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Everything posted by BEAV

  1. I’d keep an eye on pricing as time goes on. If a certain sailing isn’t selling well, I can’t help wonder if the supplement to a balcony may be reduced? 🤔
  2. Congrats on the new cane, Roy. 👍 I hope you celebrated with some Timbits! 😉
  3. Don’t worry. “Luxury” is having your sweet potato fries from Trident “delivered” to your cloth-lined table in Waterside! 🍟👌👍
  4. I’ll join my amigo Chef @KenzSailing and do my part to get this off-topic thread that has strayed on topic back off-topic again. Hey, I’m a team player… Beautiful autumn day in the lovely SF Bay Area today.
  5. Have a great adventure, Roy. Looking forward to your daily signature parting shots! 😉
  6. Good point. And it all started with Kyoto on Harmony. What a huge leap from that to UU…
  7. The fact sunrises happen every morning, without fail, is all the spectacular I need, Roy! 😉
  8. Thanks for taking us along. Looking forward to your experiences and perspectives. 👍
  9. My guess would be the crew working in hotel/hospitality capacities don’t know any more than the passengers.
  10. Hence Mark Twain’s claim of “the coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco”.
  11. A friend of mine disembarked this morning. She didn’t feel the impact of hitting the dock. She didn’t even realize there was an incident until she was already home and I told her about it after seeing on local Bay Area news…
  12. I never wouldda guessed… I’ve learned more today than all the combined hours I’ve been spent sequestered in an OC laundry room. (Yes, even including the deck 10/11 laundry rooms I may or may not have had a key to!)
  13. Walmart has its own brand of ice cream? What’s it called…Bessie Mae Bentonville? 🤔
  14. …and on CC they’re here WAY beyond their sell date! 🤦
  15. Tried again, but got this response Then my screen quickly jumped to this…
  16. Like Suze, it didn’t work for me either. I guess you go to the dark side….🤔😆
  17. I believe CC prohibits links to FB, so perhaps a firewall? 🤔 But thank you, @claudiaYVR for the info. 👍
  18. I used the “report” feature to alert a moderator to your idea. 👍
  19. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurora_(mythology) Swedish spelling. Maybe you’ll get a 5% spa discount if you can pronounce it properly when booking an appointment.
  20. I didn’t get the allure, either. Until I was upgraded to CC class, thanks to the MoveUp program. Went to the CC lunch in Tuscan on Edge and thoroughly enjoyed the quiet, unhurried, relaxed lunch. A nice respite from the hustle/bustle of embarkation day.
  21. We very much enjoyed Club Orange on Rotterdam for a 3-week cruise last year (7/14 day B2B). The service and intimacy vs MDR was the hit for us.
  22. Absolutely. Thanks for the memories, Bob AND Jackie!
  23. Motel 6? 🤔 🙋🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
  24. @KenzSailing, this saga proves you should stick to peeling potatoes at The Chez. (BTW, what’s simmerin’ this weekend? 🤔) Leave everything else to the “tart tongued” OLoPP. Quite obviously the “brains” of the outfit….
  25. Moved seats? 🤔 Did you insult Patty, or had you just been to lunch at nearby Taddich Grill and smelled a bit “crabby” 🦀? 🤔
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