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Everything posted by westcoastsue

  1. I remember friends buying a drink package late in 2010. I opted not to because I didn’t think I would drink enough to benefit from it. My friends made sure they did!
  2. We did this itinerary in April and loved it! The accommodations were spacious and the food was delicious. We didn’t do too many excursions since we don’t like spending hours on buses. I use a cane and was able to get around quite well on the few excursions we did. Also we used the hop on hop off bus they provided and depending on where you got off there could be a bit of walking. As far as upgrades on the flights I believe they can be done directly with the airline thus avoiding the $100 fee.. Enjoy your cruise.
  3. We are leaving from Clarkston on April 24th. Are luggage tags provided at the hotel? We’ve checked in already.
  4. Thank you. We both love the Pacific Northwest and are hoping this type of cruising might provide us with another option in the future.
  5. My first cruise was on the Festivale (Carnival) in 1979.I went with a girlfriend and we sailed out of Miami to St. Thomas, San Juan PR and St. Maarten. That vacation started a lifetime love of cruising. I introduced my boyfriend (now husband) and friends to cruising in 1993 and they were all hooked! We have seen a good part of the world from cruise ships. In three weeks we are sailing the Columbia/Snake River with American Cruise Lines - another new experience.
  6. My heart does out to you Lena. It ‘s the sad truth of having a pet that we will likely outlive them. You must have some great memories of spending 13 years with Bella. Try to focus on those good times. I am also from the UK (Somerset) but have lived in California for most of my life. I still consider myself a Brit nonetheless! Enjoy the cruise - Mardi Gras should be amazing.
  7. It’s raining here in So. Cal so your day sounds amazing! Aah the memories of “Hot, Hot, Hot”.
  8. We are sailing the Columbia Snake River at the end of April. My husband says he is done with ocean cruising but is willing to try a river cruise experience. Hopefully this will be a fit for both of us since there are so many interesting itineraries within the U.S.
  9. I can’t believe auto correct - I meant what wines are available. That area is famous for their Pinot Noir and we’re hoping some might be available on board. Can we bring wine on board?
  10. My husband and I are booked on the Columbia/Snake cruise in April and are very excited about it! Can anyone remember what ensemble were available?
  11. My husband & I opted for east to west because we heard the scenery becomes more lush the further west you go. We live in south Orange County so flights are about the same either way.
  12. It was the 90’s - haha - we were on a paddle wheeler.
  13. My husband are booked on this itinerary from Clarkston to Portland. Anyone else on CC going too? If anyone has cruised this route before would really appreciate your input. We did a Mississippi cruise from Memphis to New Orleans in the 99’s but otherwise our experience is with ocean cruising.
  14. Jeremy seems to have a permanent smile attached to his face! What a great trip you have planned to celebrate his birthday. Enjoy.
  15. This was my 4th Canada/New England cruise - as you can see I really like the itinerary! It is a quite port intensive cruise with an overnight in Quebec City. This year we were blessed with beautiful weather but that is not always the case. It can be cold, rainy and even snow depending on the date of your cruise. We visited Bar Harbor, Halifax, Sydney, Prince Edward Island (our favorite)and Portland but ports can vary. People are very friendly in all the ports and there are a variety of excursion depending on your interests. If you have any specific questions I would be happy to try to answer them.
  16. Just got off the Summit a week ago. The ship might be old but she has been updated and is stunning. You will have a fabulous time. Service is amazing.
  17. Welcome back Charla - Cruise Critic isn’t the same without you! I just got back from doing New England/Canada on the Summit. Due to booking late we were in a lowly ocean view cabin (my husband called it the bilge!) but despite some obvious cutbacks in the MDR we could always find something to eat. The service on board, as always, was wonderful and we had a great time. So looking forward to your live from the Med. Wishing you and Jeremy the best cruise ever.
  18. We get on as you get off on the 21st. It will be interesting to see if out itinerary is affected at all. I was watching the Weather Channel this morning and they were showing film of 50 foot waves at Peggy’s Cove. On another topic - how is the food in the MDR?
  19. Many, many eons ago I worked for the agency that came up with the artwork for that commercial.
  20. Sent my email today. We can’t just lurk on these boards and them complain when a new policy is augmented - our voices us the heard.
  21. Your Dorset Tour was like a trip through my childhood - I grew up in Somerset (the next County over) but moved to California when I was 19. You were blessed with gorgeous weather and I love your photos.
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