotaur shows. Select it, fill in the information for the other reservation, and select "NO" for "Share Table." BE SURE TO SELECT THE "ADD GUEST" PROMPT!!!! This will put you in a 4 top for the 4 of you. It will only. bring up times available for 4 top tables in each restaurant. Simply select your time and confirm you reservation (you'll see the prompt). It's also very important that the other couple doesn't try to make reservations. That'll delete what you make. You should get an email confirmation showing a party of 4.
  12. They'll announce any changes when changes are made. I get that people would like to know what the "plan" is, but Mariner isn't even scheduled to get to the Red Sea until April 13. That's over 2 months from now. And Navigator doesn't go until May. A lot is going to happen during the next 2 months. There is a possibility, perhaps a good one based on last nights actions, that the threat will be mitigated by then. Regent probably doesn't have a "drop dead" date yet for making the decision. So they probably can't tell you when the decision will be made. The Red Sea is very important to the world economy. The world isn't going to sit back and let this continue very long. Relax and enjoy your cruise. You are headed to the most beautiful part of the world, the South Pacific! Don't worry about what's going to happen in 2 months. The worst that will happen is that they'll route the ship around Africa instead of going through Suez Canal. Seeing Africa would be fantastic in my opinion. So either way it will be an amazing cruise. I wish I was on it! 😎
  13. If you select a night that shows "available," you will see at the top of the list "share a table" with a "yes" or "no" prompt. Click the "no" prompt and any available "2 top" times will come up. If you want one of those times you simply select the time then hit "reserve new" and your earlier reservation will be automatically cancelled and you'll have the new time confirmed.
  14. Just a suggestion.... I'd pre-book a dedicated car so that it is waiting for you when you get off the ship. Could take time to get a taxi. It'll be more expensive but cheaper than missing your flight.
  15. I have seen a number of shows on Ponant and have seen the ships (beautiful design). But it seems they were really geared to Europeans more than English speaking Americans. Also the cabins seem very small. Anyway how did you like Ponant? Looks to me like a great cruise line for the Antarctic.
  16. Just a comment about itinerary changes... all the speculation in the world is worthless. This mess in the Red Sea could go on for 20 years or be over in days. Regent is likely looking at their options and will make a decision when it is necessary. Consider the logistics of a major change in a cruise ship's itinerary. It impacts port space, supply abilities, fuel capabilities, crew turnover, shore excursion availability, other ships also changing itineraries, and, of course, cost. So it's likely, and in my opinion, wise, for Regent to spend significant time and look at options and then wait until it's necessary to make the changes, and wait until they are firmed up to announce them. Consider them changing the cruise and cancelling one or two others and then in a week this ends, or announcing changes that they end up unable to accomplish. Everyone will be furious and we'll have endless threads of "why did Regent cancel or change my cruise so early?" So.... all we can do is wait and see. Let the company decide what they want to do with their ship and then adjust to the decision.
  17. Of course your flights are still a "go." Regent paid for the tickets 60 days before your cruise so they are bought ant paid for. I will be more than willing to bet that any booked flights outside of 60 days (tickets not paid for) will also still be a "go." Without actual documentation I would be a bit skeptical of Delta "cancelling" the contract with Regent. I wonder if the TA is wrong and what has actually happened is Delta doesn't offer any contract rates (even with an up charge) on certain flights or routes. I live in Atlanta and am retired Delta.. We ran into this a few years ago when we were trying to book via Regent to Sydney. Delta was a complete "no go." Not even an offer of an up charged flight. Yet last year we were able to book via Regent non stop to Athens with an up charge and non-stop Rome -Atlanta with NO up charge (straight contract rates) on Delta. We are returning from Tokyo after our Hong Kong-Tokyo cruise on March 8 on the Delta non-stop (also a bit of an up charge). So I wouldn't worry. It's just that Delta is so short of crews and their Delta One product is selling out as fast as it can be booked on most routes. No need for them to offer contract rates to anyone, so they won't unless the route is not selling out. But I will still request it when we deviate for our next cruise in 2025. But I'll also have other backups available.
  18. You can cancel air anytime up to 60 days prior to the cruise. That's when Regent actually pays for the flight. For reference, it is listed on your Booking Confirmation under "Cancellation of Ancillary Items."
  19. We use the one's you have shown in your comment above. They work great.
  20. We were on Grandeur for the LA to Miami cruise (really miss it and it's only been a week). In Cabo San Lucas we did a shore excursion that went to a nice restaurant and we had an outstanding tequila tasting experience. The tequila "sommelier" was fascinating, but we also learned that tequila is best sipped and paired with foods. We had 3 different levels of tequila, each paired with a specific food, ceviche, a wonderful taco, and outstanding chocolate desert. When we took a bite of food and a sip of tequila,...WOW! 😎
  21. We were on the sailing before yours, LA to Miami and I have to agree wholeheartedly, we also found the Destinations Team to be great! They deserve the recognition for sure.
  22. We were in Fakarava in 2018 and a group set up a dive tour (probably the same thing you're looking at) and all said they loved it. We didn't go, but we found that when you get off the ship you can rent bikes and ride the atoll. We headed out and it was beautiful! You can stop anywhere on the side of the road at small beaches and snorkel (we brought our own mask and snorkel). We found a small cafe and had a beer. We found a beautiful Coral Church. Honestly, one of the best days of a fantastic cruise.
  23. We just got off the 16 night LA to Miami through the canal cruise on Grandeur 4 days ago. It was spectacular!!! Anyway, as others have said, only 1 reservation in each specialty restaurant, however Prime 7 and Chartreuse are open for lunch on a walk up basis. Although it isn't the dinner menu, we ate in there 3 or 4 times and really enjoyed it. But,... interestingly on the first night (departure day) we went to Compass Rose about 7:15, a large group showed up ahead of us. When we got to the Maitre'd station they said there was no wait in Pacific Rim or Prime 7 if we'd like to go. So the four of us "beat feet" to Pacific Rim and had a wonderful meal!! We were also able to get a second reservation in Prime 7 later in the cruise. Just go to the Dining Reservations office on Deck 5 and see what's available. So you shouldn't have much of a problem getting more reservations, especially if you are willing to share a table. Enjoy your cruise... Grandeur is beautiful and the Panama Canal is amazing!
  24. Yes. I was insured by GoReady and when I changed the cruise, I called them and "pushed" the dates. There was a bit of an upcharge since we had been covered for months and would continue coverage for another 10 months, but not a big deal, I think about $200 or so to extend the time. Even if we had to lose the premium and re insure the money we were refunded by Regent would have still made it a great deal. One more thing, at least for us.... since we had passed Final Payment for our cruise, we were considered past final payment for the new cruise too. So we couldn't cancel without loss of full payment. Not an issue for us since we were insured anyway, and seemed fair to me.
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