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Everything posted by SteelCityCruiser10

  1. Cheers friends. Had a bit of 1792 12 yr neat and going with some Old Forester 1910/water next. At least it hasn’t started raining again 🤣 Maybe smoke some meat tomorrow if the weather holds up.
  2. It’s embarrassing how late I am to this.. at least i haven’t missed any actual cruising yet! I’m still catching up but have an awesome cruise. Have a drink or two … or three for me please 🍻🍻🍻
  3. The last few days we’ve been taking Emma on the Montour Trail near our house. She enjoys riding in the truck and we need to take breaks getting out of the house. Too many memories of Oliver all over. Luckily I have a good stock of bourbon 😁 That picture is the Montour Run Creek which is very high from heavy rains last night. Cut the grass twice in 4 days it been raining so much. 😩 Heres Emma conked out after her adventure.
  4. Yes! Interesting. I was just watching BD last night. The one where Ben is now “seeing” Sunny on that ship/season. I’m not sure if this is the current season or not TBH. I thought it was funny when he FaceTimed Camille trying to see her again and she wasn’t into it. 😂
  5. A very heartfelt Thank you 🙏🏻 to all who have posted your well wishes so far. I’m trying to keep up on here the best I can so I apologize if I missed responding /reacting to anyone’s message. I am trying to work today to divert my mind but it isn’t working out that great so far.
  6. Extremely sad & difficult day here. One of our dogs, Oliver, passed away late last night. I have always included him and Emma in my Live reports. I posted about him last week mentioning several of his health issues many of which all culminated recently over the last month. He is breathing freely now in heaven. Words cannot express how greatly he will be missed. He’ll always be my “Goodest and Handsomest Boy” as I told him daily. Here’s a few of my favorite photos of him. Cheers to Oliver 🍻
  7. Oliver is enjoying the outdoors today. It finally stopped storming here so we can spend some time outside. He’s got a case of pneumonia we are fighting along with degenerative myelopathy and laryngeal paralysis. He will be 13 in September.
  8. I couldn’t see a thing either night. Thanks to all those that posted pics and thought! Everyone’s pics were amazing 🤩
  9. We were on Liberty somewhat recently. I do not recall any issues with her. Last labor day I think it was. I did a live review. It was a Bermuda sailing originally that got diverted to NE/CA due to a hurricane.
  10. Reminds me I really need to make a batch of pierogis. I learned the recipe my grandparents handed down and have been making my own from scratch for years. A lot of work but worth it.
  11. I know we have a lot of Seinfeld lovers on this thread so I thought I would share. I saw a clip this morning of an interview with Jerry Seinfeld by Rich Eisen where Jerry explains some unknown facts about the famous "Marine Biologist" episode. He said that he came up with the idea to connect Kramer's golf ball with the distressed whale at 2 am prior to filming day. Before that, the distressed whale and Kramer hitting golf balls into the ocean were just two separate story lines in the episode. George's speech .. "The sea was angry that day my friends..." was also written at 2am the night before and Jason Alexander was given 30 minutes to memorize 2 1/2 pages of new script before shooting (and 100% nailed it). To top it all off, they needed to get approval from Titleist right before the episode in order for Kramer to be able ask if the ball George found in the whales blow hole was "a Titleist." by name. I found the story fascinating so I thought I would share with fellow Seinfeld enthusiasts. Starts at 2:05.
  12. I ❤️ all the Kitties! I do not have any cats but here’s my gang just hanging out today enjoying the sunshine (while I work outside 🥵)
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