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Everything posted by pete14

  1. We went to a wedding at the inn on the lake last summer. Beautiful surroundings and food / bar but not so impressed with the room we had.
  2. There are a lot of people who book early, not just in the expectation of the lowest select fare but in order to have a better chance of getting the cabin they want or grade of cabin when there are few of them. Accessible cabins spring to mind. If the prices fall after booking, at least I know I have booked what I want rather than from a small selection that are left or what P&O choose to give me.
  3. All part of the flexible pricing policy. If they allowed people to do this, they would lose money hand over fist. Prices follow availability they don’t just do it out of the goodness of their heart. If you bought a tin of beans from a supermarket for 50p, would you take them back and demand a partial refund if they fell to 40p in order to sell them as they approached their sell by date?
  4. It will probably be rearranged for a cold, wet and windy night in Stoke.
  5. If they are in their cabin, you can use your cabin phone to ring them using the internal system.
  6. My advice is always to not rely on an online booking but let a real living and breathing person do it for you. My choice is P&O direct, others choose agents. You have the flexibility of being able to talk to them and receive and take their advice and suggestions.
  7. Charlie has just given me permission to say woof to you all.
  8. I hope he is on Ventura at the end of October when we will be on board. Very good at his job and an interesting person.
  9. Was it not enough for the wine bill to have as an alternative to water and did you walk our alive?
  10. Of course. It is SW1A 0AA. As many smelly dead fish as you like should be directed there.
  11. But you are the only one on here displaying a 500 euro note. Is there something you are trying to reveal to us in a slightly cryptic way? Any headless horses in your part of the world? 🐴🐴🐴
  12. A 500 euro note seems a little excessive in a country where £50 notes seem to be a rarity (and not accepted in some shops I believe). Mind you, the way things are going maybe we are getting close to needing a £500 note. However, I think shops may object if you went into the newsagent and bought a morning paper with a £500 note primarily to get change for your bus fare or car parking.
  13. So do I which could make it a bit embarrassing. I didn’t go out in public much and had a hard time at school. 😇🥴🫣😱
  14. I was told that it is on P&Os system and that eventually we will get the amended confirmation. Even if we don’t, we will get the OBC on our account
  15. We received a similar email (as did lots of others) last months for our Ventura cruise at the end of October. Not yet received an updated booking confirmation but when I rang them this week about something different, I checked whether we would receive the confirmation and was assured that we would. The increased amount is already on the system.
  16. Was the kitchen so busy that they didn’t have time to put whatever is in the cooking pot out onto your plate and pour the gravy? into a jug? P and O would never be so slapdash in their presentation. 😇
  17. pete14

    GHIC card

    Thanks to those who reminded us about it. Ours arrived a few days ago. Hopefully we will never need to use it but at least we are reassured that if anything untoward happens we have some immediate protection in addition to insurance.
  18. We have a smart meter and it certainly makes you conscious of usage and can easily save a small amount of money, just by being more aware. Our problem is that when we took out our new 2 year fixed deal in June, with the inevitable rise in our monthly payments from our previous deal, it is still based on the previous prices because it hasn’t updated. The energy company are charging at the new rate, around double the old, but we are checking daily usage costs by making an identical comparison to what it used to be. 🥴
  19. Hopefully not cold and rainy as it is next month I think. Probably not much of a contest though.
  20. It will be fascinating to see how many of the new converts to women’s football and the England team in particular, turn up to watch their next home match in early September at the Stoke City Stadium. At £15 for adults and £5 for concessions, it should reach the capacity of 30,000 easily I would have thought.
  21. The company who owns the site on which our static caravan is sited had their annual golf day today at Abergele golf club. The picture is looking back up the 18th hole towards the I’m a Celebrity’ castle. A great day was had by all, even those of us who didn’t win.
  22. Not easy to do on an iPad which rotates as you turn it round
  23. Are the chips on a separate plate and mushy peas in a small bowl?
  24. My son’s ‘breakfast in bread’ this morning. A small loaf, hollowed out and full of cooked breakfast goodies. Needless to say, he wasn’t able to eat all of it.
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