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MMDown Under

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Everything posted by MMDown Under

  1. The best service we ever got was when we had a single inside cabin surrounded by expensive outside cabins. I never saw my steward on my last cruise, but it was always clean and tidy early. He obviously knew I was an early riser, so he did my cabin early.
  2. What is the next port you can visit, after you are allowed out? Do you know if any passengers tested positive later than you?
  3. I have found you have to put your complaint to management in writing. I had to copy a page from my diary showing I left the day before on the last ferry, as I didn't have a ticket to prove I left. (Next time I would photocopy putting key in the return box, with the date, which would make it easier to claim. You have to wonder how many times the thief got away with using a hire car after renter left.) Maybe you could try Virgin's Resilient Lady. Reviews all comment on the delicious food from 20 different places, all of which are included in the price of the cruise.
  4. Good to hear you are still living life as much as you can.
  5. That could be the reason, because too many and they have to report to the Auths.
  6. Thanks. It did give me a long number. I just need to work out how to use it before I make a flight booking with Virgin. I haven't used a travel agent since the excellent girl I had used to use got promoted to management. She was the first TA, who knew as much as I did!
  7. It is not too late to write to senior management of NCL and tell them why you won't cruise with NCL ever again and how you have spread your experience on Cruise Critic. I have never not received a credit after I have made an official complaint about theft (alcohol from a bar fridge at a beautiful Sydney hotel and cost of one day's car hire in Skagway, Alaska, after we had left.) It takes some work, but as you say it is the principle of the matter.
  8. Last point is important in Australia also. When you see people sitting outside the public library out of hours you know they are using free wifi.
  9. Will you have your significant birthday on your cruise on Resilient Lady? Sounds like it is a ship to party!
  10. I have just spent all morning trying to make an airline booking on Air NZ. It it normal to spend a long time, which seemed even longer, to make a booking these days? Whilst waiting, I tried to make an airline booking with Virgin on another device. When they asked me for my travel bank number and how to use it, I hung up as I could only cope with one difficulty at a time. Back to Air NZ. The music was beautiful. I eventually got a live person, who didn't have a friendly voice, so I guess he'd had a bad morning. Still he answered my question. My daughter and I can make separate bookings and they will link them later. As she is only flying to accompany me, I have my fingers crossed that happens. Then a friendly lady came on to ask me to fill out a questionnaire. In the meantime I had to answer a text from my daughter in Phuket. Couldn't find my way back to the friendly lady, but I didn't know how to end the call. So I continued with my computer work piling up. Then another man came on to see what I needed. I'd have loved to seen his face, when I said my question had been answered and I just wanted to know how to turn the call off. So he put me back on the friendly lady, who kept repeating the question and I kept hitting buttons as directed, Eventually, I got a button which let me escape and end the call. Meanwhile on the computer, I got an automatic survey on the level of service, from 1. Guess you already know, I gave a 1 for the first time in my life. At times like this, you realise what we've lost in the level customer service. We used to have an Air NZ Office in Brisbane and I used to be a Member and fly with them frequently. Now that I'm a Senior, I need that level of service back.
  11. I am in shock! Any cruise line that does this deserves the result!! Common sense has gone out the window.
  12. Monday is World Kindness Day so you only have one day left!
  13. Phoned Aust, got USA. He gave me another week to pay and said I could phone him back if I have any problems. Thank you both for your help.
  14. Thank you. I'll need an account with Virgin Voyages, so I'll see if I can set up an account with them, otherwise I'll phone them.
  15. Thanks. Website says to join Google, but I'm having trouble joining Google. Did you pay by credit card on Google or on the Virgin Voyages Website direct?
  16. Should I pay by bank transfer or by credit card? When I phoned Australia to change a Virgin hold booking, I was transferred to USA. He changed my booking and gave me 24 hours to pay., due today. I am having trouble joining Google to pay. Should I just phone again?
  17. Me too. It is too engrained in me to hold the hand rail when I'm walking downstairs to not do it.
  18. Not necessarily, not all adults have children. My girls don't have children. They are both well travelled. I think they would enjoy a Virgin cruise.
  19. On my last cruise I had dinner at the same large table most nights. The woman next to me caught covid, but I didn't. I spent a lot of time outside in the fresh air on the balcony or on the deck.
  20. I'll be interested how my daughter goes in Manhattan arriving Thanksgiving Day. We have eaten in a Restaurant overlooking ice skating at Rockefeller Centre in NY, on Christmas Day. Much less expensive for a family of four than buying a meal on Christmas Day in Australia. My NY girlfriend is not wealthy, yet tips generously, because she remembers how she depended on tips when she was the "working poor".
  21. You are lucky. I enjoy well behaved children, as they are delightful. I don't enjoy children whose parents let them run wild. Like pushing all the buttons on the lift. Was not a problem when I could walk the stairs!
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