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Everything posted by dobiemom

  1. Check again. All my emails have the same date so I thought I had read all of them. Then I noticed that one was (slightly) bolded. This was the new email.
  2. Good morning Daily family. I took my DMiL to get her flu shot last night then we picked up burgers for dinner. Stayed too long talking (imagine that!) so I didn’t get to the grocery store (need stuff for potluck at bible study tonight) so I’m going this morning before work. Luckily we have flexible start times (any time between 6-8:30am) and just need to work 8 hours. One more hour before the store opens. Thank you @richwmn for our Fleet and Daily report. And @rafinmd for our Care and Celebrations lists. Prayers πŸ™ for all on the Care list especially those that have lost family and friends. High fives for all on the Celebrations and Shoutout list. πŸ‘πŸŽ‰ Have a great day all. 😘
  3. So do I. πŸ˜‹ I hope it turns out to be a minor/inexpensive repair. 🀞 Goo job! πŸ‘ This looked so good I had to get this for lunch today. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‹ (Not sure how I stuck these posts together.) @Quartzsite Cruiser prayers that DH’s surgery goes well. πŸ™ @Cruzin Terri glad you were able to enjoy the sun for a bit. πŸ™‚
  4. Question about shipboard European-style plugs: I know if I want to use a US appliance with a European-style plug, I need to use an adapter for the plug. My question is do I also need a converter (to dial down the electricity) while on the ship?
  5. Good morning all. Thanks for the Fleet and Daily Report. And thanks to everyone for sharing and caring. πŸ₯°
  6. Some travel companies opt out of the bid process (e.g., big box store). Contact your agent for info on this.
  7. Or try this link: https://upgrade.plusgrade.com/offer/NCL/
  8. DH rebuilt a β€˜53 Willys truck to be an off-road vehicle. He calls it Louise as in β€œGeez Louise that truck is fast!”
  9. Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit. Good Morning! I’ve been up for a couple hours, don’t know why. Thanks to all for caring and sharing. I’m so glad everyone is safe from Fiona and Ian. I’m going to try and go back to sleep now.
  10. If the person cancelling is listed as #1, then the entire booking is cancelled. Be sure you are #1 if you think your friend may have to cancel.
  11. I doubt that they send any currency through the mail where it can be stolen.
  12. I’m glad your DH was able to be there. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
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