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Everything posted by AncientWanderer

  1. Good evening, everyone. I’ve looked at the Daily today and am happy to see some good news…pretty Miss Camilla, Sharon’s good med approved, Annie with a good and attentive doc. And maple is maybe my favorite flavor. But on the home front, I’m kinda poopy. DD lives seven minutes away and now DSIL has been informed that for career advancement, they need to move to Los Angeles. It’s quite a blow for all of us. So I’m trying to block it out, but still….
  2. Good afternoon all. The photos of Madeira are wonderful. What a lovely place! That is a must-do. Speaking of must-do's, I'm healthy and good to go now, so it's catch-up time for all the holiday stuff. Today DH and I are heading out to finish shopping for gifts; then I'll bake this evening. Lots to do! So glad to see that @smitty34877Terry's surgery is close to set. That is good news today. Also lovely to see so many getting out there at sea for the holidays. I don't remember so much December activity on CC before. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention. The Koningsdam will be jam packed with CC'ers. Thanks all for the contributions to the Daily. Those experiencing tough times, you are in our hearts. ❤️
  3. Good morning/afternoon. Late getting going today. I'm still testing positive, so am trying not to touch too many things around here. That means no holiday baking or prep like that. I also had to miss DGD's school Christmas program. Sigh. Happy to hear @summer slope that your DH is negative now. It does take time. DD and I love a good afternoon tea. I rarely regift, but this year "practical" is the watchword for all of our gifts. The economy is on everyone's mind. @smitty34877, sure hope you get cleared for surgery. Fingers crossed. @superoma, the light display looks beautiful. What a fun thing to do! @luvteaching, good news that DH is improving and headed home. Extra, extra special at holiday time. @JazzyV, thanks for the tip about the government Covid tests. We've gone through so many! @Vict0riann, once you board, all wardrobe doubts and other cares will evaporate. That's the joy of cruising. None of my clothes fit. Can't wear; don't care. lol That's alarming about Peru. When we were there a few years ago, it was scary how all the private homes had armed guard shacks, razor wire, etc. Things looked very unstable. Our guide was amazing -- spoke numerous languages, self-taught from "opera techniques." @marshhawk, don't get me started on the dogs. My gentle, kind BIL, son of a country physician, grew up around dogs, was very badly mauled by his own pet, a Chow Chow, who he'd had since a puppy. He was lucky to have survived. When I have Pocket or my grand-children at the park, we leave if certain breeds enter the park. We just head right on out. All the photos are beautiful today. Thanks for posting them! Many thanks to Rich and Company for the Daily. Rigatoni sounds so good in this colder weather. Have a great day, Everyone!
  4. Good afternoon. I just checked in here for the first time today. Many thanks for the kind anniversary wishes, but...it's not our anniversary! It's only beautiful @Sharon in AZ's anniversary with her wonderful hubby, Craig. I looked at Roy's list and not sure how the rumor got started. I'm on the list for the icky Covid. @rafinmdRoy, I appreciate your putting me on the care list. I can be removed now as I'm over the hump -- even picked up my dear doggie Pocket from DD's this morning. Yay! I missed him! @Seasick Sailor, it looks like you are having a wonderful cruise. I love your stateroom. Very nice digs indeed! 😍 @summer slopeSorry about your DH. I hope you can enjoy your day. @grapau27, my doctor really pushes silicone scar tape for healing. It's available online. The photo of Pauline is simply lovely. One of my favorites, I think. @ger_77, I saw somewhere else that Bugles were discontinued in Canada and they're an essential ingredient for Nuts & Bolts season in Canada. Immediately thought of you! @mamaofamiHoping all goes well with your booster. @StLouisCruisers, I'm glad DD's surgery went well. 👍 @Cruising-along, The Village!!! It looks GREAT! I didn't put up any Little Houses this year. 😢 @bennybear, I hope you test negative. DH didn't get it this time from me and I didn't get it from him when he was sick. Just so weird. But there is a lot of it going around, that's for sure. I'm pretty certain I caught it while in Maui. They were having really high winds there, so for a couple of days I thought I had allergies from that. I wore N-95 mask the whole flight home, in case it was a cold. I was really surprised to test positive for Covid. There were a couple days, though, after we got home, where all the signs were there -- even after so many boosters. Now I'm just tired. @smitty34877, that's exciting that your surgery was scheduled. I know several people who have had great results with the hip surgery. You'll be in our thoughts! Thanks everyone for the Daily. Wishing safe and fun travels for those of you out and about. Thoughts and prayers with those having troubles. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
  5. Safe travels. It's really pretty here in San Diego right now, after a good rain. As others told you, Westgate is great -- many happy memories of events there over the years. If you run into any jams, reach out. I'm typhoid Mary, but DH is healthy and always helpful. Hope to meet soon. 😊
  6. Good morning. I've been away from the Daily as we were in Maui for 10 days. No gingerbread-making or poinsettia-arranging for me. I'm in the Covid penalty box -- with the entire list of typical symptoms. My holiday prep in in peril. Looks like lots of frustration around CC with subpar cruises lately. Land travel is no different. Even staying in a high-end place and dining at good restaurants, our Hawaii escape was not what we've come to expect. Things go up and down. For each one reading this, hoping good things come your way today.
