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Everything posted by lindaler

  1. Good morning all. It was 70 degrees at seven this morning so I am out on the deck with my coffee. My other suitcase came last night. The UPS man was so upset to bring me another suitcase that was ruined. He recorded that it was even worse then the one yesterday. I don't understand how Holland America would hire a company that ruins luggage. Three out of three were trashed. Two were brand new, purchased while I was on the cruise. This last one the wheel is totally off with the other one cracked. But a least my stuff was ok. On a lighter side, I love Doctor Suess. The meal sounds good, as does the drink. It's warm here and I plan a good day of spending time with family.
  2. Don't confuse me, I haven't had me second cup of coffee. I had to go back and read the title to make sure I was on the right day. I think today is Thursday but what do I know, no one is changing the days of the week rugs for me. One of my suitcases came last night. Two wheels torn off and a dent in the top of the new suitcase I bought while on the cruise to replace the one I went on the cruise with that also got damaged. I am not having good luck with luggage forwarding.
  3. Goodmorning all. Today I am told to expect my luggage. Others on the cruise have already received theirs so I am hopeful. Special prayers for Debbie @dfish, Jacqui @kazu and Carol @mamaofami. It is supposed to warm up today and the rest of the week. It is already warmer then the high yesterday and it is still early. Good to be home, and able to chat each day. Today is more yard work, laundry and a visit to Costco. My fridge is very bare and I haven't restocked since I got home. Thanks Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the information and all the wonderful pictures of our port of the day.
  4. Good morning all. I read the whole thread yesterday and got interrupted and forgot to post. This morning I am here with my coffee and checking in. It was so cold yesterday I wanted to go back to the cruise ship and go somewhere warm but today promises to be warmer and Wednesday might be in the 80s.I got a notice this morning that my luggage will be here early like tomorrow. If that happens it would be a real surprise as when it went it took 16 days and was broken when it did arrive. Maybe that means they will redeem themselves with good service this time. It is nice to be home but my to do list is very long. Today I will attempt to work on the lawn. Prayers for all.
  5. I made it home about 11pm last night. My jeep was also covered in pollen. I have a wash started, and first sort on the mail. I plan to wash the jeep when it warms up a bit to be ready to kayak tomorrow. It's nice to be home after 91 days.
  6. For us we are on a ship whose time went back on the same day as the US went forward so many had phones that auto reset to daylight canceling the hour we reset. and was very confusing. We are in Bridgeport so no daylight time here.
  7. Well good morning everyone. I set my clock back but it seems the world is on a different time. Without hopes of coffee for another hour I can’t seem to figure it out. Happy birthday Lenda. Have a great day everyone no matter what time it starts.
  8. In ten days I will be sleeping in my own bed. It has been an interesting journey. When I get back I will get a chance to catch up with everyone here as well as my family. I’m just dropping in to say that I’m still here, just internet lacking. Talk soon.
  9. Thank you Sharon and all for the birthday wishes. Here is the wonderful sunset I had.
  10. Nancy told me last night about your hospital visit, Roy. Please know you are in my prayers.
  11. Our captain said it hit your radio antenna and took it out but no other details.
  12. Well we leave you today to head south as you head west. I hear that your ship was struck by lightning as it sat next to us. I hope it’s repairable.
  13. Good morning all. I will try to get a quick update in before the wifi goes down. As there are 1500 on board the Volendam now and over 400 are children and 300 are over seven, the demand on the ships wifi has pushed the system. Latest word on my suitcase is that it is in the warehouse with 750 other suitcases to be delivered Jan. 3. Their words are: β€œThere is no excuse for such a serious blunder and we truly want to reunite you with your bag ASAP. In this case, the safest option is to deliver your bag to the Volendam on January 3rd. It is too risky to attempt to deliver the bag to San Juan before the cruise departs again.” So for now I will continue to live out of my small carry on and hope for the best. I hope all my Dailyite family stay safe.
