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Cloud9 Bob

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Everything posted by Cloud9 Bob

  1. I don't think it's always the app either. Sometimes it's the servers that Virgin uses, other times it seems to be the way certain aspects of the programs are coded. A third thing is the whether there are many people on the ship using the resources (ie. full capacity and sea day). That said, I have found it buggy and there is a big need for improvement for sure, but I can usually get it to "snap out of it" with a reboot of my phone a time or two. I've been frustrated with it, but never to the point where I had to miss a dinner, show or excursion booking. What does baffle me is the time VV has had to work on it and very little gets resolved. It should run as smooth as whale poo in an ice flow by now.
  2. If it was between using the app or having a ruined cruise, then yes, it’s possible to get along without it… just certainly not ideal. You will have to go to try to make reservations for dinner when boarding and you will have to take what’s left or eat in the Galley. Shows and excursions are pretty much the same deal. It really depends on how open you are to compromise. For the right person, you can have a good time still. For others it’s no way. Maybe just upgrading your phone or app reboots would help?
  3. Ive only seen it used once by a gal using some sort of boxing glove? Not sure if it was hers or not.
  4. This is good to know...and to think all this time I was paying an employee to hang my dinner pants in the engine room!
  5. Notice how she pauses and stalls and pretends she didn't hear correctly. All are classic deception techniques. She's trying to formulate her next lie and doing a rather poor job.
  6. Be aware that it's two itineraries that each repeat once.
  7. I cruised Scarlet Lady solo in June/2023. I'm not germ phobic, but I'm very careful. I never eat from a buffet. Sanitize or wash my hands before doing anything...like eating or scratching my nose etc. I still social distance somewhat. Wear a mask on a tour bus or airplane. I got what I believe was norovirus. I can't of course be sure, but my best guess was that it was from some really old looking salad items at that nights dinner in Razzle Dazzle. I also had a really ratty sprig of mint in a drink. The staff is generally great on VV, but we can't exclude an overworked, undertrained employee contaminating food during prep either. Especially salad items. Some passengers do act very strangely around food, but I can only imagine the same thing goes on in the back. Bottom line though is I enjoy cruising and for me, the pros still outweigh the cons.
  8. I'm not a new cruiser, but my first experience wirh Virgin Voyages was a missing suitcase at 2PM that was eventually located at 6:45 PM. Almost 5 hours of stress that I'll never get back. But...we kissed and made up since then 😍
  9. So sorry you were disappointed. Vacations are meant for fun and relaxation and I feel bad when either excursions or restaurant meals are sub par for the “vacation-ee.” One thing I’ve learned over the years is there’s always a bit of sales puffery in many travel related excursions. Don’t let that stop you in the future. A good example is the city cultural tour on the Dominican Daze itinerary. A few reviews I read were not great. Some hate shopping stops. I went anyway and yes, it did have some stops like that but they were still interesting in some ways. I always seem to strike up a conversation with the locals and learn things about life there. Then I was pleasantly surprised by a very interesting city tour, clean air conditioned bus with surprisingly fast WiFi , and a great local meal in a beautiful garden setting. I guess sometimes you have to kiss some frogs to get to the prince 😄
  10. 👋 Me me....I'll even write a review and provide a photo of myself wearing a red cape on scarlet night.
  11. On my first Scarlet cruise my cabin was on deck 14 directly under the weight room. I read posts about that area being very noisy with weights being dropped on the floor at 6 AM. I decided to keep the room any way and see. Although I did hear one klunk one morning, that was it. The potentially bigger problem was the bass from the DJ at the deck parties. I can see it being a problem if you retire early and sleep lightly. I'm an iPhone surfer at night and stay up to about 3 AM before I doze. Deck parties wound down at midnight, so for me it was fine. I imagine The Manor would be pretty bassy and foot clumpy and go on much longer, so I'd probably avoid that if possible ....but a day of cruising beats a day at work...so if that were my only choice available I'd take it in a heartbeat 🙂
  12. I really don't wish a lull in cruising, but heck, if it has to happen I'd be more that willing to take advantage of it. 😇
  13. For me it’s a no brainer, definitely VV. First off, no kids. I cannot speak highly enough about this perk. Better food. Better ports. I won’t even get off the ship in Nassau anymore. I’d rather enjoy the lack of crowds on the ship. Definitely see Bimini and try to make it to the Dolphin House. Mr Saunders is a unique, eccentric man and when he’s gone, the world will have lost a unique artist. That’s my .02 cents.
  14. Sort of like allowing us to change the day we'll get screwed. 🤑
  15. So many companies these days have focus groups from hell. Where do they get these concepts? I consider myself a good barometer for people in my age group (mid 60's but young thinking). Why penalize the solo traveler? I will not allow myself to be ripped off. I was recently in a focus group for Apple and I spouted how the new 15 Pro had the most boring colors of any year I can recall. Why do they assume people that buy the Pro version want boring colors? I told them I thought that if they had a few colors like the Corvettes Atomic Orange (beautiful burned orange) or the Nassau Blue of the 1960's that IMHO they would sell like gangbusters. I relate that story because I believe that others think like me. If the cruise lines dedicated 25% of their occupancy to affordable solo cabins they would sell out. I would actually book two when traveling, as my wife can't sleep well through my snoring and a vacation should not mean sleep deprivation. LOL! I'll step off the soap box now 😝
  16. I checked it out today with a smile on my face and a zip in my step...quickly became a fall in the mud and I skinned my knee. 😲
  17. No kids, decent food, friendly staff, all inclusive. Didn’t like small pool, no quiet area (except cabin), the color red everywhere.
  18. I have Sea Rover status now. I get DBE on my 3rd cruise (if it takes place in 2024). If I book 2 cabins myself, would I get DBE on the second cabin also? I think not, but figured it couldn't hurt to ask. 😇
  19. I think VV isn’t always the best at projecting what a cruise consumer really wants. In the last two years I have seen some real blunders as far back as the postage sized swimming pool and the “”all we need are Millennials to trot into the future with,” mindset …and my pet peeve…blocking VPN use onboard. But that aside, I really DO like the line a lot. I love the adults only rule, but I won’t be held hostage wallet wise. If they get too greedy, they will erode their present loyal customer base (like me) and I will go elsewhere for my vacations even if that means no cruising for awhile. Who will replace us as the new customer base? Ultra high end cruisers? Don’t think so. Their current ships don’t seem like they are set up for that, both structurally and design wise. To change those two things would be very costly. I hope VV treads wisely. There are many potholes out there for them.
  20. I only have experience on Scarlet Lady. I tried to use my VPN for banking unsuccessfully a few times. Wound up going to sailor services. As I was there an IT manager walked through and the agent asked about VPN's and he said "they're blocked." That was the beginning and end of my VPN questions.
  21. Or you can just climb over to the balcony next to yours and knock on their sliding door. I'm sure they won't mind you passing through their cabin to let yourself out and back into yours. 🤣 Sorry, in a very silly mood today.
  22. Two cruises on Scarlet....how did I miss this????!!!!!! I love French Toast
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