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Everything posted by PurpleHays

  1. Feel better Kat and Lois, as well as everyone else that's injured or under the weather. We head out for our France/Spain cruise in a couple of hours. It's bright and sunny here, but it looks like most of the cruise will be cloudy/windy/rainy. I'll be on vacation, so I will not let it bother me.
  2. Nobody, but I preach it to my coworkers because we are under harsh lights our entire shift. Especially the young ones that still have time to prevent damage. Along with compression socks.
  3. If I'm going out, I use one pump on Neutrogena's serum with sunscreen. At night, or if I'm planning to stay inside (at home) all day, I use Clarins Double serum. Both soak in nicely and don't leave me looking greasy. I wear makeup over both without problems. (hops on soap box) I'm a redhead. I've used sunscreen on my face for at least 30 years, but not so much on my arms unless I was going in the sun. However, my dermatologist had to treat my arms for damage. Not so much from the sun, but from the fluorescent lights at work. I wear long sleeves now and absolutely hate it. Ladies, if you work under fluorescent lights, protect your arms as well as your face. (hops of nursey sun protection soap box)
  4. Feel better soon, @Lois R We are in the low 80s for a couple of days. Nice breeze, fairly low humidity. Pollen isn't too bad. . .yet. I have all the windows open and am hoping to chase some of the "winter smell" out. OOTD: Black Athleta Moto leggings and new blouse for Easter service, shorts-that-don't-leave-the-house and "Be nice, drink wine, pet dogs" tank top. And yeah, we had a nice bottle of cabernet with our steak and potato dinner.
  5. I used a universal 70/10 and a narrow (2.0x 0.5mm) zigzag. A straight stitch worked well on pure straight edges, but the tiniest bit of bias went completely wonky. I somehow managed to cut a small slit near the shoulder seam. I got creative repairing it. It's on the back, so my hair will cover it. It's about a half inch long.
  6. Thank goodness mine is in early April. 😆
  7. Something wrong with my New Balance? 😆👟
  8. Is it my purple hair? 😆
  9. Y'all, at 60 years of age, I attempted my first scallops! These are the cap sleeves of a blouse I'm planning to wear Easter Sunday and on my next cruise. What do you think? How did I do? I think I want to topstitch the scallops and front facing. I was thinking a gold thread. Any opinions?
  10. I'd go with those odds too. (we did two total shoulders at work today along with umpteen rotator cuffs. Gotta love sports med day)
  11. We were asked if the projected two weeks would present a financial hardship. Two weeks, no, two months, yes. Jobs are protected during jury duty. One of our jurors was getting grief from his employer (they told him he would be fired). The judge got involved and told him his employer could not *legally* fire him for jury duty. Again, it's one of the responsibilities that goes with living in the US. I've been called once in 36 years of living as an adult in NC. With those odds, I'll be nearly dead before they call me again.
  12. We (meaning me) do one door sign, usually 16x16" with something related to the cruise. The last one in December was a simple "winter escape." I don't need it, but hubby has reduced vision and can't always see the cabin numbers. The bigger sign makes it easier to see. He's over 6' tall, so I put it above the peephole. Shouldn't be in the steward's way at all. I do admit to taking different routes through cabin corridors to see what other people have done.
  13. That's quite a jump from rotator cuff to total shoulder! Sending good healing vibes.
  14. No, it cost me vacation/sick time. It's annoying, but at least I have a job that I can accrue paid time off and not have to go with out pay. That $12/day wouldn't even pay for meals during the day. And all prospective jurors were asked if serving would hurt them financially. Two teachers were dismissed when they revealed the difficulty of finding substitutes for two weeks. Also, when they asked if time away from work would be a problem, I said "no," and it wasn't--in February. If I had been called in Nov/Dec, it would have been a problem since that's our busy season and we were already down seven staffers (out of about 35). No matter where you live, you take the positive with the negative. If you don't like it, move somewhere where your positives outnumber your negatives. I think our two party political system sucks, but I prefer to live here in spite of stupid politicians (of both parties). Ha! I was Juror #7 when I served!
  15. I've been called once, for a two week trial. I was one of three nurses picked. Work paid for the first week, the second came out of my PTO bank. I think they only pay for a week because the docs can always get off. It was an educational experience. I learned a lot, but have no desire to repeat it. DH, on the other hand, is dying to get called, but he's retired and has all the time in the world.
  16. ^^^^This is why I use a TA. Plus, they get to sit on the phone to the useless "customer service" reps, not me. Mine has told me she's been on hold for up to to four hours. We've not really had any problems, but I won't hesitate to call her if we do.
  17. I find that the ones labeled as facial moisturizer with sunscreen feel better than those that are just sunscreen (coming from a redhead that has worn facial sunscreen almost every day for the last 30+ years, even at work indoors)
  18. I wish I could've talked DH into doing it too, but he thinks it will be too much after his surgery. That's OK, I'll tell him *all* about it when I get back. 🤤 This is our first time. I am looking forward to all new ports. We'll be walking, just not sure where. I don't know where the drop off is and we don't want to go crazy with a three hour limit and neither one of of speaks word of French. I do have a small phrase book, so hopefully we won't get in too much trouble. Although I am looking forward to a croissant and wine. Second one in a row we've booked at/after final payment date. They come up real fast as opposed to Norway that we booked 854 days out. I don't think that one is ever getting here-it's currently *still* 578 days out. If you come see my ortho group, I can help fix you right up in our OR. 😷
  19. Nothing fancy. We're doing D-D beaches in Cherbourg. DH is doing the beer museum/tasting and I'm doing the tapas walking tour in A Caruna. Walking around in Bilbao. Bus into Bordeaux with free time. So, two full ship's excursions, one transport with free time, and one on-our-own.
  20. Hubby's hernia surgery went well. He is recuperating at his usual grumpy pace. Lined up shore excursions for our next cruise (France/Spain in April). All new ports, so we are pretty excited. I need to get busy sewing a couple of new tops/dress for the trip. I'm such a procrastinator. OK, y'all need to stop tripping! I don't like hearing all these injuries.
  21. I've been busy in the yard. We have three rose bushes that my daughter gave to us when we moved in to this house-a climber and two floribundas. The climber has pretty light pink roses and grew to more than 10 foot tall this year. It took over the side yard. I pruned it back severely-said daughter accused me of murdering it-starting from the outside and working in. One of the floribundas has red blooms and *many* thorns, but was only about six foot tall, but easier to trim because I could start at the bottom and work my way out. The second floribunda has dark pink roses and never really flourished because it was hidden under the giant climber. I pruned it back and told DH to move it to a sunny spot that I picked. We'll see if he gets it done. I am achy in a good way and my hand can barely lift a glass from all the cutting, but I feel like I accomplished something and hope I didn't actually murder them. On the bright side, we are less than two months from our France/Spain cruise. Nailing down final details this week. I can't wait.
  22. We are trying Sabatini's for the first time on our next cruise. We have thought about it several times, just never did it.
  23. How much have you gotten so far? My daughter (in the North Bay area) got a little more than 2" as of Sunday with the winds.
  24. Usually three pairs. I wear my sneakers and take a pair of semi-dressy sandals, and add a pair of Tevas if we go anywhere I expect to be on a beach. I used to take heels for formal nights, but quit that a few years back. Now if I could stop taking too many clothes. . .
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