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Everything posted by European_CruiseGirl

  1. Wow, only 24 port calls scheduled for 2025. Thats a very low number. I live in a city in Europe that is not considered as a major cruising destination. Still we have 74 scheduled port calls for 2025 with a multitude of different cruiselines. In that number I excluded our own regional small cruiselines. So only 24 scheduled port calls to Acapulco and 23/24 of those being NCLH says quite much.
  2. Thb if the pricing for solos/singles is 200% they should also bump the couples if a family of 3 needs a particular cabin. Which would be obviously very wrong. So this whole situation is very sad in my opinion.
  3. I have read several times here on cc of people getting upset of the live bidding and lowering their offer when they were outbidded…and then in just a few days they got their low bid accepted. So if I’d ever come across live bidding I’d bid once and if outbidded would just lower my bid and wait. If I’d really want the cabin I’d just call and pay for it.
  4. Yes there is. But be aware that it is only soda, not mocktails or juices etc. So it is coke, coke zero/light, Sprite, Sprite zero, some kind of orange soda (Fanta?), club soda, perhaps tonic water.
  5. Yes it is. They changed most of the specialty dining menus awhile ago.
  6. Yes every receipt needs to show vat in Europe. However the price you see for example in a window of a store or restaurant menu includes the vat in the price. Only on the receipt it is separated. So if you ask in a store in EU how much something costs and someone says ”it’s 20€” or at a store see a sign that says something costs 20€ then 20€ is what you pay. Or if you go to a restaurant and the menu says your pasta dish is 15€ then 15€ is what you pay. The vat part is separated only in the receipt (yy item, zz vat = in total xx€ where xx is what you originally saw as the price ). You never ever see something advertised in EU with a vat free price and then suddenly have to pay on top the vat when you purchase it. That is illegal. In EU stores/restaurants/all places must advertise/tell up front what the total price (with vat) is. You never see one price advertised and then end up paying something that is higher.
  7. Now if someone did this they are breaking the law. In EU you have to show the full price which includes tax. It’s clear and simple. If someone indeed did this to you in EU you were hoaxed.
  8. It’s the same menu though as above so no ”kids Teppanyaki” or ”kids Moderno”. Just the same standard kids menu in all restaurants.
  9. That’s the greek way of making impossible things possible 😂 The port is allowed to hold a max number of pax per day. So to accommodate all ships they estimate the numbers to be ”whatever they must be to allow all the ships of that day to port”.
  10. I would try to find a cruise with an overnight in Osaka/Kobe for Kyoto. Those can be found if you search different cruiselines. Kyoto is absolutely wonderful but a looooong day if you just do a full day shore excursion. For that port and that port only I would book a private or shared overnight tour that includes also dinner on day 1. For me doing Kyoto in one day as a shorex is too much. Then again so is also ”Rome in a day” from Chivitavecchia. So if you know you can handle it you can also handle Kyoto in a day.
  11. IMO the NCL buffet is better quality than their MDR. However the speciality restaurants are better quality than the buffet (most of them). Also the MDR appetizer sizes are ridiculously small. At least at the buffet you get enough to eat…
  12. Istanbul is a minimum of 1 hour from cruise port to the airport. Depends on the weekday. If you arrive on a Sunday early morning it could take just one hour. But if you arrive on a weekday allow 2 hours to just get to the airport. And you really must be at the airport 3 hours before your flight. First security with long lines to even enter the airport, then check in, the passport with long lines, then security again…and then you might need to walk up to 30mins to reach your gate…
  13. Very likely so on long cruises. We usually cruise 7 max 11 days and it seems that in the beginning of the cruise people are just happy to be on a cruise and go to MDR or buffet. However by day 5 of a 7 day cruise it is impossible to get tables for days 6 or 7 to specialty restaurants as everything is booked 🫨
  14. Most people will say that having the speciality dining on a sea day is the way to go for several reasons (nice to have speciality dinner on a lazy day, nice to just unwind after a shore excursion) and I cannot argue with them. Those are solid arguments indeed. However our approach is different. Because most people want to book specialty dinners on a sea day those restaurants tend to be crowded on sea days. Thats why we deliberably choose to go to specialty dining on non sea days because the restaurants tend to be calmer and quieter then. We also book specialty restaurants for the first part of the cruise as by the end of the cruise (last 1-2 days) people tend to all want to go to the specialty restaurants. Plus we like our lazy sea days to be completely lazy. No program whatsoever for those days, we get up when we want, eat when we feel like it, and do what we feel like doing when we feel like doing it. No pre determined schedule, no predetermined program, no pre determined nothing. Just doing on the sea days what we feel like doing just then. On a 7 day cruise we usually schedule our 2 specialty dinners like this: 1st night speciality dinner, 4th night specialty dinner. For some reason most of our cruises have had sea days on days 2 and 6.
  15. I don't remember ever seeing see through type coverup on MDR so based on my experience they would be a no-no. They are tbh a bit tacky for the MDR type of surrounding. Also, obviously, the swimsuit underneath cannot be wet (not a problem during mornings I guess but might be for lunch). Knit type casual dresses and a dry swimsuit underneath are more than ok. Just a thought: Joy MDR are deck 6 I do believe whereas the pool is at deck 16. It's a long way to pop for a lunch and head back to pool.