  7. It's been terribly hectic here. I have a schedule kind of like @dobiemom's -- a bit unrealistic. But dipping in and out of the Daily, one thing really jumps out. Sincere and heartfelt condolences to @JazzyVVanessa and BFF and their family and friends. I was so happy for you, Vanessa, that you were going on your cruise. Seems like you've been hunkered down longer than most. And then to have such a sad thing happen... Thinking of you and BFF and your circle. Maxine
  8. Sandi, three of the boys from DS's youth club team did go on to play professionally, but they did that after graduating from college. So it can go that way, too. And that way they get to go to the college of their choice. Now that I'm thinking on it, one of DS's college teammates went on to play professionally after college, too. So it can be done. Whatever Ren decides, it's an exciting time for your family. You have much to be proud of. I'm picturing Ren as a Harvard team captain. 😍
  9. Thanks, Jacqui, for the wonderful thread, with such great photos. Maderia looks beautiful. I hope your foot heals quickly so you're ready for your next adventures.
  10. I don't doubt the OP had a bad experience, but in all six of our post-Covid cruises, including recent NA, the service in MDR has been excellent. They have been kind and really prompt with everything, food and beverages. That said, they really are hustling around to deliver that high level of service and it makes the MDR too hectic. I wish they had more hands on deck so that the waitstaff didn't have to run, run, run to get everything just right.
  11. Have you experienced Mardi Gras there in Mobile, yet, Linda? That's something else to look forward to. Some years ago, I took a tour with DMIL. We spent time seeing parades and taking cooking classes in New Orleans, but when actual Fat Tuesday came, they moved us along to Mobile for a more family-friendly Mardi Gras experience. We had the most wonderful time. We also toured a lovely home on Mobile Bay and enjoyed a delicious lunch out there. Every time I see your posts, it brings back fond memories of delightful Mobile. I'm so glad you're enjoying your new home.
  12. Did you go through Panama Canal last month, same as us? It was a very active and sporty cruise. We've done six HAL cruises since they started back up post-Covid and loved every one of them.
  13. The Music Walk is a new concept and it's very popular -- always quite busy and bringing new cruisers to HAL.
  14. Good morning, everyone. We received a wedding gift of a Bundt pan that was ceramic over clay. Our Christmas cake was baked every year in it — until it cracked a couple years ago. I’ve been searching on eBay for another. They’re rare! Fridge is cleaned out as we make ready for Thanksgiving guests. With 12 youngish adults coming, DD and I were inspired to put together the latest Pinterest craze — a bar cart. Had to slim things down from the Big Box Bottles we usually have. It looks like a party to me. And they can help themselves. (There’s space there for the red, the white, and the bubbly. 😋) So we’ve been very productive here. Lol Wishing everyone a lovely day. Our thoughts are with those who are having difficulties. Thanks for the Daily.
  15. We've always hopped around to different cruise lines in order to see what they're up to. I post almost exclusivity on the HAL board, because all things considered, they remain our favorite and I'm most interested in keeping abreast of HAL activities. Of course, I'm comparing HAL to other mid-tier cruise lines. Not sure it's really fair to compare them to Seabourn. That said, we definitely did not like seeing a big thing of bacon on the cutting board at a Lido lunch. No-no, HAL.
  16. Gosh, Maderia looks so beautiful. We've done Spanish Farewell a couple of times, but there was no stop in Maderia. I'd love to visit there. Maybe more lovely photos to come?! 😊
  17. Very early good morning from the West Coast. I'm restless because my "cold" seems to have gone to my chest -- so coughing etc. I do very much want to thank all of our veterans for their service. And also.... @Quartzsite CruiserLenda, I hope you got some rest and that things straighten themselves out today. Maybe there was confusion between day shift and night shift? We've experienced that before. Prayers are with you and DH. You must be so very stressed out. @smitty34877, Happy Birthday to your grandchildren. That is nice to have a birthday on Veteran's Day. Thanks, Rich, for the Daily. Wishing everyone a blessed day.
  18. Sharon, we've all been knocked down by something here, too -- even though we all had flu shot. Ours is scratchy throat, cough, headaches, body aches and all had cold sores. Go figure. No fever. It seems to last three or four days. TMI, and yours may be different, but just heads up for all that there's stuff going around that's not covid and not stopped by flu shot. Stay healthy everyone.
  19. Amazing good fortune for the 14 and what an experience to be onboard during such a rescue! I can't even imagine the range of emotions of those 14. Thanks for the thread, @oakridger.
  20. That’s great news @Quartzsite CruiserLenda! Wishing all a good night’s rest! 😌
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