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Canal archive

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  1. pontac wife there’s now way you can see that rifles uniform without hoping they’ll march
  2. Interesting as I was always given to believe that the CD on Scenic was employed directly by them and the hotel and maritime crew through an agency. Although good to hear Jade is back in the fold.
  3. Difficult decision, having just returned from France it’s not only the river cruise companies who have staffing challenges. The larger towns don’t seem to bad but places like St Omar and Auxaire fairly large places, talking to locals they have their worries. quite a few smaller shops, bistro’s, bars etc haven’t reopened and some of the villages are in a bad way no boulongera or local bars. It was noticeable but hopefully it will start improving.
  4. Ahhhhh ‘Sharp’ Bernard Cornwall has a lot to answer for.
  5. Although I would be happy to take the Oberammergau part I’m pretty sure regardless who was doing it I wouldn’t enjoy the rest of a land tour to used to sorting ourselves out around the world I suppose. Although thank you loriva for your wonderful insight, really really interesting and informative.
  6. Yes found the ice wine well actually my husband did and had to get it to compare with the German ice wines as he knows these very well. South Africa was many many years ago but those particular wines and the Canadian we seriously considered shipping some home but at the time it was prohibitively expensive we did discover the vintner in London who stocked both they specialised in difficult to find wines. Sadly we stopped doing that some years ago but by then the wines from around the world were more readily available.
  7. I bet somewhere in Holland they are producing excellent wine. Many years ago we spent an absolutely wonderful holiday in Canada well the Canadians kept really quiet about their superbly excellent wine. Plus although South Africa is known for its wine some of it on offer in tasting around Stellenbosch is so so much better.
  8. We had something similar once watch out if they send the divers down so interesting.
  9. We had both in Paris but the driver and his assistant then had to break the news that we were in a hotel for the night and not at the boat. First cruise and the de-marinisation took longer than they thought. Although still the transfer companies decision but I don’t think they wanted to loose anyone.
  10. Jimmymac613 huge no no that’s not Scenic it’s the pick up company complain bitterly to Scenic. We’ve had similar instances in various parts of the world not with Scenic the worst in Singapore at Eede when a judicious application of the backhander soerted things out but not to the happiness of the locals
  11. Oh keep going this cruise is really intriguing!
  12. Jimmymac613 when you arrive at the airport just act like any normal VIP and look out for your name being displayed by what may seem to be some random person at the barrier.
  13. I must admit to being astonished at the amount of holidays you don’t have in the USA. My husbands company attended a big exhibition/conference in the states different place every time so I, at first with our daughters and the just me would fly out to join him to travel for about two weeks after the event. When the Americans tried to do the same with a similar event held in Germany every two years the only group that seemed to get away with it were those employed by my husbands company. I really enjoyed getting to know the States and my daughters now really enjoy showing off the states to their families. I just wish we’d done the same with Australia & New Zealand as we have family somewhere in both.
  14. We don’t go for the short versions always the long. We learnt from our very first cruise we returned wishing it was longer.
  15. We didn’t so I can’t wait another new experience !
  16. We were on the first Scenic Gem cruise and the tour guides we’re learning as we went most were excellent and followed all along the route. Although we all had challenges with one gentleman! If you noticed the French in that area are very pro Brits, Aussies, Canadians, Americans & New Zealander’s well this guide wasn’t big time to the extent on the coach we certainly noticed it. Our solution raise the arm with two fingers extended and in unison say ‘remember Agincourt’ it worked like a dream, especially as there was no doubt about it his history knowledge was excellent.
  17. One of the reasons I like Scenic is that we could most probably do each of their cruises again because of the two excursion choices per day and the change of excursions over the years.
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