  16. I don’t book under the UK rules but the EU rules. For me it would be simple as the cruise is still so far away (so it is not past final payment date). I’d just call my PCC (or I could just call the normal reservations line) and ask for my cruise to be changed to another one. The only thing that I’d have to pay is 50€/pp for a change fee and that is waived if the new cruise is even 1€ more expensive than the old one was. Also the cruise next voucher would be automatically transferred to the new reservation. If I’d cancel my cruise I would lose my deposit but because I am changing the cruise to a new one they use the deposit towards the new reservation although they technically cancel the old reservation and book another one. This is clearly listed in their term of conditions which specify what happens when you want to change your cruise (you don’t lose your deposit). I do understand that you book most likely with UK rules op but I have a hard time imagining you’d lose the cruise next voucher completely as you are not past final payment date and you are changing to a new cruise. If you’d just cancel your cruise and wouldn’t book anything new at the same time then you’d most likely lose the deposit as UK and EU rules tend not to be as lenient as the US rules.
  17. Op, just making sure. You haven’t booked yet anything from NCL to Warnemünde port have you? Kind of ”ok if a Berlin excursion won’t come available we’ll still at least have something booked”? Whenever you book an excursion to a port all other overlapping excursions for that port disappear from your view. So even if excursions to Berlin would come available you wouldn’t see them. Getting back to the topic. 3 hours one way in a bus/train just to see Berlin is not something most people would be happy to do. If you have even 1 day extra to travel just fly via Berlin to or from your cruise and truly enjoy the city.
  18. We had a bar staff member that knowingly tried to give alcohol to our underage daughter. It was on NCL this spring in one of the bigger ships. He came and took our drink order, asked why DD wanted a virgin drink and when she said that she is underage (15) the staff member just laughed and said that it’s not a problem and in his country every teen drinks. He tried several times to convince us to order an alcoholic beverage to our DD and simply wouldn’t stop. We avoided the guy the rest of the cruise. No, we did not report this to anyone (in retrospect should have) but the guy told us he was leaving the ship (and NCL) in 1,5 weeks time so thought he’d be away soon enough anyway.
  19. That was our experience too on the Joy. We did not make bookings for main dining room and had to regret it. Once we waited over one hour to be seated. The second time we waited well over 30mins. The third time we went right when they opened up and there were long lines already then…but we got in without a beeper. The staff just said to us ”it’s like this always on the Joy, if you don’t want to wait book your MDR table in advance”. And you couldn’t book MDR anymore during the cruise but would have had to do it in advance even before the cruise. So yes we like the small ships where all you need to book is the specialty dining and thats only 1-2 days of the cruise. Other days you go to the MDR whenever you wish and you’ll be seated very quickly. You go to a show when you feel like it, not book it in advance.
  20. We like peace and quiet and want to relax while we cruise with no need to make a reservation to everywhere and schedule our days deciding in advance when we want to see a show etc. Hence we choose the smaller NCL ships. We tried the Joy once and it truly wasn’t something that we liked to put it nicely. So Jewel class ships it is for us or Spirit. Or if not NCL we will cruise HAL, Oceania or RSSC.
  21. A taxi for 5 is an almost non-existent thing in the Mediterranean area. The normal taxi cabs are small. You might have to even argue to get 4 passengers in them. For 5 passengers you definitely need a special car - they do exist but you definitely don’t find one without specifically ordering. Uber might be your friend in this.
  22. Same experience on the Joy around a week ago. They stopped MDR reservations early on the cruise and after that it was a madhouse unless you went to dine at 5:30 or 9. We had 4 speciality dinners and 3 MRD dinners (without reservation). Once we waited 40 minutes to be seated, the second time 60 minutes. The third time we went already at 5:30 and got seated immediately but the lines were long even then. It was so bad that we even got a pager twice for MDR breakfast and Garden cafe was completely full too unless you went just when it opened or closed. Suffice to say we realized very quickly that we like Jewel class ships (with 10+ days cruises) the most. We are not fans of the mega ships.
  23. This is 100% true. I was referring to the discounts and dynamic pricing that RCCL has where the price of a shore excursion fluctuates on an almost weekly basis (the discounts being between 5-20% and you never know which week you'll have what discount...or full price).
  24. As you have previously cruised on other lines and not on NCL there is one thing you should know about the NCL shore excursion reservation process/system. Once you book a shore excursion all the other shore excursions for that port disappear from your view if they are overlapping with your booked tour with even 5 minutes. So where on RCCL you can book a shore excursion and then constantly check which new shore excursions come available on NCL you simply cannot see anything else than your chosen shore excursion for that port anymore. So there might become new interesting shore excursions available after you book yours and you have no clue about them. It’s a shame the system works like this but it is what it is. Also it’s good to understand that NCL never has discounts on their shorex (or wifi or whatever pre-cruise things you can purchase). If you want to book something just book it, they don’t use dynamic pricing or discount these items like RCCL does.
  25. It’s the one where you get automatic notifications that ”It’s your friend xxx’s birthday today” and ”2 years ago this day you posted this and that”. On that site you can find groups for almost all big cruiselines individual cruises (the are usually categorized first by cruiseline, then ship and finally sail date). These groups are usually very active with sometimes several hundred members per sailing.
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