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Bailey & Sophie

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Everything posted by Bailey & Sophie

  1. My mom recently went into hospice. She is in memory care and it does take some of the pressure off of the regular staff there. Hospice is amazing.
  2. I'm already paying extra for a suite. I really don't want to fork over yet MORE money for a cabana.
  3. Well, I saved some time by not watching it. I've always felt that the re-dos of those old shows just aren't as good as the originals.
  4. Wow. He's so beautiful! We've had a few in our neighborhood over the years. One was sitting on our back fence for quite a while. And we only live about 2 miles from downtown Minneapolis! I'm so glad they've made a strong comeback.
  5. Thanks. It was a super overcast day so getting contrast was difficult. I had also zoomed my phone and any little shake equals blurs! I don't think it's a Cooper's - the tail isn't long enough. I don't think it's a Red Shoulder. This one is only black and white. No hints of red. Here's a pic of him from a few days prior. He is gorgeous!
  6. We went for our daily walk today and saw this beautiful hawk (?). Does anyone know what kind it is? He may just be passing through our area. He was enjoying an early dinner.
  7. Frankly, no. It will take these 2 charters for the newbies to get up to speed. They both should have been fired at Charter 2. Magda was clueless and Ryan was a jerk who didn't respect his own Capt, his BOSS.
  8. Blink and you might have missed it! Other than the build-up anticipation of who may or may not be fired, this group is quite the yawner.
  9. What a wonderful review of a fabulous cruise. Thanks...look forward to meeting you next March!
  10. I think this one is gonna be more like a floating spring break. Down a few drinks & you'll be able to forget you're sailing the western Caribbean out of Miami. After a few days, if you really don't like it, just have another drink or 2 and it will be over soon.
  11. Sometimes the .mov works for me, sometimes not. I can view these. After downloading I have a choice of how to view. Only 1 option works for me. They show up in my Gallery download folder. I have a Samsung android.
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