  14. Thank you everyone for the kind words yesterday. I was stir crazy but got through it. Today I fly to FL and tomorrow I board. For me the worst part is the flights. Once I'm on board I don't have to leave for 91 days. Or at least pack and leave. Last night I got a freeze alert so will have to saddle my son with the duty of buying the cute cups that go over water faucets outside. Just a quick note as I still have a few things to finish getting ready for my ride to the airport. Son should be here soon. Once I have gotten through TSA I will sit and read all of today's comments. Prayers for all. I will try to stay in touch.
  15. Hi everyone. I am going crazy. I leave tomorrow for the airport and will be sailing Saturday. I am all packed, the house is cleaned, fridge empty, clothes laid out, almost everything done. There is nothing left to do. I had better find a good movie and take my mind off the wait. The adventure is ready to start.
  16. Sandi, @StLouisCruisers, I just wanted to say thank you for taking time from you cruise to answer some questions. I'm glad you were able to get on line to do that. They must have known how nice you were being to answer and just let you be on the internet.
  17. Good morning all. Thanks Rich and all who contribute to make this such a great place. My count down continues. Today I finish the final touches to my suitcase and preparations outside to ready the house. Tomorrow my oldest comes to do laundry and get last minute instructions. Thursday I have cleaning help come in so I can come home to a clean house. Then Friday I fly out to FL. I am a little worried about the weather. If the planes can't get to the airport from up north then it can be a domino effect and I could be sitting in an airport for a while. I am praying that Jacqui @Kazu makes her flight and all goes smoothly. So many are on cruises this week and over the holidays that I am sure we will be ships that pass in the night. I know I will be in a few ports with Rich and several are on my cruise. Prayers for all.
  18. Good morning all. Thanks Rich and all who contribute to making this a great place to be. In four days I will be flying out to Fort Lauderdale for my two short and one Grand cruise around South America. Today I will start organizing my carry on. I just don't want to jinks it by starting to early and having the flights canceled or something. I know that worst case scenario I could rent a car and drive that far but it would be an extreme effort. Life is never boring, that is for sure. Rich, I sure hope you have a wonderful adventure. I think we will cross paths several times, during our travels this time. Prayers for all.
  19. Good morning all. I have had my grandson visiting this weekend since I won't see him for three months due to cruising. We had a ball. Friday we went to the art walk where his dad, my son was a big puppet. It was fun and lots to see. Then last night we went to watch a musical boat parade. About thirty boats all decorated and paraded by throwing gifts and showing off all their lights. It was fun and beautiful and interesting. The bad thing was there was so many people trying to get on the dock attached to a restaurant sponsoring the event. There were also people standing on the upstairs patio above the dock. About half way through the dock suffered from all the weight and started with breaking boards. Someone cried that Run the dock was sinking. Well, many did and the panic was bad. The dock didn't sink, only suffered broken boards and will need repair. More suffered from trying to get off then from the dock having cracked boards. It was a valuable lesson to teach my grandson. We just stood by a supporting piling and hung on so we were not knocked down. I told him I would tell him if we were in danger and we saw the whole parade without ever being in danger. It was the "fire" in a theater mentality that he learned to ignore and use common sense. Hope everyone on here is having a good day. Prayers for those who need them. Thanks for all that make this a great place to be.
  20. Good morning all. Thanks Rich and all who make this a great place to be. The Dewey Decimal System Day hits close to home. My very first job was in the library. A part of my job was to check in all of the books and put the cards back in the pockets to be reshelved. (Young people wont remember the little sleeves in the front of the books.) Well, the main complaint was I was too slow doing the check in. I would be going along fine until I had an interesting book to check in and I would sit and read the fly leaf, which I did about every fifth book and you weren't supposed to enjoy the books while working. It was fun working in a library but would be like working with animals, you would want to pet everyone of them. Jacqui @kazu I sure hope you beat the storm and are able to enjoy your cruise.
  21. Good morning all. Thanks Rich and everyone who contributes. Today my luggage starts its journey, but I still have one week to go. So excited. My youngest came over and got the cameras set up for when I'm gone and did a few other chores in preparation. It is nice to know that both of my sons will be checking on the house while I am gone. Prayers for all.
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